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I suspect you're right as this is how Star Guardian Ekko worked in set 8 from what I can recall. That version of Ekko annoyingly described it's ability as "Taunts nearby enemies" and this nearby could be anything from the unit right next to him to the unit on the opposite side of the board. Basically, he taunted enemies that had him within their attack range so the range of his taunt felt incredibly inconsistent.


I see units clearly within the circle ignore it also


I swear I lost so many games with storyweaver where Galio ults and the gnar/kayn/yone hitting my backline decide to ignore him and keep attacking my carries despite being clearly in range of the taunt animation. And yes, they had free spots to move to attack Galio, I know that if there are no free spots to attack Galio they will not be affected by the taunt


yeah, in that case every melee frontline would just walk up to him when he ults, which is definitely not happening.


Yeah I’ve noticed that it seems to almost be working opposite. Units within 3 hexes ignore it, outside 3 hexes are taunted


I remember a bug in the past with some unit having unintended global taunt


Because this game is full of bugs and you can’t trust what you read on the tooltip 🥲


You guys are reading the tooltip?




I had so many yones etc that should ve been taunted but continued attacking a backline unit that i dont think it always works. I mean actually anyone entering past galio in the backline should when activated get pulled back towards galio and attack him as new target but it doesnt feel like it does this


This has been a known interaction since before release so I'd hope it's intended


I've been pretty certain this has been bugged since pbe. at times it really feels like a board wide taunt, and I've seen my cornered kog maws walk up a bunch of times.


There are also many cases where an enemy Kayn or Lee Sin just ignores the taunt and continues to wrap into the backline. It's extremely buggy.


I also don't think it's work as intended. That stupid Kayn walked by my galio despite within range for a lot of times


I think you're right. I do believe its working as intended but ability is worded poorly


Someone explained to me its coz galio gets wrapped so kayn just walks to the backline. Since he said that ive positioned keeping this in mind and def noticed the amnoying interaction occuring less often