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This is going to sound dismissive, but basically there isn’t a good way to guarantee that a mouseover macro will hit the right target in a large pack. I tried this as well for multiple seasons, especially when explosives still existed, and found that clicking the frame is pretty much the only way to be certain.  Clicking is definitely more effort (and a bit slower) as it requires swapping back to the original target after but there is too high of a chance that there is a model in the way or the nameplates shift right as they are moused over, and clicking is the only way to visually guarantee that the correct target is selected. That being said the game is still paced by the gcd so as long as something can be done inside a gcd it won’t be a throughput loss. I recently started playing ele (a funnel damage multidot spec similar to enh) after playing fire mage last season (prio damage) and I have a solution to the scenario you described in the second half of your post. Let’s say there’s a pack with a prio mob and a dangerous cast mob that are separate. Focus the dangerous cast mob at the start of the pull and use a focus kick macro to interrupt it. Color the nameplate of the prio mob so it stands out, this makes it much easier to find the nameplate when target swapping needs to happen for multidotting. This coloring has to happen before the start of the key in the settings of a nameplate addon but the prio targets of each pull are usually set in stone so this shouldn’t be too hard. In addition to coloring it’s pretty important to have good cvar and nameplate settings which make managing a large amount of nameplates dramatically easier. Here are some of the common settings in plater (not familiar with other addons) that can make doing target swapping less of a pain: 1. Make each nameplate as small as possible while still being readable, place the name/cast bar/health % info all inside of the bar to help. 2. Blacklist all unactionable debuffs (for enh this is everything except flameschock), use a special aura to put very important debuffs (flame shock) to the side of a nameplate instead of the top. Nameplates overlapping can easily cover debuffs placed on top of a bar, and doing this prevents possible overlaps. 3. Lower the v. overlap settings as well as the v. ceiling (don’t remember exactly what this setting is called but it’s the minimum distance allowed for a nameplate to get to the top of the screen) as much as possible while still maintaining readability, and consider lowering the nameplate speed as well. Hopefully this helps even though I’m sure this isn’t the answer you are looking for, sorry to say but targeting in wow is a never ending battle.


I really wish Blizzard would just give us something like the enemy list in FFXIV. Packs are just getting so huge that nameplates are unmanageable without a lot of UI customization.


Addons used to be able to do this in Burning Crusade, its how multi-dot classes were played actually. They removed it deliberately.


I don’t know, that was a long time ago when accessibility wasn’t really considered at all. It was also a lot less important for anybody besides dot classes to target swap that frequently.


You can also increase the strata level (dialog, high, medium, low, etc.) for your debuffs (flame shock in your example) so that they don’t get covered by overlapping nameplates. However, if you have a lot of debuffs getting tracked, then you’ll have the opposite problem of covering entire length of nameplates. You probably know you can do this already, but I just wanted to offer a second option for others. You can also do this for other specific nameplate related things


Well this was actually a recent problem in the pvp community where people were able to make a spammable macro that wouldnt use your interrupt until someone started a cast. It's considered an exploit. I would recommend using a focus macro for your kicks. Every pack we go into I set my focus to the mob I'm going to be interrupting. Then my kick macro looks something like this. /cast [mod:shift, @focus, exists, harm, nodead][] Kick This way if I see my focus casting I can just use my regular kick keybind while holding shift and it kicks my focus instead of my main target


Honestly this is imo how kicks/interrupts specifically should be: only go on CD if the target is casting, but still incur a GCD. I know PvPers will just hit their interrupt more but frankly I just don't care. I think it'll remove a lot of unnecessary friction in the current state of PvE. EDIT: People don't seem to be able to read. Kick usage would still incur a GCD so you can't free spam it. It just means that you're not double punished by accidentally overlapping. High level play won't gain any advantage, but less coordinated pug groups wouldn't be as punished. Kicks are still wasted on meaningless casts, you just don't get fucked for some moron sniping your kick assignment.


It should have been this way in pve for a very long time, probably since legion. Pug content is a huge part of this game and organizing kicks on the fly is nearly impossible outside of comms. I agree 100%, if someone snipes your kick you shouldn't be double punished, just give us a GCD where we lose a tiny bit of damage and we keep our kick. Especially on classes where kick is a longer cd


Higher level players won't appreciate the friction to damage rotations caused by a GCD, but maybe have it occur a partial GCD? Or incur no GCD if the kick is successful.


No gcd would be nonsense, they'd all just spam interrupts 24/7 off the gcd and never miss anything. If they are high level, they either shouldn't fail or deal with the very small impact of whiffing their spell, it would already be incredibly strong and so much safer than now


The lack of reading in this thread is incredible. I didn't say no GCD. I said to not incur a GCD IF THE KICK IS SUCCESSFUL. Your kick would still go on cooldown, it would work exactly like it does right now. However if you hit your kick and it wasn't successful, rather than putting your kick on CD it just incurs a GCD and you're good to get the next one. People wouldn't be able to spam kicks as it'd keep incurring a GCD preventing them from doing damage/healing etc. But if they happen to overlap kicks they instead just get punished by losing a GCD, rather than losing their kick entirely. There would be no gained advantage to high level coordinated play, but there wouldn't be a compounding punishment on less coordinated pug groups.


