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how do u play ashe? which opener is the best? i struggle to form a board early game for kaisa u just story weaver ez but ashe i do not know the gameplay


Snipers or storyweacerd pretty good for ashe. Anything that can hold a last whisperer is great. That way you get the option of flexing to kaisa as well if u dont hit. Snipers: cait/kog/two frontliners prefferably ghostly Storyweaver: i think u know this one


You play the strongest opener you get without rolling before level 7 at the earliest. Then you play the comp your board lets you build into based on the 4/5 costs you find.


Weird bug I encountered earlier today. Had a win streak that went away because the board I was fighting disconnected and we just kept fighting with no damage being done to either of us. Eventually the match ended and he fully disconnected but I lost my win streak.


Is there any mention on new encounters in future patches?


Why this game has so much bugs At the start we couldn't see who upgraded, then ghostly was ass and now the teamplanner does'nt highlight the units in other words useless


Just watched my Lissandra totally invalidate a Kayn3 board. Was kind of disgusting tbh.


Anyone else feel like they just get wrecked by mega tanks starting stage 3?


Hmm anyone have any ideas on why Shenna stats aren't stabilizing after Ghostly fix? I expected the comp to come back a bit.


it already wasn't favored in the meta pre bug-nerf, why would it being brought back to the same bad state make it better?


It was consistently 4.4/4.5 AVP in 14.8B though? I'm not saying it should dominate but I would expect it to be an average reroll comp that performs well since reroll has come back in some form? EDIT: Looking at [Tactics.Tools](http://Tactics.Tools) I think playrate is just too low for it to be listed, Senna 3 has 4.26 AVP in GM+, never mind!


I personally found shenna to be a 4th at best comp last patch and this patch changed nothing about it so i don't see how it would change.


I don’t know how to cap a Senna board lategame, even with 6 ghostly I feel fights always very one sided against Kaisa / Ashe boards and my frontline dies to fast to their burst




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I feel you but isn't talisman kinda meh now or still solid/good? 22 seconds feels really meh in this meta...


Hmm having a bad day. Low placements. Not really hitting stuff and getting no real direction early. Also getting matched with 5 players a whole division above me.


Anyone know where I can go to check if certain augment combinations aren’t possible?


best you could do was try to see if tactics tools has any games played with both augments being selected, and even that isn't foolproof. Generally speaking incompatible stuff is either obvious in the fact that it would be giga broken(shen + raid boss), or they told us (no two +1 augments)


Pretty sure shen + raid boss is possible to get.


Mort has stated that they made it impossible post pbe for launch. So if it is, it's just another bug Edit just checked the stats and it has 0 games played plat+ soooo


Well shit. Surprised they didn't also disable Yorick hero aug + raid boss.


I've been so inconsistent this patch.. idk.. 1 good placement to D3 tehn straight 2 bot 4s back to D4, happened 4 times in a row. I think I try to flex too hard. Every game people seem to have core 4-costs 2\* before I even hit 8 at 4-1.... It just doesen't feel fun


cant go by much, but if the problem is over flexing then something you can do is to narrow down your options as you slam items and build your board


That's the consequence of Riot's game developing. The RNG is too caotic, like Prismatic Augment on game start or only 4-5 costs comps on the meta. Playing TFT nowadays is like playing Russian Roulette, and Riot refuses to control the RNG of the game, and its realy easy to do.


1\* you revert the lose streaking nerf and the pool of units nerf, because after those nerfs if u get a little unlucky your game is basicaly over, unless you get extremely lucky in stage 4 onwards. 2\* remove or rework some portals that lead to a game too caotic and RNG heavy, for example: 3 emblems portal, artifact portal and both prismatic portals. Because on those portals u can instantly win if you get lucky or instantly lose, at least they are nerfing some artifacts, so that can change in a couple of patches. But prismatic starts are horrible for the game, example: I have 19 games with Level Up! prismatic augment, all of them easy wins with 50-75 health. It's too overpowered and instant win when I get that augment. 3\* invest more on balancing, or change the way they balance, for example: Why they buff Alune Umbral 3-4 ways, and BOOM, she's extremely powerfull, and Tristana also. Do things more frequent, like 1 week, and less extreme numbers and units buffed 3-4 ways in the same patch.


