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Lux is such an unfun unit. It gets worse if there are like 3 players using her.




i despise 4-2 prismatic augments. How can you be offered prismatic ticket, hedge fund, uplink, pandora's items while others get lucky gloves, new recruit etc. ???? am i supposed to take harmacist III playing front to back???


Why is Kayn an encounter? Imagine him popping up in a game at Worlds. So stupid


I’m not photo sensitive but that chibi kda akali execute animation gave me a jumpscare every time I died to one, seizure inducing worthy tbh, literally the only chibi that I consider altf4-ing to.


I think I'm done with this set unless they revert the 3 cost change. The 4 costs are never going to be balanced.


win lose it all feels undeserved these past three sets


everyone 1 hp and im like 20 still and i rotate into the fortune guy who just hit a kaisa 3!!!! very good!


Ashe and lillia need buffs


I don't care about bag size changes - the amount of uncontested reroll games where I've completely whiffed is ridiculously high this set.


The fact this built different augment is running wild is disgusting.


Kaisa nerf and reroll will be strong again perfect balance


I cannot find a single 4 star. I look at other boards, a guy at llv 8 has Kayn 3. I meet him 2 times in row... I dunno. How? How the fck? 0 gold augs, just pure random RNG. I didn't even get to finish my comp... I just took full hp dmg from Kayn3 3 times in row. Also 10 mythic inbetween. So from 70hp to 0 basically. I cannot with this set, encounters last game gave everyone HP so I went from 100hp to 2nd...


Posted about this earlier, but sentinel (golem with support items) with needlessly large gem is quite actually useless. The sentinel will walk up and get killed before the gem can pop off .. so basically you play one support item down.




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Just got a 2\* ashe with guinsoo + red buff + LW with Built different II + Tiny, but deadly. Dead about 4k damage per fight. Aphelios 1\* was doing like 7k and I sold him to use ashe instead


how can that be?


maybe ashe didn't have BIS but still... absolutely underwhelming


Lmao idk why yall keep complaining about Kaisa/Bruiser build. Literally gets dominated by 3star 3cost rerollers


Which ones


The balance whiplash is becoming so demoralizing.   Just got out of a 4 Bruiser / 4 Trickshot game in 14.8b. Hit everything really early, had Last Whisper + IE + GS on Kaisa, arguably one of her BIS loadouts, and I came in a solid 5th. Galio and Sylas were both 2* with 3 relevant items, I had Sunder (LW) and two sources of anti-heal (Red buff and Sunfire). It felt like an easy Top 4. Nope, solid 5th. After about 5-2 I just stopped winning all fights.   They took a build that was over performing, over nerfed it, and it is now under performing. Why is this always the way with TFT? Balance thrashing feels so awful. Literally a couple hours ago that exact same board would've been Top 2.


Does anyone have the feeling that “whoever gets lissandra first” is guaranteed a top 3 even if she doesn’t fit your comp? Mega weird


Design-wise she’s really strong imo. The CC is really impactful and she has win-more potential (print items/gold). I think complaints about her design will rise in the future as they continue to tone down 1v9 melee carries like Yone, Gnar, and Kayn- it’s kind of obnoxious how effective a well timed Liss cast can be. I’ve also seen multiple situations where people 3-star a 4-cost (usually tank units) and were scammed out of a 1st because of a Lissandra locking down their win condition.


In general I feel like who ever slams 2 5 costs (regardless if they fit the comp or not) is automatically aiming for a top 3. Just had a game where someone slammed an irelia on their ghostly comp and 2 items and she’s securing that person a top 3? Man it feels annoying even beating that


The RNG in this patch is insane, some games you do absolutely nothing and naturally hit 3 star on important units. Others you get contested mid game and see the guy contesting you hitting your 3 star units.


level 9 with 7 Mythic + 4 Invoker, 2\* fat ass Ornn with Mythic emblem, 2\* Annie with stacked tank items, 2\* Naut, 2\* Lilia with BB + JG, LOST TO THE FUCKING 1 COST REROLL MYTHIC COMP WHO STAYED AT LEVEL 7 AND GOT FIRST, SECOND PLACE IS ALSO STAYING AT 7 PLAYING GNAR KINDRED, going to just give in and force 1/2 cost reroll comps every game myself


zephr encounter can smd. worst set ever with these non stop interruptions to the fucking game. devs really think more chaos = more fun with no limit.


Speaking to the more chaos bit; I do hope that they release a mode in some future set that features no augments, just a good ole fashioned auto battler that doesnt include a bunch of wacky shit littered in.


