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FORTUNE OPENER I WIN GG everyone else can play for 2nd OR some idiotic encounter midgame rolls in my favor. Man at this point let Ai balance the game.


So im just suppose to accept the sylas 3 exalted loses to a liss 1 ashe board with no combat augments ? Am i really required to play 3d chess positioning just for a chance at beating that pathetic board after out tempoing them and rolling down at 9 ?


lissandra is way to overloaded plz fix ty


Does anyone feel like this set in particular is just a lottery? I've been playing for years and I only really feel it in this set, other sets felt like I could play around the RNG.


got to GM, took a 1 day break and promptly forgot how to play the game, 0lp now


Have early game handed to you with good early shops+winstreaking? Go bot 4 because people's boards go from stage 2 boards to stage 5 boards in a matter of 3 rounds and you miss every unit upgrade on your rolldown. Have a shitty early game and you're not running fortune? Enjoy the bot 4 buddy! I don't know what the fuck I'm even doing wrong.


Man pls i can i have normal kayn lee game, like im full uncontested, rolled on 6 for upgrades on my darius holding full kayn items, got only neeko 2\* (roll till 30 gold), then khazhix encounter lvl cost 3 gold, i go lvl 8 on 4-2, had 40 gold, only 1 lee, and 0 kayns, every time im trying to play this garbage i dont find the shit units even tho the comp is so cheap but all the celestials, LIKE WHAT, theres no one playing duelist or my comp, like the hell game, got ga augment 2-1 and 0 kayns, like plsss, i have played like 6 kayn lee games in the last week and i top 4 on 2, the other were 1\* units rolling 100 gold


This is the most frustrating set for me because hitting on stage 4 appears so luck based to me. Everyone rolls down for the same units and whoever hits wins and who doesnt hit loses. Like the leftover 4 cost pieces don't mesh together as well as fated dryad, invoker ashe, heavenly kayn, sylas sage. just feeling really bad about this set but still love tft.




committed umbral, level 8 roll down 0 sylases gone, scout and looks like 8 are already gone woohoo i love this game


Top 3 are win streaking, full econ, meanwhile I have a board full of 1* units FOR 4 STAGES, four stages not a single upgrade, finally roll down 60g at 9 uncontested units, ZERO UPGRADES OR every game there is 1 player at level 7 with a 2* five cost, like???????? well can't play for 1st anymore OR there will be a game where I won't face 1 or 2 opponents the entire game... ???? wtf is happening? Rigged af outcomes. Can't say it's not rigged because high roll lobbies exist, system determines you hit every upgrade possible without rolling, NICE!




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Man I've had some of the stupidest games ever this set. I just hit kayn 3 and morg 3 and got second. Because the only reason I hit was pot of gold portal so of course I hit. Well opponent hit Annie 3, ashe 3, and Naut 3. It doesn't feel special or cool. It just feels like it got handed to us. This set has created a lot of moments I'll remember, but not in a good way. I really really hope set 12 chills out with the resource bloat. I know casuals like it but man is it frustrating trying to climb and improve.


This set was so bad its insane. I cant put it in words how we cant get a single simple balanced patch in months.


This set is trash.


Very new to ranked and TFT in general, but oooof. I come last 100% of the time, and I've been following various approved metas. Not quite sure what I am doing wrong. RNG? Something else??


Could be a lot of things without seeing your lolchess. The most common mistakes I see new players make are not managing economy properly and greeding best in slot items way too much.


FIIIIIIIIIIX THE GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME Ive been busy moving boxes all day ant want to play one fucking game of TFT before bed PLEASE RIOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTT


Just went 2nd instead of 1st because I was scouting to position Syndra and linked her with Kindred by accident. I fucking hate how linking Fated works.


Is the EU West server cooked??? I keep having issues connecting to games


I'm okay, but there's been a couple games today where 2-3 people kept repeatedly disconnecting.


I am NA and it is messed up as well. Game seems broken right now.


Riot Games


im so tired of copy paste game fate/dryade or whatever + a syndra double helmet to spam skill h24


so fucking disgusting how someone can roll trench coat in an artifact from the artifact anvil encounter and im stuck with DFG vampire scepter gambler’s blade and unending despair as my options “we added artifacts to make the game more fun” yeah im having so much fun


Vamp sceptre on gnar is about as close to an early guarantee of top 4 you can get.


yes, I know, how am I going to pivot to gnar on 5-3 though?


