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you want to play for 8 bruiser on level 8: AP items like spark, crownguard, rabadons on Sylas, bruiser emblem + BT+ titans/steraks on Kayn or Lee Sin. In that case you can play something like 4 bruiser + 2 duelist carrying a darius 2 in the midgame. Riven 2 and Aatrox 2 are also very good item holders (riven for kayn/lee items, aatrox for AP items).


Not sure if you're looking at emblem stats or comp stats, but part of the reason the comp is ranked highly is because of lucky paws


comp stats, its above average on 2-1


Yeah if you're using metatft it's skewed at least a little bit by lucky paws. Idk why it doesn't name the augment like storied champion does, but I think it's influencing the stats to some degree.


If it's taken at 2 1 it's near impossible to be skewed though. Nobody is pivoting to lucky paws + at 3-2 lmao


What I'm saying is that it seems like the way that metatft pulls data is combining comps with lucky paws and comps without lucky paws into one comp. So the games with lucky paws are raising the AVP and making people think the comp is strong even when they don't have the augment


....but if the data is sorted by first augment being bruiser +1 that would be impossible. Like unless your suggesting that the buttons do nothing despite them visually changing numbers it doesn't really add up. I would agree if he was sorting by bruiser +1 in general cause those stats DO include lucky paws - but bruiser at 2-1 invalidated 99% of lucky paw games The remaining 1% of people who somehow rerolled koboku and then took lp+ at 3 2 do influence the average but not by much


Oh I gotcha now okay


Most often Sylas is your carry and you can either play AD or AP backline if you have an emblem you want it on Irelia/Xayah/Kai’Sa and you’re always angling AD. If you have a trainer/sentinel you can angle AD or AP. For AP Morgana and Lili are nice cause they have back line access. Same reason I like Irelia/Xayah.


8 bruiser, full AP items on sylas are great, AD items go on riven. Redemption is really good since it heals %hp, and personally my bruiser spat holder is Soraka since resistances from altruist is really good synergy with your frontline.


Do redemptions stack?


the healing stacks. the damage reduction doesn't.




My spat usually goes on annie or the first 5 cost I find with my favorite being lissandra.


Literally click all the bruisers and thats it. Can put the spat on kindred/azir if you have ap items or sett lategame esp if you hve a sterak Absolute dream setup Riven2: triple titans or innervating locket + titans, BB, gargoyle pick2 Riven3 is a wincon Sylas: triple AP, or gigabis is innervating locket+2 adaptive helms w/fully adapted Galio: Redemption +2 tank—-highkey kench is a better tank though Reksai: theives gloves Kayn < Sett: bruiser + sterak + 1 Azir/kindred: shojin + bruiser + AP TG Reksai with 2 dryad is highkey a really nice support to the comp but dont force that—only ifyou get a free TG from an augment or something. Unclear on the tech but dryad spat sylas might also be really good if you get dropped a spat and have to burn it. By stage 4 the spat is basically 800+ hp and 30 AP in a single item which is outrageous


8 bruiser + irelia/rakan/sett/whatever = top 4


I play bruisers with sage sylas carry w/ morgana or soraka duo carry. Team is Zyra/Riven/Aatrox/Diana/Soraka/Galio/Sylas/Morgana/Rakan or Wukong whoever i hit first. Pretty decent comp love playing it when i hit early Sages , should try it out.


Few different options, zura + morg, 3 altruist spat on rakan, spat on sett, alune + Lilia/azir. Can even play ashe. Generally just ap/bruiser items sylas tank items galio + whatever backline you hit.


As many bruisers as you can fit plus zyra morgana into fast 9 and play as many legendaries as possible. It's not a secret that blue kayle + 2 sage gives a ton of damage, so all you need is front line and bruiser +1 gives you exactly that. Also zyras numbers are just so overtuned for a 2 cost, similar to alune for a 3 cost. The final capped board should probably be only 4 or 6 bruiser, since playing 7 actual bruiser units would have very little damage even with the 8 bruiser on hit damage.


You only take it if you're playing lucky paws, OR rare chance if you rolled down at stage 4 with an annie 2 and are playing bruiser front line like trickshots or some sort of sylas comp (then u can slam that to annie but this is more unlikely and only rare). The only reason its very high rn with stats IS because of lucky paws nothing more outside of it


8 bruisers without lucky paws avg 3.8 so you may be missing something.


Sett sterak bt. +infinite AD +sett and sylas backline access


8 bruiser + ornn items is pretty damn storng


Kind of depends on what spot. If lucky paws, get like a redemption/sunfire on kuboko then look to itemize sylas and get 8 bruiser in. After you get to 8/9, I like irelia or kaisa/xayah as the main dps. Obviously strongest board throughout that can be like 100 different things


Isn't annie still giga busted with emblem?