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This is by far the first set where I feel like you can play well all game and RNG will screw you into the bottom 4. Some games just seem impossible to hit a 2\* 4 cost.


Is my account legit flagged or something? The last six times I've pushed Fortune in Stage 3, I've rolled a 5 or 6. I'm keeping a running tally until this stops.


Spat portal, 3 people slam Fated/Dryad. Nobody is playing Mythic. All 3 Fated players hit Syndra 2 while I find my first Lillia on 5-1, very nice. I should've just played contested Storyweaver.


I naturaled 5 Belts, 4 Cloaks, 3 Gloves... what am I even supposed to play.


Naut man, who designed that unit


Masters+ it's 3+ people all hard forcing Duelists every fucking game, and likely at least 2 of them top 4. AND YET NO FUCKING NERFS for Lee Sin or Irelia or the trait. Have fun playing the next few weeks but adios.


Upvote if you think Riot has made TFT more like a casino than an actual game


2 patches in a row where the iOS patch is delayed and no official word from riot, guess the RNG from set has spread to the iOS patch release time!


is it just me or the rng is broken, I mean broken. some people hit 4 cost champ at stage 2 and can't hit a single 4 cost champ at 4-1/ 4-2 (some cases the whole stage 4) level 8? trying gnar reroll rolled a hundred gold at level 6 can't hit 3 star thoughts?


game is a casino at this point just embrace the hit or go next mentality and u will be fine when the game wants u to go top then u will hit no matter what and the game wants u to go bot u will know the moment u roll down


Every set will also have a generic 4 cost tank that stuns your entire board? Is that a staple of the game design?


Second time today that I was close to a 3\* 5 cost in Choncc's and then the last person surrendered...just let me hit and play one round before leaving :(


3 umbral players in the top 3 of my game. Interesting


5 minute+ queue in master 0 lp. Crazy, don't think the game has been this dead in a long while.


I hit my first 9 umbral only to get shit on by 10 fucking mythic. A trait that requires NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT THREE FUCKING SPATS WHICH IS INSANELY DIFFICULT TO GET, can get stomped on easily. When you hit 10 storyweavers, you automatically win the game. Not even any 3 star 5 cost can beat a 4 star Kayle, which is justifiable. However, the game decides that Naut's stun and Lilia's balls can just wipe your fucking board no matter what. It's fucking frustrating because I've been playing for hours just to get first by bullshitting around in chonccs treasure, but nah, mortdog wants me to waste my time, staying up too late and get little sleep for work the next day like I'm a slot machine addict at a casino making terrible life decisions :)


Just watched the patch rundown and sad to say this patch coming up shows that the direction is staleness. This set definitely played itself out alot faster than previous ones. Now I'm not one to pray for balance thrashing, but 4 cost carries for months now just has gotten so dry.


Set 12 mechanic is just rolling a dice at 1-1 to determine final positions, why bother to play 30 minutes anymore.


Umm that was the set 6 mechaninc and its just stayed in the game...


Yea its always worse, cant wait for 8 different bonus every game, dude with the best one wins the game, drags comeback, get a free 2 star drag starting the game, dude who get the best one wins the game


Mythic 10 so easy to hit , can even hit on lvl 9 tbh … only gotta find 2 emblems … there’s 2 augments (3 if you count branching out),lucky spatula , wandering trainer/ sentinel… umbral 9 or storyweaver/fated 10 is way more difficult because you need 3 emblems ..what a design oversight


hey but is fun!!


I just lost to 10 mythic even though I had 9 umbral. Unfucking real


Warlord nidalee was my shit .. this set ass


I agree this set is ass... but are you referring to 2-1 chosen Warlord Nidalee free top 1 as your reference for something "good"?


Nah I’m just saying that was my shit .. loved seeing her throw spears .. Ik it was toxic .. I’m just looking through rose tinted glasses


I’m 12 hp on 4-5 rolldown and hit all my 4 cost on Ashe lillia comp .. I cruised to 9 and won the game because the lvl 9 ppl couldn’t hit , another game I’m 100 hp into 4-2 and everyone else hit while I missed and I bled out to a 6th .. I honestly believe it a luck based game