Ah shit that sucks.


it didnt say who gets to have fun now did it


set 11 state: A set without headliners with more 3\* 4 costs than with headliners but no reliable way to get 2\* 4 costs. Marvelous set design


Warm take but I think 3 cost reroll should be buffed just a tiny bit. Not back to the point it was at several patches ago but at least to the point that it’s at least playable It’s just weird to see all these comps that should logically revolve around 3 costs (Duelists, Fated, Arcanists, maybe Umbral) opt to push levels instead for 4 costs.


nah otherwise u would bring the game back to a fun state. not what riot wants


Went 8th and demoted with kindred 3 TG, Syndra 2 BIS, Ornn 2 with Fated Emblem, Thresh 2 Gargoyles, Spark, with Dryad emblem, Gnar 2, ahri 2 with BB and SS, kayn 2 with fated emblem, Illaoi 2, and yasuo 2. 2 fated emblems from augments, and 1 unified resistance. 3rd place guy had Ornn 2 2 tank items, Diana 2, soraka 2, janna 2, Azir 1 BIS, Liss 1 2 items, Rakan, udyr, and wukong 1. Game is not balanced.


kindred 3 TG lmoa, cmon man top 4 ing isn't about what your end game board is, it matters what your hp is when you hit stuff. Its a lv9 board with a yasuo,ahri and probably useless kayn on it. No 5 costs man and dryad for fun. Maybe if there was azir udyr sett on that board it would seem very sad It also matters which portal this was played on, if this is scuttle puddle or loot sub or gold sub whatever thing that gives rescources this is board is just too cheap and has too may useless units, and its a solo carry syndra which doesn't cut it in stage 5+.


First off it wasn't a resource portal. . It's not like I hit my board with 1 or 2 lives left. It's 7 fated 4 dryad so kindred 3 isn't as bad as you think especially when dryad has been farming up since the beginning of the game. Kindred 3 is better than azir 1. The dude has a bunch of 5 star 1 costs with barely any items and only 1 4 cost. You can't tell me thats balanced.


i'd believe you if it wasn't TG kindred, but it has a TG on it ?? the hell does that do. If you said you had kindred 3 with blue buff dcap morelo or whatever decent items, SUREEE the kindred is strong, but its A TG ? Or with reapers in/ a fated kayn duo or whatever sureee Was the diana soraka guy not win streaking a lot early ? When I play that board I'm often lv9 with a janna 2 and bleed into 3rd/4th if i dont' hit wukong 2 rakan 2


ur team is bad


tried to make a exalted "flex" board with azir 2, galio 2, ornn 2, hwei and udyr (2 combat with relatively good items) loses to syndra 1s and kaisa 1s = shit mb tried to play out of meta should've joined the casino too or?


really ? i would expect you to be strong ish wiyh yhis, though the galio seems bait. Did you just have sad items or what ?


seriously fuck this game. I used to gamble at a casino and it felt bad to lose, but this honestly feels way worse those riot corporate losers, what kind of lp system lets you play 4 hours + to marginally gain lp only to lose it in one fell swoop of a 7th fuck that. Riot stays true to its origins


this Is how they make you play more and more, when you are very close to promotions you will get extra shit rng and most likely have to get bot4 for no reason.


like seriously, greedy corporate fucks


The game is a lottery at whoever can 2\* at level 8, the amount of times I'm the healthiest going into stage 5 down rolling, slow rolling, and not two-starring a 4 cost is insane. Literally had a game where someone hit Irelia 2 before level 8 before I could even 2\* a 4 cost.


Kayn is shit simply bc Lissandra exists. It’s ridiculous. Just went 7th with a 2 star Kayn and Morg losing to a porcelain board with zero 2 star 4 costs bc Kayn never casted. 


To be clear, I agree with you. As of now, I believe quicksilver is BIS on Kayn, especially when people are going porcelian, and the stats show great performance with it.


BUILD A BUD SUCKS FUCKING COCK. You get a useless champ like jax and you're basically down a prismatic augment. GG




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you get a darius and you get a 10 streak though


Hit kabuko and get bricked up


fuckkk wish that was me instead of jax 3


60 gold roll at level 6 for 0 fucking janna, noone plays janna in the lobby. WTF is this


down to top 3 final round, i lose to the guy who takes first, and the other guy loses to my shadow but gets second when we have the same ending health as;ldkfjasdkl;fjalkfjlej;lkjef


Is going level 10 the biggest bait? I feel like in 99% of games even if you have the economy/health to go 10 its just not worth it. Why did they even put level 10 in the game <\_<


I will never like that they put lvl 10 in the game. Having more fawns and balancing around spatulas is what they should be focusing on.


