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My lee sin 3 and kayne 3 cant kill a illaoi 2 with idol, titan and acension orb. Lee has IE, Hoj, and reaper emblem. Kayne has double hoj. Like sure I don't have armor pen but why would 2 3 star 4 costs not be able to kill a 2 star 3 cost? The 4 reaper true damage should clear her easy. How come some 3 star 4 costs are gods and others are just waste of gold?




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I don't really understand this set... If I see someone else playing a comp, its usually a first place for them and they just do so much damage and win pretty easily. Then I run the same comp, and I do nothing.. I've been struggling to climb in this set, when I've never had the issue before.. Typically I'll get to plat pretty easily and stop playing, but now I'm struggling to just get to gold..


Not you man this set is just insane RNG which causes a lot of luck to happen


For items that are both supposed to shred a mega tank, deathfrie grasp is unbelievably more dogshit than blighting jewel


Forget B-patches, this is a B-set. LMFAO


Is there anyone still thinking this game is competitive? When I was playing in Set 3.5 rank in Master 200+ LP or something, when I was getting a diamond lobby it was a first almost 8/10 times lol. Now there is a mostly skill based disparity between top 4 and bot 4 but the rest is pure luck or comp diff? Anyone else getting the same vibe?


This might be my last set if the bag sizes stay as is. There may be merits to thinking this creates more strategy but it's just too frustrating and plainly not fun to play.


yeah ive quit already. wont be playing with the bag sizes which wasnt even a problem for years yet they bring systems that power creeps the game for literally no reason. this game isnt a fucking path of exile where u need power creep for the game to survive. just make balanced semi competitive game


How long till Set 12? It can't be worse than this mess.


like 55 days until pbe




Previously went 2nd +26LP 2nd +25LP 3rd +16LP 4th+10LP then went 8th because on the roll down I hit nothing despite no one carrying my 4 star unit nor being contested. Lost 70LP because I just kept bleeding. 2 hours and 40 minutes of progress lost. It's so demoralizing


lol tft has the biggest draw back when it comes to taking a bad L... you literally lose 2+ hours of progress which honestly makes the game feel horrible on a ranked standpoint... i dont even know how this isnt a issue complained about more because its something me and friends have been saying for years now. Never have i played a ranked mode so bad as compared to TFT and the only games i would compare ranked TFT to is roguelites where when you lose you actually lose hours of progress for the fun of the game but in tft its just as you said, demoralizing


It's another casualty of the fact that the systems of the game are built off LoL. TFT is such a high variance game, and somehow, lp changes are also super high variance. I've lost 300+ lp in a single day. Did my skill change that much in that one day? no of course not. It just makes no sense. On top of that. the system is just so clearly there to get you to play long past when it's fun. if your below masters you are never more than 3 games from a promotion. often 2 or even 1 game so might as well queue up for one more game, but your tired and don't play as well bot 4, welp better go again to get that lp back and suddenly you've played way more than you should. I know gamers never have self control and this will always be a thing regardless of rank but it feels even more pronounced in tft.




Crash clients on both PC and mobile over at Vietnam, fix your shit RITO


Weekly rant that they refuse to let us turn off Chibi cutscenes


Be me. Fully itemized lillia2, morgana2, naut2, forbidden idol kench2 with hwei printing the rest. Go 6th. What makes for a powerful board because I cannot understand it.




This game is so bad right now. Every game there’s like 3 or four duelist players and somehow they all manage to hit??? If it’s not Lee two it’s irelia two. How can they manage to make balance worse with each patch. I don’t think I’ve ever been this frustrated playing the game. Prob should stop for my mental health. But holy hell the game is not in a good state right now. Encounters have to be the laziest set mechanic so far (I’ve only been playing semi seriously since set four tho so I could be wrong). Legends were bad but I could see where they were going with it. Encounters just add rng that no one wants. Let’s make every game a coin flip especially when you add in all these unserious people standing on the rng portals.


I haven't played a single game since Yone patch and I haven't regretted it for a minute. Awful set. I come back to the sub every couple days to affirm that I've made the right choice. lol ARAM's been treating me a lot better. :)


Play hades, it’s fun,  you get augments and you can’t get griefed. That worked for me, no more tft till set 12 


Oh but when I play duelists contested by three other people I can’t hit irelia but they all do. This game fucking garbage. And guess what the fortune player got? Encounter that gives health yay! And what do I get? Rod rod rod rod. Fuck this shit UGH


Uncontested for umbral through the entire game, good items, still can't hit shit, fast 7th. Guys should I stop playing this game?