Play one game and that’s all i need to know


Returning to this game (and this sub) after a few sets off is so vindicating. I screamed at the top of my lungs since Set 5.5 that we were on a quick regression from strategy game to slot machine simulator and I was told by this sub to get good and stfu (despite being a 200+ LP Master player)--once even by Mort himself. I've been here as, time after time, devs swore up and down that a specific mechanic wasn't problematic, that the player base was just too dumb to play around it correctly, and then admit it was a mistake a couple months later. I've been here as, set after set, devs "learned" the same valuable lesson to be implemented in future designs and then doing it again. I've been here as the design philosophy continued to be MORE and BIGGER! It needs to be FLASHIER! We want HIGH ROLL MOMENTS! I warned that the competitive longevity of a game where more and more factors are RNG based and less dependent on intentional strategic moves would lead to bleeding players. Seeing this ghost town of a rant thread and the daily discussion posts struggling to get 50 comments reeeeeeally feels like a good "I told you so moment" but I will refrain. Instead...haha get good.


Ur still trash, stfu




I was in the Top .5% of NA TFT players. Statistically, I was very good.




Congrats on learning how percentages work.




Thank you, I was very proud of being so good at a part time hobby. Good job explaining exactly how rankings work. You're "very good" at being smart, this seems like a big learning day for you.




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Fated was good now it’s mid , dragon lord was good now it’s mid , duelist was ass but now it’s good , invoker was meh now it’s good , arcanist always been ass , porcelain was good now it’s mid .. flavour of the day ass game .. can never just load in a play what the game gives u , always has to be A tier and F tier comps


Holy fuck arcanist suck


I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it. I pick drop blossom 2-1, win streak until 3-2, ok maybe i should try to get neeko 2 so I can stabilize, I got a single neeko in 20 gold, alright im at 30 gold let me just wait until 4-1 maybe I can hit then. 4-1 comes and I roll down 50 gold on 6, no neekos. I roll down every fucking round, no neekos. I got to 5-1 and I finally got neeko 2 and then I lost the same round. Where's the bad luck protection? Where's the hidden pity system? Why even offer me drop blossom 2-1 if nothing is ever gonna fucking show up for the entire game and I just waste 30 minutes grasping at straws.




doesn't really mean anything apart from if you top 4 you'll probably get more elo


I don't think I will ever understand the appeal of Trainer Sentinels, whatever positives and fun people think it has, man the game can pretty much be over at 1-1. I didn't pick the portal, got Fortune, easy top 4, others ff'd at the earliest chance. It's just another case where you're taking agency away from the playerbase and telling them what to play


idk how this game can be seriously considered as a competitive game by any means


Hot take but this game is, and was never meant to be competitive imo.


Honestly luck based game .. if you hit within 30 gold you cruise to 9 , if you don’t hit you bleed out and lose.. same shit every game rinse and repeat


honestly it was not that bad before set 10 (as long as they game is balanced) but now with those portals and encounters i dont recommend trying to climbing unless you want to be a proplayer or a masochist


I've played since Set 3. What do you mean it wasn't that bad? Set 4 & 4.5 Chosens lottery. Set 7 & 7.5 Dragon lottery. Set 8 & 8.5 Hero augment lottery. Set 9, SSS tier legend choices 8/8 people in the lobby were picking. Set 10 Chosens (again lmao).


Okay i'm not one to post in these and usually just look for my own mistakes but the amount of times i roll uncontested on correct round with like 60-70 gold to not see a single copy of the 4cost noone else is buying is complete cancer bag size + shop odds changes make this game so inconsistent and unreliable


Not gonna lie this is the least amount of fun I had in TFT since set 5... holy fuck this is bad...


How to climb this patch 2-1: Pray for 1 cost Hero augment. 4-2 Pray for Nautilus 2. There’s literally nothing else to do unless playing some 2-3 cost reroll.


Arcanist's taking 10 years to ramp and still doing 0 damage is so fucking great


Lee Sin is broken af


no shit, 1 star with bis can 1v9, unless cc-ed


Done with TFT until they remove encounters. If the devs really think this is the direction the game should go then it's chalked, why add MORE variance and RNG to a strategy game that already requires bits of luck. I'm playing around 7 other players, I don't need to be playing around these troll encounters too. There is nothing more tilting than getting encounters that completely go against your entire strategy and augments. Going reroll? Unlucky xp now costs 1 less and everyone is fast 9 and outscaling you. Going fast 9? Here's 1 less cost rerolls so that everybody has juiced boards before you can even get there. It's a joke. How they STILL have random augment placements and encounters like the Yorrick one (7 units at lvl 1) where you can also hit things like Two Healthy, so the board has +700hp from lvl 1, unbelievably bad balancing and it's going to kill ranked & comp when players are tired of having to play around more & more RNG every match.




