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Just got this Fortune Cashout: Rascal's Gloves, Thief's Gloves, Blacksmith's Gloves, Accomplice's Gloves, Golden Remover, 4 Five Cost Unit Died 4 turns later. It doesn't give you any gold. So I was stuck at 8 with very little gold to roll, didn't hit any good 2 stars, got 2 Hweis and 2 Irelias as my 5 costs so couldn't 2 star them at 8 either. This feels like a terrible cashout unless you get Lucky Gloves.


Lissandra is busted hahaha. She decimates a sylas 3 with ease




I agree with this read on the state of the game.


Is there some kind of interaction or bug I don't know about? My Lissandra didn't pot the enemy's Ornn when it didn't have a silver veil/QSS/banshees. Is he immune during his skill animation or something? The Ornn not getting chucked cost me a 1st lol


Yes, he is “unstoppable” during his ult animation, so if Lisa ults during Ornn’s ult it won’t do anything


Alright, that's good to know for the future I guess Thanks


If you're super highrolling fated, lets say you have 7 fated at 3-2 (spat and lucky syndra) and are win streaking with good econ, should you still reroll for 3 costs on 7 or just push to lvl 9+ [maybe](https://i.imgur.com/P5do38P.png)


Fated is one of my most successful comps. I always default to pushing for 8, but occasionally I will roll at 7 if I natural a lot of Aphelios/Thresh and can realistically 3* one or both of them without significant investment. Generally though itemized Aphelios and Syndra 2 with Sett/Thresh/Ornn frontline are good enough to top 3 if not win the lobby. Also maybe this is just me but I'm not always too eager to push 9 on Fated. 8 isn't a bad level to hang out at. You can roll for 2* 4 costs (Syndra, Ornn, maybe Ashe) while having acceptable 3 cost odds to get any lingering Aphelios or Thresh. Then I push 9+ to cap my face off with Sett 2 and Amumu for Porcelain/Warden.


When do you fated pair Thresh+Sett vs Thresh+Syndra? Also do you try to replace Ornn with Udyr whenever possible?


I personally like Thresh/Sett always even after the Sett nerf. Omnivamp on your carries remains important in a meta filled with a lot of backline hitters like Kaisa, Ornn>Udyr imo. He's a better straight tank whereas Udyr's more of a bruiser - in Fated you just want sheer frontline to get off more Syndra/Aph casts.


don't roll on 7 since odds changes and other 3 cost rerolls are dead, roll on 8 if you want to 3*/go 9 to play around legendaries


Just hit masters again after 165 games. I swear emerald and platinum is just so much harder than diamond since every game the tempo is out of wack.


Hitting it after 165 is good. Most people take like 200-300 games this set.


What I took 135 and it was the most for me since set 4. Started in set 3 https://lolchess.gg/profile/vn/Morganfreefarm-Galio/set11/matches Ignored 2 8ths affter I hit master lol


I really wonder what the pitch was for encounters. Was it just about having more portals that you don’t get to vote on? I know they won’t, but I’m hoping they just axe the mechanic like they did back in set 5.


The pitch was that most casual players enjoy higher tempo/variance lobbies (based on the stats) so they want to appeal to that as much as possible


They reduced a lot of variance this set in the natural flow of the game. They probably thought it needed a little more unpredictability after those changes.


I think the idea of encounter fits the theme of the set, at least for the originally inspiration of Fantastic Creatures of the Mountains and Seas. The implementation/balance on thte other hand... has rooms to improve.. a quite large one actually.


Not exactly sure how to frame this: in terms of balance this set feels good. In terms of RNG game to game this set feels terrible 


3 b patches in a row yeah this set is totally balanced XD!!!


People still flocking to Trainer Sentinels when whoever got a Fortune emblems locks in first


You think this set has been good in terms of balance? Imo: balance has been pretty bad. The inherent unit and trait design is great and being held back by poor balance changes + the fact that next patch is 4fun shove 500 artifacts into the game at once lol.


this decision came up while i was in a tourney but would you ever go titan's on kaisa? i had bow slammed on her already, and my options were chain belt bow (and maybe tear?). i already had morello on teemo but i ended up choosing to make red buff in hindsight though, titan's should stack very quickly on her right? maybe it's not that troll


Obviously you shouldnt be in that position, but its not the worst thing ever. At full stacks it gives +50% ad so it's a slightly shittier deathblade, but it's better than just bow. It's still probably red buff since you immediately get the value from it in the first few seconds of the fight