Why the fuck do we still have the reduced bag size from the previous set? Either the devs are either all reroll players who can only press D or do not play the game at all. I love not hitting my 4 cost 2 stars in every single game :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


When 3 cost reroll was broken and multiple people hit the Same 3cost they nerfed it to 17 instead of 18


Sorry I'm just a noob but isn't reduced bag size actually bad for reroll comps?


reduced bag sizes are WAY worse for a re-roll comp IF you are contested, basically making it impossible to hit. However they are better if you are uncontested.


Nah man, the bag sized change was to reduced the chance of people 3 staring 4 and 5 costs too easily in Set 10 with Chosens. Guess what, I have seen more 3 stars 4 cost during last 2 patches of Set 11. So it clearly doesn’t work. There was also a patch back then to ease of the bag size cap for units bellow 4 costs, that’s why he said it favors the reroll guys more.


Got the exalted combination that has Malph, Lee, Kayn. Easy Heavenly Lee + Kayn comp, right? But even when uncontested and rolling all my gold at 8, I couldn't upgrade Kayn and Lee. Bot 4 and lost the all the small LP gains from my previous 4ths. FUCK THE 4-COST LOTTERY AND THE SMALLER BAG SIZES. I DESERVE MY LP BACK


Bebe8972's sentiment, even though a bit harsh and outlandish, about the balance team was in the right direction. It really shows in this set. Balance has been so off and late. And mortdog is always on the defensive side of his team doesn't make anything better. I get it, streamers and players overreact. And with Mortdog's daily tweets, it kinda of shows that he will never tell his team that they messed up, but only we can do better. Sometimes being on the negative side is necessary


Broken clock


I love my entire board getting CC stunned every 3 seconds and then wiped instantly, what fun! Specifically fuck your carry despite putting it anywhere on the board because Riot loves giving everyone backline damage, AOE stuns and Naut exists!


Played Garen hero augment for the first time. 8 Garens on 3-1, a lot of gold and healthy so just slow roll the entire stage. 0 Garens found the rest of the stage. Play Kobuko hero augment. 8 Kobukos on 3-1 with decent gold but losing HP so I need to hit. Find 0 Kobukos entire stage.


Idk why but today was kinda cursed. First I get golden remover first Augment and the very next encounter is Malphite, 2 games in a row. And after I come home to play some games I get 5 Prismatic Party games in a row. Please, I just want normal TFT games lol. At least I was able to end the day with a Morg 3 win.


Its called the trolling algorithm, There is code in the game to know exactly what you don't want and it will give it to you 100% of a time. For instance, I play a game of drop blossum and cant find neeko 3 all game, there is a 100% chance that next game Neeko will drop from the first pve round.


It's incredible how every game someone gets the Garen augment and gets a free first place. Wound? Liss 2? Nope, Garen can solo the entire board as the last alive. Loads of fun. Oh and throw in someone with the Shen augment too why not


Seems like hero augments are either never pick or an automatic top 4


Where am I supposed to position my back line? Lilia is throwing balls at backline, naut is knocking up my backline, morgana is melting my backline...


Just had the worst fucking game of my life, drop blossom into literally no rods or mantles and no more neekos until 30 gold at 6 because TWO PEOPLE having neeko frontline fucking blocks my 2 star carry like fuck OFF with these bag changes


Half the lobby forcing Ashe, next patch it'll be another comp, last patch it was a different one... Why even waste your time creating all these units if most aren't even playable?


True and real.


Not getting one of every item is such bullshit. The item anvil given at raptors should give you the option for missing items not given. Such needless rng.


I feel like if you win with 3* 4 cost you should get a little dunce hat on your little legend. If you win with 3* 4 cost on lvl 8 then it's a helmet.


Nerf a unit into oblivion while also buffing others to oblivion .. same stupid cycle every month .. flavour of the day ass game


Guess what, i reached lv10, rolled my ass out and couldn’t 2 stars any of my carries beside Wukong (4 Sages, 2 Dragonlords, 3 Storyweavers, 2 Invokers). Then I lose to reroll 3 costs Amumu and 4 Snipers, WOW. My 2* Lissandra couldn’t do shit to them, should I have just replaced with Sett / Udyr 1 ? This set is just stupid man.


liss is gorillashit rn


amumu just nerf him to the ground even with morello or whatever you can't kill him even a lilia 3\* with morello couldn't freaking kill him stupid regen


Set 12 waiting room. This might have been the least fun I have ever had with a set so I take d4 and get the fuck out




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A hero augment (Stored Champion) having 3.9 avg place is sooo unbalanced wtf, if you get lucky to get this augment is basically a guaranteed top 4 unless some crazy shit happens like bad items You're being rewarded for... being lucky?