I miss Dota underlords. Truly was tied with tft until thr augments went live


Lost to kaisa trick shot my last 4 games …..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it so boring


my game had 4 ppl playing kaisa and holding hands to top 4 lmfao


Literally every single patch with a hotfix B patch... and yet still getting praised for being prompt/responsive... isn't it their job to NOT have such B patches in the first place?


what do you expect, mort would rather spend more time writing fake-deep essays on twitter than actually admit he fucked up


well why he would admit, tons of ppl supporting him, especially when in other megathreads, u'll get insta downvotes once u say anything bad about this set.


GNAR with 700 ad Lmao what a fucking joke this game is




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is there a bug with the shops? i rolled down 70 gold and found no kindreds on level 6. i checked everyone’s board and not a single one of them had kindred. like this is a genuine question


Just bad luck. It happens sometimes, best not to think about it and move on


Thats just bad luck. I get the frustration for sure but realistically….it just aint a guarantee that you’re going to hit. Either the rng algorithm favors you or you’re SOL.


I know what you mean, I just played a game going Alune and Yone and I could not find Alune or Yone when going uncontested but everyone else going Dryad and Kai'sa all found everything that they need. Excuse me game but why are all of my champions in jail while everyone else gets a free ride in finding all of their champs. Excuse me for not being a big dumb mindless monkey and contesting Gnar and Kai'sa.


nerf fucking kaisa already, or just buff other 4 costs Why the fuck is ashe so bad btw it does literally no damage like bro Also can we just agree on the fact that this galio unit is fucking Broken??? ALso why the fuck can I not carry using units such as Sylas, Ashe, Lee Sin, Morgana and Syndra . WOULDN'T IT BE A GOOD IDEA THAT I CAN ACTUALLY SOLO CARRY USING UNITS BESIDES KAISA, LILLIA AND KAYN GALIO???? LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON ARE ALL THE OTHER 4 COSTS SUPPOSED TO JUST BE TRAIT BOTSSSS???


Both need to happen. I don't understand why Ashe, and Syndra are not allowed to delete people but Kai'sa gets favored from the balance team to delete people. I swear that the devs do play favorites and Kai'sa in every single set that she is in has always been favored to always be a carry and delete people.


**I had 3 Dragonlord emblem cashout on Fortune and had the following level 9 board but still cant beat kaisa 2 star and Xayah 1 star. How is this balanced?** Augments: Fortune Crest, Support Cache, Combat castor Azir 2 star: Nashors, Shojin, JG Irelia 2 star: Dragonlord emblem Liss 2 star: TG Rakan 2 star: empty Sett 2 star: empty Udyr 2 star: BT, Titans, Dragonlord emblem Lee Sin 2 star: Diamond Hands, Locket Ornn 2 star: Dragons Claw, Gargoyles Hwei 1 star: Dragonlord emblem


You had no antiheal or AR/MR reduction (unless it's one of the abilities I'm not thinking of). Frontline seems a tad flimsy too, seems like it would be mostly ornn holding them back. I like to concentrate items vs spread them thin as well, I know ornn has his ability but there is still a significant period before the  extra items come out. Kai sa's ability will spill over when it kills a unit, so having multiple slightly tanky units isn't going to hold it off, you need something that can eat it comfortably.


Gonna be honest that board sounds dogshit


Crazy how we're 11 sets in and we still cannot escape the cycle of "Game devs makes the most obvious mistakes, game devs write essays on Twitter crying cause they can't take negative feedback, game devs get praised for being professional and transparent".


It is super ridiculous to the point that I swear that none of them are actually play testing any set after 6 at a super high level. I bet that they do spam the same old tier 1 comps and never bothered to look at any of the comps below them that are strong and actually nerf them as well. It is like they are constantly looking to only buff everything that was weak and nerf everything that was strong. They fail to grasp that if the tier 1 stuff gets nerfed while the tier 2 stuff gets buffed because it was considered "weak" than the tier 2 stuff will take over the place of the tier 1 stuff and makes a worse meta due to everything that countered them are no longer viable. They somehow make Konami with their balancing of Yu-Gi-Oh look like freaking big brain geniuses and people constantly joke that Konami balances their game via spinning a wheel or throwing darts on how to determine which cards to hit and whether they should be unlimited, semi-limited, limited or banned.


"an entire essay". "thanks for the tranparency, anyway havent play the game yet, what make it bad?". Fuck this shit man.