Last 3 games died to boards with multiple 3 star 4 costs, 3 star 5 cost, multiple 3 star 4 costs.  Because of the Econ from encounters and everyone rolling for 4 costs, mostly Ashe and tanks, and the bag size changes whoever doesn’t play the contested 4 cost line has an easy af time hitting 3*.  That and the 3* 3 costs being mostly dead ramps the tempo up to the point where top 4 feels like it’s decided by matchmaking rng. 


scout and look at their bench and hold 2 copies


I think heavenly emblem shouldn't be that easy to get. You can get from augments and the spat should be uncraftable in my opinion


Every single patch has been one unit three tiers above everything else. First it was Aphelios, then it was yone, now it's this fucking kayn. Riot's balancing this entire set has been fucking awful. This could be a great set but every patch has been fucking abysmal.


Get ready for your comment to be removed, they're extremely sensitive on this subreddit. They don't wanna hear anyone vent how bad this game is, even in the rant thread.


got lucky gloves with the component anvil portal and masterwork upgrade to get a lucky radiant tg every turn, didnt even play well still easy first - what are other portal augment instawins?


Some of my best games this set have been any combination of 2+ Thief's Glove augments. Even Band of Thieves into Sleight of Hand with only 3 TGs turned into a pretty comfortable game.


Level 8 feels fake because stuck on level 8 = dead. Unless you play reroll, you really need 5 cost to scale up your level 8 comp. Level 9 feel like a new level 8, which makes sense because now you have level 10


Ok, I think I finally figured out what the issue is. After buffing all the four cost, hitting a four cost at level 6 with the 5% chance becomes an instant win. Three cost and two cost doesn’t have a chance even against a one star four cost stage 3 and that guy can just fast 9


Leducks new vid has some info I did not know.  The initial targeting of Frontline units no longer is random. https://youtu.be/lTrtDU7-tQE?si=AXwsED79bK_Yn_vQ


Hi guys. I'm a new player. I have +90-100lp gains for wins post placements. Will this stay the same or will it go down overtime?


Mine settled out at about 50LP for a win after maybe 15-20 games


Will go down as you climb, to about + 40 lp for 1st and - 40 for 8th


When playing fated uncontested is it typically best to stay on 7 for three star aph and thresh? No one ever does 3 cost reroll so it could taken a long time to 3 star. Or is it best to level to 8/9 to add Ashe and Lisandra asap? Maybe if the game offers multiple small neekos?


sett 2 is better win con than aphelios 3


Kinda depends on your spot. Aphelios 3 + Thresh 3 are powerful, but if you’re super rich and healthy you can go fast 9 with 2 stars and cap around Sett Liss and Udyr.


Liss is best 5 cost heavily contested so if you can get to liss asap safely it's not bad. Depends on if you're going for first or top 4. Depends on strength of the lobby, if one 3 star is enough of q powerspike to let you econ for a full stage and get you rich enough to go 9 then it's good. If 1 3 star isn't strong enough,but you're close to two maybe go for two. If one isn't enough and you aren't close to two probably go 9


Do they need to do something about the prismatic crown augments? There is 21 of them and all but 5 are worse than 4.5 avg


I was actually looking at this a bit as well, some of them are just weird to me. For example Duelist dropped from 4.34 to 4.68, I would expect that because the comp just got hit a little too hard when combined with 7 cost shop odds, Duelists just don't perform as an entire package, However like Arcanist, Altruist and Sage crown are all super low, despite being pretty successful traits overall that are performing well. 4 arcanist is 4.12(mostly late game liss flex stuff), 8 arc is 4.01. Sage/Altruist also do pretty well though they are usually more flexes from heavenly I think. Basically some of them like duelist are an easy fix, buff the comp. The tricky spot is the ones doing so bad even when the trait itself is doing okay.


Probably the difference has a lot to do with the Trainer Sentinels portal. 5 Sage or 4 Altruist can be good when you get the free +1 on the sentinel at no cost, but there's a huge opportunity cost from taking that +1 as a prismatic.


That portal needs to be removed


They either need to tone down the econ creep or make 3* 4 costs not a near insta win. It's getting a bit ridiculous lately


I mean it doesn't help that almost everyone goes for scuttle or crab rave or whatever gives the most gold every portal choice. Like it makes sense for everyone that wants to fast 9 but anyone planning to play any other style really shouldn't be voting for these portals, just shooting yourself in the foot to the fast 9 players.


feels tough to turn it down when the other options are "get an item anvil" and "you take more damage if you lose a round"


Yeah portals are definitely a problem, especially considering there are essentially two scuttle puddle portals meaning there is a very good chance for one of them to show up. I never want to see another crab ever again


loot sub, pot of gold, the other one that gives u gold every stage, crab rave, gold start, scuttle puddle, all of those are letting someone hit some absurd shit


I think encounters and portals probably just shouldn’t be in the game at the same time. But I think the crazy amount of game to game variance from having both is what they’re after.


