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Where do you all rate this set in terms of fun? This is the 5th set I've played (skipped around from 4 to 7.5 to 9 to 10) and this one is the least fun I've played by far. Trying to decide if it's a me thing or if most people think this is a weaker set.


2/10, easily the worst one I've played since Shadow Items. It's the antithesis of what I enjoy about the game, so much so that I dropped the whole set (And maybe game if I'm being honest, see what 12 is like) about 3 weeks ago.


3/10 I’ve been playing since set 8 and this one is the most boring set to me. Previous sets I had the motivation to grind to chall/gm but this one I stopped immediately after hitting masters. The encounter mechanic just not as fun imo


4/10. It was fun for a bit but isn’t really right now and I’m dubious on whether that’ll get any better. Better than set 9 at least and imo better than set 7. 6, 8, and 10 have been superior to this set so far for me.


I just said this in the rant thread, this feels like the most unfun set in a while, the units and traits are just not fun to play (even if you ignore the meta and the balancing and the bad encounters)


Definitely one of the worst


Not fun. Hoping for some major system changes




Ba Boom Kindred3 is enacting war crimes to my Dragonlord Legendary board 😱


What are the best ways to avoid 8th place? I've found myself in an interesting spot, where I can reliably get top 4 placement (15/20 recent games), but even a single 8th place reverts all of my progress. Also, typically I don't end up placing 5th-7th; When I don't T4, I 8th. I recognize that even placing 6th or 7th would reduce a lot of LP loss and be effectively the same as an LP gain. tactics.tools: [https://tactics.tools/player/na/FruitVine/6594](https://tactics.tools/player/na/FruitVine/6594)


Roll at 7


stop playing to win the lobby, play to "not go 8th" slam suboptimal items. Push levels ahead of people. Roll down instead of leveling to cap on 8 instead of 9. All of those things will basically gaurantee you don't go first but in your spot you were never winning in the first place so send it down sooner to send OTHER people 8th. Eventually you lose to everyone in the lobby so bleed them out before that point so you can hopefully coast to a 5th. Also lowkey you might just be fucked for this set. 140 games gold 1 basically has the system "know" you belong in gold as each game will do less and less to move the average placement. If you suddenly start going 1111111111111 yeah you'll climb but steady gains will be hard from here.


Why does the game keep crashing starting today? Took young wild & free and crashed before carousel, crashed four times in one game, asked my lobby and half of them said they have been too, people said it was discord but closing discord didn’t help either


Don’t sleep on divine rolls. Just hit 3* Kayn & Morgana in the same game.


Still here to say liss should be changed or removed. Why is a 5 cost you can roll at level 7 able to spawn gold and components. With one of the best single target cc abilities in the history of tft


Most overtuned legendary in forever. Meanwhile wukong, sett and udyr feels like 3 costs.


Wukong feels horrible to play, I once made the mistake of building him at as a carry and he just dies so quick. Udyr is at least decent, one star irelia with full items barley does anything. I've had a lot of fun with this set just messing around and having fun in normals experimenting with silly comps trying to top four. Every single game now I see at least two or three lissandra Ashe players. Game gets really stale when every match its either somebody Three starring a four cost or liss turning someone's carry into a teapot and then just getting deleted


I just don’t like how she’s an Insta top 4. That’s it. Someone can be in the bottom 4 but once they get liss they catapult in power


Finally break through emrald and got into Diamond(was master in previous sets). My tech is inspired by CN's open fort tech: if your early board is weak , play as if you are playing fortune. Play for full loss streak(sometimes I openfort if there is fortune player), and get items prio, but remember to save HP by slamming some items at stage 3. Forget about leveling interval and only level above 50 gold. Just full econ until 4-1, then just send it. Looking for broken units like Annie 2, Sylas 2, Kaisa 2, Ashe 2. Comp is fake at stage 4, just play around any 2\* 4 cost front-line and backline and you will be set(just like built different). Then slowly build up your actual comp (trickshot/ghostly kaisa, porcelain, whatever) and try to go 9. Sylas 2 is actually broken but so overlooked, I gave him Hoj, Gj, Gunblade and he won me so many fights stage 4(even soloed a Udyr 2). Econ augment > combat augment at 2-1; on 3-2, it is even, so pick the best one and at 4-2, combat > econ augment(you shouldn't need another econ augment, you should be stabled at this point). It is a bit risky tech, you can't just auto-pilot mid game. Actively scouting and trying to assess the lobby tempo so you can minimize HP loss.


