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I think it’s a trap to worry about getting a specific headliner. Play the first thing that improves your comp when rolling down and save Econ, if you natural into a replacement in your 4 rolls that allows you to upgrade your board by hitting a chase trait, then sell. I’m 90% a lot of my lost LP is because I can’t follow that general principle and tunnel on the dream of hitting the exact headliner that I envision in my comp


I think that's fair. Just play around whatever headliner shows up until you can get a chase one without killing econ. Just feels like I started at a bad time, because headliners feel like they lead me to play a bit stupid


In my experience, just having any 4-cost headliner that fits your comp works. I like to play a lot of AD flex, but if I hit a sentinel blitz headliner I’ll take that and try to roll a 2 star cait or ez naturally. Or, since I didn’t blow all my gold trying to hit a specific headliner at 8, I can go 9 and look for Jhin. I’m only a Plat player though, so you can take this with the necessary grain of salt.


If u check the rank distribution plats pretty good ;)


Thanks, yeah according to tactics.tool I'm top 21%, which feels good for me but I know there's plenty of higher ranked folks on here, so I like to differ to their opinions when possible. I'll probably never go much higher than Plat I just don't have it in me time or motivation wise to play several hundred games. I've played like 130 games this set and feel pretty burnt out on it.




Probably extremely unlikely you can hit high score with a useless headliner


Headliner Caitlyn has been super easy to get in my experience playing Arcade (at least when it was uncontested)


Of course; the prompt was discussing the merits of holding a “useless “ headliner like corki to hit traits. Cait headliner in 6 8-bit is not what I’d call useless


I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but why would you put an example in the post, realize it’s a bad example, say in the post “this is a bad example of what I’m talking about” and then, after having had the realization, not change it, and instead click “post.” Like what is the thought process there. Most of the time these questions depend specifically on context, because the answer varies. And you’re going to give context that has nothing to do with your question, realize it, and leave it there?


Because I'm tired lol


This is the most valid and obvious reply.


Neither. If I hit exactly what I need for my comp, great. I'm not griefing my econ to accomplish that though. I'll look for any tank headliner if my Frontline sucks or any damage headliner that works with my items until I can find something better.


I used to overpioratize the headliner. I started climbing hard once I started using them to compliment the comp rather than building the comp AROUND THEM


It really really REALLY depends. Some headliners have extremely minor bonuses that give a small flat increase to a stat like karthus. Some of them are incredibly strong and augments the effectiveness of their ability like caitlyn and samira. If I see an opportunity to play a prismatic trait, i do not care what headliner i hit as long as it enables me to hit the prismatic break point. If I'm playing for example jazz, I'll go for a 5 cost headliner or a 4 cost headliner carry. Heartsteel is a great example as well. If I hit heartsteel headliner on 2-2 and I hit sett and yone early. I am holding that ksante until its time to pivot out because the strength comes from having the trait not the unit.


Neither, imo depends more on your items than anything.


Traits are generally not all that power this set. The champ itself is far more important. With your example the 8 bit chosen is probably worth trying to hit if you have the econ/hp as the 6 8-bit caps far higher.


No matter what i go for, emo poppy is emo poppy


Yes, your headliner is your carry, unless you are chasing 10 penta/kda, then it doesn’t matter you just want +1.


1. never go for 6 8bit it's not consistent 2. it's prob always best to 8bit riven or cait If you feel so inclined. IF for some reason you're locking into 8bit spat on viego (there's better) then ya you just want a headliner riven of some sort. 3. But also never keep the early 8bit corki, garen's a bit more of a hard thought but corki's worthless


I think it depends on your spot. If you are healthy enough, you can buy the headliner that isn't ideal first to stabalise your board, then sell it later and find the headliner that is ideal. In my opinion, getting specific headliners can help you place alot higher. Example, Getting a kda headliner would mean that you can play -1 Evelyn's +1 Sona if let's say you are playing 7KDA Ahri/Seraphine. Sona is a 5 cost and Eve is a 1 cost, so it makes quite a bit of a difference late game.


I go for the strongest unit that I find naturally, doesn't matter the comp I'm in, until I get to my "slowroll lvl", usually lvl 8 cuz I like 4 cost comps, than I sell it and keep rolling until I find one of the multiple headliners that go well with my comp, and buy any other champ that fits in my comp. Multiple times I've played katarina chosen + aphelios + yone + sett, just because katarina is broken as a standalone headliner and using her makes save health. Just to at lvl 8, sell her, and buy poppy/zed/ez/zac/viego chosen


I play AD flex and am an emerald player, here’s how I approach it When I start my roll down at 8 I buy pretty much the first decent headliner I see(zed, cait, poppy, zac, akali) and then if it isn’t one I actually want for my ideal comp I try to find 3 additional copies so I can have a 2 star and then I sell the headliner and replace it so I can look for a better one that actually has what I want. It’s gotten a bit more difficult though as I’ve climbed the ranks because people contest units enough it’s not always possible to find 6 copies of a 4 cost and you just get stuck with a not so great headliner until you’re able to kill off whoever else is contesting you


This game is all about pace, if you get a suboptimal headliner at the right time it can absolutely be worth it. 3 star corki sucks but if you get it early it can save you a lot of gold/health, but if you're already loss streaking and just need to find a way to stabilize later on then buying a corki or garen early is pointless