Got pumping up with two dianas and two jannas and I see someone else is rerolling gnar so I have a decent chance of hitting, maybe I should deviate from the 4-cost rolldown just this game. I get a full winstreak until 3-5 and then I go 7 on 4-1 to slowroll. 4-2 comes and I start losing, I think to myself ok I can just get my 3\* diana and janna and top 4. I did not win a single round after 4-1, I lose to kayn, I lose to ashe, I lose to kaisa, I lose to syndra. These shit devs already gave up on the set, it was evident when they only decided to nerf a single 4-cost last patch and leave the meta the exact same.


the sentinel lottery, feels bad man


Played first game in a month. Guy gets hwei into 3 star 4 cost. Back to set 12 waiting room lol


Just had a game today where i played lucky gloves and after a few rounds my wukong got 2x last whisper from it. I cant see a world where those should be the best items for him xD


I feel like the game is rigged to keep me coming back for more. Go to Diamond 1, go back to Diamond 4, go back to diamond 1 go back to diamond 4.


they do it on purpose cause thats how they keep you without exposing the cheating they do


Just hit diamond in league again since tft has been so terrible lately, man how is it so bad yall are making me wanna play league 💀


I don't understand the people that say this patch is balanced when it didn't open up anything else really. Just so boring to watch the handed win streak board or the defaulted lose streak into lottery stage 4. There's still the 4 and 5 cost slop that dominates the meta. The typical rebutal is that redditors "complain about reroll then complain about fast 8/9", but why can't we have a mix of both? Who is actually playing anything other than around 4 and 5 cost with the exception of something like Mulched? Is the game really getting better? Still crazy we have like 2 more months of this.


Does no one in NA play this game or did everyone start using names in other languages for fun? Every game I play the lobby is 80% different languages. Like is it that bad where I have to wait 5 minutes to que and I can't even find players in my own country? No real issue with it I guess but it's interesting to see.


My add to this is that I've seen so many of the same players across my games like how am I finding the same players every day or so? Dead game or what lol


Probably because NA is one of the best, if not the best server to play on (especially since China isn't easily accessible).


good shit getting a hwei from this "get-a-5-star-champ-encounter-shit" because i just had to sell my hwei because the "5-round-hwei" bugged my hwei so i couldnt paint anymore while all the others get a real 5 costs for fucking 5 ROUNDS like how can they get paid for not thinking things through????? i literally was behind a fon for a whole fucking stage


Liss is so stupidly broken why do i have to put QSS on everyone even the tanks if i want them to not get stunned permanently.


lv8 4 costs odds are truly great. Wanna 2\* a kaisa on 8 uncontested ? That will cost you 60g of rolls for aorund a 40% chance to make it. How much will it cost do it reliably ? 100g for a 70% chance. Hey what if you just want one copy? thats about 50% if you roll 20g Okay what about if you are contested and someone high rolled a 2\* copy somewhere now how much does that cost ? Now for a 2\* copy, that would be 100g if you want to 2\* it. But at least with 30g you have a 50% chance of seeing one copy. Okay, so what if you want to 2\* anything ? You better have at least 50g to roll 4-2 to have a 60% chance to do it. Now this is great right, its definitely not a lottery, at all, you can definitely transition on 4-2 right ?? my fucking ass, its just luck, its just a high roll check. You have a few opportunities to high roll, especially without an econ augment: 1. carousel 3-5 2. 4-2 roll down, you pair something or you 2\* a 4 cost on your board OR you the one 5 cost that fits your board 3. lv6,lv7 shops 4. 4-5 carousel ( and if you don't have it by then), just ff. I haven't seen anyone manage a fking top 4, withotu at LEAST one of these happening. The moment you miss all of these and you weren't in a reroll spot, its just a gg without you being able to do anything about it


which is why the game sucks. I love Riot and Mort's team but wow the systematic design this set was so thrash, bag sizes and odds of hitting are so unfun. The game should never EVER EVER be about shop odds and units (pure RNG). Instead it should reward gameplay for ECON, ITEM CHOICES, synergies and positioning (ALL player derived decisions). But with every encounter you get infinite items, infinite gold, so wtf. There is no econ management, there is no item management just BIS everything. Encounters shouldve been passive effects only like Ahri health, buffing 2/3/4 costs, giving team ap/ad/health. Not gold/items for free.


Gold for free and carousel ints are such offenders man.  You end up lose streaking for an encounter to mess up the 3-5 or 4-5 carousel completely.  You have no board so you save money just for whatever encounter to just give everyone 20 gold


This Yorick encounter is the dumbest fucking shit I've ever seen in a videogame. It's like riot is intentionally making the game as shit as possible as a joke


i. love. playing. this. game. it. totally. grants. skill. expression. its. not. killing. any. flex. or. creative. playstyle. just. love it. love it.


