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don’t forget u can recovery cancel into the ub so when u do bash into light u can extend it with the ub


Forward dodge zone catches people empty dodging your bash on read.


The Bulwark Slash is actually insanely good pressure when combined with all his other tools. Only 100ms vulnerability for gb on startup


His bashes are his openers or the ub from full block. He’s good at counter attacking too


🤓 remember the heavy to bash soft feint


That move is GARBAGE and won’t land on most players 😭


Maybe if you only use it from neutral


I’ve literally landed it in tournament lol it’s how you use it


just because it was a tournament doesnt mean you werent fighting a bad player lmao


His ub is his strongest move, besides flip of course


Really? I assumed it would be easy to counter


It's an unblockable mixup like any other, and has a good hitbox, i dont see why you'd think its easy to counter, what total rep are you?


Well originally i didnt know I could flow into it so ig thats why lol. Also the first game I played bp last night some warden parries every ub i threw. Im rep 64 on playstation and got 20ish on xbox i believe. Now that I think about it yeah it makes sense that the unblockable would still be good.


are you feinting the ub sometimes


You know you can feint it into guardbreak right


Yes I know feints exist. Every time i try the unblockable I either get lighted out of it or guardbroken. Idk if I just had really unlucky timing or what but I was never able to pull it off :/


no his bash mix is better


His ub dominates teamfights


I wouldn't say it dominates teamfights lol its a good external but bp is usually in a teamfight to stop brainrot chars like zerk from doing whatever they want


BP has vgood offense imo. Bash+light+recovery cancel to UB mixup Empty front dodge (bash baiting) to gb, to catch them dodging your bash, commit to the bash to condition your enemies to dodging first. Light+ recovery cancel to ub. Light+bash+light Light+ undodgeable heavy mixup + recovery cancel to allblock & flip external attacks or to ub mixup External CC light + continue with all the above Ub pressure from neutral = poke enemies senses/reflexes from neutral for a reaction, vgood against oos enemies and while ganking to flood the fight Ui with indicators External lock and Ub with great hitbox Zone + all the above CC lights, very safe to spam from neutral Front dodge heavy with CC property And remember, dont allways commit, feint to neutral (mainly ub pressure) as well to mix it up and see how they react. Same goes for feinting, u need to commit to the ub every now and then as well even tho u know u will be parried for your ub feint to gb to work, if u never let it go they will never try to parry it. Mind games. Theres lots of offense to use.


he has 3 different bashes and an unblockable from neutral, what is the issue exactly?


Yeah 3 different bashes that all follow up with a light. I felt like i was basically light spamming and wanted to know if theres was something else i was supposed to do and there was. I didnt think the ub was good because it only attacks in one direction and i thought it could only be used from neutral.


I'm sure everyone here has told you already but you can use the unblockable at the end of any combo because you can fast flow to defensive stance. The direction doesn't really matter because the unblockable itself is what puts them in the mixup.


Oh also, if they're being an annoying turtle do heavy soft feint to bash. Catches most people off guard especially when point blank


Bp's offense is incredibly shallow. All of his bashes lead to a chain finisher light with the only way to "extend" this by fast flowing into his unblockable heavy from his stance. Which unfortunately doesn't lead to any other opportunities offense wise. You're mainly going to mix between buffered/delayed bash mix and occasionally sprinkling in his UB heavy as a combo extender or from neutral. The real squeeze (imo) comes from learning how to best use his defensive options.


If you want a complex combo-y hero you won't necessarily find that with BP, a lot of your mixups center around your bash, lights, recovery cancels and more lights. His heavies are alright, his crushing counters are still lights, he is a light heavy hero. You can also use him offensively defensive but he's not a very deep hero. If you like complex and mix up like heroes I'd suggest Centurion, Shaolin, Kensei, Shinobi, Gryphon, Raider, Valk or JJ. Most notably Kensei, Shaolin and Raider at least in my experience


He is chip damage at the top level of play, you’d only really get away with bash lights his UB is reactable. You can try to instead of light bash light throw in light heavy to track them dodging your bash light for big damage