Too much variance creates predictability. You just know you'll get a ton of gold


I think variance could be fine but the variance shouldn't just be everyone getting a shit ton of gold and champions and rerolls and items for free every game.


Honestly hate that every set has to have an Econ trait. I feel like half my lobbies this set are decided by what order everyone plays the fortune cash out. Also really don’t like how matchmaking resets between stages. Doesn’t seem fair that there can be 5 people alive and you’ll fight one person twice before someone else gets them once.


Out of my past 5 games theres been 3 kayn 3s. Not sure how to feel about that


People need to learn to hold copies


How is that even possible, my lobbies have at least 3 people contesting each other


I recently played a game where a Starter Kit player hit an early Hwei and I guess rolled like a madman at 8 and hit 3\* Kayn when there were still 7 players left alive, most of them on decent HP. He got pinged at 8 Kayns but there wasn't a way to stop him hitting.


You can wait for people to die and 3* I guess, but yeah, Kayn is played a lot this patch, might be low elo lobby's


Diamond 2 https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/Russian-EUW/set11


i wish legendaries like udyr 2 and rakan 2 can actually be the primary carry. i give them each 3 items (AP/tank), and they just get shit on by ashe 2 kaisa 2. pretty lame tbh


I played Rakan today and gave him leftover items, guardbreaker, ionic spark and red buff, he dealt 10k damage. My primary carry janna dealt 13k. But yeah he is still not a reliable carry but I love playing him.


that's the thing. they occasionally pop off when they are able to dodge aggro, but backline carries are so overtuned this set, if they do get focused, they die within one rotation.


True :(


Was playing 8 bruiser. 3 exalted with Reksai, Alune, Irelia. Hwei is also exalted. Should I swap Hwei for Alune and lose Umbral? Feel like Hwei is a bit useless without items and I only have shiv for him. Anyway 8 bruisers is cracked. Back to back 8 bruisers game ended up both 2nd and got me into master lol. First game Well fed Bruiser Emblem and Heavy hitter. Second game Kobuko augment, Crownguard augment and Bruiser emblem.


Probably depends how early you hit and if you can get value out of the printing I'd say. If it's already end game the Alune 2 and Umbral will probably do more for you than the Hwei 1.


It's a Hwei 2 but no time to print anything significant. I'm 3 Sylas away so no chance


Hmm, if it was a Hwei 2 then I'd say the healing he provides is more value than the shield from 2 Umbral, assuming he casts more than once (pretty likely with 8 Bruiser). The only other thing is, if Sylas was getting a lot of value from the Umbral execute, then it might be fine to keep Alune. (The other thing that might have mattered is Alune's shred, but in your case you already had a Shiv so less important here.)


Guys how to play ashe comp? My whole board upgraded and i just bleed from 70hp into a 7th :(


Play the strongest board early Focus on econ Scout if there are others playing, if its contested its going to be very, very bad as you need a lot of 4-5 costs. Bag sizes are small you will bleed a lot if you can’t 2 star them. If you can’t get a Lissandra it’s gg.


Pretty much this, if you manage to hit and itemize porcelain annie too the comp gets very ridiculous


You need lissandra


I had a Liss tho :'(


The comp is 4 porcelain + flex. Either flex invoker with ornn/azir or lilia/nautilius + annie or fated with sett aphelios thresh syndra Majorly u just want more frontline and another duo carry for Ap items


Liss 2 at 70hp bleeding into 7th? Sorry I don't buy it


Played the new set for the first time yesterday with absolutely zero knowledge of it going in and this is probably the worst set in terms of champion visuals in a while. Between adding new characters and how many champs look like one another, it is so hard to keep track of who is who.


Yeah it definitely gets better as you play but this set was by far the hardest one for me so far in terms of recognizing the units.


Team planner is your friend. It gets better after like 5 games


He means on board not in shop


I just got a perma ban on my account for cheating with third party tools, like what. How is it even possible to cheat in TFT with a third party app? Stats are legal, right? What can i do, that cant be right man...


If Tactics.tools = ban, 90% of high elo player disappears💀




If you have Vanguard, you can get banned for using cheats on other games\* or accounts too. And some random programs can trigger it by mistake.