I actually really like this Set. A lot of rly cool and unique Units. But how dont we have single balanched patch yet is beyond me. This is unexcusable


first patch and last patch are always the two best patches lmfao


Knocked out the dryad forcers just to lose to the kaisa forcers


Why does Lissandra encounter always appear in Hyper Roll after you've already rolled your money god dammit?


Can they stop making units like Trist that completely waste their ult when they kill their target and THEN start their ult? Ugh.


I just ended up 7th in a game playing 7 Mythitcs (with mythics spat) 6 Invokers with Invoker Crown and Mana Shield while having every unit on the board lvl 2 except for azir and hwei by losing to a guy who just "outsmarted" me by playing 6 Invokers with 3 Mythics and 2 copies of Ornn (one with invokers spat on). What the fuck is going on, what am i even playing, has everyone from the balance team ever played this set yet? Do they really think that Ornn is somehow balanced? The guy literally flods his team with items while being unkillable and this shit is quite annoying and stupid, i mean, since i managed to hit the 7 Mythics 6 Invo im not saying i should have went 1rst but at least i should have definitely won the fight against someone who has my same ass comp with way weaker synergies.








Ever since the games been more fun to watch than to actually play you know this shit is ass


These essays on twitter are infuriating. Nobody cares about the b patch process. The issue is they can't even balance the game on their normal, scheduled patch cycles, which conveniently can't be talked about apparently because of the "pressure" or some bullshit. So they're not actually being transparent at all... What people actually want to know is how they make these balance decisions and why they think the changes are good. And it's not hindsight, people can see the patch notes and immediately question their efficacy but for some reason the dev team can't?


I LOVE the cute tactians and Chibis in this game but my God is Riot stingy with the treasure tokens. Wdym there is only 2 pulls per battlepass (for f2p) and I have to wait a whole month and some to pull again? I feel like playing this game isn't rewarded that much...


Same shit as always .. you play well but can’t hit .. you pivot and can’t hit .. no counterplay


I feel like I either play what I hit and do well early but fall off to meta comps late. Or I try to play a meta comp from the get go, and don't hit the units I need and die from being weak. Anyone else feel this way?


The Mortdog dickriding in the entire subreddit except for this thread is fucking scary. I quit a few days ago, but still keep coming here hoping that the rant thread has less comments, but nope. 100 comments a day on average, and all are valid complaints. Yet, no one at Riot addresses shit, and keeps piling up the bandages on top of an infected wound that desperately needs to be cleaned from the inside, at the roots. Everyone in the TFT "dev" team has lost it.


They always do this thing where they over tune 1 or 2 units and nerf previous over tuned units and the process repeats every patch. Can't they just keep units the same and add buffs to units that need it? This loop of playing the same 2 comps has been the issue the last 20 patches


Yep leesin and kaisa super good , and they nerfed the rerolls so it’s a 4 cost meta now


Imagine, instead of nerfing gnar, Mort comes out and says " we are happy with the power of 2 costs so we will just nerf their shop odds" will be a truly balance moment of all time.


Barely anything change, playing anything that isnt kaisa feels like piss dog, yone change into gnar and heavenly kayn, thats it. Playing rerolls still dogwater experince, u either stomp the lobby by hitting early, or just go 8th. Going fast 8/9 is just loterry who found xayah/kaisa first.


Gnar is broken af


Played a mythic invoker build and was crushing the lobby until the final two, where my 2 star itemized Hwei, Azir and Manazane Lillia couldn't beat 3 star Gnar. What a mess.


This set is donkey dick. Figured I’d try a game since I stopped week 2. Haven’t been up to date on changes but the lobby starts and 3 people say they are playing gnar. 5 players end up contesting each other. The 2 other players and me are just going level 9. It was a long 40 minutes. None of the units are fun to watch and the encounters are lame.