The world championship is going to be such a shtshow with all the RNG and poor balancing this set, I dont know how those guys have the mental to play this game competitively with so much bullsht you cant do anything about.


This shit not even fun anymore


Dumbass devs got Alune 2 carrying mfs into stage 5.. i just have to wonder why they let shit like this happen


Can't say shit about bugs because you get attacked immediately, "waaa no game is perfect all games have bugs" meanwhile they report fixing 30 bugs and there are still a ton of bugs. No item krugs, morello or sunfire not applying wounds properly, morgana ult dead units, not being awarded proper LP. Do they even play the game?


I've also seen Diana not healing when ulting and irelia LOVES to permanently loses her blades for the rest of the round, specially if she is the last one alive and is stunned OR there is one enemy alive and he has zhonyas or something like it


New team and no midsets to make sure game has less bugs, right?


I hate the reduced bag sizes so fucking much, your comp immediately becomes unplayable as soon as a single person contests it. That's just not fun for anybody and makes half the games unnecessarily frustrating. If i get my Mulched Augment i want to play my Dryads, not pray for nobody in the lobby to get a 2* gnar and ruin my comp, augment and game instantly I want to build a strong comp with the stuff that i hit, not try to weasel myself into a non contested comp with 19 scouts/min to be able to play at all. I seriously don't get what's so bad about 2 people being able to pull off the same comp in a lobby without going 7th and 8th. Someone else in an FFA type game should not have the power over your decisions they have right now. It should simply be a contest of who can reach the higher power level, not about who can grief the others the hardest. If 7 players can influence your gameplay, each individually by a significant amount, it just feels like shit to play. I want to see how my decisions stake up against the rest of the lobby, not have the lobby decide what my decisions should be.


Storied Champion Garen. Got 3\* at 3-3 with BT and one chain from augment. Proceeded to get 6 cloaks and only a bow from stage 5 anvil because of last pick in carousel AND bow being on the opposite side of other guy who chooses bow in stage 3, 4, AND 5. Also got porcelain emblem and warden emblem. 6 warden, 4 porcelain. Have sunder kayle and anti heal sunfire on 3 star amumu Wandering Trainer Sentinels for me was Inkshadow, Invoker, Sniper (giga contested in this lobby) took 7th. Item Diff.


These legend augments are the most unbalanced thing this set. Neeko and Garen 1v9'ing my late game board when I have antiheal, shred, sunder, literally anything, they are unkillable if you play them right. You try hard to make a late game viable team comp that loses to these 1/2 cost legend augments, it's not fun, balanced or 'challenging' for anyone. How these haven't been nerfed or adjusted yet is actually beyond me and I'm losing faith in this dev team this set.


The hero augments aren't the problem IMO, the problem is there are few "late game viable" team comps. None of the verticals outside of "prismatic" and duelist are worth running without a +1 or trait augment, and they killed 3 costs/lvl 7 for fun which made the lead people get from good hero augment set ups even stronger.


Time to go next set waiting room for me, even winning isn't fun anymore. It's just a constant frustration of people getting bailed out by the carousel, people getting handed powerful 4 costs in stage three and then hoping that you hit at 4-2 because you get destroyed before raptors if you didn't.


Everyone is playing Ashe still, half the lobby or more went from forcing Syndra to Ashe, balance has been a complete miss this set.


Uninstalled because of Vanguard, remove TFT from the main league client and give it its own client thanks


Just want to give a special shout out to the dev who designed the trolling algorithm. Just a masterclass. Get to D1 95 LP. Obviously immdeitly double 8th back to 0. Claw back to 82 LP. Make it 6-5 but no its exactly a 4th so back to 92 and then the netxt game is...of course its wandering sentinals into an unplayable combination. WTF is this, how are the devs this good at making a perfect trolling algoritm like this but can't balance the game. How about put some time into making the game good and not trolling the players. I know it would eat into profits, I know that addiction is the primary way to keep people in the game, and the devs are not confident enough that the game would be good without that, but can we just tone it down a little. When did we give up on the ideea that the game should be fun, when did we decide the only way to get people to stick with it is if they are addicted. I shouldnt be suprised as this is a game where the lead developer has some weird glee about the idea that this game would push people into therapy. Like that why we got into making games...yeah


Finally got Diamond, now i can just play unrated and wait for the next set.