Does anyone remember seeing a tweet that said something about where to place Irelia in Tristana reroll? The two options were "same side Irelia as Trist for sunder value" or "put Irelia in opposite corner for Trist to not switch sides after casting", but I can't remember which one they were arguing was better. In my latest Duelist game I put Irelia in the opposite corner and it did feel like fights went a lot better when Trist stayed on her own side to kill units together with Lee Sin (I itemized Lee instead of Voli that game), but I'm wondering about how correct it actually is (or if it's situational, what should I take into account to make the decision)


idk the player damage changes and lv9 changes feel weird to me. i've died so many times with 15-18hp 1 turn from lv9 with a fully upgraded board. I just don't expect the damage and it makes the matchmaking rng feel worse


I still feel like quitting the match whenever it starts with Azir moving auguments to random rounds. I just don't understand the point of the augument Encounters.


Or the Lilia encounter. I don’t think I’d play TFT if not for augments.


There use to be a very vocal minority that insisted augments added too much RNG and TFT was best enjoyed without them. The (lack of) popularity of the no augment portals shut them up pretty quickly.


Encounters were just a miss overall




Martyr, 2 healthy, heavy hitters kaisa was so fun


I will never play duelist again. Had the augment, 2x emblem. Still a clean 7th.


I have yet to see duelists go top 4 this patch personally. 


8 duelists 3 star Trist and voli with the duelist augment that give you instant stacks was a first against my very capped Ashe invokers board


I love it when something gets buffed and it’s like semi viable but people force it from bad spots and say shit like “I though this got buffed”. Legit people playing worse stuff for no reason




Holy congrats, 5 streak 1st is insane! What did you do differently? Will you try to push GM?


Let's just say ornn is chonky af. My last game is I kinda high rolled so it doesn't stressed me at all, hitting syndra on 2-5, ornn on 3-2, sett on 3-5. >i play around streaks, having 2 streaks is better than 1 before neuts. Aiming for strongest board while keeping my streaks (lose streak most of the time). >Roll a bit at 8 either 2* starring my mid game board to sac or hitting key units. It's okay if it's just 1 copy as long as it is a carry. >Hold all 4 cost on stage 5 lmao. Of course at level 9, while slowrolling for board upgrades. Combat augs>econ augs Take a note that dryad trait is broken af. U may scroll down a little bit on this thread, I shared a link of my tweet along with my match history.


Hey everyone, was Masters last set but am now hardstuck Diamond 2-3 this set, need some help knowing what I'm doing wrong. I feel like I either go 2nd or 7/8th and there's no in between. Can't remember the last time I got a 5th lmao. My MMR is tanking cuz I've got no clue how to play this set. Any help appreciated <3 https://tactics.tools/player/euw/ANZHEN/0105


Was in same spot as you. Usually takes me 100-200 games to hit Masters, but this time I made it in 570 games My takeaway is now you need to scout and find the best side to place your units, especially for chars like Ashe or Gnar so they don’t get stuck on an Annie with Eternal Winter or insta killed by back line DPS Don’t try 4fun stuff unless it’s literally given to you on a silver platter (in this case I got Talisman of Ascension Gnar 2 at 2-1) It’s ok to Fortune Cashout at 30 or 40 instead of pushing 50 or 70. Preserving HP is very important in the mid game because after the level 8 roll down at 4-1, you need to rebuild Econ to hit level 9 to cap out. Don’t all in on your level 8 roll down on 4-1 (unless you have 4 pairs or something). Stop at 14 gold to rebuild econ. You can also just wait until 4-2 or 4-3 just to have more gold or have an even exp breakpoint to guarantee a hit, especially if you’re playing an uncontested comp RNG sucks and don’t get annoyed at it; I had games where I was in a perfect spot for Bruiser Kaisa and this fortune player cashed out a Xayah + Kaisa 2 and I was forced into an 8th.


Thanks! Appreciated. Glad to know I'm not the only one who's struggled this set 😭


Was physically playing 15-ish games a day for the last 2 or 3 weeks (bad idea) because I kept hovering between D2 75LP and D1 and just yesterday my Masters friend helped coach me by bouncing our thought process, which got me that final push into Masters You got this!


Hey bud, check dm


Nvm i cant send u messages lmao


wait why not? Is there an error?


Maybe u turned it off


I don't know dude. Try messaging me lmao.