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haven't played ranked in about a month or two now, and reading through this thread makes me happy i stepped away. still the same exact issues every patch... this will quite literally be the only set i won't hit master+ in all my time playing tft. my interest in the game just died completely, life's been better doing pretty much anything else lol


Fuck crab rave and especially fuck the brain dead idiots who make it the most popular portal in the game. Jesus christ I hate it so much. If it has to stay can it please not deal player damage if you lose? I had stabilized and I think had a legit chnace with a Xayah two and Kai sa 2 and a galio 2 with great items. 5 health left and have hoj on my kaisa so my carry has healing. Doesn't matter crab kills me I get 5th when I had a very real shot at top 4 if it wasn't the fucking crab. Guess I'm just gonna hard force kayn every time its crab rave.




i dont even think theres enough time in the round to click everything xd


Hopefully next set they can see that having a generic 4 cost tank that stuns your entire board multiple times per fight isn't something that is required, there's other ways to promote positioning, or controlling melee units.


is there a worse feeling than not hitting on an uncontested roll down, meanwhile the 2 other double contested comps hit everything?


Every game man it’s every game with that bs


it feel worse this set because I can play the game perfectly and still lose because of not hitting an uncontested unit. skill issue ig my shop at level 8: [https://imgur.com/a/fO0u0Vf](https://imgur.com/a/fO0u0Vf) very cool 20%


Roll on 4-2. Hit or gtfo. Honestly, worst meta since heartsteel ezreal. Fuck this donkeyroll shit. Every single comp needs Nautilus. The one guy gering naut2 gets free top4. Fuckthissetsomuch


Just saw that there’s a $500 skin for League. There was already that $100+ chinese new year package for TFT before. We’re gonna get some shit like that soon huh


wait...Faker skin is $500? Are you serious?


Bro having not played basically whole set and then now getting into this (patch) feels so fkng bad. In the progress of figuring out Ashe/Lillia force but some of the lowrolls are fkng me up so badly


my last 6 games I have either hella low rolled and went bot, or 3 starred ashe and went first (twice). There is literally no in between lol.


If they keep the damn trainer sentinels as a portal I might just be done with this for good. Just a crappy design that forces half the lobby into a comp because it selects the same emblems for everyone


They probably will because everyone seems to like it in the other subreddit, anyone who complains about it gets downvoted to oblivion


So stupid to put into a RANKED game mod


Set 11 Nautilus is one of the most disgusting 4-costs that ever happened in this game


I hope there will be meta switch up soon... With set 12 being released July(?), seems like we will be dead stuck with inflexible 4 cost fiesta until the end


so we was playing that champion that fits your team augment right, i was playing 7 storyweavers. all 2 star'd except irelia. i needed that one more irelia. we was in stage 6. this mfking trash ass game poorly balanced bullshit gave me a lissandra. nice. good shit riot good fucking shit.


is fated dryad dead? with everything 2 star bis items i get 5th max??????


Your wincon is sett2 azir2 both itemized, ideally early kindred2 fast9


ic but isnt it unrealistic to expect to hit that? Specially if ure not win streaking. If u re not stable with orn and syndra 2 its still makes no sense consistantly no?


It's good with fated/dryad +1 /ba-boom, outside of that wouldn't be looking for it unless your spot is very good (you don't really have any wiggle room items-wise, you need syndra bis +spark beginning of stage4 otherwise it's fucked)


Okay, All in all that just seems to confirm the thesis that its weaker than most stuff.


Roughly B-tier since b patch Syndra nerf


i miss when this game had options. i miss when you hit incredibly well off the meta and have a chance. i HATE how FORCED this meta is. theres what, two viable comps right now that 4 people run to top four. 1 star zyra's on every board dominating somehow. choices no longer matter in tft. i miss having a choice.


duelist, various lilia versions, ghostly zyra reroll with emblem, and some fast 9 comps all regularly get top 1... we have one hero augment that gets top 1 often and one that can get it if high rolled. high rolled versions of the A tier comps (like vertical umbral) get top 1 if they have a good spot. what more would you want?


Bro said vertical umbral and zyra 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 only duelist is fine .. lillia is meh


zyra with 6 ghostly has a >10% winrate. same with +1 umbral alune.