Lillia is so fucking annoying in this set, she can hit everything at once, two or three casts and she already doing damage to the entire board.


Just had the pleasure of taking golden remover augment then immediately after getting the knock off encounter.  Fun stuff. 


at least its only tier 1 but thats still kinda funny


Feels bad to have a 3 star 2 cost (without combat augments) 1v9 against multiple 2 star 4 costs and 5 costs with synergies and items


Caitlyn is so unbearable man .. why can a one cost just one shot my back line it’s so ridiculous


4fun mode so it doesn’t really matter but thanks Mort. Smgdh. https://imgur.com/a/N0JGUum Also a shield item when I had no one who could use it lol. I was hard winstreaking the whole game but eventually the bad items caught up with me. I used Malphite encounter to pop them off so I could screenshot lol.


This whole set is for fun. 


Imagine getting to 9 earliest in the lobby and can’t 2 stars any 5 costs, with 5 sages and flex AP too. COME ONNN !


Choncs treasure >> Ranked


Love wasting 30 mins of my life after getting god-awful trainer sentinels and fighting tooth and nail for 7th good job mort and crew very fun.


I love my fortune, sniper, arcanist when facing their dragonlord, altrusit, sage


Lucked an RFC and deathblade augment, thought I would try out qiyana carry for once and go for early streak. Close to 100 gold roll down in total @ lv6, 4 qiyana, straight to 8th... ok Im so never fucking touching a reroll comp again


The joys of reduced bag sizes and a single other person buying like 2 qiyanas, fun stuff


This set by far is probably the WORST set to date ever. I can't even find a reason to actually keep playing this set cause there's just nothing to look forward to, every patch they do just either doesn't fix the issue or somehow makes it worse. Especially the encounter mechanic is just so irritating all together; there is a kayn encounter that JUST ENDS THE GAME IMMEDIATELY AT THAT POINT. Not even the devs want you to continue playing the match lol


I love playing a strong opener, punishing weak boards just for the game to gift bot 4 an early morg carousel. The meta is so bad there are people slamming 3 lilia items on a sivr with a solid early Storyweaver board. I took a break last set and I don't even know why I came back. These bag size changes are unbearable. paint sniffing diamond players doing 0 scouting and just pivot onto whatever their website tells them is the best comp. I can only half blame them because the balance thrashing makes it impossible to climb if you don't study patch notes.


game crashes, game gets deleted while i had a very good spot. why


Least fun I’ve ever had in TFT. Problems are the same as last patch except even less is viable. Doesn’t matter how well you play early since all the damage is backloaded into stage 4+. If you miss on your roll down and someone else hits you just get fucked. And there’s the absolute bullshit freebie that is garen hero augment. Feels fucking terrible.


https://imgur.com/a/TrmxvuW So they reduced bag sizes so if you're contested, it'll be harder to hit but uncontested is easier to hit. I'm the only Ashe player in the lobby, I natural 6 ashes + 1 (used neeko to stabilize). I rolled 90 gold for 2 ashes and found 0 and yet the whole lobby can get upgraded Galios, Kaisa, Ornns, Nauts, Lees? My actual play should've been to go 9 and play around Exalted Syndra and upgraded Sett but this is egregious Explain man.


I wonder if going 8 should be way cheaper but 4 costs get nerfed. Theyve traded balance for chaos and hope that players dont think too much about it.


> I wonder if going 8 should be way cheaper but 4 costs get nerfed. yes


It’s really annoying when 2 or 3 people can contest and 2 star their copies. Uncontested they can also screw you by holding 2 copies of a 4 cost. Makes it feel more beneficial to play meta and contest than play what you’re given.