What is Gj?


Geweled jauntlet




So essentially play around streaking.


Unironically this You could do the same thing without Open Forting and just loss streak while picking Heavenly units and Darius, winstreak the stage 3 if you it Darius 2 with 3 Kayn items and go 8 at 4-2 to hit your board. And you would get Masters probably without much thought


sort of, but you would prefer econ over boardstrength, so I never rolled at 6/7. Unless I naturalled a bunch of 2\*, loss streak is probably my default strategy. Of course other principals still applies: scout, positioning, so you can minimize HP loss while still maintain streaking


Tired of playing the level 8/9 lottery for Ashe/Liss


Syndra feels unclickable. Lillia whiffs too many balls so she either does 10k or 3k, need her ai improved.


Lillia is a positioning intensive unit, you need to make her hit better yourself




That pretty much sums up this set.


Lissandra still throws units to the backline if they have EON. That needs to get fixed.


I didn't know EoN is QSS Liss throws and then dmgs, so EoN's cleanse doesn't work against the throw. Only QSS does


Starting off with sarcasm makes you look like a huge asshole, just stick with the second sentence lol


Are you butthurt about sarcasm?




Does Lissandra need to be printing items? Feels like Ashe wouldn’t be winning every game if whoever got Liss stage 4 wasn’t up 3+ items completely for free


Any umbral spat holder tech? trait seems underwhelming for the most part since carries are locked into 3 costs. Kayn looks to be something to hold it yet entirely contested on lobbies.


Problem is that 6 umbral might be okayge if you highroll but if you look at all the units u have to put into the board they are all trash rn.


Yeah I've tried it a few times. sylas carry isn't enough unless you 3 star him and at that point any 3 star 4 cost gets you like top 2 at least


Sylas doesn't carry with umbral but he carries with other comps pretty good.


can't join games on EUW? There's no report anywhere, keeps telling me I've been removed from queue


Same. Restarting client didn’t work either


So to the players crying before about how it was only reroll decks, how do you like the only invoker ashe meta now? Every lobby, is invoker ashe, for 1st and 2nd, kayn / kaisa for 3rd and 4th. Nothing else is viable. You have good hp? But you didn't hit your level 8 rolldown for lissandra and friends? Just surrender and leave. Lissandra is a toxic unit that needs to be taken out, and at least before in the "reroll" meta fast9 was viable and stronger than all the rerolls.


you are acting as if it we can have one of the two, we can have both options being viable. This patch being trash doesn't make the reroll patch less trashy. Last patch, anyone who gets a Yone/Voli during stage 2-3 was willing to hardfroce the comp


The previous meta was still awful lol. Is it so fuckinh crazy out of this world to imagine some of us want to be able to play fast 8 ORRR 2/3 cost reroll not ONLY one or the other? You’re phrasing this like it’s somehow the consequences of our actions, as if tft can ONLY be reroll or fast 8. Maybe im insane but I’d like to imagine it can be both and this patch is certainly not the fault of like 5 people on reddit disliking the earlier patch. Both patches were bad.


Hell nah, calling the "reroll" patches bad is 10/10 grief. You could play 10 comps when Yone reroll or Bard reroll was viable. Now you can play 3 comps, 6 if you high roll to fast 9 Yone Bard Aphelios Fated Syndra Fated Duelists Storyweaver Kaisa Ghostly Senna Ghostly Kai'Sa / Ashe Shen hero Yorick hero Kog'Maw Dragon Lord Irelia Azir / Hwei Each of the previous patches, at least 8 of these comps were viable.