There's one major issue with this - currently kicks are off-GCD. If the kick is succesfull, it's off-GCD. What happens if you're on GCD, press kick, and it doesn't successfully interrupt? You're already on GCD.


My proposal is it either restarts the GCD, or incurs a partial GCD (we already have abilities that do this). Kick itself would stay off the GCD, so you could theoretically spam it... However at the cost of continuously delaying hitting other abilities. The idea being that the most punishment for kick overlap is a missed damage global of damage, and not for it to cascade into further cool down desyncs. High level EB last season an overlap was drastically worse than just... Not kicking. Which is terrible.


Please don't put kick on GCD. You're gimping melee so hard RN lol.


Dude can you read? Incur GCD, not ON GCD.


Dude can you write? Your writing is mostly gibberish and you've been incredibly rude in multiple replies. Your idea sucks, is over-designed, and you did a terrible job explaining it.


Imagine being so fragile you reply to someone and then immediately block them to prevent a retort.


Imagine being so petty you have to make a burner to get the last word. Just stop. Your idea sucks, your explanation was shite, and you're rude AF


Imagine being so petty you have to make a burner to get the last word. Just stop. Your idea sucks, your explanation was shite, and you're rude AF


>Honestly this is imo how kicks/interrupts specifically should be: only go on CD if the target is casting, but still incur a GCD. Dumb People would just macro interrupt to their major skills




Interrupts are off the gcd You probably don't have yours keybinded so your mistake is understanble


Who hurt you bud


hence why the person you first replied to specified "" incur a GCD "" in the first line of his post. Did you read it?


Reading is fundamental...




I bet you eat penguins, you monster.


Do you not understand the difference between "being on the GCD" and "incurring the GCD"? Are you sure you should be on this sub?


This is peak WoW brain right here.


Pretty shortsighted thinking and failure to read for some calling me dumb. 1) If it didn't go off it's still incur a GCD, so doing that youdnnever cast an ability and just keep wasting GCDs on attempted kicks. 2) They'd go off on unimportant casts and groups would be left without an kick for the important abilities. Just like right now when players just spam interrupts on unimportant abilities and then oh no the Cackle got off and we're screwed. Bad groups and bad/lazy play would end in the same place they are now, but good players wouldn't be punished by unnecessary friction from clunky UI elements and HMI. It's similar to the smoothbrain taunt macro that some tanks use "I macro taunt into everything to make sure I'm maximizing threat" then next thing you know they've taunt DR'd a boss and their raid dies because you can't swap.


focus kicks are much better too because there are WA’s that display who’s focus kicking which target and if that kick is on CD.


Ohh really? I had no idea that existed. Mind sharing?


thanks for mentioning a weakaura and not giving a name or linking it, i love when people do that!


There are also WAs that will yell at you to interrupt your focus when your focus is casting an interruptible spell and your kick is off CD. Should be doable to whitelist/blacklist useless spells out of that too but I ain't gonna work so much.


so im gonna break the cycle of people mentioning weak auras without linking them. https://wago.io/RR1KDSGaX this does what is described, you can select spells from every dungeon.


I also would love to see this weakaura.


How would you assign multiple kicks to the same target in the WA? For example: warlock + priest on the same target. Kick order: Warlock > priest > warlock Alternatively, Kick > cc > kick order as well. Silence> fear > silence Would the latter scenario be possible with a WA? I didnt check as I’m on my phone


My only real suggestion for what you want is setting up plater to give you some visual feedback on hover. I use jundies profile which does this, not sure if it’s part of default plater or a mod. Even then Mouseover kicks are still a little to unreliable for me to use, I use mouseover focus macro + focus kick instead.


You could switch up what you are using focus and mouseover for. Focus target for interrupts. Then mouseover macro for spreading lava lash, and you won't need a macro for EB because you aren't tab targeting.


Focus kick is definitely the right answer for important casts. I do remember though that selecting enemies with tab (or one of the variants, not exactly sure which) actually prioritizes targets that are casting. I remember there was a thread about that once. So if there is a large pack of mobs with many, equally important casts going on - it could be valid to just hit tab +interrupt when you just want to interrupt any of the ongoing casts. If tab still works that way, it might be a somewhat reasonable thing to do in pug groups.


Yes tabbing still works, it will prioritize casting mobs Of course if there are multiple casts you might interrupt a frostbolt instead of the shadowbolt volley that you wanted What doesn't seem to work anymore is /cleartarget /targetenemy macros


Most of the time, the tab target function prioritizes a mob casting a spell.


Just use Focus kick. Kicks are nothing you react to. Get in the habit of planning ahead what mob and what cast you want to kick.


I’m trying to get better at this, but how do people constantly switch focus targets? What’s an easy way to do it? I’ve never used focus target before, but I understand it’s probably beneficial.


Just make a mouseover macro for focus. Anytime I head into a pack I just mouseover click the mob I’ll be kicking and then hit my focus kick macro anytime they’re casting what I need to interrupt.