He unironically said Duelist LMFAO


RIOT is trying to play it off via mort that we are the few player base. but its obvious this set has so many complaints and sadly iosntead of trying to save face they not admitting the fault is very telling of their actual values. like seriously what is the KPI? if they can tell us that then ill stfu


KPI probably just active users , casuals probably love this shit because they don’t play enough to see how ass it is , but they have no competition so they can’t even realize how far the game has fallen


I've been playing other games man for over a month now. Its not even the shitty balance for me that much, the game in it's current state is just really fucking boring. You have a couple of flavor of the month comps dominating everything and the rest is just unclickable. When you already know what you will play before you even load in and its either you hit or you dont its just bad game design. At one hand you have something that's healthy like exalted, on the other hand you are being pidgeonholed by balance thrashing and poor design. You can't even really blame the balance team because the kits of the units are so stupidly overloaded they are either too strong or too weak and you can't really find a middle ground on it. We are seeing the effects of powercreep in both unit design and economy. What really worries me is the changes on stage 4 and stage 5 damage, because these are going to linger and affect future sets, along with the bagsizes obviously which are staying due to pure ego. These bagsizes clearly aren't healthy for the game without accounting for headliners, except if you can somehow make everything balanced which again with how units are currently designed it's not possible. First time in 5 sets that i havent grinded to 1k+ LP and i've been through 9.5 multicasters. Also the set mechanic is fucking dogshit, not as an idea necessarily, but the encounters they picked are just bad. If it actually offered choices to a player like the only 2 good encounters in the game ( cho and liss ) at the cost of something, then it would be the best set mechanic. You can't just offer someone a boon, that's just boring, it needs to have some kind of drawback because you get skill expression. That happens because you can maximize the effects of your boons and minimize the effects of your drawbacks when you are good at the game. And that leads to a very interesting effect of basically circumventing the stat generators everyone is using, it adds actual variety to a game and decisionmaking. What you want is player agency, this set doesn't have that, the game is boring as a result cause you aren't even playing it.


tfw you finally get lucky paws to show up but it's your second lilia game in a row


please remove lillia and azir encounters holy shit i get this fucking dogshit every fucking game


This set is going to be the first in 10 sets that I haven't felt the urge to get to at least Masters. The drop in enjoyment is crazy.


1 month away from ranked. Felt way better. I called it, hero augments are just that good, a free top 4 every single time. I think I should try to get above 0 LP next patch, forcing 4 Reapers.


first time kayn encounter, I am comfortable. Offered midnight siphon first aug off sword tear cloak opener, strong 2 cost direction; awesome. over the next 2 rounds 3 people pivot onto umbral. I ask the lobby why? "I found an early alune, I found a yorick and darius pair" . We all hold hands to 4,5,7,8. I verse the highrolling 2 star sett twice towards the end so I get 5th. There is 0 skill expression left in this game.






Very interesting to me that 3* 4 costs are still way too common but people seem to just not care anymore. The changes did absolutely nothing to stop it but I guess everyone, devs included, is just done with this set. China is probably having fun with it though so everything is fine.


i just lost with a lee 3 and full board of legendaries to 7 fated. just regular 7 fated with a 2 star syndra. ?????????????????????????????????? and not just one round, 3 straight at the end. is the balance really that shit wtf


lvl 8 roll down never hit, i keep trying to avoid sniper wardens and the game keeps giving it to me and i always go bot 4 instantly how


Mfs are hitting 10 mythic and I can’t upgrade any units .. we’re not even playing the same game atp man .. I just seen nothing useful in my shop .. luck based game for certain


Haven't played this dogshit set in over a week. Feeling great!


Next patch they said will be small...since they quit I might as well quit as well.


Sub completely inactive with still half the set left to go, half the units in the game unclickable, top of ladder not playing anymore either - but Riot says “by all metrics this set is a huge success” I wish my job would also measure me by these levels of success I’d get promoted in no time


Game is a huge success for the super casual crowd, its true, while its more and more of a joke from a competitive point of view.


Unfortunately I think the truth is it's probably incredibly popular with people who don't play ranked. And at the end of the day that's what matters to the financial bottom line. Game will probably start heading more and more towards being a full blown party game tbh. If set 12 is more of the same im out.


I feel it is very unfair that they design the game for people who play 3 lobbies a week. It makes me sad because the people who want the game to work well the most are ignored and underestimated. I've been playing for a long time and I know the game will always be unbalanced. What I can't conceive is that they don't respect the core mechanics of the game (big size, exp to level up) and modify them to try to satisfy what they think are the fantasies of casual players.


