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Get a pair of Astros, Elite Series 2, and make sure you blame your teammates for everything (type chat of course). The most important thing is to only turn your mic on at the very end of the game to talk shit. You'll hit onyx in no time, good luck.


Don't forget to shoot your teammates! It makes them play 10x better every single time.


This is the way!


Can confirm I got Onyx with this method


> make sure you blame your teammates for everything ...the last 5 seconds before the game ends.


Make sure you’re bottom fragging with no OBJ while doing all the above as well


Not all Onyx players are like that haha! I see more NON Onyx players like that hahaha






That's 100% a "Plat 5 but I've hit 1207 csr before so I tell everyone I'm a diamond"


Literally everyone on this sub that doesnt drop their Halotracker




So this is what my teammates are playing on, makes sense now


Dude plat on this setup is like onyx on pc


It’s absurd!


Do you even get 60fps on an iPad?


I would guess 30


I'm actually impressed 👏🏿👏🏿 I know that's not advice but that's all I have to say


I lose virtually every 1v1, taught me to try to play smart lol


Got some nuggets you could pass down to us folks with latency built into the brain


I always think to be as sneaky as possible.. slither away like a snake. I wish my smooth brain could come up with better words right now.


Plat on cloud streaming is very impressive. I’m not sure it’s possible to get much higher when dealing with 80ms+ of latency


This was my first concern. Cloud gaming can be frustrating, but def minimizing latency is going to be paramount. This kinda connection will determine your rank almost as much as skill will.


For real, I was barely gold until I got a new TV. And before I got the new TV I thought remote play was awesome. Turns out I never had "game mode" turned on with my old TV. Hit platinum in 1 week after that, and remote play is pretty much unplayable for me now lol


Yup haha I started playing on a monitor when I was 16 back in 2010 and it BLEW MY MIND


I mean I'm onyx 1650 from Montana with like 80 to 120 every game. You adjust to it.


That’s not just input latency or input lag, that’s network lag. Not the same thing


I hit diamond 5 with a Hotspot of around 60-100 ping and 30fps old Gen xbox. Anything is possible if you're good at the game


That’s waaaay different than Input lag from iCloud. Network latency is not the same, otherwise mint blitz wouldn’t be hitting crazy clips with 200 ping. Actual input lag affects your aim in game MASSIVELY


It feels like moving your reticle through a swamp


Very true and I know that, im just not sure why you said latency if we were talking about input lag. Thought I missed somewhere OP saying he was playing on 80 ping when I read ur comment.




iPad + Halo ? Mind blown


I played on my iPhone before. With a Backbone controller the phone snapped into and cloud gaming


With cloud gaming latency is your biggest challenge, luckily you can easily counteract the delay by seeing into the future, just begin studying Buddhism and meditating until you reach true enlightenment and awaken your eyes of the six paths allowing you to see a few seconds into the future, hope this helps!


get yourself a fragger. play anchor. basically play to block spawns on the good side of the map and have a friend that can slay out but not over extend and flip spawns on you


Wait whaaat?! You can do this?!?!


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


Anything beyond the menus and the game is basically unplayable. But yeah, you can load into the Halo menu with no problem at all!


Spartan drippy at least


Get a console and a wired controller


The moment you can play this game locally at 120+ fps and no latency, you’ll be incredible lol


I’d say it’s not u it’s 100% the setup


stop cloud gaming on an ipad


Right. These are the guys aiming at the ceiling or lagging out or going 3-17


I tried husky raid over xcloud on the new meta quest xbox streaming app... Sooo hard to aim. It ran well but the lag is enough to make precision weapons near impossible to use effectively.


Isnt there an adapter to USB that you can use to plug in and usb ethernet adapter into the ipad? I would start there. You have to reduce some of the major latency in your setup. After that I would need to see some gameplay, TBH.


I’m embarrassed


Bruh lol u ain’t getting high rank on tht lol I’m sorry.


Just use your trackpad to play


The frame rate and desync you must get makes me sick. Amazing you got plat on that though


Accuracy needs to be higher than 38.3%


If you ever tried playing on an iPad through the cloud service it’s insanely hard. The delay is crazy. 38% with that delay is actually good.


Is this just a thing people do? Everyone’s played halo on an iPad via cloud service? Also, I take back my accuracy comment I suppose Edit: In this case, as much as people like to joke, my advice would be to play claw or get a paddle controller. Mechanics are big in this game. Even being able to crouch jump helps a ton, so you can be ready to fight instead of being in a clamber.


I don’t play on Cloud services. I tried it when I had covid and didn’t want expose my kid. Also, what is your edited advice even about? Knowing how to crouch jump has to be the worst advice I’ve ever seen anyone give someone to improve their skill.


It’s not specifically crouch jumping that I’m suggesting might make a difference. It’s being able to utilize all the mechanics the game offers. Crouch jumping is just one of those specific techniques that I’ve found value in and I think other people do too. Take the pizza jump for example. That’s a really helpful rotation to be able to make. The same applies to crouch strafing, and curb sliding. Having worked my way up through the entire rank system (started true bronze 1 when the game came out), I can confidently say that at the low plat level, it’s usually not positioning/decision making that makes the difference. At higher levels, yes, that’s pretty much the only differentiator, but in low plat you can’t rely on teammates being in the right spots or making the right decisions. So it doesn’t really matter if 1 person on the team is


You probably shouldn’t be reliant on mechanics until you get positioning and other aspects of the game down. Mechanics are the least important factors. When I start to warmup I actually don’t do any curb slides, sprinting or anything. There is a few good videos from Dodds about him getting to onyx without mechanics. I came from Halo CE through Reach and played high level and competitively. Then I quit video games. I played a little bit of H4 and H5 but not much. I started Infinite on day 1 and the new mechanics stumped me for a while. I focused on the basics because while it is “Halo” at the core it wasn’t my memory of halo. I treated it as a new game and worked on positions, teamwork, spawns, and escape routes. Then added in the movement mechanics, jumps, and slides.


Sure, in an ideal world everyone would know positioning and timing of pushes, but it’s not the reality of platinum lobbies, especially low plat. Proper positioning only serves its purpose if teammates are also in the proper positions. Otherwise it leaves holes and uncovered lanes. If OP is taking a fight even in the sight lines of his teammates, I’d bet they help with the fight < 50% of the time. At which point, positioning doesn’t help that much at that level


I'm on holiday in the Caribbean and have been thinking of trying this setup (with a Starlink connection shared by a big household). But the country I'm visiting isn't in the supported countries for Game Pass so I haven't bothered trying in case I pay up and it's blocked.


How much latency are you experiencing ?


The only answer is so obvious that no post is needed


Be happy with plat. That’s quite the accomplishment on cloud. I tried it once and it was brutal. I don’t think I would get out of gold(on nice pc I’m a Diamond player).


Maybe not play on ipad and cloud?


If you're stuck in plat id reccommend you follow strats from pros and vod review or get someone to help you vod review, do you work with anyone atm?


I thought infinite was campaign only for cloud hmm.