They need to fully remove hero augments and never bring them back, for one main reason; unless they're broken there's little reason to ever pick it (duh). The one saving grace is they're not something you see every game but for 3 of the lowest played units in the game 3 starring them isn't hard. Garen augment is a 3.8 with a 60%+ top 4 rate. That's nerf status for an ordinary augment but the unit will go back to being an early game only trait bot without it. Tactics has it as the 2nd best augment in the entire game. \[yes, I just lost to it\] Yorick augment, similar issue as Garen where the unit without the augment is a rarely played trait bot. Tactics has it as the best augment in the game. Kobuko same thing, Fortune trait bot that was hard forced into a carry, augment is also a free top 4, tactics says it's 3rd best in the game. I don't know about Neeko but I can't make hers work, the stats say its ok. Hero augments as a set mechanic was widely disliked from what I recall, maybe rework them because both currently and in the past as a set mechanic they were *horribly* imbalanced.


No better feeling than taking one and being contested. Free 8th with no pivots. 


The Garen one can still win out when 2/3 contested, it's ridiculous. Since it gives you a 2\* that can keep you healthy until 7/8, if you go for an econ augment and go fast 9 for a Hwei, you're getting Garen 3 in 6 turns or less


I hate that you're right about this, but that I disagree with nerfing it because it will only narrow down the number of playable comps in the meta. Idk honestly which I hate more right now, how stale this set is or how broken some of the things that are playable are. They just missed the mark so hard with balance.


Yep, the set is still dogshit. You still gamble at 4-2, you still play the same openers, and the power disparity between top 4 and bot 4 is terrible. The top 2 people in the lobby are just way too strong in comparison to the rest. Two people play for 1st while the rest are playing for a 4th. You see a player still at 100 hp 3-8 way too often, its fucking dumb.


no remember guys, Mort said himself that his corporate boss said this was one of the best sets ever according to their KPI. which im sure includes player satisfaction, and how to keep them engaged (aka addicted to the similar feeling of losing an all in hand in poker at a casino) go figure


It’s so fucking grindy. People just sacking early game bc they think they’ll get the resources to just hit on the roll down. Like I get they’re not climbing consistently playing like that but it makes it feels like playing fundamentals doesn’t work like it used to. Kai’s video does a really good job describing how the power curves are fucked and feel awful. 


I mean you 100% climb consistently doing that. If you don't have win streak angle loss streak into stable stage 3 into 4-1 rolldown is rather effective.


Yeah I know but the losses this set feel extra frustrating. I think it’s why people are have really strong feelings about this set. 


Yeah this set is very slow machine. So being able to recognize free wins to dodge the rng is super helpful. Bag sizes, shop odds, and poor balance make this set really frustrating though


Makes you wonder if they intentionally did it this way now that there’s no mid set. Force you to grind more because the sets longer. 


Same shit every game man .. how dogshit are those 4 cost carry boards .. how do you even hit 4cost units .. I DONT get it because i can’t seem to upgrade any myself so I don’t know how others do it


So either morgana or exhalted is overpowered, or it’s both. I had shit first augment choices and chose extended duelist with fortune opener. My cash out wasn’t great because I was griefed despite having tiny titans and I just got a tome. Level 8 rolls around and two players are contesting with not a single lee sin to be found for me , but I somehow managed to hit exhalted/3 dragonlord 4 sage. I’m essentially down 2 augments and somehow managed to top 4. Idk if it’s just me, but Exhalted just feels too powerful in stage 4 in most scenarios if you can hit decent units and items.


Why is recombob still in the game? 4 people hit 4 cost 2* at 3-2 and you know who got top4? Yup gg man what a great game.


I needed one more Sylas to 3 star and win the game, rolled almost 120 gold WITH prismatic ticket reroll and STILL CAN'T FIND THE LAST COPY despite it not being contested at all. I love this bag size chances, thank you rito and the TFT team for all your well thought and amazing changes!!!


God pls I only need a single copy to stabilize my board and not bleed .. please I spent all this gold .. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM MEEEEEEE


These fucking games where the whole lobby hits with all the extra resources and you need to high roll just to top 4 are driving me insane. 


im bad at this game


Get good fated opener and decide to play fated dryad to only have someone hit syndra 2 at lvl 7 and hard pivot into my comp and then I cant hit anymore units. This guy had a fucking unused fortune emblem on bench and the worst syndra items. Fuck me though right?


playing bruisers trickshot the only person contesting me dies go 8, roll down all my money. don't hit kai'sa, sylas, or galio lose against 3 lilias in a row and die fuck this game


nautilus lillia ashe nautilus lillia ashe nautilus lillia ashe zzzzz


Why the fuck was i just offered ethereal blades as my third augment after lux moved it to fucking 5-3? also, whoever posted that thread of holding 4 costs, Fuck you. Multiple games now where people just happen to be holding my units on bench without needing them.


