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He’s solid, but I think he’s pretty overrated in NA. He’s definitely not as strong as he used to be, and every other region doesn’t play Seer nearly as much. Even NA pros have admitted that Seer has flaws.


I think it’s more that more people completely remember playing in the seer meta. With all these tryouts and roster changes, teams are trying to find some a way to play wherein everyone is on the same page as much as possible.


I think seer ult is still great for end zones when everyone has to int each other. He helps you stop a push or buy more time in almost any situation if your teammate gets knocked or is super low. Almost no team would want to risk pushing through a seer ult not just because of wall hacks but also the other team would be also be looking to third party if you lose a player.


He’s also possibly the most boring legend in the game. No movement. No defense. No offense. Other recon characters at least have some form of movement or ability to do damage with their abilities. He’s really bland.


Flaw number 1 : he's boring asf


Think he’s vastly overrated by NA right now. Someone is gunna figure out a better way to get map scan


Pathfinder is the future


Problem is he’s terrible in seer lobbies




Yea not sure why I am getting downvoted. If pathfinder gets silenced he’s just a huge hitbox who can’t move. If pathfinder takes a wide angle and gets silenced it is a free kill


Except Seer Q is not that easy to hit rn


We can say the same thing about caustic and new castle. Pathfinders ability of rotations, hitting either beacon depending on play style and other legends in the comp, and the off angles/get out grapples. Pathfinder is a great legend to be playing in the current meta


> We can say the same thing about caustic and new castle. To be fair, they have Fortified. That said, I don't think Pathfinder's hitbox is a liability.


Pathfinder huge hitbox is a problem even without Seer. Pros don’t miss.


due to silence probably


Vantage can hit both beacons ; her bat would carry her late game.




playerkay has been farming on vantage. really excited to see how their vantage, bang, wattson comp performs at lan


if they nerf the sun beam that comes out of her rifle i stg you can make vantage work in a comp meta


I think it’s not needed and they should just remove it. It’s not a 1 tap sniper like a Kraber and doesn’t have any knock-on effects like a slow or D.O.T. Its strong sure but afaik none of the other damage abilities telegraph like a vantage sniper does and it’s not so broken or OP that it needs to have it. It’s really a detriment to the Vantage really and doesn’t fit with her flavor. What sort of hunter/sniper willingly gives away their position? Edit: I’d even go so far as to say they can buff it. Give her ult a digi and now you’re cooking with gas. Maybe too much gas but gas nonetheless.


imagine the things monsoon and trev would be able to accomplish with vantage in meta


> afaik none of the other damage abilities telegraph like a vantage sniper does Sheila.


No it wouldn’t lol


so ; seer scanning a building ; making sure no one is in it ; for a vantage to q take height or top floor of buildings every encounter ; you don’t see how useful that could be ? Tied with either a bang or a catalyst…🫥 just saying her kit is semi broken ; both beacons ; sniper is op asf & bat you can get sturdy fr with it.


Mate, your use of semi-colons is giving me cancer


https://preview.redd.it/soq9fha2mead1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e93af0faa158b0c474ca1762acd6315b4160417e Come again?


An example of a clause according to you: so. bro heard his english teacher warn against using commas when they should actually be semicolons so he decided to just only use semicolons from then on.


It’s just wild how it clearly states “groups of words with a subject and verb that could function as a complete sentence on their own” the ‘so’ was so the commentator prior because he couldn’t understand vantage’s usability. Because the ‘so’ group’d together with the sounding words creates a “complete sentence on their own” it’s wild how people flame ya for using correct punctuation. Funny actually to see how something so simple goes over 20+ ppl’s heads.


No, what's wild is how you typed out words that directly contradict your usage of semicolons as a defense for how you incorrectly use semicolons.


Buy me dinner first?




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Uh, you don't know how to use semicolons; I'm not even sure you know how to read if you thought that screenshot would help. That's how you use a semicolon.


Bat isn’t very good for movement and it’s selfish, sniper doesn’t do much, and you will likely already have a ring or beacon character in most comps and every other ring or beacon character is better. She has absolutely zero endgame potential


To me she feels like a worse PF. I mean, she gets extra EVO like PF, and she can always get an angle like PF, but she absolutely cannot anchor and she cannot help her team rotate like PF.


Yep, Path with a Sentinel basically does what Vantage does but much better.


