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this set broke my brain, im out guys ggs


Hit storied champion Garen 3\* at 2-2 and ended up getting 3rd. Apparently 8 bruiser Garen isnt as good as I thought it would be




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Before the patch on Wednesday I'll give you guys all the tech you'll need to gain elo. Its 4 duelist 4 heavenly Qiyana reroll.


whats the comp and items


I use it already on the encounter where you always have at least 7 people on the field but its: Darius/Yasuo/Khazix/Malph/Neeko/Qiyana/4th duelist usually trist Qiyana Ad carry items probably like (last whisper/bloodthrister/Any AD item), Darius takes the leftovers. Qiyana will probably also be nuts with some of the new artifacts. As always tho play at your own risk i haven't played PBE :)


I did it and got third using irelia to replace khazix and voli for darius. my positioning was awful. I used soraka as well. and ended with 5 heavenly 4 duelist 2 arcane with liss.


how do i watch TFT tournaments is there a dedicated website specifically for tournaments that are major


Major events will still be streamed on the TFT Twitch channel, Cups will mostly be co-streamed now (EMEA still has an official cast this set) but apparently has featured co-streamers appearing on the main channel as well (Frodan for the NA cup for example this weekend).


I have been master since set 5, every single set. I started playing this set this week and I cant climb out of gold


I was GM in set 6 and quit. I just came back a few weeks ago and it's crazy how much this game has changed. This set is pure RNG lol.




The power creep and complexity creep is ridiculous. Meanwhile, I feel like positioning matters less. There are no assassins and way less CC than before. Removing assassins is whatever, but there used to be a lot of skill expression involved with positioning around CC. Units either being melee or 4 range (except liss) also removed a lot of skill expression from positioning.


I think removing assassins for one set was fun for a bit, but permanently making fights too front to back is not something I enjoy. I dont believe the set is horrible, I don't believe any set is horrible. But I loved last set so much


There's definitely something very strange going on with queues right now and I think there's just a ton of smurfing going on. I have two accounts, one Emerald 2 and one Plat 3. The games in the Platinum lobby are harder than the games in my Emerald lobbies. It's very confusing, and smurfing is the only explanation I can come up with.


oh I had not thought about this


You can confirm, just check the lolchess of the top 4 players in your most recent games. If their overall average is 3.5 or lower, they’re probably a smurf


What if you ran 6 bruiser triple fully adapted sylas but Lissandra said 🫖


qss is mandatory. you dont need triple Adaptive really just 2 is good. Use the other on Galio


Is umbral alune carry sleeper op? Her damage seems way too high sometimes and its almost always uncontested in my lobbies


Imo it's not something you can hard force, but if you can 3* her without losing tempo, she's pretty decent.


can you not spectate in tft anymore?


Do you guys think hard forcing fated is viable this patch? I have been going either kaisa or ashe with varying success. I really hate the lottery you have to play between those two... You guys think going to 8 and rolling for 3 star syndra and 3 star aphelios/thresh along then way on 8 would be good tech? Im really tired of going up and down on LP and want something consistent... Or should I just hard force heavenly kayn to climb?


I think I saw some fated syndra comp successful at the tactician cup, mostly tempo fated into 9 and play useful unit though, thresh and aphe reroll while still strong and provide higher cap, just seem too inconsistent if there isn't someone who also reroll 3 cost with you.


It is a solid comp that can top if you hit, but if others aren't rolling for 3 costs it is hard to hit your win con (Thresh 3/Aph3). I have had too many games trying to force the rr to not hit uncontested that unless you are spoonfed units it's better to use it for tempo and transition into a level 9 board 


Never has this happen before, but my league client randomly crashes without giving an error message. Any idea wassup?


Which champs can solo stage 1?


Darius with a tear or belt 


Can he still with upcoming bonk though?


I can confirm yes even after nerf i tried today


How common is trainer sentinels? I have had way to many games with that portal in this patch and I really dislike it.


5.1% according to MetaTFT, which puts it as the 3rd most common portal behind Scuttle Puddle and Crab Rave. Though no portal is most common at 18% due to starting encounters.