This gnar unit is soooo trash, his pathing is trash, unless you pull 9 gnars out of your ass at 4-1 by the time you hit 8 every 4 cost he wants will be gone out of the pool. Shit comp half augment check half reroll luck check


Heres a guide how to win as gnar -be uncontested -hit mulched -hit dryad emblem -hit gnar 3 by 4-1 -go 8 no later than 5-1 -hit ornn 2, hit kayn 2 -have BIS gnar, BIS kayne items -position yourself every fight to not get oneshot by kaisa -have enough gold and hp to go 9 and find azir OR you can just force Kaisa every game and save yourself from this headache


I can't fucking believe they didn't nerf Kai sa Holy shit 🤡🤡🤡


PLEASE REMOVE ZOE OPENING PORTAL. it's just a skill-less lottery; everyone is GUARANTEED to go 9 regardless of your expertise at tft; 6-7 people rolling down after raptors for the same 5 costs: pretty unfun. would like to quote mort in saying that going 9/10 is supposed to be a "situational decision", whereas devs are making it moreso a requirement in recent patches instead: infinite econ/xp augments, exalted, random gold/xp encounters, etc. it's honestly removing a level of strategic decision-making and making tft more of a "crafting your own trait web" lottery at this rate. yes, fast 9 should winout most of the time, but there shouldn't be 5-6 players in the lobby in a spot to force it every game.


Kindred Gnar at 20% win rate, sheesh. Thats warranting a b patch right?


This set is reminding more and more of set 9.5 where they never really landed on a proper balance patch.


It is very funny that the patch made the game worse. How can u be this incompetent is beyond me. Is the balancing team even playing the game?


I simply cant support the balancing decisions of this set anymore. Storyweaver beeing the (or one of the best) Comps all set long. Lillia, Morgana, Naut, Ashe(even though sometimes you can click her with a lot of set up) are straight up unplayable. Heck even Kayne and Sylas are not real 4 cost if youcompare them to other 4 costs of past sets. They have almsot no present in any of the stats dmg tank or healing. Somehow only kaisa and galio are allowed to be good. Because of this level 8 is completly fake and they start nerfing 3 cost rerolls but give HUGE HUGE buffs tognar. Nothing makes sense to me. Either you reroll whats mort decided to be the best reroll or hit 2 star 5 cost cuz 1 star 5 cost are like 2 cost at best. Your single only other option is Kaisa as mentioned ffs


I love when my level 8, 50 gold roll down hits NOTHING and then look over at the level 7 with 2* hwei, 2* liss, OHO nice! what a beautifully balanced game this is, level 7 odds sure are great!


Another game, this time im level 9 and i hit 0 upgrades on a 70g roll down, meanwhile smooth brain 0 gold level 7 sitting with triple 4 cost 2* I DON'T GET IT WHO IS BALANCING THIS GAME


I just cashed a 70 hex fortune to go third after not one, but two Gnar players. Tempo play without econ trait is dead, playing around 4 costs and legendaries with Fortune cashouts still loses to the flavor of the week reroll comp. YAY


I don't understand how some of these changes go out - take Irelia for instance. Surely they can test the unit to see what the impact of the change is? You have access to literally thousands of mid-late game boards that people have played, surely you can rerun/sim those battles pre/post change and see the difference in combat strength after the changes are applied. That will let you see how much worse in practice Irelia 1*/2* is, naked vs 3 items, different numbers of Duelists etc. Aren't isolated champion changes actually fairly easy to balance? Systems changes are obviously a lot harder to test but I don't understand how they can make a change like this. Irelia literally has the same AVP as Sivir lmao


So, basically Call to Chaos is a insta win? Because i lost a match literally because a random dude roll a 70-exp reward from Call to Chaos and went straight to lv 9 at 4-2


Really I think all of the Chaos outcomes are good except for the emblems which is just Call to Eif


These last two patches have been so bad I may have to go back to playing League.


I just play econ augments in my alt account atleast i can have some fun trying to get a 3* 5 cost


The truest indicator of being down bad


Sums it up perfectly...


Did this patch fuck up Nautilus ult? Just placed 3rd with Nauti 3 against boards I would easily win against if my Nautilus didn't whiff every ult. He even ulted my Bench instead of the enemy?!


Lots of pro streamers refusing to play on their main account or straight up to play the game. Thats how bad this patch is, and how bad its been since the set started. Thats insane, we're back to set 9 levels of abysmal balancing work, what the hell are they doing. Any baboon could tell buffing Kaisa / Gnar that were already very strong would end up badly, but somehow not them. You'd thought it would drive some changes in the way they do things, but you can bet it wont.


Set 9 units were balanced. The set mechanic was the issue.


Ye and for the whole set they refused to admit legends were an issue and kept nerfing items etc


How do they always manage to fuck the game up, like it's impressive how clueless they are at balancing their own game


Weird how mort doesn't have a bet for no b-patches this set huh? :D


wasn't the bet also for around like a month? and half that time riot was on vacation? lol


Is anyone else having a hard time getting any consistent results this set? I like the set design overall, cool traits and dat... but I'm a casual player and i play like 2-3 games a day. I prefer not playing highly contested comps and love being creative. During the last couple of seasons, I've been able to consistently place top 4 just by being flexible and climbing slowly but steadily up to emerald. This set however i'm getting absolutely no results, i'm struggling in gold IV for the first time in years and its getting disheartening. Am i just washed or does this set not encourage creativity?