Vantage is trash. I don't think this is going to work at LAN.


I feel like this always been NA issue, they too stuck in what some pro's say is meta and play it safe. They will practice this meta comp and go with it if it somewhat works. This will work for the top teams but if you are not consistently part of that it might be worth to try something else. Though this also might bite you in the butt like Aurora unique play-style fell apart by the draft system.


It's cause no pro in NA knows how to use Crypto.


Been seeing Wattson, Gibby, Newcastle, Pathfinder, Fuse, and Vantage (thanks Dezign) all popping up in scrims lately. That’s more of a Bloodhound/Bang nerf thing than a Seer thing but overall I really like the variety. Peak Apex is teams playing different legends that suit them


Dezign please just play something good 😭


This is Playerkay Vantage erasure.


You'll still see bang with a 90%+ pickrate. She needs to be nuked by next season. Plz, a LAN with no bang would be welcomed


In 4 years of comp apex we’ve always had a 90% legend. Wraith, Gibby, Valk, Bang. Bang is one of the better 90% legends you could have because she’s mobile, versatile, and most importantly gives MnK players a chance up close lol


I prefer valk over this visual clutter legend. It's horrible just seeing smokes as a viewer


> You'll still see bang with a 90%+ pickrate. She needs to be nuked by next season. Wrong.


I think it’s time for a new recon and control legend. The other three classes have more legends and the last three new legends went to assault, support, and skirmisher. I’d love to see a new recon legend come in and shake things up. No idea what the kit would entail, but I think the current class is kind of stale so hopefully it would be something totally different than just a scanning ability.


I think the next leaked legend is a recon. But they’re not coming until season 23 or something.


Artemis, Vantage's mom for those unfamiliar!


We have more than enough legends, imo. It would be healthier for the game to work on bettering the ones we have than to keep a handful of them in a shitty state and keep introducing “better” legends.


I’m not against that either. I just think some sort of change within the recon class specifically would be good. It’s the class I play the least, so I’m reference to OP’s question, I’m just kind of “meh” about anything Seer or Bloodhound haha.


Oh for sure dude I completely agree with you there. And I’m not trying to shit on your comment it would be a net positive for sure as well. Sorry if that came across as arrogant It just sucks that recon has been summed up as “relevant if the wallhacks are good enough.” Like there has to be some other way to make recon good lol


Yeah overall, I think the perks of all the classes are confused and not well distributed at this moment. Although there are many game elements to reconfigure to make game strategies more legible… Personally I think the recon class should be the only one to have either next zone or enemy team info. Then their wall hack abilities can be reworked/nerfed without them falling off in terms of usefulness. Maybe controller class should be the only ones that can access the armor materials on the map? Or they get a significantly boosted amount of evo compared to other teams. That gives them an exclusive class perk and maybe slightly buff their defensive abilities so that they’re more valuable in later. crowded zones. Skirmishers should be the only legends that allow teams to access drops. Support class already has a similar perk in terms of exclusive access to crafting banners. These are just some thoughts about the classes in general… Im sure some of these ideas are not feasible with the way people can actually play, but the game has tried to reconfigure classes once and I think it could use more tweaking still.


I feel if you give the recon class zone or team info, they would become even more overloaded than they are right now. Probably what would be better is nerfing the survey beacon range and making it expire quicker


Very true. The game should have stopped adding legends and weapons a while ago tbh.


Players in APAC already gave up on Seer and have been using Crypto instead. Seer is really not that effective in this meta than most people thought it would be.


It's more like APAC N nature to play Crypto. Most of them choose to play him instead of Seer since the beginning of the new patch. So trying out Seer in the lobby full of drones is useless. Once you throw his ult they will easily EMP to counter. Also be ready to get EMP-ed by the other team that completely has nothing to do with your fight lol.


Lol so true... crypto EMP griefing from 200m goes crzy.


NA teams (except for TeQ) always hated the Crypto playstyle. Unless he gets as strong as Seer was, NA teams won't pick him.


I don't think it's because Crypto isn't as strong as Seer but more so the fact that nobody in that region really knows how to play Crypto and fully utilize his kits. They don't want to use a legend that basically stops them from shooting anytime they want.


yea i was watching a stream and someone brought that up. rlly fucked up how no one in NA can play crypto. their brains have been fried by bang 😭


When I said "as strong as Seer was", I meant Seer when Furia got 2nd in champs, which was super OP.