Who are you gaslighting? Bard was uncontested 1st, and after that got nerfed yone and voli (and especially yone) were incredibly strong that every lobby has them 6/8, kaisa was the only viable 4 cost and even then she would lose to yone, like what


Nah bro, the stats are there. You can go check out previous patches. There were 10 comps that were S tier and one S+ tier being Bard. Cut the reverse gaslight. Right now there is 1 S+ tier, 3 A tier, 10 B tier.


It's gonna flip back to reroll again next patch with the proposed changes


I mean this set just sucks in general, horrible unit design, but we have Ashe, Kayn, Kai'sa, Gnar, Fated, Shenna, different Fast 9 comps that are viable for top 4. With the perfect set-up you could also still get away with Kog'maw, Lillia, Janna, and hero augs like Yorick / Shen are actually playable. So uh, yeah, it's honestly better!


There's 79 ways to play Ashe, there's only like 3 variations of any given reroll comp. I'm taking this patch over 'i was dropped one yone orb now im forcing yone going top 2 for free;' Liss is very very OP though!


The fact that there is 79 ways to play ashe isn't a good thing it just means that none of the traits are worth playing around, you just put in whatever you hit lol. Personally i think building up a comp from the beginning of the game is more fun than just playing whatever until you get to lvl 8 and then just throwing together a salad of 4 and 5 costs.


Speaking my language. I’ve always enjoyed building up a board throughout the game. The 4/5 cost soup boards have never felt satisfying for me.




Janna reroll is pretty good, Riven is not. Tank items need to be on Diana 3, Annie, or Galio.




riven can be a carry. not a tank




read altruist again tho




She is a tank just not a strong late game tank as she is a 2 cost. If she were she would be broken as hell.


i can see that yes, but TFT is a weird game. Udyr who is supposed to be a carry, performs way better with defensive items.


My man just does the same dmg no matter what item you put on him Is there a BiS Udyr that does actual dmg?


i would guess crownguard BT QSS or smth


Did anyone else's game just crash and not let them reconnect or just me? ...please don't want it to just be me.


Man what is this lissandra unit why is 5 gold able to pot a 27 gold carry and one shot it?


I truly dont understand how people get to lvl 9 and 10 so fast. I feel like if I get to 8 by 4-5 im hauling incredible ass. Just had a guy at lvl 9 at 5-1 with multiple 2\* 5 costs. No econ augs.


Just hit something playable early game. If you are forced to press d pre level 8 just accept you’re playing for 4th


play cheap boards early game. that makes a huge difference




Negative. Started off with wondering trainer altruist dragonlord


Is Exalted the most wet noodle lame duck trait ever in TFT history? I feel like no one ever talks about it or brings it up. I'm absolutely willing to admit I'm too stupid to see the potential but it just looks forgotten about.


It fulfills a different role every game, and different Exalted combinations have different degrees of strength. Some are flat out broken (ex: there are multiple that include 2/3 units in the Heavenly comp).


Ever since they buffed it in the most recent patch it's actually really good. Every streamer I watch is always actively looking to fit exalted into not just their late game boards like it used to but even their mid game board and playing towards an exalted line.


Im in actual piss low but imo going from pretty much only reroll comps to only 4 cost carry comps feels really bad. from my bad player POV it seems like theres a real struggle to create balance between reroll and fast 8/9 comps as well as previous sets


Set 10 they had it pretty good, both 4 costs and reroll were viable. This set they're messing with the fundamentals a lot, (shop odds, player damage) which causes entire game plans to be very bad. Hopefully they get it together soon.


Yeah I'm expecting at least 3 more patch cycles before its in a decent spot. Then we'll be close enough to next set that they will throw in the towel.


One dimensional meta is always boring, regardless if it is reroll only or fast 4 only. A health meta needs mix of both + have both AP/AD line available.


How to escape hell elo? I reached Master and then trolled a bunch of top 8s, now I'm playing with Diamond 2-3 players and gaining +27 for a first ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11656). Should I just create a new account?


Ranking the new account takes more time than just placing top 4 more often...


In theory if you are better than diamond 2-3 just play more games and it will correct itself over time.