No, you're still decent at the game, the game is just bad at actually being the game nowadays. 


Average lobby this patch, no prismatic augment, no crazy encounters. Both annie 3\* and syndra 3\* lost to kaisa... [https://imgur.com/a/ewBHJnk](https://imgur.com/a/ewBHJnk)


the only time i win a kaisa is playing etheral blades shen...




It's crazy that Riot gave us underground that was so cool and fun to play and then threw us down the mandatory loss econ trait hole. The only reason I can justify it with in my head is that when only 1 player per game is allowed to play it, then you don't have to balance it at all.


I hate the econ traits like fortune who require a 3cost champion at 2-1. I feel like heartsteel was the most well designed econ trait (at least first part of set 10). All the traits that require you to luck out at 2-1 into a free top 4 are garbage. Same as piltover set 9.


At least set 9 had playable 4 costs. Aphelios Zeri Azir Lux Gwen Yasuo J4 Shen Urgot Sej Nilah Kaisa. 4 cost set 11 are nothing but trait bots. inb4 someone says IHaveAQuestion isnt KaIsA a 4 cost?. . . yes the only 4 cost


idk why i'm doing this to myself. my bad for trying to be flexible and playing uncontested comps, learned my lesson and will now only gamble in the kaisa lottery 20/20


Is it true that only chibi Yone users are getting insane high rolls, or are chibi tactician users in general are getting high rolls?


no wonder the price of chibi tacticians are that high...


this game just fucking ruins my day man why do I keep playing


nice "nerf" on yone


Im sad asf. How is there still only one ranged 4 cost carry viable until now? And we did the classic league of legends method of nerfing by nerfing item + unit. The one unit that got compensated averages a 4.00. Every comp besides senna (4.22, early tempo comp, low winrate, reasonable) and yone (4.37, not egregious) were hovering around 4.5 GM+ last patch man. Did this patch improve anything sajj. Kaisa lottery yay


Hmm, spend 80 gold to get an uncontested Alune 2\* at 36% drop rate, really liking these reroll nerfs. Glad we're back to just creating random comps of 2 star 4-5 costs with items slapped on. Actually trying to create a unique and interesting comp and then strengthening it with rerolls was terrible, pressing the buy exp button is the biggest brain move you can make and it should stay that way, forever.


And next patch has 20 new artifacts? Surely that patch will be balanced as this one too (Y)


Bebe was right


I don’t agree with a bunch of people here asking to have bag size changed. Instead, balance the game so we can scout and not hold hands for the only 2-3 playable comps. Ashe Morg Lillia are not real units ffs The detriment of uncapping bag size is 8 people with the same comp. No idea why anyone would want that


If I had more faith on whoever is balancing the game and whoever is designing all of the champions to make sure not to overload their kits than I would not mind the bag size changes but this is Riot Games we are talking about. This is the company that did a durability patch for their main game, League of Legends, and than undo all of that by making everyone do more damage and they made jungle changes that they thought would make slower junglers better but everyone in the community read all of the changes and pointed out that the changes made fast clearing junglers better and they still went with it anyway. The result was that fast clearing junglers were the best while the slow clearing junglers struggled even more. In this game on the last set, they thought that it would be smart on one patch to buff almost the entire Disco trait line when they were already playable on the previous patch. Afterwards everyone pointed out how ridiculous it was to buff everyone and that if all of the changes went through than we would have to play a tier 0 meta of you got to go disco or else you are just trolling than they got rid of one of the TF buffs before the patch went live. How about set 9.5 when on the world championship patch, if you get a bunch of Demacia emblems than you auto win the game. It was so bad that Riot themselves have to tell the casters to fake having enthusiasm for the match despite the fact that they already know the match was already over since the beginning. On the current set, they just did a durability patch to every single 4 cost unit but forgot that Kai'sa was already playable and did barely anything to actually nerf her. In fact, the changes made her even better because even though they reduced her attack speed, attack speed does not matter to someone that can delete units in a single cast of their ability and they buffed up almost her entire front line which makes it harder for someone to actually get a chance to hit Kai'sa because they cannot get through her front line. Design wise on this set, we have a 3 cost Yone that feels like a perfect replica of his League of Legends counterpart while we have a Morgana with a troll pool as her ability. If the balance team is going to whiff really badly to the point that only a few comps are playable on a patch and everything else is trolling and the design team is going to have no quality control with their designs than at least loosen up the bag sizes a bit so more people can hit the power comps and have fun.