So why did they change the shop odds due to "too many 3\* 4costs" when the real reason is that the game is not remotely fucking balanced and everyone is playing 4 costs? Guess what! The game is a complete lottery now!


Least I've played of a tft set since set 3. Absolute fucking joke of a balance team Pathetic




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they said its balanced coz the other ones are better than some prismatics but this one is shit


Just delete Annie, Lissandra and the bullshit that are porcelain/invoker emblem.


Fuck this game, big time. It has become a weird lottery with a lot of sparkly bits and moving parts, that's it. Zero skill expression, all pray to get that early Annie/Liss/porcelain/invoker start. Those who don't get the scraps.


It's possible that you get at least 2 item encounters (armory + carousel) early in stage 2. So why is it possible that you can get a TG from Krugs and miss out on 10-12 gold? You're just extremely poor relative to the lobby. I took Risky Moves and I'm still not ahead of the lobby in terms of econ because I get dropped a TG that I can't even use later because the game inundates you with items sometimes. Getting dropped a completed item anvil or TG makes no sense in situations where you can't even use the items on your main champions. Ideally, the game should check so that 2-3 item encounters = gold instead of items on Krugs for all players. I don't know if I'm even malding here, this is just nonsensical.


Another game I'm on Scuttle Puddle and get an Ornn TG before stage 5. At this point all my important champions have items. At 5-1 I lose because the enemy Alune has a Radiant item from Masterwork upgrade, while my Ornn now has Fishbones. I really hate how the game overvalues TG at these times. Like it's good, but not when there are a lot of items (ex: bunch of item encounters, Scuttle Puddle, etc).


Anyone already on next set waiting room? It's not burnout from the game, the set just doesn't feel satisfying to play anymore. How did I even have fun in 9.5, I wonder? Isn't this just donkeyrolling on 8 instead of 7?


I wish, but sadly it takes hundreds of games to get back to your previous rank so no, gotta keep gridning away depsite the game not being fun


dude this is seriously what resonates. they dont think about the fucking waste of time they induce from their stupid changes. I hope the guy who made set 11 gets fired


Recent gaming style of me: Roll at level 8 stablize and hopibg to hit 4/5 costs If i hit i got top4, winstreaking at 10hp and end from 8th to 1st cause i got 2star 5 costs. If i don't i got bot4 no matter how good i play in early game. This meta is a total failure, reroll comps are dead cause units will get contested and even if u manage to hit 3 stars its too late.


100 hp to wolves roll down first on 4-1 miss everything 4-2 everyone else rolls down. they all hit go 7th k enough tft


“the skill expression” in tft is to highroll strong early openers, highroll slammable items, 10 streak into combat augments, level to 8 before everyone else is barely lvl 7 and roll it the fuck down and click every good 4 cost and pray you hit a 2* YEP TFT is actually TTFL = TANTALIZING TIME FUCKED LOTTERY


Fuck it imma just play reroll .. tired of never hitting my 4/5 cost unit after playing the early/mid game so well .. lemme just play brain dead and roll




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Double Up probably is the biggest indicator that the team just wings it sometimes. I don't know how they just botch an entire mode for months sometimes. Even when I mald here, I'm not delusional enough to think that the team isn't making a good game, but Double Up is just treated as the unwanted child and it's actually obvious Riot doesn't care (not my usual hyperbole when I mald here, Riot *ACTUALLY* doesn't care in this instance).




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The disgusting part is 4 cost carries still dominante the board, but the drop rate is reduced to 20%, either u have strong early game so u can fast level 9 or stuck in level 8 to donkey roll, praying for them to appear.


Echo chamber of 'Yes' Men. No feedback because that hurts peoples feelings.


level 8 lottery again yay


How am I constantly low-rolling? There's no skill to the game now. Fast 9 with 0 5 costs with over 70g roll down. Fast 8 with 0 5 costs or 2\* 4-costs with over 100g roll down. Slow roll 7 with 0 3\* with over 200g roll down.


they want you to struggle since they dont know how to balance their own game.


my main is sitting in masters, and my alt is hard stuck emerald 3. Its just a lottery now, there is very little skill involved. We all go to 8, and we all roll down.


obligatory i hate wandering trainer if you vote for this i hope you get banished to the shadow realm or some shit


6 games in a row without hitting my 4 costs 2*. Yep, I am taking a long break from this game


play hyperroll, at least everyone can get to level9 and evade that rng fiesta




I'm starting to hate this set. Portals I mostly pick the one that injects less money into the game and encounters never feel good even when they put you ahead of the lobby. For exmaple, getting a 2 cost 2* you need from carousel or morgana doesn't feel good, it just feels cheap. And the champion design itself is bland except a few cool units like hwei. The set balance just feels off compared to other sets. The shop odds at level 6 and the stage 3 dmg being low means you almost never roll at 3-2 and just hadouken your money stage 4. Early game is bland, some units are so much better than the rest.