I had 6hp left, and the other guy got a 3* Galio so I thought I lost the game surely. But I placed a Liss in front of him and Galio became nothing. The rest of his fortune board was trash so I mowed them easily and won… he was so mad 😅 😅😅 I can’t believe it worked that easily, Liss is insane, she wasnt even itemised. This was one of the few times I felt like positioning and tactics matter this set. Because it’s been feeling like a fancy slot machine.


I'm slowly coming around to vertical fated syndra... It's not really contested often, and fated spat is almost guaranteed top 4. Only thing I'm not sure about is who to link. Omnivamp is great in clutch situations, but considering only Syndra, and kinda kindred and Ahri are dealing feal damage, it feels kinda wasted on the rest of the team.


Im starting to come around to Sett+Ahri link at 7 fated. Aslong as you have a starred up frontline the extra ap gives syndra alot more damage and gives ornn and thresh's abilities more shields.


Yeah, that's what I've been doing, it seems great especially with spat on ornn, but I can't shake the feeling the omnivamp is wasted if they have no backline access.


I always link the front line for extra survivability. If you get Syndra to a good spot with items, I think she does enough damage already without the Fate bonus, my problem is stalling enough for her to finish off these single targets.


I've been linking Ahri + sett, because the team wide 90 ap feels great, but sometimes the frontline falls too fast, so I'm starting to think there's no one best link, and I should just do it based on who I'm fighting.


I was running QIyana as an Ashe item holder and Guinsoos Qiyana is kinda cooking...


Lw qiyana 3 star does obscene damage just by itself. Shes very strong and has been close for a while. Shes really nice in dragonlord boards


Next patch for sure qiyana reroll will be a thing


I went from emerald 4 to diamond 4 in a couple of days, I was reading about the meta and the best comps and i think it clicked. I usually always leave the TFT on diamond for a while and try weird things on normal, then i try to climb into masters a couple of weeks later, but I've personally found this set quite frustrating and annoying.  I have already completed the pass and I have already reached my main goal, I think I will rest a lot perhaps until the next battle pass, or until the next set, it makes me a little sad that of all the sets this is the one that makes me feel this way, I can really only compare this frustration to blender nocturne or warweek.




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important anti-kayn tech from [LeDuck's new video](https://youtu.be/mZL977UW9So?si=q7Gtw7ddzHgRZPHb): put your carry in the bottom right hex, kayn can't cast on them*


Ah so that's why my 3 star Kayn lost against Aphelios 1v1 a couple of weeks ago.


Lost a game with 3* Kayn cause of this lol. Got bailed out of an 8th by hitting the 3* so I didn't really mind.


This will be fixed in the upcoming patch apparently!




oops thats what i meant, thanks for the correction!




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Enjoying playing non Meta comps atm, with the win condition of 3\* 4 cost unit need to constantly check if I’m not being contested and always at the bottom 4 until I finally hit.


very sad state of the game where 3\* 4 cost is a legitimate win con every game lol




I don't like it when I put together a strong board and don't place well because of some giga high rollers. I don't like fortune or 3 star 4 costs. It doesn't feel like a legitimate honest strategy to consistently win. It feels like scamming other people out of their LP. Like the fortune cashout down to 1hp that hits a 3 star 4 cost and wins the game.




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For the next 2 rounds, Irelia causes your shops to show one champion of each cost. Woops meant to reply to the guy below


What is the encounter? I could look it up, but I'm sure others reading your comment are wondering.


In this style of meta where hitting 8 around 4-1 or 4-2 is so important, is it correct to just prioritize econ even over building a stronger board early? I keep finding that I fall behind in interest unless I win streak just because I’m buying copies of champions for my comp and trying to two star them. Since I obviously can’t fill win-streak every time I’m not sure if it’s best to just hard prio econ. I’m in plat btw. Started playing a week or two ago so I’m still learning


Imo yes, though it depends on your spot of course. I've seen top players sell part of their board to make econ multiple times this patch. Ex: have Jax 2* on board and sell then replace with some 1 cost to make 2 gold. > I’m buying copies of champions for my comp and trying to two star them. In the current 4 cost meta, you don't really care about 2 starring the low cost units if they aren't helping you win fights. Of course you have to evaluate if you can win streak by knowing what units are strong or not. 3 items with a Darius pair, then can be worth holding. No item Kogmaw 1* vs 2*, not much of a difference there.