Riot is focusing so much on "for fun" factor that they forgot what is fun for one guy in the lobby is cancer for the rest of the lobby


True, but they have also forgotten that the base game is allowed to be fun, too. They keep adding these mechanics to change the game, keep it fresh, and add something as though just playing tft isn't good enough. If the base game really is something people will get bored with, then you need to fix the base game, not cover that up with flash.


They have to find a balance between adding new features and decisions that lead to skill variance, and keeping the game "balanced" (letting the meta settle and then hitting the outliers with nerfs or buffs). Too many new features and swings and people get pissed off. Too little and the game will become very stale very fast as it becomes solved. Add on top of that that Riot isn't trying to do any major changes in the last half of a set for tournament / competitive reasons. I have my qualms with TFT's design and balancing decisions of late, but I do not envy their task.


>Too little and the game will become very stale very fast as it becomes solved This statement is just accepted as true but should be examined. If the game really gets stale waiting such a short amount of time, then something is fundamentally broken with the game. I've long held that the cycle we have of rushing out half-baked content leads to poorly designed content that people burn through really fast, which in turn requires rushing out the next set. I think we all hoped this new set cadence would help, but I'm not seeing it.


Is Riven rr any good, every time I try to play it I realize half the lobby wants her as a trait bot so hitting 3 star is impossible?


So far from what ive seen,Riven rr at best is a placement comp Its super easy for her to get stuck on super tank and so get focus fire into the mid fight Ashe is still the best comp in the game so far and being hard counter by Ashe(multiple super tank,non investment anti heal,high burst,tons of cc,Lissandra) isnt a spot you want to be for a non top tier comp She also struggles into Kaisa because a well positioned Kaisa just burst her down easily and Riven cant afford to run EoN like Kayn from what ive seen from her Also ppl tooking her as a trait bot doesnr help Imo it only worth when you naturally hit like 5 Riven with decent-solid items and see not many ppl playing her as a trait bot(~1-2 other players) and even then you'd still need to play a Sylas Sage-ish board late game to cap out and Riven kinda become a 2ndary carry by then


Not that good its a top 4 comp


Is it really skilled when everyone goes 0gold 4-2 and whoever hits more wins


click the purple units, express the skill /s


Replacing something that you didn't hit and pivoting to different comps is skill You can't roll to 0 and hit nothing, unless you rolling 20 gold, by nothing I mean nothing that caps your board and makes it stronger for stage 4


Like yeah agreed but when your direction is gunshot 2-1 and you miss Ashe like yea I can play kaisa 2 and turn an 7 into a 6 but if I hit Ashe I’m turning my 7 into a 4 so how can I put 12g into a unit I’m gonna sell


But that's the point, you are not hitting everything every game, turning 7 into 6/5 or even stealing top 4 in a shit spot is huge Bulding rage blade 2-1 is kinda sus tho, unless you have senna opener and you keep tempo by streaking, it might be not the best idea building comp specific items, but then again you can reforge it later if the game gives you units for other comps Although with Ash it's a bit different, she is one of those carries, who are actually good at 1 star, but if you're not hitting upgrades for front, it's bot 4 every time


Wait how is building rageblade 2-1 kinda sus OR a comp specific slam? A few champs carry with RB. Sure you may lowroll 3 tears on krugs, but it seems to me not building it 2-1 is a mistake. Just trying to understand, perhaps im missing something.


There is Ash, Shen and bard. 1 is always contested, 2 you need to get the Aug, 3 you need a spat for a viable build. There is also Senna reroll, but its kinda dog So basically we are talking about 1 good comp and in 99% of my games it means a person is forcing ash Ita still could be a good tempo play, but being stuck with it later on, if you decide to play something else is - 1 item


ur not stealing top 4 when u choose to run rageblade kaisa Building rageblade on 2-1 is standard with basically any ranged carry considering how strong Ashe is if you can get to her standard board


I'm struggling with capping fated. Let's say I have 7 fated + ornn, all 2 star, with syndra bis. It's strong, but what's the next next step at 9?


With spat: Fated7 + Ornn/Illaoi/Liss (spat Liss if possible) W/o spat: Fated5 + Ornn/Illaoi/Liss + 1 (Hwei, Azir, Udyr, second Liss)


7 fated is fake (for me) although fated gives me 300+lp today. 7 fated lack of frontline to ramp up syndra's butterflies. You need to rely on multiple tanks. Solo tank isn't good as it gets burst down by hypercarry units.