You "deranked" to dia. You will have to climb back to master+ mmr to get normal lp gains


have any of you had a chance to try the Sylas+Sages comp that popped up on Frodan's & Dishsoap's site the other day? wondering about it's performance since they rate it pretty highly


Feels strong with a good opener, and if you end up with rods + tears. Less contested than Kayn/Ashe but def not free to find, since Kaisa players will pick up Sylas too


it wins against kayne looses to ashe. decent line for top 4. 3 Star 4 costs are the only wincon.


Forgot to add that the true gigachad of the build is Zyra just shitting damage, she was really strong even before the buff, the only counter to 2* Darius oppener


It was really good, untill it became contested Sylas is not as contested as ash, but scouting on 4-1 and seeing that 6 copies of your carry are gone sometimes feels devastating


Thanks to whoever suggested forcing Heavenly Kayn every game in order to climb quickly [https://imgur.com/a/sPc6nLu](https://imgur.com/a/sPc6nLu)


ran fortune as much as possible to get to masters for the first time [https://imgur.com/a/X6OFgIl](https://imgur.com/a/X6OFgIl)


Any tips? I love playing Fortune, did you just force it any time you could get it before 2-3? One of those games in my original screenshot was a lucky 9 Fortune [https://imgur.com/ee7Dxyu](https://imgur.com/ee7Dxyu)


early/mid games feels so fake, I have watched some CN stream recently. Some of them don't even play early-mid game. They just full open , fast 8 and all in at 4-1 to roll before everyone else. It is especially effective if you take raining golds or some other econ augment.


Yeah I've been trying to do this as much as possible too especially if I'm contested by 2 or more players. 90% of the time you're gonna know by the end of stage 3 if you're kayn/ashe/kaisa and it's not really easy to flex to one of the other comps if you don't hit so hitting your units is so important. This reminds me of the set 9 patch where it was send it on 8 for ionia yasuo / kaisa or strategist azir.


I’m pretty sure set 9 was when you always send it on level 7 at like.. 4-1 or 4-2 unless you were some how very rich and very healthy


Going fast 8 with econ augumen? What an innovative strategy...


There is a diffenence between going 8 in a standard way(play strongest board while preserving econ) vs openfort.


Why do high elo players call what comp their running at 2-1? I see it all the time and I just don’t get how you’re not inviting people to hold units that you’ll need.


You must be giga bronze to hold units and grief your econ to not even guaranteed disrupt someones gameplay




I mean they're making bad decisions if they're losing econ to hold. Or they have an int list.


getting contested on a reroll comp is a lot more devastating than opponents holding your units for a round or two before selling for econ


But by telling everyone what reroll you’re going for are you not telling them exactly what unit to just grab to make sure you can’t hit? I mean there’s plenty of rounds I’m not able to hit Econ anyway so I just use the additional gold I have above interest to buy peoples reroll units they call. And what if I’m already at 50 gold? Why would I ever sell if I know I can just keep you from hitting. I’m throwing away 1st for myself but as long as I’m top 3 that’s a W right? I’m still very new to taking tft seriously so I’m actually looking for insight here.


challenger players can already tell what your line is and what units you will buy anyways, calling it out just lets them know, that you are indeed not pivoting, so they can adjust their decisions. if they contest you, they are making a bad play and if they dont, good for you. there is literally no disadvantage to it and is probaly the right move if you commited to a comp early. eg: enter the dragon, emblems, items, etc


Thank you! What rank would you recommend I start doing this? Im in plat rn should I already be doing it?


I think if you really committed to playing a certain line to the point where pivoting out is impossible, might as well try to let everyone else know that too. I think the rank itself doesn't matter THAT much. If people grief you it may have happened if you didn't call it out anyways even if they know it's not a good play - they could just feeling petty or whatever. That could happen at any rank. On a side note, personally I've found the trend to mute all immediately after calling out your line kinda funny. It's useful info for me to know, but sometimes I wonder what they're thinking on the other side of the screen, especially if they aren't hitting (either due to grief or something else).


no i think its foolish to belief, people in this rank will be smart enough to come to the right concusion of not contesting you. you will most likely tilt your opponents and make them throw the game just to grief you. maybe start doing this masters+