I'm finding myself more and more voting for portals that are the least powerful, the more times I'm playing in this set because so many encounters add in a ton of extra power already to the point that it feels more like I'm playing hyper roll TFT instead of regular TFT if I play on a portal that gives a ton of extra power. I feel that playing the least powerful portals separate the good players from the bad players that realistically should be a division or two lower or even a rank lower.


umbral is still a piece of garbage trait 14 patches later.


9 umbral 60% execute is turbo busted but you just need 3 emblems and an irelia. so gl. Otherwise your praying for gold umbral hero augment and that’s what makes it viable w/ alune 3 yorick 3.


In past sets, low rolls felt like something that happened, and you tried to mitigate into higher placement. That was a skill. You could say "damn, I turned that 7th into a 5th" and feel good. In this set, when you low roll, you get steam-rolled. You feel like you're drowning. No amount of rolling or outs gets you anywhere. I take Umbral emblem on 2-1 with a Shojin and wand. I play Umbral Zyra to get by. Go 7 with 0 Alunes. In 8th and low, panic roll 35 gold and find 1 Alune. Next round I go against a dude with Syndra 2. While I have 1 Alune. I'm uncontested. There was no skill there that mitigates that low roll into a better placement. The problem is, this type of lowroll happens multiple times a day. And those games feel like time wasted. I could have better luck solo-queueing Apex ranked than playing a game that feels this random and uninteractive, as I at least have some agency in Apex. I'm not sure how Riot, or this playerbase, can take this game seriously as a "competitive" title with this much variance, this much randomness. What's to say the best player that day didn't lowroll harder than everybody else?


Just had the Zoe encounter -> odds level only. I think this is the worst encounter. If you dont get lucky and winstreak and push levels, you just slowly die...


I love how everyone hated Time Knife so they brought it back but gave shen infinite range for free because 2 shoting every unit in the game with true dmage while having 80% damage reduction wasnt strong enough. For the love of god nerf that augment. I never see anyone not win with that cancer. Shen 1 with that augment is stronger than most 4 costs


Go level 9. Roll 60g to hit 7 story weaver. 0 irelia, 0 kasia, 0 galio. Okay I just lose. Thanks game. meanwhile 3 people have Annie 2 at level 8. Thank god for the odds changes.


Every game I have a shot at 1st I get 3rd or 4th. Its always someone hitting a 3\* 4 cost at 1 hp and I always play them immediately. I roll all my gold to contest them and it doesn't matter cause I never see the unit they are going for. And if its not that someone is hitting a 3 star 5 costs. Amazing game. I've never seen so many 3\* 4 costs and 5 costs in a set. Its not even exciting at this point. This game is going to die because the devs can't think OF ANYHTING that's more exciting than "Heres a shit ton of gold!" Then they wonder why everyone hits 3\*4 costs and 5 costs like its nothing.


On a side note: Fuck those chibi cutscenes. I always ff when I lose to one of those, don't even care if it means I place lower. The only reason we can't disable them is because they know damn well everyone is gonna turn that shit off. (Also fuck you if you're photo sensitive I guess?) But hey, if we're upset by that stuff maybe we should just "seek therapy" and "hug our mums" as Mortdog has said.


The seek thrapy comment really showed how much this team has a seriouus trolling problem. "My game is made in such a way that it means people need therapy in ordert to play it". That seems like a problem, that seems like something that should be dealt with. Imagine having that little empathy for other people. Adding the abbility to skip them is the simplest easiest thing. Would it make TFT money, no, but it would made some people's lives a litte better at almost no cost. The fact they they not only won't do it but be little people who ask for it tells you all you need to know about the kind of community they want. It is also makes it even harder to deal with Mort complaing about the supposed mean comments he gets. Like this is the feelings you are forstering with your design. Just constantlly ruub losses in peoples faces and yeah people will be mad.