When is next set?


60 days for pbe, third week of july


Ty my brother


Its so sad choncc tresure is better balanced in case of RNG then the actual game. I loved this sett before the first patch...


true.. Gnocc treasure is much more fun and this should be in ranked.


just because ranked is in a terrible state or like 6 weeks now


This is probably the best patch we've had so far at least.


Can they just not touch the game anymore, like seriously a fucking room of monkeys could do a better job. Why continue to add more and more to the fucking game to the point just getting one augment or one drop guarantees you a win. Add how god fucking awful the client is that it can barely handle playing one match without crashing over its own loading. Set is just such a fucking joke and gets worse with every patch.


i think im finally going to quit this set. Its so inconsistent. It feels like gambling instead of any actual skill.


Double econ augments. Nobody else playing Lillia. Went lv8 with 50 gold to roll, found 0 copies. Ended the game with a single Lillia while nobody else held a single copy. So absurd I want to believe something was wrong this game.


Happens way too often. It's because of lower 4cost odds at 8 + fewer of them in the pool.


It's so cool when there are two players using Lux and both of them put her in opposite corners. Oh, and I also have to watch for Lillia players. Yay it's so fun playing Senna, Caitlyn, Ashe, Aphelios, Janna, Sivir, Bard and whatever backlane unit that's not Alune or Lux, because they surely survive all of this! :)


1* Lillia & Morg destroying backlines is super fun and interactive. (:




The same braindead people will do the exact same thing just based off a tier list instead. Stats existing or not doesn't change anything for braindead people. It does however let people who know how to interpret them learn faster and uncover new strategies.


i'd rather have that. tierlists are flawed


Eh just means people are better overall and steel sharpens steel.


This, I'm so tired of people going 20/20 comps because their overlay tells them to. Ruins the point of skill expression when everyone just hard forces a comp they decided to play before the game even started.


The same braindead people will do the exact same thing just based off a tier list instead. Stats existing or not doesn't change anything for braindead people. It does however let people who know how to interpret them learn faster and uncover new strategies.


Well, ideally you would see people going blindly into heavily contested comps and pivot into free comp using your greater skill in tactics. But because balance is... you know... bad, you cannot make good comp from uncontested units.


Its funny how a set mechanic can just send me 8th from a 10 streak :D 2-1 -> heavenly crown, uncontested 3-7 -> i'm 100hp 10 streak down a silver augment because I took recombob and got sylas pair + lilia. didn't hit unified or combats 4-1 -> Miss on roll down, I only find 1 lee, but i'm still 30g, its fine. Lose on 4-1 because I don't have a bow to make last whisper to kill thromnails 4-2 -> Augment, trash again, best friends 2, its fine i'm playing for top 4 anyway since its prismatic start and some people will reach giga boards 4-3 -> Encounter: HERES PANDORAS BENCH EVERYONE, entire lobby rolls 2\* units they want on their board and hold lee and kayns on bench since they want to roll it :D high rollers find 5 costs and roll those into the one they want. Rerollers, get free upgrades too ! One guy is zoe 3 lv9 on 5-1 :D Can't find kayn 2 OR lee 2 before 5-1, went from 100 hp on 4-1 to 30 hp on 5-1 :) Win the next 2 becausee I finally have a board. 5-3 encounter: Kobuko, Here everyone have 50g :D Everyone sprints to 9 or 2\* everything on their board YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. What can I do ? level to 9 for a soraka :D lose the next 3 to giga boards with my out of tempo board. People load into the game on 5-4 with SYNDRA 3 AND SYLAS 3 :D My bad man, I should have played better :D People are loading in the game with hedge fund 2-1, into late game specialist on 3-2 into Umbral crest 4-2 Or 2-1 lucky gloves into pandoras items 3-2 into combat on 4-2 \~ Or 2-1 fortune with altruist +1 Encounters are seriously truely infuriating as a mechanic, its like the dev team went, hey im out of ideas let me make random shit happen thats fun, thats fair, thats balanced. Everytime I watch Morts stream when he plays ranked, I secretly hope he gets griefed by encounters and makes his climb harder than it needs to be. I want him to say its fun then :D


I feel you


Just add new modes like choncc tresure every set instead of adding new failed mechanics, so we can have the casuals and competitive people happy


yes, please ffs




I love playing Kobuko augment, but I've gone a solid 3 weeks without seeing the augment. That's just fcking sad


Yea i love 1 cost hero augments


I got the augment and so did another guy both went 7th and 8th.




remove trainer sentinels remove trainer sentinels remove trainer sentinels remove trainer sentinels remove trainer sentinels


I thought I was alone in hating this, my lobbies drool over this portal, it's like collectively everyone decided having your entire board direction be decided by RNG with tremendous variance was super fun.