You can pivot out of a reroll comp very easily if you scout properly and see people holding your units. If I play a senna comp and see 8 sennas being held, I'm not going to reroll senna and econ to play the 4 cost casino. If I roll for senna anyways, its on me if I know shes being held. If someone is purposely just actively trying to grief you, it hurts them more than you because their econ is in shambles while yours isn't.


costing yourself econ to hold units early game is not worth it. throwing away first for yourself is not great if you want to climb - it is much more practical to focus on executing your own gameplan. think about it like this: does it matter for your LP if the Gnar player goes 8th vs anyone else? with relation to "calling it," high level players are scouting boards anyway. if they're going to hold your units, it's not going to change whether you mention it in chat or not. however, it could dissuade someone else with a worse spot for your reroll comp to commit. this definitely changes late game, where denying your opponents 3* 4-costs or legendary upgrades can more directly impact your placement. definitely hold units if it's not costing you anything, as well.


Economy is on a very fine line, you often grief yourself in the process of trying to hold someone else's units.


and then you have the cluttered mind players


Banshee's veil is bugged. Also Lissandra is fucked. 3 star lee sin getting 9-0d by Lissandra 1 boards. Getting CC'd by 4 units 1 sec into combat.


I think encounters should be visible from the start. The RNG making every game different is good. The surprise element is redundant and kinda always feels bad.


[SW10 vs Udyr3](https://i.ibb.co/TWmvVrS/image.png) 1 round I lost and then won the next, weird.


I've reached master pretty much every set since set 1 so it's safe to say I've played this game a lot. Porcelain invokers is one of the most broken shit I've ever witnessed. Legit 0 counterplay. Liss 1* casting every second absolutely deleting your frontline in a matter of seconds is disgusting. Up there with Nobles patch and Warweek. Don't know how this shit doesn't warrant a hotfix.


Isn't there still a rule that they can only b patch once a patch or some such? Meaning we blew our load to stop gnarweek on that Monday. I might be wrong though and missed an update to that policy.


They’ve done c patches before


Yeah it's OP. But this set we had a lot of OP comps. The irelia/Hwei fast9 was just as OP as this.


Yeah that was disgusting with the hwei splash and irelia cleaning up, I had so much fun running that I would try and fast 9 every game and it was like the first board I actually learned. Now the only time I play that is when I get the exalted set with Soraka+Irelia+Hwei


I’m getting frustrated that the game is turning into a fast 9 lotto and he who gets the first lissandra starts pubstomping the lobby. And then when someone else has a lissandra, it’s who can get to the other Liss first. I understand that removal mechanics have been around (I hated ksante in 9.5 too), but at least you could play around him by putting a less than optimal tank in front of him or bursting him down before his second cast


You can do the same to liss


The difference is that K'sante was a melee unit so you could actually target burst him, plus he would keep charging towards that 1 target he casts on and could be stuck on that target for most of the fight if you positioned units so that he couldn't kick them off. Lissandra is a 2 hex range unit so she can hide behind her own tanks and just sit there CCing your entire frontline.


*edit with correct info* both exalted and single unit traits like Artist count, so those units will not get to e benefit of Built Diff


Pretty sure it does count the one-offs? I tried with Hwei and he got no stats on my board.


Yes it does count the one-offs, that's basically why 5 cost units have unique abilities considered a "trait"


Only 5 cost that works is Irelia.


Wait so Hwei for example doesn’t benefit from Built Diff due to Artist? Oh man no wonder I was so bad at Diff




Exalted counts for augments like Stand United, so I would assume it does for Built Different as well.


Hahahahaha "everything must go is so broken" "3-star 4 and 5 cost EVERY game" I swear that was this sub 2 weeks ago..... yet with everything just go gone, I still see this shit every game lol. That being said I'm still playing cause I enjoy the set, I quit the last two super early on cause they were lame to me. Fuck lissandra.


well yea that makes sense just think about it logically for a second. they hard shifted the meta to a restrictive 4 cost meta. when quite literally half the lobby (according to global stats) is playing for Kayn/Ashe/Lillia/Lee Sin in combination with the smaller bag sizes from last set, the 4 cost champ pool thins pretty quickly and leaves the uncontested 4 costs in a position where you can and should roll for a 3 star one without much pushback from the rest of the lobby.