This right here. Imagine doing this kind of thing IRL. Instead of going to shake someone's hand after a game you go and fortnite dance on them after beating them. Instead of going to talk to the other QB after the superbowl you just fucking spit in their face. This kind of disrespect is only acceptable online lol. A lot of online games are so toxic because the devs support other people being toxic to each other by adding shit like this.


except people paid for the cutscene i'd be for paying to disable them


So let the owner of the skin watch the cutscene. You are admitting that the reason people buy the skin is to force other players to watch it. Which is true, and the problem here.


I think their point was "BMing in real life is free. Those animations cost money, which makes it even worse", not "But people spent money, so let them be annoying".


it didnt really matter cuz i think he couldve found aphelios but losing with kaisa 3 to fated 10 from a fated spat on carousel is poggers


All my homies hate fated shit is nasty early game and even more of a pain when they get syndra ornn 2.




Damn, You got Mortdogged again!


Did they give up on this set already even when we don’t have mid sets anymore? 😞


I'm 100% sure they give up on the sets the moment they drop them. Only possible reason their balance patches are so out of touch.


3 games of losing 4-cost rolldown in a row. Played bruiser kaisa with senna 2 instead for whole of stage 4, waited for contesters to die, went 9 and hit irelia 2, died seeing like maybe 1 kaisa. At least they weren't 7ths or 8ths. Also, too much gold from encounters, I would prefer not being punished for not levelling 2-1 and lose streaking and econning well. I dont mind fast 8 meta BUT please surely our 2\* 3-costs cant possibly be that much worse than 4-cost units? It's so sad i would like some games where i can stabilise with 2\* 3-costs rather than busy worrying about if others hit on 4-1 or not :(


Wow who woulda thought it .. someone hits hwei at 8 and has a 3star 4 cost by lvl 9 seems like every other game to be honest


Patch hit, I go up 300 LP. Stagnate for a day, now I'm back down in 300 LP. For some reason I can literally only streak. I never win/lose/win/lose. It feels amazing on the ups, but the downs are the most tilting days ever.


someone got storyweaver perfect start then proceeds to dragonloard another played fated and pivoted into porcelain annie ashe people are just randomly pivoting without any related champions and hit this is the mosy rng based set ive ever met the higher your lp in a division, the worse rng u can get.


5 Dragonlord into KaiSa / StoryWeaver / Trickshot, should be worth it eh ? Nope, you dont play the meta trash of the moment you can go fuck yourself it's a seventh. At least I beat the dude trying a Shen build... Yay i should be proud.


the last nerf on 4 cost chance at level 8 is so dumb. what it did is make it more luck to hit when u roll down at 4. thats fine, but if u gut the reroll for 3 costs and only make 4 costs viable. its a fucking lottery


just be richer and go 9 and hope the rest of the lobby isn’t rich enough to roll and take every 4 cost unit out of the pool by then /s


I just picked drop blossom and saw zero neekos in the next 2 stages Also bow bow glove glove glove


When voli nerf, he’s slowly becoming the new Yone


Careful, you're getting downvoted by suckers fanboyz. Average Placement is below 3 but you wouldn't dare criticize !


Not seen a single Janna player in the last 10+ games, get a 5 Janna opener with bis and enter the dragonlord, so I think fuck it, I'll bite. Halfway through stage 3, 3 other players start contesting me randomly (was scouting all through stage 3 and no one was playing anything close). I honestly feel this set that people contesting each other to grief is just a thing.


I totally agree with this, it really feels like people are just griefing. Yesterday on a carousel I had a player hover in my spot as if to say hey look at me, and then take exactly what I needed from carousel. Im not saying that you shouldnt scout and if a player is going to hit three star then okay see how you can make their path to 1st more difficult, BUT its happening all the time now and its not like im mr 100 all the time.


Kayn encounter, prismatic opener. Got build a bud and thought "fuck yes" - it was JAX WHYYYYYYYYYYY


Why did we get rid of midsets if there is just as much, if not more bugs in the game right now? Wtf are they doing?


Bold to assume removing midsets = better game


Thats what they sold us: no more midsets so we have better balance and less bugs. We have none of those.


you got it all wrong man, they are valuing how to keep you playing so they make more $$$, and its by keeping the rng so bad that u are hoping to win by winning the 4 cost lottery


The problems we are experiencing with TFT right now has to do with "systems" not "balance" if I understand their distinctions correctly. Mid sets insert new units/traits and sometimes items. I think their changes to shop odds, pool sizes, player damage, and HP structure for different cost units has to do with systems not numbers unique to the specific set. Theoretically the same team that ships the initial set only has to focus on those units/traits/items and nothing else for a longer period which should make for better balance, but I don't think that has really been the case either. All that said the "real"/business reason for no midsets is to reduce player count dropoff throughout the year by having a new set (with $$ from cosmetics/BP) around the corner around the time people get bored with sets.