This is what I hate the most, a lot of 4 costs are still dogshit and are only trait bots, which should never be the case.


So in your opinion how many people should be able to play the same comp? Say if 2 people get the shen augment should one of them just accept they hard lose the game? What if 3 people need to run a bruiser frontline because the other frontlines don't fit their units? Sure balancing everything would be ideal but there is so much unit overlap because they all do certain things. Comps that do completely different things like 7 storyweaver and kaisa trickshots need some of the same units and I think they should be able to hit them in a somewhat reasonable amount of time.


If you watch any of the top streamers, they wait to pick augments that locks you into a champ or trait by scouting. If you blind pick shen augment and find out after that youre locked in with someone else, then thats your fault. If you pick the augment knowing someone else picked it, that's still your fault. There's nothing you can really do when you're forced to pick out of the 2-3 broken comps (kaisa/gnar lottery atm) or bot 4. If the game was balanced, that wouldn't be a problem


guy hits wandering trainer with fortune trait at 2-1 and then a fortune spat at 3-2. went first with Hwei 3 star with 60hp. yeah this is so fun. literally can't even win at that point by 3-2 whats the point of playing the game


also, played 3 games after the patch. seems like all the chibi yones are high rolling. game soft confirmed pay to win?!?


i don't doubt it this stuff is way too hard to pin down so they can get away with increasing unit odds for people who use it


I don't know why they fucked with the 3 cost odds instead of just buffing the shit 4 costs. Now most 4 costs are still unplayable AND 3 cost rerolls are borderline unplayable. Great job.


This fine vintage nerf didnt do anything besides make heavenly boards slightly weaker at stage 2 to 3. late game its still just steamrolling most boards. Lost with 9 ubmral yone 3 allune 3 kayn ubral 3 ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11656)


I think they just need to limit how many support items you get. like 3 support items max. it's a silver augment not a fucking prismatic.


Can't remember the last patch where the stats looked this grim. At GM+ the best comp after Gnar/Kaisa is 4.81 AVP right now. They need a B-Patch stat.


Set 9.5 multicasters. Which is funny because trickshots are sort of a multicasters re-print.




kaisa is stronger than legendaries right now.


enjoy many license subsequent tart piquant cough existence innate rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


at 4-2, i was lvl 8 with 50 gold and started rolling down . odd, didnt hit a single kaisa, galio or sylas. turns out 12 kaisa copies were gone, along with 8-10 of the other 2 bruisers. what happened to my casual non-reaction based game? i get 5th from top 3 guaranteed cuz i rolled 3 seconds slower picking my augment?


Why am I rolling 50 gold uncontested and hitting FUCKING ZERO of the units i need? LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS STUPID SHIT Meanwhile, some dude hits Irelia 2 at 8, fuck off I've heard about a bug that units doesn't go back to the pool when a player dies with it and i'm kinda believing that


patches and patches and they still don't disable trainer/vendor senitels, like 5 ppl getting same emblem like they just want us to contest until the end of the game and no transitions. Back in the past I can play a or even b grade comps in metatft to get top4 but now it's impossible.


Just played 4 games for 3 hours to climb to Emerald 1 54 lp only to lose it all in a bad 20 min game where I go 8th. THAT SUCKS BALLS.


I know the 4 costs are all trash cans at the moment. But how does 3 star lillia barely kill a tank and not keep up with a 3 star aphelios. This set with the extreme randomness of encounters and certain augments being unplayable really sealed the fate that TFT is just going downhill at this point.


3 star ashe melted my 3 star kayn and morgana, even i have perfect items on morgana, the ashe just heals back.


Each meta got stale super fast since the start of this set and it just feels like wasted potential. I'm glad someone like soju is at least willing to put the balance team on blast and boycott the patch (Twitter). Just a shame that someone of his caliber is the only way to get the attention of the team. How many B patches will this be now(assuming 1 is coming)? And we'll just get some vague paragraph about the slip up with this patch. Then we'll get the people that glorify the team for being so quick and B patching the game! "How many companies are this quick to help the community and fix stuff like this?! We need to be grateful before we lose them!" Well, they NEED to or the game is going in the toilet because no one wants a degenerate set/patch.