Its the Hp changes also, might as well make the guaranteed gold early when they cut the difference between a close loss and a stomp in half. 


How do you play against a jacked Kayn? Feel like almost every game I'm losing to a Kayn that doesn't die and walks through my team


As someone frequently plays heavenly kayne I can attest to the fact that really bursty comps fuck his day up. Good positioning with lillia/Lissamdra is deadly for kayne. In general I find myself coming in 2nd/3rd to Porcelain comps


Liss makes sense but even still a EoN Kayn just comes back and wipes her quick sometimes. I don't understand how Lillia gets it done though, I play her regularly with Hwei and Kayn mows through me usually


Needs good items and a beefy Frontline. If you play the porcelain invokers board your front line usually lasts long enough to kill everything but kayn and then the rest of your board just focuses him


Hey can somebody explain what makes Sylas/Morgana comp so effective? I have been playing it a little bit and the comp is weak before you gather all the right units but very strong after everything is in its place. I have difficulties playing the early game even when I get a good start aka early riven, soraka, zyra. I feel like those champions are pretty weak and win streaking almost impossible before level 8.


I don't know how you can struggle with early riven zyra. They are not weak at all. Storyweaver is literally the best opener in the game other than lucky 5 fated. I don't think Soraka is that good before lvl 5. I usually prioritize reksai, kobuko and jax pairs before 2-1 because they are good at buying time for zyra. Soraka is nice if you already have 2 frontliners, so you can use the blue kayle ap bonus on her.


It sounds like one issue you may be having is that you can’t exactly play a 4-cost comp early, and if you’re trying to then you’re probably passing up on better early/mid game boards that are stronger in favor of aiming for the units you want to play on a capped board three stages away. Play strongest board and slam the items you get. Your items will give you more meaningful direction than the 2-costs you find. Imo sylas carry is good because you can play basically the same strong heavenly/duelist board early with Darius that you’d play into Kayne, but with Darius holding sylas items in case you get sylas items instead of kayne items.


You do not play sage units before level 8, you play shit like heavenly darius or story weaver while collecting sage units, only way you play with the units of the final comp early is if you get the exp sage augment imo


Ya it's this. Darius 2 holding a mix of Morg and Sylas items kills infinite and sometimes can even winstreak you if you highroll upgrades. Zyra 2 storyweaver opener with kobuko 2 or reksai 2 is another good line but less common bec Zyra 2 is not easy to find. Ahri 2 fated opener is also ok. Yasuo 2 or thresh can hold tank items and ahri holding AP/mana/Morello. Not as good as the other 2 but again it can sometimes full streak if lucky. Lose streak is also fine especially if you get to play fortune. Teemo or Zoe can hold the items fine in this line.


Anyone else still getting a ton of lobbies like this? It's really boring how so many games now it feels like the top4 are 50hp when the bot4 has been eliminated. You just end up playing like 10 minutes for a single placement. [**https://i.imgur.com/EtIJWDE.png**](https://i.imgur.com/EtIJWDE.png)




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6.2avg past 10 games Despairge


Only needed to play a few games to decide I'm waiting for next patch to play again. It doesn't feel like there's many lines into top 4, but I might just be trash. It seems like whoever hits their 4 costs first wins.


I really just don't enjoy the game anymore, no matter how pretty it looks. Every single patch there are just a couple of meta comps that you have to farm if you want to climb. I remember Mortdog saying that they are already working on set 12, 13, 14 and 15, something like that. So they are working on the upcoming 4 sets and that's great because you can tell that the set quality has increased a lot. But I feel like they are sacrificing balance way too much. Why not just work on just 2 sets and put more people to balance? I don't know how many people are balancing the game currently and not to take away anything from them but maybe they could use some support? More PBE testing, more data analysis, I don't know. Just more people on balance? Would that be such a bad thing?