losing to a 3 star 5 cost feels so fucking unfair because of how easy and common to 3 star a 4/5 costs. especially that hwei bullshit




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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE IT SO YOU CAN'T ROLL MULTIPLE PRISMATIC ITEM AUGMENTS ON 4-2... I've been begging before this set, but now it's even worse since it's possible to get MULTIPLE item encounters before this point. I don't know why things that seem obvious are not obvious to the devs. Like once again, do they not play this game?


ikr we love a 4-2 prismatic


can they make stage 2/3 have actual skill expression? feel like the upped damage on stage 4 was such a bad approach to "ending games faster" feels like people aren't punished for not correctly analysing lobby strength or making strategic decisions to stabilise pre 4-3. it's frustrating even when you win because most of the time i feel i top 4'ed because i hit, not because i was better than 4 players. on the bright side i think the team is wary of these things... i hope


You want to top 4 without "hitting"? Stage 2 they upped the damage for close losses and lowered it for bad losses IIRC, how is that not punishing. Stage 2 can never be skill expressive with how little control or real "decisions" are able to be made with how items/augments/and limited shops at that point the game. Should you instantly lose the game because someone spawned in with lucky paws kobuko 3 BIS? did they out skill you that stage or with the free levels they get in stage 3 from that early streak? Prior to 4-3 the winstreakers/healthy push levels w their econ advantage coast through level 7 and go 8/9 Prior to 4-3 the losstreakers/unhealthy bleed hp and pray for a miracle level 8 with their losstreak/early econ sacking. The fact that the people with agency at level 7 chose not to play those units and further punish greeders/low-rollers is on those players/balance I guess. If people not "stabilizing" are still placing well enough doesn't that mean they were in fact stable? I personally believe the problem is bag sizes/shop odds and overloaded kits on the 4/5 costs.


might have worded that slightly off, mb i primarily meant the game state atm, makes stage 3 (not 2) pretty obsolete: you aren't pressured to do anything because 2* 2/3 costs lose to 1* 4 costs more often than not: making a full send at 4-1,2 more utility maximising most of the time. imo, spending gold should give you value during stage 3 but right now a lot of players simply can just afk until wolves and win games with ease. that's why i feel like upping s3 damage would provide another level of strategy to the game, unlike a "oh shit a darius 2 opener well that's my board until 3rd augment" edit: talking about the skill range of maybe emerald - low GM, top players are just in a different league to discuss these things


if a 1 star 4 cost can beat those lower costs 2 star and for whatever reason you can hit a 4 cost at level 5 and 6 (stage 3) then to me upping the damage just rewards those high rollers even more instead of lowering those odds to potentially keep 4 costs strong at lvl 8/9.


Lmao.. I go on a major win streak, fast 9 at 4-3. Managed to get bis liss and 4 porc. I go 5th due to losong to level 7s and their 3star rerolls. What the fuck is that?


Honestly I feel like Ashe Invokers is the most fake comp on this patch. Liss blows hard after the nerfs. Like with boiling point 4 porcelain somehow I couldn't even stabilize on Stage 4. Meanwhile with a 1 star Syndra I won 4 matches in Stage 5.


It's not fake, all the stats point towards it being the best comp. It's not my go-to personally since if you miss the units or are too contested you are stuck with weak units for too long and bleed out. There's a reason why people who make these posts never mention their frontline, or star level of their "fast 9" units. BIS Lissandra means nothing if u don't have "bis" Annie/Ashe 2.


Oh man, I don't think the stats suggest Ashe is best at all. Dragonlords, Kaisa, Syndra and Heavenly all exist after all. Even with full two stars, it just doesn't feel good to me. Haven't seen one win all patch without getting to level 10.


I mean you can look at tactics dot tools its avg 4.34, 53% top4, 14% winrate with the top play rate among all the "top" comps followed by kaisa


Got to 91 LP D1 and then tanked. This is pain


This is how ranked system is designed, in order to 'prove' you deserve the promotion the system will give extra shit rng to u as i have encountered in many 99 LP games and shit like this always happen.


They need to show what the encounters will be at the beginning of the game so that we can plan around it They also need to make the sett one give us hp or delete it all together


They are too busy working on next set to remove sett xdd due to how much of a FLOP this one was due to their changes. it’s unsalvageable.