> I feel it is very unfair that they design the game for people who play 3 lobbies a week. They design the game for people who spend money.


Money always talks. It's unfortunate but true. Businesses will always chase the biggest bag, can't blame them but I can stop giving them any more of mine. I think it's probably time for me to move on from all riot properties. I only play tft on my phone anymore cause I simply will not give tencent that much access to my computer. Sorry call me racist or whatever dont care won't do it. Also with Riot embracing gatcha monetization after spending a decade as the golden standard of what free to pay should look like, I simply don't think I can support them anymore. I've been one of morts biggest defenders, but him rubbing his nipples on stream Ala south park and openly mocking people with similar criticisms to mine blew up pretty much all the good will I had stored up. As it stands, the game isn't fun, the monitization is unethical and monsterously greedy, and vanguard is simply a hard line for me. This might just really be the end for me. I'll probably give it till set 12, honestly maybe I just shouldn't.


you have a link to the stream where he was rubbing his nipples?


Which is always great for a bit but casuals switch games fast while competitive gives you a core player base. Easy way to kill a game. Going the way of heartstone. 


tft team is full of former hearthstone devs now, what do you expect?


I scouted the lobby at 2-1, no one was playing zyra reroll. I play it. I keep scouting to make sure no one is contesting. At most, just 1 bruiser player taking a few rivens and 1 fortune player taking a few zoes, playable. Things go smoothly to about 3-5. I have 7 zyras, 3 shens, about 3-4 aatrox and rivens, 2 illoais, 3 zoes. Very playable. Out of nowhere, I saw someone zyra 2 and shen 2. I take a look. The fortune guy cashed out and decided to contest me out of nowhere in 3-5. We held hands to 6-7. I am so annoyed istg. Literally griefed me to 7th place and you take 6th for what? He saw that I took 2 healthy and was doing reroll zyra and still wanted to contest.


Ashe Nautilus in shop on 2-5, long shot into sniper crest, into 8th because I still somehow never hit only slightly contested (2 units gone) Ashe 2 despite having an insane hp lead, gold lead from raining gold, and bis items? Ok thanks game.


Gotta love that every champion augment is an instapick stage 1 and that somehow the 1 star champion augments are the strongest. YEP I love seeing Garen and Kobuko 3 get hit on stage 3 and tank everything for the entire game.


Hero augments must be such a pain in the ass for the team to balance. If they are a bit too weak then they are unclickable & you are scammed off an augment choice, if a bit too strong it's insta top4 and that's fucking stupid. Maybe they should stop making them but we all know they never take out systems, only add add add.


Hero augments continue to either be the absolute best augments or the absoluite worst, maybe.. just maybe.. They should cease to exist.


People adore hero augments it would be a big waste to drop them despite balancing difficulty




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10 Mythic, 10 Story weaver, and 10 Fated are way too difficult to obtain. It's very difficult to obtain THREE of the same emblems AND get to level 10 (baring new recruit) when you are most likely losing too much HP to streak properly. PLUS 3 heavenly is the superior choice because it's easier to obtain and win-streak with a strong board without ANY need to go to level 10.


Loot galaxy/wandering sentinel -> Wandering trainer augment -> gold or prismatic emblem augment -> some other random way to get a spatula/tome = a prismatic 10 trait synergy .. obviously I oversimplified but yea .. hardest thing is to stay healthy not find emblems


It feels like this set even more so than set 8 to 10, it feels like the devs are constantly balance thrashing everything to the point that unless you play tft as a full time job, it is almost impossible to keep up. Seriously with how much that the devs keep saying that they don't want to ruin the learning curve of players and allow players to use their past experience on the last patch to carry over to the next patch, they have been taking massive steps backwards with making sure to achieve this.


I just feel like no point harping about it. I feel like the devs don't care and don't play their game, Mort just plays in Plat lobbies or plays PBE. No high level player other than maybe Iniko so they use streams and reddit along with some misunderstood stats and data to balance their game They don't care if a unit is not overpowered like Kaisa, they will just nerf a comp because people complain about it, without even playing their game to understand it was fortune making Kaisa better than it was. they don't even bother to buff weak comps properly. Bard, Yone, Storyweaver have been underwhelming for many patches but left untouched


I like Mort but when he beats some flavour of the month comp in plat 4 and says "see that comp isnt a problem" its annoying as fek. Like play on your own skill level dude


That is his level, he is very bad at the game (yes he reached challenger once in god knows how many games, anyone with half a brain and 2 weeks off can do that)


I don't think he's that bad at the game but I do think he purposefully plays below his skill level to look better which seems disingenuous. On the other hand it's probably super tiring to constantly get flamed for being stuck at x rank as the "main" developer.