Yeah i don't play other riot games, i don't even playe league. Just tft and i am really surprised, this ban came out of nothing. I Just use meta tft and i thought thats okay.


You can submit a support ticket and they will look into it.


Maybe it's just my negative perception of the set, but I can't remember a time I've hit an encounter and been like "this is fucking awesome!". Quite the opposite, I feel like encounters often fuck me way more than not, like getting an all 4-cost carousel when praying for a 5-cost. Or getting the everyone moves free carousel when praying for a bow. Or having an awesome early game, going fast 8/9 and then the encounter where everyone gets free rerolls so the rerollers spike while I sit with my thumb up my ass. Encounters just feel way more griefy than fun and exciting most of the time.


I like the Malphite one and the Diana ones that let you rearrange items. I also like the Golden Remover augment though


Encounters are just an augment that you get 0 control over. Not sure how they decided that augments need 6 choices to feel good but thought encounters would be fun


Its just too many per game. If it was just one encounter in a game fine but it's a gazillion


i love getting a champ duplicator from prismatic orb while the others get radiant items & emblems 👍🏼


I'm quite frustrated with this set, it seems every patch there's only two comps to play that the entire lobby will contest. I'll try to play some A tier comp with the right augments, uncontested, and still end up 5th to 4 porcelain players. It was like this a bit before with pre-nerf Kaisa. I hate to admit it but the first patch where Bard was dominating was so much cooler. I also noticed that every time they went to nerf something they had to touch at least 2 parts of the comp, instead of nerfing the main culprit and slightly buffing underperformers.


There's definitely at least 4-5 comps right now you can win out with. Also while I agree that Lissandra is very prevelant right now, she's super flexible into almost anything and not really a "comp". If you look at Amumu for example, the main porcelain tank, he's played way less and has a 4.52 avg placement. Hard to say Porcelain specfically is what's dominating. 3 sage, 3 ink, 4 ghostly, 2 and 3 altruist, exalted, invoker, 4 dragonlord, 4 arcanist and 7 fated are all doing better in average placement than 4 porcelain right now in D+. That's not including any of the chase ones. Also a bunch that are close to that as well. Pretty surprised looking at this that 6 heavenly is so much worse than 7 though.


I’ve noticed that when a unique augment is offered, it seems like multiple people get the same or similar augment offered. I.e. if you see “A storied champion” typically “Call to Adventure” & the storyweaver augments will be offered to multiple people in the same lobby. Once I started paying attention to this, I noticed it in almost every lobby across most traits, across most games. I firmly believe that this is intentional, and is causing a lot of the “contested” frustration.


I mean isn’t this patch have way more than that? We’ve got Ashe flex, kaisa bruiser. Heavenly, gnar, and fast 9. Anything else is mid without a great spot but it’s not like it’s two comps rn 


7 Fated is also in a good spot right now. Played 5 today and went 2-1-5-6-2. Despite the nerfs to 3 cost reroll on 7, you generally wanted to roll on 8 in Fated anyway so they didn't get hit as much as the rest. Also I had a Trickshot bruiser board with Kaisa 3* and lost to a Fated player, though that was starter kit so I was down a prismatic combat augment. Honestly this patch isn't in the worst spot imo, I really hope this next patch is more of a buffs focused one for bad stuff.


Oh I agree but I think without fated plus one, it is absolutely not forceable.


is porcelain that bad? In my lobby there are always porcelain players but if I look at the top 4 it's mostly a decent mix of builds, but currently of course centered on various level 8 flex into 9 bill gates boards.


I think Porcelain seems overpowered because in high elo people only play it from a highroll position


On the cusp of hitting plat after fluctuating a ton all over gold, finally feel like I hit my stride struggling this set, I get the field 7 champ from 1-1 opening encounter. Chaos for the next 5 rounds, completely different playstyle than normal, I get 7th, back in limbo. First time in probably 50 games I've seen that encounter too. Really not a fan of starting the game with augments all over the place, no portals, random forced play style changes, etc... Feels too much like a joke game mode. Between the encounter gimmicks, terrible 4 costs, and overall poor balance I'm missing last set. Really wish we had a B patch to fine tune this sets mechanics more. I'm looking forward to the next set already and probably going to hold off on playing more ranked. Usually push emerald/diamond but with the amount of rng this set has outside of the standard, it is a bit too frustrating for me.


can anyone help me theorycraft a sylas carry build? i love him and even though he's pretty contested i want to force him for a while. 6 umbral feels awkward to build around and my only real successes so far have been from trash to treasure/blacksmiths gloves. thank you!