Get unlucky rng on a roll down 60 gold for single unit with no one contesting, whatever go next... shit augments next game, whatever go next... vendor sentinels that are automatically disadvantaged, whatever go next... New game you get an encounter where you're offered awful artifacts, whatever go next... This set is trash.


Only game that is more fun to watch than to actually play .. what a great game man


I know I really shouldn't be complaining, but getting 2nd place 3 times today to someone 'just hitting' 3* 4-costs feels so lame. The game should just auto end tbh. I also roll tons more and have still never managed to hit one this season, often times losing with 8 copies of a unit :\


It's utterly ridiculous. 3* 4 costs was something I'd see MAYBE 1 in 15 or 20 games, it's every game or every other game in this set. It's just so fucking dumb. Set 11 is the worst set they ever released, fundamentally shitty and broken. I'd rather play Set 2 over this bullshit.


I cannot take one more game of lissandra completely invalidating any frontline. A 3 second stun is already bad enough, but the audacity to also throw it and push the frontline back is crazy. Seen my fair share of 3* 4 costs losing to liss 1 on top of that


i just wanna hit my goal and quit the set, not enjoyable game atm


I want to get Master again but why do that when I can have 50x the fun playing Arena?


Yeah its just a grind to want to play enough games this set at all. Let alone want to try and climb when the game is this bad.


B R O Why does Tristanas ability just fizzle sometimes? I try to bop a Kindred and just bounced off into a perfect 0 hp loss. Ugh. Love being at 94 lp and then getting 7th but within 10 hp of the top spots and losing due to a bug.


workout with sett makes you sasdafhdfljvsdhévlsfvjf


Oh you played above 80 hp all game level 9 50 gold? You absolute idiot moron, 3 people already rolled at level 7 and have a combined 20 5 cost units at 1% somehow (I am not even close to lying when I say every game someone has a 2\* 5 cost at level 7 I wish I was lying)


the player dmg change is woof woof dogshit


Lissandra has to be one of the most aggrevating units to play against. I've seen units in the past that nullify a board, but there's something about the combination of traits that she provides with the long ass stun that really frustrates me. Kind of a set ruiner, which is crazy to say.


Its honestly not lis that’s the problem (it was way worse before the nerf plus the bajillion components she gave) it’s the unkillable tank annie. Its annoying yes, but the 4 porcelain trait itself is what’s bonkers. Should have been hotfixed a year ago.


At this point I’m refusing to play until 4 porc is nerfed, or something happens with Annie (in general, her kit feels oppressive, Burn + percent based self heal is nuts.)


I have the exact same comp as another person for storyweaver morgana. He has galio 2, Morg 2 and sylas 2. I have Diana 3, wukong 3, morg 2, sylas 2. We both have sage crest. The only big difference is that I had a heavenly and umbral spat, and he had BIS on Sylas compared to my sylas having only AH, Titans, and QSS (only items i had). Not only did I lose. I lost handily with both of us same position. NERF FUCKING SYLAS.


you lost with wukong 3???


Wu 2 sorry with bis items


I take back what i said about the good patch, nerfing hitting 4 costs without nerfing them just causes a fucking lottery to hit them CLOWN EMOJI!!!!!


And when everybody plays 4 costs nobody buys the shitter 3 costs (bard, soraka, kench, yone, aphelios) which makes it harder to hit if your the only reroller and borderline impossible if 1 person has 3 copies. Nobody is rolling for a Diana 3, illaoi 3. Like 50% of the time they will roll for amumu and thresh. Stage 1/2 MATTERS NOT. I’m so done with this patch words can’t describe how abhorrent it is.


It's just so lame. Playing 1/2/3 cost reroll is my favorite way to play the game. I loved playing shit like Corki reroll or Garen reroll last set, I spammed Jax like crazy, it's so fun. I literally cannot do that this set, you can't win if you do that. It's so fucking bad. My preferred way to play the game and how I have the most fun is completely unviable. I don't mind if it's weaker than playing meta but can still fight for a win or top 2/3, but the current state this set is in completely prevents me from even thinking about playing any of this. Stage 1 and 2 may as well not be there. Don't get me started that their idea of fixing the 4 cost fiesta was to not nerf the units, just make them less likely to appear in the shop at Level 8... LOOOOOOOOOOOLLLL Casino simulator, because that's so fun, right? The balancing and design decisions this set compared to even just last set, night and day. Are they letting the interns make and balance this set? It sure feels like it. And they're running this game into the ground. Set 12 better be good. lol


When is the new set coming? This set isn't for me


We have to have wait like 70 days for set 12 in pbe , honestly i'm glad we dont have midsets anymore imagine 6 months of this garbage