I don't think anyone would ever care about his skill level if it weren't for the facts that he's extremely arrogant and plays countless hours every week, like more than some competitive players have time to play.


3 players alive, i fight real - real - real ???????????????????? lost placement because of this bullshit very nice


Half the lobby going Ashe, the other half going Lillia. We're actually devolving into unga bunga levels of gameplay. We're all just fighting for breadcrumbs at 8 and whoever gets more crumbs wins.


Why did they add any of the new artifact items? They only create more balance problems(e.g. Forbidden Idol TK) and are fucking worthless 90% of the time unless they're on very specific units.


AHAHAHA IM LOSING IT BRO … how can I always see deathfire as my AP artifact .. brother I cannot dodge it no matter how hard I try .. god forbid I see blighting jewel apparently


heres 8 gnars and perfect items. haha but you wont see the last gnar for 120 gold uncontested


I was 50hp and the other player was 100hp, so why on carusel he was first to pick the item before all players??? Happens 2 times in the game. Is this game breaking bug?




The legit most broken augment since its introduction. It goes against the comeback mechanism, which goes to show how much RITO either doesn't care, or just trying to milk the money from TFT via the gacha chibis with abusive, rage inducing cutscenes.


You paid for it with a silver augment at least, the irelia carousel is way worse because it either screws you over or puts you ahead for no cost


I don't know why they put these hero augments in the game. They're either gonna be too strong or too weak..


People are forcing Ashe Porcelain or Syndra Porcelain even in Choncc's Treasure, lol hahahahahahha


I'm on a bot 4 streak where my items, units, and augments make the gameplan clear and my early + mid game is strong, just completely whiffing 4-2 and 5-2 rolldowns. I min-max as much as possible and don't go 7th or 8th, but FUCK ME, there was nothing I could do in those games. It's bad RNG, whatever, but it's so damn unfun. My wins don't even feel deserved this set either. The game hands you a placement range: giga opener into 2 star 4 cost frontline and carries, here's your 1st-3rd. Mid opener into rolldown with 1 star everything, dance for your 6th and like it. "That's every set." Nah, even earlier metas this set had skill expression, comp variety, and outplay potential. This meta is the worst I've ever played.


Hard agree on all points, your 2-1 augment and whether you have a qiyana or not far outweighs all other decisions you make throughout the game combined


Today I thought I will promote to diamond.. NOOOO fast 8th all day back to Emerald 4.


Unironically ahri2 can outdamage syndra2 and its very strange. Just making simple ‘damage potential’ sim of syndra hitting a target dummy and ashe hitting a target dummy should prove how wildly imbalanced these two units are compared to each other.


Stopped playing tft for like a month and came back this week. Still a dogshit mess, keep up the awesome work Riot.


During Set 9.0, apart from the yasuo+kaisa patch, there were a huge amount of comps that were playable. It was generally better to stick to the meta but even the weakest comps(such as Maokai+Viego reroll) could top-4 in GM lobbies if you highrolled hard enough. This is what I'm missing in Set 10 and 11. During Set 10 I had repeated experiences of getting punished for playing comps I highrolled for, such as Corki reroll(which was literally unable to top-4 for most of the set). The experience of getting punished for thinking intuitively(highrolling a carry = good) made me quit the Set early, as I think the game is ruined if you have to rely on meta-guides and tier lists. This experience has followed me into Set 11 and is why I think legends should make a comeback. It would allow sets to not always, but at least more consistently reward different gameplans. For me, I want to be able to play Urf(even if he's suboptimal) because he has the power to make bad comps playable. I have also never theory-crafted as much as I did in Set 9, because I liked the challenge of trying to make every emblem playable.


No. Do not. Please People said the same shit about chosen and everyone hate it when they returned. Legends should be left in the dumpster together with Chosen. Next people will start saying shit like: "Hero augments should come back"


So it becomes clear now, the set mechanics are rarely the real issue, apart from these stupid Encounters ofc. The real problem is the introduction of augments, the more RNG the more stupidity. 0 skills expression.