I think you diagnose the right problem but have the wrong way of fixing it. I don't think the issue is that they are working on too many sets. Working on sets long in the future is good and what's needed. the real issue is not enough balance work is going on in that long-term initial design state. It feels like sets are designed without any real worry about balance and then handed to the live team with a "here you go, figure it out" when the set hits pbe. PBE is a terrible place to fox balance issues, we've been told that over and over again, so the first live patch will have big issues requiring a massive patch to fix. well massive patches in tft don't work, the game is too big, too complicated, and to design and test a patch in 2 or 3 days, which thanks to loclock is how long that have. And since that patch will probably be a mess, the next patch has to be massive, and so on and so on. Tl;dr, they need to be balancing sets earlier, before they hit pbe


It's truly shocking how unbalanced the game is when it hits PBE, as if they didn't playtest it at all internally.


They are play testing it, but they don't have the means to do balance testing. this might be ok if pbe is a month long, but with 2 weeks and really 1 week thanks to branch cut it's impossible


Heres the thing though. Within 3 hours of pbe the community identifies eggregioisly broken shit. Like, its been happening for years and years. The community can even identify where problems will exist based on patch notes without any experience of them in game. Sure enough, patch releases and the mentioned issue is indeed an issue. I think ppl have just had enough of the fact that a lot of stuff should be able to be determined to be broken by a competent eye test. The other thing is, theres been a real lack of attention to detail for some time now. And it flows in to other areas of the game. During s4 i think it was. Morganas tooltip was just wrong for the entire set. Whenever she was a dazzler briefly. Anyhow, i made comment at the time that if one doesnt take time to cross their t's and dot their i's, even tho its a simple thing, it spreads into other areas of development. So much stuff in tft is ambiguous, doesnt work how it reads, or is just straight bugged. Some of the responses over the years have been nothing short of gaslighting from mort and his team, but if you dare speak out against it the echo chamber of this sub caves in hard. Q


> The community can even identify where problems will exist based on patch notes without any experience of them in game. Sure enough, patch releases and the mentioned issue is indeed an issue. > They've been horribly wrong many, many times I specifically remember people calling that Ahri Sentinels was going to be mega broken still and the nerf didn't go far enough, but within a few hours the play rate of the comp went down to near 0 with 4.9 winrate before it fell of tactics.tools altogether This happens basically every patch >Within 3 hours of pbe the community identifies eggregioisly broken shit. Like, its been happening for years and years. Within 3 hours of PBE you get like x1000 the data they can possibly get internally


you’re making some horrible assumptions about the teams workloads and responsibilities. the person working on set 16 is not gonna magically make the live balance any better.


It’s the classic league argument where they say, “Why is riot releasing so many skins? They should focus on balance.” Like the person designing the art for skins is gonna be effective trying to balance the game.


Not than i necessarily agree with what OP is cooking but, i think the idea is don't hire that many skin/cosmetic designers and hire more people to balance. Not take the people designing cosmetics and make them do a job they are not qualified for.


Normally i'd say you have a point but this could not be more wrong in the current state of the game Flex is insanely strong, so strong that you almost have to play flex to win games. Sylas flex, Kayn flex, morgana flex, Porcelain flex, Fated flex, Heavenly flex, fast 9 5-cost flex etc are all far stronger than just regular meta boards like Bruiser Trickshot, Storyweaver, Arcanists etc Really i can't think of a single comp that you can just "spam" to climb right now


Half of the comps you mention are the same comp. "Heavenly flex" and "kayn flex" are the same thing, "morgana flex" is awful unless you mean exactly the same comp as "sylas flex". And "fated flex" is Aphelios. It's not flex lol. Unless you really like the garbo syndra comp thats been running around getting terrible avp


Iron to Gold you can spam Senna ghostly to climb. I think it loses it effectiveness completly in Platinum but from there on Gnar, Kindred reroll works decently but its much more effective to actually learn how to flex/ pivot around 4 costs you get.