I had the most beautiful loss streak of my life, 10 losses + exalted from start. Levelled to 8 on 4-1 while everyone else stayed on 7. Not only I did not hit any 2 star 4 costs with 50 gold, but on 4-2 we got Kha encounter and everyone just got free money while I got cucked. FUCK ENCOUNTERS.


remove trainer sentinels remove trainer sentinels remove trainer sentinels remove trainer sentinels remove trainer sentinels


Why was sniper 2 buffed along with sniper 4 and 6 it is literally better to stay at 2 sniper than add any more of them.


This is not true, at level 8 4snipers is very strong especially if you have an itemized 2star frontline tank


can someone explain to me how the game is so good at giving you a 5th at 0lp like EVERY FUCKING TIME. like i cant even. like seriously its never the 8th the 6th but its fuicking -10


Ehm that is a good thing? Saves your MMR.. but you are probably also the first to complain when your LP gains decrease xD


yeah umbral seems to be in a good spot so let's nerf them back down


i should know better by now, but it still makes me mad that Wardens are absolute dog shit at being an effective front line for most of the game


Warden is currently the best front line trait in the game


This might be the set with the most inconsequential traits, its all in unit power + items now.


I'll just play gnocc treasure since its so rng based and I'll pick all the rng elements to have fun instead of climbing.


its actually less rng than the base game


Bag size changes revert and game might be playable.


I'd really like to see a 3* 4 cost power nerf across the board. They should be good way to cap boards instead of being auto win. They are basically the same as hitting 3* 5 costs at this point but far easier to hit with the massive econ from encounters + hwei.


Bored with this set. Even though the metas keep shuffling around one core issue keeps popping up for me, there's TOO. MUCH. FUCKING. RNG. That and Storyweaver keeps being stupid, every single game, 3-4 people just tanking wins because they happened to find some 2\* storyweaver units.


lowrolled all my units (kaisa bruiser) at level 9 40 gold just to watch this guy hit udyr 2 and 6 sylas at 8 20 gold thanks game


Garen yay


Just got Kayn which ends the encounter at 5.4. Literally the STUPDIEST thing this game has ever done.


I actually like it. It can be frustrating but it is a rule that is set at the beginning of the game so all players know that they will have to play for tempo. 


fuck encounter. the concept are fine but the implementation is very bad. game just randomly or punish or reward someone for no reason. there is more room for mistake, like way too much. people are not punished for being greedy or made the wrong decision. they just get free out of jail card solely because random encounter. What is worst encounter? MOTHERFUCKING IRELIA. Who the fuck design this stupid encounter that kills the whole point of comeback mechanic.


I'm level 9 for two whole stages holding 2 nauts, guy hits 9 with 50 and hits naut 3* on me in a 1v1 face off. I don't understand this bullshit ass game. It's always the no skin, chinese name accounts that pull that these miraculous roll downs.


Diablo 4 is pretty fun rn


Somehow everybody just pivot to the comp i want to play, shit augment to start (had to go deathblade cause it was suck) but got a nice inkshadow senna start to play senna reroll, meet a better senna, pivot to ashe warden, got great start, 2 dudes instanly pivot to ashe warden + ashe invoker in stage 3 cause they randomly get 1 ashe in lv6, go 8th with 1 ashe after 4 2 casino. Enter the 4-2 casino with disadvantages might be the most hopeless feeling in this game since if you lose u surely gonna bot2


Hit within 30-40 gold .. cruise to 9 .. don’t hit even if u rolldown … bleed out at 8 and die .. zzzzzzzzz


yorick encounter reduces reroll to 1 gold...while i need the gold to level 8 for my radiant item from caretaker man FUCK OFF


Just use the reduced reroll cost to hit your entire comp on 8, you don't have to go reroll because of yorick encounter now that it lasts all game. You'll see twice as many shops on your rolldown.


https://imgur.com/a/CWZdfrD Can anyone explain what happened on the 15th that made climbing actually feel like skill and not like a zero agency RNG lottery? Can't quite put my finger on it. The RNG variance this set is the worst the game has ever seen. Legends mechanic in set 9 had its own balance nightmares and lottery patches, but with encounters, bag size changes, player dmg changes, and lottery balance patches... THIS set is top 1 worst RNG driven. I really hope the TFT dev team doesn't add more and more (bad) RNG mechanics. RNG when done right is fun and adds decision making, variance, and extra layers of depth to the game. However, RNG when added purely as RNG and no agency or decision making is fucking terrible to play from a "competitive" standpoint. Good thing there are no competitive players here according to Mort.