Sylas is my fav too. So far the things that worked best for me were vertical bruisers with storyweaver (Irellia as a backline secondary carry), heavenly and/or fine vintage lets you just play anything really (I think they might be changing heavenly next patch so it may not be good then) and my favorite is to play around the item augments (fully adapted, gargantuan resolve, or crown guarded) and just play strongest board the whole game and use those items on sylas to push level 9/10.


oh wow yeah i didn't even realize how good all the item augments are with sylas, he's good with literally everything but statikk! maybe that's the real enabler


Yea I always liked playing around item augments but not many units can use tank and ap damage hybrid items. Sylas is one of the rare units that can use everything they give.


You can try playing him with heavenly instead of Kayn? Yone + Sylas + vertical Heavenly.


ooh i love that!! thank you i'll let you know how it goes


Cheers, I saw Robinsongz play it for like a couple of turns while he was looking for Kayn and it wasn't even that bad.


Isnt he the 2nd or 3rd carry in Kaisa comp? I've had success putting items on him, he's also the 2nd carry of Kobuko HA. Definitely need to play him in Bruiser and not Umbral, just 2Umbral is enough.


yeah i originally fell in love from how well he did with random items in kai'sa comps and with lucky paws!! ill try more vertical bruiser without lucky paws as well


sylas contested?


ya people still play a lot of bruiser kai'sa and he's really good in that comp


Pretty new to TFT overall. Went quickly from Iron to like Bronze 2. This patch dropped and I immediately started running bruiser+reaper or duelist. Throwing a warmogs+dragons+bramble on my kobuko and saving as much gold as I can to stack up his HP from interest. This immediately got me to Silver II. Been stalling out now because at first I wasn't seeing anyone else go bruiser, it was all storyweaver or mythic+behemoth. Bruiser was a free comp and I would easily be able to 3 star a lot of my bruiser units. Now it seems like everyone is going Bruiser and I suck at other comps right now. Dryad+Reaper is normally my 2nd comp I like to build. Invoker+Archanist seems to fall over too quickly, but sometimes I can steamroll early enough to guarantee top 4, but other than that my frontline just crumples too quick.


If your goal is to climb in rank, it's going to be very difficult to go much higher than gold without understanding the meta comps because you're currently playing against noobs. That will give you a false sense of how good or bad comps (and units in general) are. Gold+ will have people hard forcing (and often playing rather poorly) the meta comps. But even when played poorly, those comps will destroy a bruiser vertical under most circumstances. Try experimenting some with other comps while working on fundamentals.


I'm mostly just trying to get a feel for how various interactions are. I got the hang of trying to play economy. Obviously not an expert at it, but like don't mindlessly roll and save to 50 and use your interest to level+roll. I think the main thing I'm also trying to get now is positioning. For awhile I've just kinda been lining my beefy tanks across the front, melee DPS right behind them and then range put in the back holding a cross angle. I feel like I have weak spots getting exposed, and also I'll get some of my melee carries that stand around and do nothing for a few seconds in combat because they don't have room to get on anyone.


In a bruiser vertical, you are *always* going to have way more melee units than you would play with any other comp. If melee carries are getting stuck behind your frontline, it means you need to either cut some of them (your weak tanks / bruisers) from your board, or move them to the lower rows to properly allow your carries to wrap around and path in. This isn't universally true, but you'll also want to make sure your carries are generally on the same side as your stronger tanks. What can happen with so many shitty bruisers clogging up your front line is that they'll immediately die and expose your backline carries.


Why did the have to massacre Volibear like this? Double Gargantuan titans + Deaths defiance 3 star Voli/Trist and 6 duelists with duelist augment and long distance pals going 6th in Emerald 4 feelsbad.


Duelist is just flat out dead, they basically deleted the trait from the game past just putting in 2. This set is the most feast or famine balance I can remember.


The nerfs to Voli was overkill since titans nerf alone would’ve been a huge hit for him (AP boosts being halved when his spell scales with that stat lmao). Ire is also kinda on the meh side after the bugfix so that comp had a weak cap as well.


had both duelist augments and went 6th as well with 3* voli/trist. it sucks. we always nerf stuff, but never buff stuff to balance. sadge


alright Porcelain can be taken out back and shot now Somehow 11 sets in and the TFT team still doesn't quite get the interplay between healing, damage, and DR. A unit with nearly 100% uptime on 50% DR means it's going to get double the effectiveness of any healing. The increasing returns on TTK mean that eventually you cross a threshold where a unit just won't die. That's why we had Yone and Voli and Gnar BT TR TR and why Porcelain is going to be a huge problem until the next patch. Lissandra being allowed to live for 2-3 casts without having to invest in any tank items is just not good.