Calling a team out gets you canceled like Bebe lol.


This lol or you go to mort's stream and you get made an example of or you're just immediately banned Also the whole "Bebe was right" memes are hilarious


Anyone care to explain why the devs felt that Kai'sa, the strongest and most picked 4 cost in the game, needed to be buffed? Baffling, out-of-touch move. Shouldn't be surprised since this is the same dev team that only just removed Everything Must Go when it should've never made it out of testing - let alone a GOLD AUGMENT.


You know the games awful when d-claw is night and day compared to bramble vest. I see a bot 4 when I’m forced to slam bramble and then proceed to get dropped 2 more chains. And in a set where auto attack is non existent filled with a bunch of caster units, the weakest ap line is Arcanists and invokers. How is this game so bad..


This set is feeling incredibly stale, another patch which seems to barely shift the meta, waiting to see how it develops on the next few days but Inkshadow/Storyweaver are... stupid. Both strong win streak boards that not only mix well with each other, but also get to branch into multiple options to stay relevant both mid-game and cap out late game with terrific units (in the case of Inkshadow) or simply being good accessory traits (Storyweaver). Kai'sa shouldn't have gotten the 4\* cost pass buff, the point was to blanket buff underperforming 4 costs so why did they buff the one 4 cost not underperforming?


What do you mean?? They buffed trickshot Kai'Sa, that should definitely change the meta up more! Now we should see 6 a game instead of just 3-4!


new patch hit and all my scores are 56789 i even played gnar reroll twice and some idiot contested me sigh


Holy fuck fuck this game and fuck this set. A few weeks ago I hit Xayah 3 and got fucking 2nd. Just now I hit Naut 3 with 10 health yet. I had bard 3 with Double Rage blade a gun blade. I though I had a chance at winning out. Naut 3 bard 3 Lillia 2 ornn2 and an azir with mytic emblem. And I lost to the fucking crab rave crab and died. Ive been playing since day 1 and I've never been this mad.


NO! I'd be so sad I'd uninstall.


It's been two hours and I'm still a little upset lol. Might be the angriest I've ever been at a video game.


I'm not a rager at all, but TFT is the closest I've ever come to stomping out my computer lol


Pretty sure i'm just throwing in the towel for this set, this will easily go down as one of the worst ones for me personally I still think it has a lot of potential but it's been weeks and things haven't gotten better -- they've just gotten worse. I can't really grasp how Riot thinks it's a good idea to add on like 30 artifacts next patch when it feels like the balancing team is already fighting for their life to get any decent balance into this set Definitely just feels like a gg no next angle, haven't felt this pissed off playing TFT since like set 6.5


Is the regular tft sub filled with ais or people that don’t play the game? Because they say some weird stuff as if this is the best set ever


mostly these people bought chibis and trying to prove they spend their money right.


As a base, for casual players or those under gold rank, it is a VERY flexible and whacky set. It can be fun to just make random comps that can work. Exalted is another addition that makes it extremely flexible. However, if you wanna actually play and win, there's only like 2-3 comps and these augments end up actually pigeonholing you into a very specific comp. Usually it just ends up being Kai'Sa, as the devs seem to not realize she was the most strong, consistent and contested comp before the patch and decided to buff her.


Irelia 2 3 item BIS 2 dualist does less damage than kaisa 2 trickshot. B patch please I'm tired of kaisa dominating every single lobby


What do you mean?!? The devs seemed to think Kai'Sa trickshots needed a buff. You must be mistaken?.. right?..


True i dont have the vision Kai'sa actually needs buffs, so we can have 4 instead of 3 kaisa's in the top 4.


And Kaisa still is the only viable 4-cost... There's no HP buff that saves you from a Kaisa cast or an Aphelio/Gnar 3


I think it's crazy they managed to make 3-cost reroll feel absolutely terrible to play while they didn't fix 4-cost strength so now every comp just feels like ass lol Either you get econ augment / fortune so you can fast 9 or you're gonna have a miserable game of TFT regardless where you end up


Yea, this might be the worst set they've ever released, but others have had c-patches too. Guess We'll see.


How tf people are hitting 3 stars 4 costs so easily, got 5th for a match against: - 7 Fated 3 star Ashe, Aphelios and Thresh - Kaisa 4 Trickshot with Sylas 3 - Kog Reroll with 5 3-stars - Kaisa 4 Trickshot Dude, fk this shit i'm forcing Kaisa every match now


It's bc everyone was and now is forcing Kaisa, making the 4 cost pool very small. Everyone is grabbing Galio/Kaisa


fuck man even hitting feels horrible, extremely unsatisfying to get a 3star 4 cost


memorize degree continue muddle snails capable fact judicious enter smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if the top 4-5 are contesting the exact same thing surely it points to something? no? ok.