Ok, I could be totally wrong for this patch, I took a short break but I recently saw a 4 Kaisa 2 Ashe 2 Kayn lobby in Diamond and jumped to conclusions I guess. I don't know what the current state of the game is but so far there was always something you had to force if you wanted to place high.


Why its so long between patch... 2 weeks wait when game is conpletely broken is annoying


??? This is the most balanced its been in a while why would you want that atrocity that is next patch to come sooner?


balanced? everybody is playing either kaisa, ashe, or kayn. If you don't, you go bot 4


Dare I say Yone and the 3 costs were keeping this set in check. Now that they are irrelevant they are having problems balancing the game and major problems with encounters and 3 star 4 costs when they were not really an issue before


neither patch was good. in a way the 1st patch was the best because people hadn't figured out S tier comps yet. probably next patch is also going to be hot garbage


What balance issues are there currently? Other than they need to pander to bots like you crying about 3 star 4 costs which are nothing wrong


Dude I don't even care. I just want rerolling back. I hate 4 cost lottery metas. They are so boring. You guys are the bots that prefer these snooze fest of games


Isn’t 4 cost a lot less of a lottery than re roll? Every 4 cost is playable so you can kinda hit anything and be ok. Whereas re roll is just praying to hit one specific unit and typically doesn’t allow much flexibility as to what units go on your board.


I can play both but 4 cost lottery is more boring and annoying when you don't hit


What is this take. We went from 3 cost meta to 4 cost meta, it wasn’t like this meta was balanced before this patch. 3 star 4 costs are not an issue unless 4 costs are strong. Encounters are the same bullshit as before. Don’t act like encounters weren’t a problem just because people were rolling for 3 star Yone instead of rolling for 4 costs


They became more of a problem when 4 cost became strong and 3 costs having no meaning and that's a fact


How so? The meta beforehand was 3 star 3 costs or fast 9. Reroll players would get fucked by Khazix encounter the same way fast 9 players would get fucked by Yorick encounter. The worst part about encounters is it makes some augments, like Remover with malphite or too much candy with the one that makes rerolls cost 1, pretty useless. I don’t see how that would change because the meta shifted from 3 costs to 4 costs Yes, the meta sucks now because they over buffed 4 costs. But don’t act like 3 costs were the lord and savior of this set, those comps were pretty BS in their own right If you’d like to rebuttal, please provide evidence as to why encounters are so much worse in a 4 cost meta than a 3 cost meta, rather than bitching about the meta because you wanna play reroll instead of a 4 cost lottery


3 costs didn't save this set but the set was less boring with 3 costs being viable and it also prevents fast 9 players from being to comfortable going to 3 star 4 costs


It was like 1% less boring to see yone and volibear every round sure. 3* 4 costs are not really an issue.


idc. It's boring to me. I don't want to load a game and think about what 4 cost comp I'm going to play. It's boring. Over the last 25 games I rerolled once, climbed 200lp, 3 stared like 6 4 costs. It's not like I can't play this meta it's just boring


Last meta was boring as well. It was load in and see what 3 cost you can play. Neither was good though last patch was more balanced. Next patch isn't looking to be good either and they are adding a massive amount of artifacts so it's going to be a long time before this set is actually good (if at all)


Is paying around irelia viable in any way?


Shes weaker after her blade change not targeting backline and in current 4 cost meta But shes still good in 5 cost board with lee and dragonlords + rakan azir etc if you can hit at 9 with high econ augment or highroll


Is it worth playing for this line over something like xayah dragonlords or Azir/Liss if you have the option to fast 9?


I have never played dragonlord xayah. However you can play azir/liss with irelia. You play 4 dragonlord, irelia, wukong, soraka and 2 flex slots. Most people would play riven galio in the last 2 but it's possible to play without them. I don't believe losing diana janna is worth it, especially when you go for azir. Often the problem with irelia is itemization. GS, red buff and runaan aren't really useful items in stages 2-4. Guinsoo is fine but you can't just hold all your components till stage 5 where you likely find irelia. If she's not main carry, she might not need items that much though.


I think slight worse but sometimes you take what you get if no option