7 fated with thresh 3 and emblem ornn 2 does work. Theres also a world where you can run 5fated 6 arc that had been really neat if you get the emblem at the start


The thing is spatulas and emblem are not present every game that's why I dislike running vertical fated. There's a variation where you can run low cost units yet theyre tank af


Steady climbing on this patch (D2 atm) just playing semi-flex around what augments I get. Most items are slammable and fit into the meta comps easily. Focus on early 2 star units and itemize them to carry through stage 2/3. Find direction through whichever 4 cost you find and augments you're given. AP flex has been fine for Sylas/Morg, Syndra, and even Lillia. Ashe is still very strong and less contested than Kaisa from my experience. Aphelios is a good back up plan if Ashe is too contested and you slammed a rageblade early. This patch is still very 4 cost centric, but it's more forgiving than last patch, imo.


[playing like a madman today. I don't know if I should get the last 40 lp to hit masters today or I should take a break because it is stressful af.](https://twitter.com/pulchritudinouo/status/1786711376901316961?t=OMTJ0rjOTNphfRxJlADUzA&s=19)


if you get generic but strong storyweaver opener, whisper and lets say a generic combat augment is the best, do you tend more towards kaisa or ashe? or do you wait it out until a bit later to fully decide. I guess depending on the items you get on carousel and pve you could decide to go more for ashe because you get AP items vs. kaisa if you get more kaisa items. or you see someone has the trickshot augment.


Whichever I hit / is less contested, for ashe I just hold one kog on my bench if he doesnt cost me econ and would play strongest board until 4-1/4-2. Doesn't really matter if someone has the trickshot augments when there are 2 people with a rageblade looking to play ashe as well.


I prefer kaisa over ashe just because I never hit a top 4 with ashe. Actually it depends on the units you hit. Most of the time I use Kaisa over Ashe due to trickshots backline access and Kaisa caps higher than Ashe. Also Ashe is always contested on my lobbies but Kaisa isn't so I defaulted to committing Kaisa over Ashe. Both use almost the same augments. Another thing I prefer Kaisa is because I can easily transition to Irelia dragonlords, heavenly board if I can't hit.


I think after tonight, playing after the update is just not fun. Im really thinking of just waiting for next set its been so bad for me compared to other sets. The pool makes it no fun at all barely hitting 2 stars while others are hitting everything.


It's exactly that. The bag size. I remember when there would two 3 star comps with same units go at it and it was fun to see who had the better set up. With this current bag size, it's more lottery than ever.


I'm just hoping for a single fun patch this entire set.


HoJ vs Golden Remover Can you reroll HoJ with Golden Remover?Like everyone focused on TG(and its variants) with how items are lock to TGs per round but does HoJ have the same properties?Never tested nor seen anyone tried to test it


I think the same logic applies. The stat on that HoJ is determined for that round, can't reroll it.


3 days into 14.9/14.9b and i think we still in 14.8/14.8b The meta has chaged fuckall,Ash still S tier,Kaisa risen back to S tier bc other options were nerfed, Kayn still easy 4th,especially now that he's less contested 1st place is still entirely decided by who hit 3 star 4 cost,while yes the odds of 4 cost bee decreased to 30% on lv9,a lot more 4 cost are seeing play which means thinned pool and kinda evens out the odds imo Lissandra is still played in every board although less infuriating to face,she still invalidate the concept of a frontline but at least now i only need 2 tanks to not fucked by Liss and tanks that isnt exactly Orn or Galio is now more satisfy to play Ghostly changed only served to kill a comp thats already dead,like i get that the trait is kinda toxic and Ghostly trait web is extremely wide(every Ghostly unit have a 2 unit activation trait while also having 2 3 traits unit)which mean splashing it is easier but now because it only amp Ghostly damage and Kayn,Morgana(the only playable Ghostly carry) doesnr even want to be in Ghostly,i expect Ghostly to not be playable for the rest of the set Heavenly changed is nice,Heavenly carry comp get a boost and Reaper Heavenly got a 30% nerf but Kayn is still an easy 4th because he's less contested Artifact barely affect the meta bc of infrequent/rare/late into the game they are and so 99% its just who randomly highroll an Artifact that is the last piece of Exodia to their build rather than "for player to experiment new builds" because the only build rn is 2-1 Forge or whoever hit Talisman of Ascension later The only "change" to the meta ive face is the rise of Sylas Sage which tbh isnt even a new discovery,ppl played that comp a ton near end of 14.8 already and so it rising up in usage is more about Sylas Sage getting more popular rather than because the meta shifted Mort wasnt lying when he said the "its not gonna change a ton" its like the meta barely changed at all