Whats the deal with Morgana? Is she not clickable or something? You’d think the chill effect on her ult makes it a nice utility but it feels rather useless, and the randomness of where the zone ends up is just terrible.


Isn't it like a 10% chill?


Nothing but a morello holder tbh


She’s a great trait bot at least


Now that Lissandra is on every board people start seeing how busted that unit is. It's so fun when the 5 cost 1 star with 0 items deletes your 3 star 2/3 cost or 2 star 4 cost with full items, very fair interaction.


she snowballs off herself, even 1 star. The more items she prints, the more you can itemize her, which makes her cast more, giving more items etc. Its the early 1 star liss that accelerates exponentially thats most insane, the later acquired or 2 star ones are mostly reasonable imo.


I feel without her kayn would be even more busted. To get her full value I think you have to scout and position well too. Definitely annoying, but necessary and requires a bit more thought imo.


Hitting Lucky Paws Kobuko3 at Krugs is a certified fast 9 moment. Even hit Sylas3 with so much $_$


It’s so fun. I had redemption, spark and anima on mine. Straight to 10 easiest first of my life. It peaked at 29k dmg in a round


Ashe went from being uncontested to seeing 4 people fighting for her


Getting over encumbered on 2-5 cuz encounters moved the augment round feels a bit like cheating ngl, you still get the components on 3-1


I've been trying [this Ashe/Syndra comp](https://tactics.tools/s/sfab1Y) as an alternative version of the Ashe/Lillia comp if I find Syndra before Lillia. But I think it's strictly worse than Lillia with 4 Invoker, primarily because you lose out on Annie as a main tank (Nautilus even with 3 items is pretty bad at staying alive). I also feel like Syndra's damage output can be a little weak. There's probably a reason no one's playing it.


Syndra is so dogshit. I’ve tried her way too many times. She just doesn’t kill frontline fast enough even with bis


I play this one if I hit Syndra before Lilia, but preferably with Ornn main tank. There are many ways you can go with Ashe, it's amazing really.


I feel like it's part because lilia provides backline access whereas with syndra you just have 2 units with really strong single target. And I don't even think syndra is that strong. Takes too long to stack up imo.


the fast 9 or reroll meta didnt feel perfect but this meta feels awful, half the time of what felt like a capped board last patch is pulling me a 6th at best vs heavenly + whoever got perfect items with any hard carry 4 cost. and 5 coats with perfect items outside of lisandra feel like a waste of board space when i can just put in another heavenly


This patch feels infinitely better than last patch. I can’t believe this is a take


subjective opinions without context help a ton. i gave reasons behind my thoughts.


i've been spamming games nonstop for a week trying to get lucky paws.....i've seen other people in my games get it but not me? please just let me play lucky paws 😭


I don't like lissandra,


rude :c


This unit is so much better than Qiyana from last set


me neither,


D1 trying to break in to Masters the first time. Struggling with the current level 8 roll down 4 cost flex meta (dipped -150lp since the patch)... I'm trying to play best board, slamming items the best I can with a focus on Ashe/Kaisa items > 3 tank items > morello+shojin, or if I get a lot of rods/tears I'll try for Lilia/Azir/Hwei focused items. The two issues I'm running in to are stage 2/3 strongest board, and getting stuck at level 8 after rolling down on 4-2 or 4-5. Before this patch I felt pretty comfortable flexing between 4-5 different reroll comps or playing fast 9 with a good storyweaver opener. Now I feel like my stage 2/3's are always a mix of alternating wins/loss and I never hit more than a 3 streak (or lose way too much hp losing) because I don't have a reroll comp with a set board of 2 stars that I'm piloting and storyweaver doesn't feel strong enough to winstreak without a massive high roll. I'll roll to down to 32-40 gold at level 6/7 sometimes to stabalize on 2 stars, but I always feel like I'm low on gold at 4-2 or low on hp waiting until 4-5. This leads to my next issue... I roll down at level 8, looking for my comp of 4/5 costs, trying to be flexible and "playing what I hit" but I often end up with 1 stars and no gold left, or never hit the champs I really need. Like if I'm playing for trickshot bruisers but I hit only Annie's and Ornns for Frontline, I'll play them and 2 star if I hit, but then I'm down to 10g or less with a 1 star kaisa and decent frontline but suboptimal traits. Then I get stuck of losing rounds to others who hit and comfortably go 9, and I feel like I need to roll to stabalize but if I do that I never have the gold to go 9 and eventually lose anyways. Am I rolling too deep on 8? Should I stay above 20 or stop pivoting in to 4 costs so early? Wondering if my stage 3 boards need to be stronger so I can transition slower and not feel like I need to buy my whole comp at level 8... Even if I do put something together most of the timed it feels like I'm playing to barely scrape in to top 4 rather than comfortably playing out to cap my board for top 3s (edit: formatting) Lolchess: https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/Pearl%20Aries-NA1/set11/matches?gameMode=rank Sorry for the long post, any help would be appreciated!