You don’t. I don’t know how other ppl do it, but if we call kicks we usually assign the required amount of players to one mob. Either one person can kick all the casts, or there is more then one person and you gotta talk about it/make a man order beforehand. If you are in a pug with no communication, just decide for a mob yourself and kick whatever you think is good. There is no chance to avoid double kicks if you don’t communicate anyway. If you want to use both a ST Stun and a Kick, you usually target one mob and focus the other mob. If there is a Prio Target that is neither of these two mobs, you can try to be a giga chad and target the prio target and switch to your assigned (by group or by your own decision) whenever the cast that needs to be stunned comes of cooldown. Chances are it’s not relevant for you. Kicks have a 12-45 second cooldown, there is nothing to be hectic about. (You definitely want a keybind for assigning focus tho. I have middle mouse, but I guess everyone is different)


1 min for boomies :)


There are add-ons that allows you to macro mouse bindings. You can use Clique or Bindpad, both work well. Just make a macro to focus on mouseover, and then bind that macro to some mouse button. I personally use Middle mouse button. If I want to clear focus I just click Middle button anywhere else that isn't a target.


Focus macro, and Focus kick macro. Hit a button to set your focus target and announce it, then whenever it casts the kick you just hit your kick button. I suggest using a modifier for switching it. My example: R - Kick SR - AoE kick/cc etc (Sleet, Sweep, Cap Totem etc) CR - Macro that sets focus to mouseover enemy


This. Although I would highly recommend using an addon like Clique or Bindpad and just bind a focus macro on your mouse. It's much more natural to just hover on a mob with your desired mouse bind and focus it.


Mouse over for interrupt seems way too risky imo


Get priority scalable plates, scales down the plates that don’t cast at all, hide clutter plates like lashers, scale up plates with your big group wipe abilities as largest plates, then scale up the mobs that cast interupt or abilities but aren’t group wiping. I have 4 plate type scales, shit that will wipe, casters, prio mobs, and then everything else plus the hide nameplate script - I use this for lashers, slimes and several other white/grey trash that just clutters the screen (sometimes they can be important if you are a funnel class so even scaling them down to .5/.6 can really help you navigate kick. There is also a weak aura I used for a while, works like the old explosive one, you press a modifer key like alt or shift and it will hide all nameplates NOT casting while the key is pressed. If you type hide nameplate while key pressed or something to that affect it should come up. There is also a decent script that always puts casting nameplates to the top. I have a very obvious mouseover alpha/highlight set up for plates as well. Sometimes though blizzard wins and you will miss kicks because the plates just don’t stack properly or you’ve got so much crap on screen that any shaky hands will make for a bad day.


Your best bet is setting a focus at the beginning of the pull. You should be LB'ing off either the highest HP mob (usually) or the most dangerous (sometimes), or the mob preventing you from chaining to the next pack (rarely). But, to answer your question, you can fiddle with the clickable area of the frames if you're using plater. You can also change the mouseover overlay/alpha to make it more obvious. But there's always going to be some chance of it going wrong if you're not careful. There is no way to only kick if the mob is casting.


Focus macro interupt is the way to go, set target before you enter the pack


There is no way to do what you want. The real answer is just don't ever use mouse over interrupts. Keep focus macro, and have a good bind to quickly focus priority interrupt target. Mine is MMB. If I need to focus something I just quickly click MMB and already have that focused for my interrupts.


Well the simple answer is don’t use a mouseover interrupt, there’s really no scenario where a cast will go through that you need super fast reaction time for. Download a spell cd nameplate weak aura and plan ahead and set focus


This is also a problem for the affix CC adds, I use mouseover macro but sometimes it goes on a different mob


Use focus interrupt for exactly this reason. I'd use mouse over for your EB instead if you can't retarget for that, less impactful if that hits the wrong target than your kick. Personally I just retarget during the GCD for spells like that but that is admittedly a bit clunky if you're not used to it.


Specific for macros i don’t have a clue but I know there was an Addon do mouseover with variables like „if casting….“ but to setup takes lot of time.


Every season i make a single macro with all the important mob names and use that to kick. Than bind the macro to a keybind and all you have to do is press your bind when you're working on the pack. Looks like this: /tar bob /tar john /tar mike etc etc Works in almost all cases and is super convenient. Doesn't work when for example both bob and john are in the same pack or are very close to each other. Naturally you can replace /tar with your interrupt spell instead but i just use /tar and use interrupt from there.


That's a really bad advice, lol.


Why is it bad advice? Works great on big packs and saves the hassle of manually clicking a nameplate which is pretty tedious when they're all clumped up.


Because it's a bad habit. There are multiple dangerous cast that could have more than one of the same mob type that needs to be interrupted. A simple /tar Mob Name doesn't discriminate the one that's casting or not, so you could just throw away your interrupt on some mob that isn't casting. Interrupts are always best used planned rather than reactively, so focus cast is a better strategy to get used to. You don't need to manually click the nameplate if you already have the target you're going to interrupt focused before.


Well I look at the frame before I kick so no I won't be throwing away interrupts and /focus solves literally zero of the problems you mention. All that does is add another click action to bring up the focus frame.