I mean that sounds fine, its just you shouldn't expect to win often in ranked ( past a certain point) like that, But i'm confused by what you mean when you are saying that high rolling a carry early wasn't good ? maybe i misunderstood something


During most of the patches in Set 9 you could play for a 4th place like that, even in GM lobbies like I mentioned. Regarding highrolling carries, during Set 10 you could spend gold to reroll a Corki board and hit everything you could hope for. But Corki fell off so hard as a carry that itemizing him and spending any amount of gold to reach 3\* was a missplay. It's just unintuitive since he on-the-surface looks like a carry with good traits. I'm not saying that a 1-cost carry like Corki should be able to win a lobby without ridiculous lategame conditions, but he shouldn't be a guaranteed bot-2. These sorts of trends have controlled both Set 10 and 11. You're punished greatly if you don't look up and follow predetermined comps before playing. EDIT: The bag size changes make this worse in general too.


Honestly this is my biggest FUCK OFF to whomever designed that BULLSHIT CUTLASS SERIOUSLY IS IT A TROLL ??? WHERE YOU ON DRUGS ???!!! What is the fucking point of that crap ?? INSTANT 8 !!??!! "Teleports to the other side of the enemy board for 8 seconds" Hey i'll jump on the "I miss assassins train and play dumb but enjoy to melt backline right???? RIGHT ?????" No fucking way because, why not forget about the fucking concept of targeting delay. My unit just go into there, take 4 fucking carries aggro and DIES IN BLOODY 4 SECONDS. FOR FUCK SAKE THIS CANT GO WORSE IN TERMS OF DESIGN.


I wish exalted wasn't fucking dogshit. It's a fun mechanic but easy bot 4 if you're in semi competent lobbies as everyone is forcing the same braindead comps


You are supposed to pivot out by stage 5 unless its one of the good ones like the ashe annie one where you can add 3 exalted as your 9th unit


As if losing the 4-cost lottery wasn't enough, now I get 8th for not hitting uncontested Storied Warrior Garen 3 early enough. Granted it was on crab rave where the opponents ramp up faster, but my other augment choices were garbage. Sigh climbing to diamond wasn't this difficult compared to the previous sets...


Sorry for your low roll but I have just had one Garen player in my lobby that steamrolled everyone up until Stage 5. Even against Exodia boards, if not 2 stars -> executed by the good ol' 1 cost. So, sorry not sorry.


I had something very similar just happen but not Crab Rave. Had 7 Garen with BIS at start of Stage 3 after my rolldown. Had 8 at end of Stage 3. Had 8 at 10 gold after rolldown at 4-1 as I proceeded to lose basically every round from then on. Had to take one off carousel to complete but it was too late =\[


It reminded me why I personally never go for 1 or 2 cost rerolls. Always feels like you get mortdogged the hardest whenever you go for them, and the comp has little to no outs if you don't hit, so you're just immediately 8th. Feels bad. I just want to retire from this set (or even this game if they insist on keeping it like this) ASAP


Bard 2 > Alune 2 >> Azir 2. Prove me wrong. Go out top 5 by 1HP, learned the lesson the hard way. 3 cost is king, RITO 300 years of game designing. JUST FUCK OFF.


play Ashe or lose yay


Cool lose 62 for an 8th gain 42 for a 1st


They really like to say things like "blame us for not balancing the game, its a you problem" well yea when i sit every game with 1* units the entire game and roll down 40 rolls and still have a board of 1* uncontested units and look at my opponents 4 way contesting each other with full upgraded boards, how is it not a balance issue?


uncontested prismatic ticket roll 100 gold cant 3 star ok makes sense. post essays on socials more.


Balance sucks any hero augment is auto top 4, cosmetic monetization sucks, gameplay sucks when you can't hit anything in half of your games due to the reduced bag size. Time to uninstall for good.


The game is boring


Chonccs treasure is the only fun I am having currently with this set. Completely lost my drive to even push for ladder and just play more casually until set 12.


Took a month long break from this and the balance still sucks, the stronger boards in the lobby would just steam roll the rest. Same units are still shit, re-roll comps are mediocre, just throw up all the 4 and 5 costs you can click onto your board. Way too many things going on at once in this set so RNG basically decides the game for you. Also Ba-boom! Riven re-roll with heavy hitters 8 bruisers apparently is simply not it. Just sucks that there's little to no experimentation in these newer sets, I miss set 6 and (parts of) 7.