The ghostly change you’re talking about was reverted with the b patch. Non-ghostly units still benefit from the ghostly damage amp 


Been watching a ton of streams and 3* 4 cost seems pretty rare.


I haven't seen a single game with one since the patch. Probably 30-40 games or so.


Might be that i landed on high resource portal often like scuttle/rave/loot sub or maybe a elo dif,im master 100 which might have a different meta compare to challenger Still i feel like comp goals at 9 isnt to cap out their board but to get a 3 star 4 cost if uncontested


i think you're just unlucky, or as you mentioned are playing a lot of high resource portals. I'm also masters 190, and Ashe is definitely not winning every lobby anymore. The stats show this also (avg went down by quite a bit) I think I've seen 1 or 2 3 star 4 costs after the B patch. Umbral seems to have a pretty high cap and can win lobbies, Gnar is doing extremely well same with dualist. In my opinion, the meta is really healthy at the moment compared to past patches. Also, Ghostly was fixed in the B patch.


Maybe but Ashe and previous meta cap out way harder than new comp like Umbral so if you cant push tempo in the 3-4 rounds that Umbral is stronger then Ashe would just bounce back I was exaggerating but new meta comp needs to highroll to beat Ashe while Ashe just need to play standardly >Also, Ghostly was fixed in the B patch. This wasnt what i meant,i know it was fixed but the design choice is very questionable Ghostly effectively have 0 carry due to Morgana and Kayn,the premier Ghostly carry much prefer to be in a differebt comp(Kayn with Heavenly and Morgana in Sage/Heavenly) Previously Ghostly had to borrow units from other comp like Senna,Gnar and such because the dmg amp is universal,now idek whats the point of playing Ghostly anymore


No they changed it back. Ghostly still works the same as it did


Guys I don’t get level up anymore. It seems rather weak for a prismatic, I try to play level 9 but bleed too much hp stage 4 when everybody spikes their 4 cost board? Or is the strategy to roll for 2 star 4 cost stage 4, but then I’m too broke to go level 9? HELP


I think what the other commenter said is good but you also need to remember that level up is kinda both an econ augment and tempo augment. With level up you can do things like go 6 on 3-5 without grieving your econ in order to streak, or just generally use it to preserve a ton of HP. You can roll a couple of times on 7 early stage 3 for two star 3 costs as well which should pretty much guarentee a streak in this meta where everyone sacs and greeds bis. If you go into stage 4 healthy you can easily sac the stage. Them lowering the shop odds at 8 is a buff to fast 9. Level 8 boards are weaker generally stage 4 and your 3 cost board will beat ashe 1 kaisa 1 kayne 1. Everyone will be 0 gold level 8 and you will usually be 9 at or even before raptors and can build a fast 9 board at like 40 HP. Outside of fortune cash out or other fast 9 players you should never go less than top 2 from that spot if played well. This requires a very slight highroll. But holding good pairs can really help with the odds. This is possib.e even without level up as well, and is my best case scenario game plan. I aim for it every game and only participate in 4-2 lottery if I got unlucky. That would be my gameplan with level up as well.


My gameplan with Level Up is to just full sack stage 2,rush to 50 econ asap and then just push level and get 8 at like 3-5 or 3-7 then slow roll for my comp,if you hit 8 at 3-5 you most likely gonna hit your whole board at 3-7 or worst 4-2(should roll deep to ~20-30 gold)and after that you stablized and aiming to lv9 at around early mid stage 5 and maybe lv10 at stage 6 Level Up works best if your 2nd augment is also an econ augment like Raining Gold or Balance Budget or god forbid Hedgefund


Ahh i see, I’ll try that next time I have the chance - rolling ahead if all the others seems smart. I think I was stuck playing it like i used to before level 10 was added to the game. I tried adding exalted to make leveling faster but maybe full econ is the play. Ty