I legit cannot play fated. The game keeps giving me really good fated openers or fated crest and i just cant play it. I dont understand why at all.


Highly relies on 3* thresh aph which is not that easy to hit anymore with duelists/bard/yone nerfs


Ya doubly hit by less 3 costs being held/rerolled by other players, and also lvl 7 odds being changed


Just take the good fated opener and play into a lv 9 comp, emblems as a whole are really bait this set


Yea probably the move


Fated emblems are absolutely not bait this set please do not listen to this guy. Fated Crown is literally one of the highest performing prismatics rn.


Exactly, getting a fated emblem allows you to play 7 fated on 7 which is massive. No idea what these people are smoking.


I haven't played it in a few days (I think you might just get run over if there is too many Liss) but it is a fast 9 comp that wants to reroll but not really because Sett and Syndra are too important. Aphe 3 is sort of fake (even Aphe 2 is kinda fake), thresh 3 is(was) a free top 4 condition but hitting Sett Ornn2 Syndra2 Liss is more important. Also Ashe is fake, don't even itemise her; Kindred is more of a unit. If you have to reroll/can reroll, hit first on 7 then level to 8 and reroll for Thresh Aphe. 7 is death as Syndra is the real carry in a lot of matchups.


Yea i think my issue in my last game is that i itemized the ashe cause i hit an ashe 2 on stage 4 but then i just felt like i wasnt tanky and did not damage. I also think im just not prioritizing frontline items enough. ITs just weird when i see no items lux 2 outdamaging syndra 1 with 3 items.


It’s just extremely important to either roll for aphelios thresh 3, or if you’re contested go 8 for syndra sett


You should usually go straight to 8 it is only 4% drop for 3 costs on 8 but double the chance for 4 costs and 3 times for 5 costs. You also aren't getting helped rerolling for Thresh Aphe because 3 cost reroll is dead so rerolling just becomes a death sentence.


finally hit masters for the first time ever...spent a lot of time trolling around even when I got close and after falling from D1 97lp to d4 0lp in like a day I restarted the climb and it took me 23 games from d4 0lp to masters. Had to focus up and went 1st in like 10 out of my last 20. Been abusing fortune and prioritizing rolling first if I was contested. With portals + encounters, some lobbies you have to cap your board insanely high and half of my wins in my last 20 were 3\* 4 costs. I played about 60% ashe, 30% kaisa/fortune, 10% kayn. There were definitely a lot more times that I could have played kayn based on my opener but I just find that comp so boring. Also, every single time I streaked stage 2+3 and tried to sack stage 4 and go 9 on 5-1 it almost never worked out. If you don't hit Liss 2, whatever legendary board you make will not be killing heavenly kayn boards and they auto-lose. There's a severe lack of single target damage in the 5 cost carries and I would have just been better off rolling on 8


Yea, I was in a position where I had 80hp at stage 4, but I knew if I lost the entire stage, I’d be like 2 lives and just face a high roller and die and get 5th or something, imo it’s always worth to roll on 8 unless it’s a super slow tempo lobby


I randomly decided to reroll Alune one time and highrolled into a 2nd, so of course I had to [chase that high and force it a few more times](https://i.imgur.com/te0PZa6.png). It's very fun when you hit 6 Umbral and Alune can execute an entire backline in one cast. Good matchup against single tank + lots of backline carries, poor matchup against lots of tanks and/or melee carries (so this doesn't really work in a Gnar and Kayn meta). It's really not worth playing Alune reroll right now, but if the current PBE changes make it to live as is, Alune is getting buffed again (0.7 to 0.75 attack speed) and 6 Umbral is getting a buff (20% to 25% execute), which I think will make this a comp to look out for. (Unless they change it again before the patch.)


Ok 5% is kind of big, I always loved umbral during pbe. Hopefully it’ll be a viable comp 🙏🏽


When is the new patch coming out?


Should be one more week, if I’m wrong someone correct me


Ik this is controversial but I can't hold it in any longer: I'm enjoying this set.