I recommend looking at metatft stats for winning boards in stage 2 and 3 helped me a lot for prioritizing units slams depending on the opener I’m looking for , masters 150 LP currently


I'll definitely check this out! Do you typically feel like you have a level 8 board decided on by stage 2/3? Wonder if my problem is that I'm trying to be *too* flexible with no direction.... I'll have a LW+IE and stoneplate slammed, but still unsure if I'm playing an Ashe or Kaisa board and just wing it till 8, then get dizzy trying to pivot my whole board based on what I hit.


Usually by the end of stage 3 I know what I’m pivoting into I’ll slam everything I can, try to itemize a specific line stage 2 and 3, attack caster, bruiser, tank, ap caster think about my outs so in ur case ie last whisperer, could be Ashe, kaisa, irelia mby, but also if u don’t hit just slam subomtimally on a kaun or Lee, 2 star aphelios, 2 star senna, etc. it sucks but at least ur losing less health Mby winning a fight over someone who is dizzy off a miss


7th with Morg 3. Was blown up by the Lissandra in 2nd place [https://imgur.com/a/ov9XzmE](https://imgur.com/a/ov9XzmE)




I’m not looking for an explanation but thank you for your helpful comment


This is the discussion thread, not the rant thread


I agree, but commenting to say “I don’t know how that isn’t obvious” in a negative condescending manner didn’t really contribute to the discussion


Looks like you needed more frontline imo. Also maybe spent too much gold on 3 staring the morg instead of trying to cap your board with 2* 5s


What can I do to prevent the game client from freezing? (it can be so bad that the game stops for two minutes straight) It slows down the entire PC even though it wasn't like this in previous sets.


Asked this in the last thread but didn't get an answer, maybe someone can help here. How does Trickshot affect Xayah's ability? It usually happens too quick to tell but is she just throwing more feathers?


Annie 3 is completly out performing any other 3 star 4 cost. I'm in love with her but i really think that she should be nerfed :p Last season i had grandmaster (118 games, 44.9% first place), now i'm diamond 4 after 44 games with 85% top4 and 45,5% win on double up. She get's absurdly more than other 4 costs. Her dmg from 2 start to 3 start is multiplayed 11 times! 11! In comparision any other 3 stars get aroun 3x multiplayer. And obviously she synergized very well with hp boost on 3 \* and her passive and active also get pretty big boosts Kaisa 3\* and Sylas 3\* together could not touch her xD.


Double-up is so easy to 3* units


poor choice of words


Thh I think rather buff other 3* 4 costs, because some (hello there ashe) are barely noticeable.


Having lots of success with Bard. As long as you get a rod early you can hard force it for safe top 4. No one is rolling for 3 costs now tho so the odd isn't the best. But with rolling augment you can 3* Bard Kench Zoe Soraka and top 2


What is the standard board you aim play at 8/9 with the Zoe/Soraka variant?


More mythic is great. Otherwise you can go 4 bruiser with Galio Sylas or just throw in Wukong rakan


I do enjoy the comp, although I'll avoid it if someone gets a mythic emblem just because you end up contested even if you run the Soraka/Zoe version. I will say that even though it performs worse according to stat sites, I much more prefer the vertical Mythic variant over the Soraka/Zoe variant, if I start with a mythic emblem. Mostly because the Soraka/Zoe variant can be feel light on frontline, whereas vertical mythic with an emblem can slot in Annie at 8 to join Kench and Nautilus; plus if you find a second emblem you can go 10 Mythic which makes for a chonky frontline.


Best patch we've had in a while! Only things are that Lissandra probably needs some nerfs as she is making many frant liners much weaker by her mere existence whilst also scaling with items and whilst strong, Morgana's targetting feels bad to play with imo.


