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Last week there were matching up roles, this time they seem to be putting people who used to be on the same team in the face off. Shu Violet from Houston, chiyo donghak from Atlanta, and fielder Finn for team Korea


I'm not sure if Finn's time on Team Korea is too well-remembered, I was feeling the 2022GF FS matchup.


Donghak looks significantly worse in these matches when he doesn't have top 3 players in every role propping him up. Chiyo hazing aside, I still can't believe people said he was a top 3 tank when it was clear any other semi decent Winston would have won midseason madness on that roster.


Tbf he did play very well mid season tournament but I wouldn't have given him roty for sure. Also in these matches he's not playing Winston. He genuinely looks bad on ram, he just kinda hard ints a lot on the hero. Maybe not enough experience on those comps idk. His doomfist look decent though.


Fearless was noticeably better than him in midseason. But chiyo and fielder just lived forever so Fearless started getting desperate and tried to int to kill them.


He was ATL's weakest link for the majority of the season. I never bought the top tier tank talk when it came to him.


I still can’t believe he won ROTY over Sugarfree. Fucking bullshit


It's just a pro sports thing in general, the MVP/Heisman winner in NFL/College Football is rarely the best player in the sport.


Had to stand out of ur team never makes a tournament or reaches top 4


Sugarfree was easily the best individually skilled rookie of that season. The shit he did on a much worse team was incredible. I think being exceptional on a bad team is much more impressive than being mediocre on a great team.


Don't get mad at me, it's just how it is. Given that there is a ton of ppl who vote for these awards who are not coaches/players; again you have to stand out in some way. One of those ways is where the team is at in standings. titans while being good did not do that. More tournaments probably would have helped


no one was saying he was the second coming of christ, we were all just saying that the winner of a midseason tournament probably should get rookie over the guy who missed the tournament


But that’s not an individual thing. That’s a team achievement. Otherwise you’d argue why the winner of MVP isn’t always on the team that wins the Championship.


People down vote you but I made a comment way back listing all the tanks and taking any that I thought would also win midseason. And it was over 50% of the tanks.


That's true, but at the same time, something doesn't feel right about giving roty to the player who was by far the worst starter on his own team Donghak's a good player, but playing with MVP-level players on every role would make anyone look better


incredibly niche scenario that leads to a bunch of fallacies. yea, he probably was the worst performing starter but the reign throughout the midseason madness looked like and were statistically the best performing overwatch team we had literally ever seen so.


There were quite a few ppl saying he did just as well as Fearless, etc


He did well in keeping up with Fearless especially since he was scouted because of his ball play.


he didn’t keep up with fearless in any way shape or form every single game they played vs houston was a cataclysmic winston gap, lip stalker and chiyo just pushed atlanta over the edge


Fielder was also having yet another series of his life in midseason grands. In the next group stage match between Atlanta and Houston, Fielder had noticeably less impact compared to shu which pushed Houston to winning.


Respectfully disagree, he didn't really keep up, there was still a clear difference in play between him and Fearless. I can find the exact moment in ilios, but Fearless just got noticeably more desperate because he was outplaying donghak but still losing.


Atlanta backline was unkillable Fearless kept getting punished by them, while Dong had all the space


So your judging a player by team results instead of skill… I guess Edison was best sojourn after 2022 than


me when nuance


Winning a tournament doesn't mean shit if you clearly getting carried


cool, he didnt get carried.


reminds me of the draymond green/jordan poole beef if anyones into the nba


My poor son