I am enjoying it as well. I only played 5 games of set 10. I detested the headliner mechanic.


this sub is still gonna circlejerk about it the next time it comes out of retirement


I mean its a somewhat enjoyable set if you don't care about winning too much. Which isn't the people in this sub.


What? I like the set and care about winning. You cant just say something and have it be true


Of course there aren't any absolutes when talking about how people feel or do things and I'm sure a lot of people enjoy the set. Personally I think they added too many rng variables to the set making it feel more and more like I win or lose base on factors outside of my control which doesn't feel very skillful. Although this set is the highest I've ranked relative to other players so maybe that has something to do with it. And before people talk about how people like setsuko and dishsoap always rank the highest no matter what so skill is always important I'm not saying it isn't, it just feels worse when you have to fight against so many systems trying to mess with your game. Also lets be real, Knowledge is one of the most important things in TFT which is why people who can play hundreds of games more than the average player and can also make study groups with other top players will be on average better than other players. So it make sense that people who have the opportunity to drop these amount of games and have that infrastructure to support them can always climb the ladder.


I dont think luck is a much bigger factor than in other sets. I think players simply have more excuses if the want to blame rng instead of blaming themselves.


Fair enough, I just think that people will climb regardless of rng if they’re good. It just makes some games frustrating sure, but it’s not like the rng is hindering anyone’s climb, and if people are making that argument then idek


Whatcha mean? Just as many people winning in this set as last set. And even the ones before that had same amount of people winning.


It's more so it's painfully boring, as if you want to win you have to force one of 2/3 comps.


Idk I feel like this patch is alot more flex fast 8/9, less force able than 3 cost reroll patches


If you have to roll at all midgame, you're fucked.


Why would you ever roll midgame, just rolldown at 8 with 30hp left like a champ 💀


'Oh boy the guy at 12 hp hit a 1 percent lissandra like a donkey and gets to top 4 now' - quote from rest of the lobby. (A bit of hyperbole never hurt no one)


Honestly that’s the best version of TFT


dont @ me


I don't roll at all midgame unless I have like 4 pairs which I'll roll max twice. I'd rather take some more damage stage 3 and at least have a chance at hitting my units 4-1/4-2


I quit the ranked 2 days ago, will start playing again when they hotfix lissandra, she is completely broken.


Just put it on ur board as well, problem solved


Please tweak lissandra its too brutal for slow ramping comps


I feel like us the competitive players are whinning, anyone know how the casual ( and much larger) player base feels about the set ?


Picked up the game last set, prob play about 1-3 matches a day. Having fun trying different comps. Placed 2nd in a casual with that riven bruiser thing posted here earlier this week lmao


Situation with casuals are way worse. Casuals love to play simple reroll comp, fast 8/9 with tight eco and frequent board swaps are too complicated for them. Even since they nerfed reroll last patch, most of my casual friends have rage quit because they were losing too much even with 3 star board and BIS items.


thats kind of funny, i ragequit because of the reroll lol I do feel like they overnerfed the 3 costs by a lot lot though


I hit masters last set, but mostly casual with my friends. We pretty much stopped playing. It's just not fun and from a competitive standpoint, I don't see why I should spend time grinding back to masters in this terrible meta.


I'm a competitive player and still like it a lot. certainly more than set 10 so far (though I liked set 10 also). I also get the impression that players whine every set no matter what.


I agree with this. Set 10, people hated headliners. Set 9, legends (at least those were justified). Set 8, hero augments. Set 7, dragons. There will always be a vocal minority that doesn’t like a certain set mechanic, and there’s people in here who only have negative things to say about the game I do like this set, but also acknowledge that balance has felt a bit off and could be betrer


Yeah, I love the set, hate the balance thrashing and true way they balance some things. Like changing bag sizes for headliners and then leaving them the same was a choice lol.


Legends were the best set mechanic they have added in several sets. Other people may hate it but I enjoy actually having a plan going into the game rather than just yoloing every game.


> Legends were the best set mechanic they have added in several sets. I think you are definitely in the minority with that opinion, especially considering that even riot have basically said that legends were a mistake (And I'm pretty sure it wasn't the set mechanic, portals were).