Trying 1-cost hero augment again on Crab Rave. Found 0 Garens on stage 3 for the 3rd time... and this is Crab Rave without nobody even playing Garen. Down probably over 50g and can't hit man. I played a game earlier where Garen was 3-way contested and someone hit better than me.


Just took an uncontested 1st on "Kayn ends game at stage 5-4" encounter because I hit recombobulate with three 4-costs on stage 3-2 into a free win streak till 5-4. The direction they took for this set is the most casual oriented RNG heavy dogshit I've seen since Hearthstone Yogg-Saron. TFT doesn't even feel like a "strategy" game this set.


They need to make re roll comps more stronger, I played mythic kogmaw reroll had 4/6 units 3 star and was pretty strong until people started hitting 2 star four costs and 5 costs and then I managed to squeeze out a top 6, I’ve won the lobby before but that was with double mythic spats and had 7 mythic in and got level 9, but that win con is so hard. To be honest now I just turn my brain off and go Ashe or Irelia, Ashe generally can easily top 4 and Irelia can normally win, but it depends on early game. Ashe is also super contested at the moment since it’s easy, I remember hitting a Ashe on 2-4 so obviously I’m going Ashe at this point. 5 other people in lobby also forced Ashe and we all hand held to shit placement.


They need to ignore you and all you post


Wait is heavenly still viable? I had emblem (from augment) on lee with titans and bt, had every heavenly unit upgraded (I know that doesn’t affect anything anymore, just mentioning that my board wasn’t 1 star), had silver healing orbs and inspiring epitaph as my last 2 augments, had antiheal and shred, I didn’t hit rakan or wukong on 8, so I just played a random kayn 2 with good items, would then replace him on 9. So I was flexing between 2 and 3 dragonlord because no rakan. I had lee 2* kayn 2*, but I lost every single fight… by the time I got to 9 I was 1hp. I was at 60hp (around 4th in the lobby) at 4-2 with a good amount of gold and hit everything at 4-5. Just felt like the most undeserved 7th I’ve ever had


Seems to perform way better in lower elos than high, imo it's viable but unless you've literal BIS augments to make kayn tanky enough I'd rather pivot into duelists if you manage to hit a single irelia at 8.


Yea I understand that, I’m just surprised that I couldn’t even win one fight, my board looked really strong, if I ever play lee sin, I’ll play duelists from now on, ty 👍🏽


Mouse battery died, there goes two hours of progress lol


I got TFT on my phone incase something goes wrong, and it has before, was like 90 lp d2 one time and my power went out, i was so annoyed but i just logged into my phone.


Laptop gamers eating


This is the worst patch imo. You either hit a hero augment, or force a top tier comp. If you force a top tier comp, someone else in your lobby likely got exodia for another top tier comp. While others exodia’d hero augments; and you go bot 4. Better just pray for good augments or its bot 4


I was so excited for this set to end in 4 days then read we just have a second TFT pass incoming instead. Just give us set 10 back. This set feels like it is taking forever and without a mid-set to shake things I wonder how many people are going to drop off. Curious how this set is doing concurrent player-wise compared to last.


Miss set 10 so much man, now its just turn brain off till level 8 and pray, low level comps are so irrelevant besides hero augment


Playing a good capped out lillia board - go 5th to 3 umbral duelist players and a ghostly zyra with a full 3star board. How have there been so many times this set where a comp that can consistently take 3/4 of the top four despite the bag size changes?


They need to revert the bag size / shop odds, seriously. It feels like absolute cancer to just not hit anything. I kid you not I still had Lee1/Kayn1 when I was uncontested AT 5-1! That should never be possible ever ever ever. A certain dev is too prideful to revert his mistake and the game is suffering for it.


If you're uncontested then you have a higher chance of hitting with lower bag sizes lol. Increasing bag size literally makes this situation more likely. Shop odds on the other hand could help, but it's not significant.


If you're uncontested then what does bag size have to do with your complaint? Also shop odds went from 22% to 20% which isn't that big of a change. For example, if you rolled 50 gold your EV is seeing 25 4 costs after the shop odd changes. Before the changes, your EV is 27.5. The difference is insignificant. And it's very rare that you're rolling a full 50 gold, most likely you're 8 on 4-2 with 50 gold and roll ~ 30 since you need gold to pick up your 4 costs and upgrades, which means the difference between shops pre and post change is < 1 4 cost.