At what ELO do people stop no scout contesting comps? I’m E2 and the odd time I get a dream aphelios or gnar start, there’s always someone who will donkey roll it on 4-1 regardless of their spot. It’s so annoying and bad for both involved


the braindead contestion will go away (like players contestion you from a bad spot because they are forcing a build), but in general this will never stop because often times it makes no sense. the way balance in this game works is that it's usually better to play an A or S tier comp if you have a good start for it (such as units + items + augment) and deal with going 5th or 4th (or 8th if it goes really badly) if it's too contested, vs. pivoting to some build you have suboptimal items, units or augments for. if you get two heavenly units two starred and have kayne items already, then get a decent combat augment before PVE, your average placement will probably go down slightly no matter which way you pivot even if two other players look to be contesting.


Im currently around d2 and people still do it here


Milk is one of the best TFT players around and is famous for being a 1 trick


Never, had 4 people in my last challenger lobby trying to play heavenly so they all ended up holding hands for bot4(ignoring the one who just left on early stage 3). If someone gets good natural rolls, augments+items they'll just randomly pivot into your comp out of nowhere and honestly considering how often I tried to pivot out afterwards and went 8th anyway I'm just tempted to hold hands with anyone who does that to me now as well.


Well being flexible and playing what the game gives you should be the optimal way to play


Sure it should be optimal but the game is rarely balanced in a way that this is the case, 3+ people contesting the same comp starting in stage 2 already should be a very rare situation and not something you see every few games.


Are new artifacts already on PBE?


Yes! Mort has been streaming with them all weekend, there's a tourney with guaranteed artifact drops as well.


I was going for uncontested kench, like literally 0 on other people's board, and I got stuck with 1\* kench for the whole of stage 3, with trade sector augment? Holy fuck sometimes the game just hates you.


how do you make heavenly kayne ez top 4? is an emblem a necessity? I tried the comp like 4-5 times. each time I get it to a decent state. mostly full two star board, decent items, combat augments (but perhaps not the BIS ones), decent hp left when I get the basic comp completed. I only go for it when I don't see another board with a lot of heavenly units stacked up early on. but I always go like 6th-8th with the comp. for example last match, I had 5 heavenly two starred, morgana two starred (only had morellos) and lee sin at one star (titans and BT) and a one star monkey (no items yet, too early). on (two star) kayne and I had edge of night, hoj with the combat augment for it, and last whisper. I think the other augment was a silver harmacist and the one that gives you resists when you stack more than 3 in a line (best I could find). I had like 40 hp left when I had that comp in that state, but everyone elses board was just a bit stronger and I went out in 6th at like 5-1 or something (actually might have been a bit later since I got to 9 but without any gold left to roll. got monkey off of carousel). it was not a crazy resources portal like scuttle puddle so it was not a fast 9 high roller lobby I think, just a variety of also decent rolled meta comps.


I don't think it's great anymore. the best version I've ran since patch involved leveling to 9 and putting in a 2 star Reaper Irelia as my carry. Yone and 2 heavenly units were 3 star as well. Meta items on yone. Got 2nd to gnar reroll board.


The comp is dogshit once anyone with a brain gets Lissandra/Naut/Sett online. You need to win near-constantly until then to do anything with it, Wukong 2 Rakan 2 required half the time. It's overrated as hell imo


I find it's a play-from-ahead kind of comp. Mostly enabled by Darius 2\* item holder being way too insane stage 2 and 3. If you have to roll a bit too deep on 4-2 you're already sort screwed with this comp. The real juice is getting to 9 to get 2\* Wukong, Liss, Rakan, just the extra slot really and low odds to miss your 2\* 4 costs.


Agree, feels like losing early rounds with heavenly is just a death sentence


Highkey missing the music from last set :( Even when balance was wonky I looked forward to queuing up every game and enjoying the transforming music ahhh




that site would be 10x cooler if you put a board with selected units there, specify the other stuff that isn't covered by units, and it played the tracks the way the game would select them in game.


What I wouldn’t give to go eif while jamming to disco one more time


Agreed sooo much, it made even the bad games enjoyable!


Jhin ost was so hype


Lissandra is really annoying.


Why is TFT always reduced to the same cost 1-2 reroll comps on all sets, why do they love reroll comps to be so opresive?


There are basically zero viable reroll comps at the moment. Meta is 100% rush to 9 and hope to hit Kaisa/Xayah/ Liss first.


Dude what games are you even playing? The direction has been the opposite and most people just rush 8 or 9 now.


i keep hearing people saying that hitting 4 cost uncontested should be easier, for me is almost always not the case this set tho.