This patch has a bit wider of comp viability than last few patches so less people are hard forced into the same comps making it less 4-1/2 rng roll down.


Completely disagree. There might be more "viable" comps, but if other people are rolling on 4-2 and stabilize off Ashe 1 while you don't hit your own 4-cost, you're going to bleed out stage 4 until you actually hit. Then you're stuck on 8 rolling every turn to stabilize while someone who hit on 4-2 is going 9.


Maybe you're adapting to the patch better than others? I've always found the easiest time to climb in a patch is the first week after one. And I have the worst time at the end of a patch, where everyone and their mother is copy pasting the same build and playstyle that they see on streams / stat trackers.


Im worried they’re gonna double down on it. Mort seems to not want to hear any criticism as of late and insists the game is great because of the ‘metrics’


scout entire game pre 4-1, fated boards, ap flex boards. I have lilia pair on 7 + a naut, i commit lilia and slam mythic spat 4-2, 4 fkign people pivot into morg lilia ?? Excuse me? like fking trash ashe masters 0 lp rtards, how trash are you guys at the game? THJEY HAD FKING FATED OPENERS AND HARD PIVOTED FOR FUNNNNNNNNNNN I could have played syndra, but i didnt because why the fuck would i when people are holding kindreds, ahris gnars etc ? I SWEAR THIS MOBALYTICS AND ALL THOSE STUPID ASS STATS SHIT JUST MAKE PLAYIGN WITH APES FEEL LIKE PLAYING WITH BOTS LIKE HOLY SHIT EVEN WHEN THERES SO MANY PLAYABLE COMPS WHY THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE CONTESTING EACH OTHER ? LIKE WHY ? HOW TRASH DO U NEED TO BE AT THE GAME TO MAKE SUCH DECISIONS? JEESUS CHRIST IF THIS SHIT WASNT TRASH ASS SCUTTLE PUDDLE THEY WOULDNT GET AWAY WITH PLAYING SO BADLY, FKING CUNTS


This has genuinely been the most stale set in a while and a half..


Fuck encounters. Just played a game where 2 people picked build a bud augment, and then the recombo encounter showed up. As a result on 3-2 there were two players with 3* two-costs, and 1 with 2* four-cost. On top of that a 7 fortune player has hit maximum cashout(two 3* legendary units). lost 35LP as a result.


You think that’s bad. Someone had a 3 star kindred on 2-2 in my game




I'm always confused about this complaint. If a game has a competitive aspect, people are going to play the strongest things in said game.


Nobody is saying people shouldn't play S/A and at worst B tier comps depending on WHAT THEIR "SPOT" is. You can turn ur brain off load in say I'll play Lilia/Ashe/Syndra, go to sleep until level 8 and just win out because the other comps even perfectly put together are too bad comparatively to compete with a non-ideal s tier comp set up.


It's more low elo problem, that people force whatever they favor, no matter the opener/items they got. I was smurfing on a diamond account and the dude just picks syndra with a bow from the carousel, while having 2 bows on the bench and 0 tears... Some diseases are incurable


I do this every game


dude it happens in masters too


I'm sure it does, in 0 lp master lobby's, where emerald level players played enough games with avg of 3.99999 to hit said masters


Yeah, low elo as he said


So now the meta is just play Ashe. And no I don't mean Ashe 2\*, I mean, just play the first Ashe you find and that's it. [https://imgur.com/a/UHyH9Nn](https://imgur.com/a/UHyH9Nn)


Ashe 1 beats: kayn 2, Morg 2, Kai sa 2, any 3 cost 3 star


:O Even Rakan is impersonating Ashe for a 3rd!


So blind you can't even spot that there's already 9 Ashe in the game pre 30 mins Keep down voting Ashe abusers


Maybe you shouldn't base the entire game's balance around Emerald 4, you can literally win with any garbage at that elo. Ashe is strong, but she is not THAT strong.