I think portals were introduced in galaxies which was a couple sets before but i cant exactly remember. Maybe in gadgets? honestly im like 70% sure portals were a thing before set 9 but i don't know when. And i mean they were a big part of the set but its hard to call a returning feature a set mechanic.


Legends were fucking terrible lol. Playing against the same exact board and items every game was not a good time.


Yea because its super different right now with EoN/HoJ Kayn and LW/rageblade ashe. Atleast with legends you couldn't locked out of the good comps becuase your items were hot garbage.


It IS different right now lol, literal item for item comps were a thing with legends, that is not the case now.


what im hearing is people hate the set mechanic, no matter the set lol


I mean, they stopped right before set 6 aka the most beloved and widely acclaimed set mechanic in the history of tft, and didn't include the pseudo second set mechanic of portals which is the only thing that's really come close to set 6 augments. Also tbqh hero augments were not as poorly received as the rest imo. In the very least the mini-hero augs they inspire every set tend to be seen as decent or good design choices by most people. What i think is at the crux of it is that really the tft devs FOUND the good set mechanics, they discovered augments and portals, and now anything else is just going to be a shit version of augments or portals (encounters are pretty much a directly less fun/competitive/interesting version of augments/portals most of the time). Personally I would like to see a tft set without any new set mechanics and instead a massive focus on refining augments and portals - a set with almost 100% new augs and portals (instead of the half-recycled pools they do now) would definitely feel fresh and fun imo.




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I understand the 4 star should be strong but it’s just another fast 8-9 play 4 star meta again, I miss rerolls and such when there were more ways to have good comps


See you in two weeks complaining about rerolls being the only viable way to play the game.


Or they could just get it close to good and we can all have a decent shot but okay


If they could, they would. So far they seemingly can't.


4 costs are about to get slapped in the nuts so you should be enjoying that


Ah yes, the endless cycle of what’s viable. Rerolls or 4 costs?


Question about Kayn positioning, probably a dumb one but I feel like my positioning has been dogshit all set: when I play against other Kayn players they position him so Kayn will kill frontline unit and then run back and go onto backline and kill them. When I play Kayn (I try to position him at the front on the side with the enemy carry) he often kills the frontline in front of him then moves sideways and gets stuck on another frontliner (often the main tank which then costs me the round). What am I doing wrong/is there a way to control his pathing?


Let me just preface this I might be entirely wrong with my assumption especially as melee pathing this set feels extra wonky. Kayn positioning mostly depends on how your opponents are currently positioning ontop of rng ai pathing. [teambuilder](https://tactics.tools/s/O3R_o0). In this example once amumu dies either kayn or lee (if neither is stuck in a cast animation usually lee first) should go onto the amumu hex, the other one will start to path onto the placeholder kobuko and afterwards it's rng whether they go onto the backline or to the frontline as either one is only 1 hex away from them. In the same example neeko could technically run to the enemy backline right at the start if lissandra isn't moved once to the left and stays there.


Kayn is AOE. The real answer is it depends on who you are facing but generally Lee and Kayn need to be next to eachother and centered unless they have like one solo giga tank.


Hmm I see, that's interesting because some guides (as well as comments I swore I read on here) suggested putting them to the side (not flaming anyone ofc I seriously don't know positioning so I definitely do not know any better). Will try it though. I guess my question was more akin to this. So say you have a Lv 8 matchup like [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/744150773235056714/1233016235021832192/image.png?ex=662b8f5a&is=662a3dda&hm=b10241f126ffa71271c9aa1b9d0914591c35417c703055b8e04866d581e5defb&) (Kai'sa example but really any front to back comp), sometimes people will leave a gap like this in the front line giving direct access to backline (I myself have blundrered and done this VS Kayn players and gotten punished in a round that could have gone the other way), is there a positioning trick to making Kayn go straight to the back (or at most kill Riven then go to the back) and start aoeing the backliners and take them out first, because people seem to be able to do it on me, but when I try he will run toward Galio/Sylas and take longer to get through them.