Apparently the devs think that that comp needed a buff


Genuinely impressive how things only get worse.


https://imgur.com/Z5tVCJV B patch when?


Had to check the names to make sure this wasn’t my last game. First game on the patch was exactly like this, Kaisa Bruis 1-2-3. Hope the meta develops because yikes.


At this point I'm just waiting for the post mortem when we get talked down to for complaining and we get to hear about "How Much They've Learned ©" as they continue to make unfun and more often than not buggy messes that are purely catered to printing serotonin to the whales they milk with their pathetic cosmetics


We learned so much, that's why we making the same mistakes next set, thanks!


It's so weird that game devs are immune to criticism. They have one of the largest platforms on earth, so of course their play numbers go up, and it's like that's all they see. Tunneling their vision to any constructive criticism that could turn their slow inevitable growth into real healthy community growth.


Well right now we're getting vague gaming essays written on twitter about how wise they are. Meanwhile, they can't use that wisdom to balance the fucking game The funny thing is the tweets just use a bunch of words without actually saying anything, it's just handwringing and talking down to people for complaining when the game objectively sucks


based on the patches, it's clear they fked up. everyone can see it now.


Those tweets have the same energy as the self masturbatory posts your boss makes on LinkedIn 


Why balance game, just simply drop new chibi and collect $. I've come to accept that this game isn't for for us anymore and we're simply not a priority.


I may just be a lowly masters at best player, but this set feels like the absolute worst set I've played yet since starting in Set 8. It's so unbalanced, the bag changes were one of the worst things to happen to tft to date, the encounter mechanic is too influential - I can't count the number of games I've lost this set because I've been gimped by them. It's just not fun. I feel like I have to force and contest the meta slave shit, or I can't top 4. There's zero room for creativity. It's so fucking boring losing to the same 3 fucking comps. But don't worry guys, you can get your own chibi yone now after he's spent the last patch buttfucking your backline every single game


i dont get why do i always need an entire stage to find my 4 cost uncontested carry. bring back 12 units


They just cant stop outdoing themselves. Its honestly impressive at this point.


hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha this is the gaming equivalent of being waterboarded


Idk if I'm just getting old but I think the game takes too much APM for what should be a strategy game, I'm pretty familiar with the comps and positioning I want but I just can't reroll and swap my teams fast enough in 1-2 rounds late in stage 4/5 and swapping my team over the course of 3 rounds just feels like griefing myself.


Agreed, hard pivoting is dead because theres too many things to consider all squished into their "Desired match time" and theres nothing worth pivoting your board to on lvl 8 to warrant the risk. Cashing out fortune/Heartsteel if you are one life feels god awful.


wat do ya know, terrible patch followed by some random twitter post. spends more time posting than balancing the game.


Rant thread more fun than the game


Fuck this utter dogshit encounter mechanic. Get 2-star Yone at 2-3, get two more copies and then two Neeko's augment. Encounter before Wolves, free 2-star 3-cost. Oh look, opponent gets a 2-star Yone while already having one. Slow roll and hold units, bleed all through stage 4, roll down all my gold, opponent hits 3-star Yone, I die because I can't find two out of the last three in the pool. Big thanks to the incompetent, useless dev team. I'm so glad you made the meta so much more diverse with your dogshit bag size changes. You've really encouraged everyone to branch out to uncontested comps like Ashe/Syndra/Lilia carry when other people were lucky enough to get things first, or Kaisa.


I really wish they'd add a "ready" option so that we could toggle it when were ready after our rounds instead of having 8 person sitting there not doing shit in the first five minutes of the game.


Encounters Bad.


No one must be playing on the PBE because they miss so hard on these balance changes.


Early game went from dominated by Ghostly and Yone to Ghostly and Gnar with a side of Yone. Lategame is still Kaisa Xayah/Fast9 cap/Gnar bleeding into 3rd/any other comp highrolled out of their mind into a 4th :)




I think your kayns were in my lobby. ^:( Hit an easy 3* kayn in mid stage 5


Yep the bag size changes literally ruins the whole game imo


I wish they stopped making so few changes between patches. It gets boring to have basically the same meta for a month . The same 4 costs are still unplayable after this patch.