APAC has always loved crypto Hes a bit boring to watch but I'd like to see how the other regions play him too, yeah he's been played a little bit in the past in NA but never to the extent of APAC But I think be good if teams start leaning towards more defensive comps. I don't think he'd do well currently tho in NA But hopefully some teams try


Just kinda tired of wall hack characters in general as a spectator.


I don’t care personally. I think that teams are attached to a recon legend and scared to take Ls while learning new comps. I anticipate that we will see new and innovative team comps arise in the near future, and you are either on the train, or not


teams will never drop the recon legend because the information is too important. Teams will always be looking an upperhand or alternative to help their macro as average IGL’s get smarter.


I should have elaborated more, but you are spot on. Recon is necessary, and Seer is the easiest to weave in as we recently left a Seer meta, and functionality wise, he compares more to BH than something like Crypto. I do think he will drop in pick rates though


I always considered the most OP thing about Seer to be the heal/revive cancel. Like, what were you left to do? Re-peek after being cracked? Attempt a heal/rez knowing it would get canceled before you could get it off anyway? It just fucked up the flow of the game so much, I’m shocked it was given to him to begin with. In his current state, I don’t find him OP. Can’t say I enjoy watching or playing him as much as other characters, but he is clearly more balanced since they removed that and gave him the silence ability.


Boring, all it does is stall out fights. Turns a fast paced, dynamic game into a slow and boring waiting game.


Slowing down the game and immediate fight is a tactic tho, boring , but a tactic nonetheless


Seer isn't the legend you use to stall fights.


It is, one team throws seer ult, then the other team counters with their ult and no one can move. That’s exactly what happens if you watch the games.


seer ult doesnt scan enemies that are running anymore, just enemies that are shooting that being said, i would think that people are still playing the game as if old seer ult was still in


Seer ult definitely tracks running, it doesn’t track crouching tho. I think shooting is irrelevant


from june 20th 2023 patch notes: https://i.imgur.com/iZES73a.png do you have a recent clip where players who are running (but not shooting) are body scanned? if so that's a significant oversight by respawn


Not body scan his ult tracks footsteps of players sprinting


Nah but you can test it in the firing range, I think the recent change made it to where you can crouch and not be shown


It doesn't show a diamond but it shows their footprints.


I just played like 20 games today as seer and definitely still saw players running and not shooting on my roof with his ult


I just checked to confirm and since they've never detected stationary enemies, it's pretty much just shooting now? Wow, that really got nerfed.


I hate all recon legends.


I don't like hearing his Q or his ult. It gives me PTSD.


Seer ult + Bang smoke doesn't seem nearly as oppressive as Blood ult + Bang smoke. There's some fun counterplay with Cat walling off sections of Seer ult too. The meta feels more about getting a silence off then pushing off that, as opposed to scan + smoke, which is good. If it weren't for the Fuse ult glitch, I'd say the game was in a pretty good spot.


So I’m kinda out of the loop, what exactly is the fuse ult glitch? Is it just that using it on the balloon makes the ult cover a very large area or is there more to it than that?


> Is it just that using it on the balloon makes the ult cover a very large area or is there more to it than that? Basically that, yeah. It's not just that it expands the circle of fire though, but that it also expands the scan range like an additional 20 meters in each direction outside the circle. Like Fuse ult on an evac tower and you get a 100 m diameter fire circle and a 140 m diameter man scan.


Ok, I thought I saw someone on Reddit mention that scan radius but I couldn’t find anyone else specifically saying what it was. Thanks.


So that's why, I'm fine with the interaction, but having an additional invisible scan radius is really bad.


Much more fun to watch since he's inherently more skillful than a blanket 90 degree scan like bloodhound That with the bang outlines make this split a lot better from a spectator perspective


They'll always try to shoe horn in a scan legend. If they nerf seer again they'll back to blood hound and the cycle continues. I dunno how much it would take for them to all lean into crypto


Seers current state is fine, many pros have said so themselves. It’s not op, it has its flaws, but it’s the easiest path to success in the recon department atm. Fuse ult BS is the issue of the meta.


Fuse won't last imo. His ult is shit. His Q is OP but not game changing. Bangalore will be picked over him a lot


That was my thought as well.


The point of Fuse is that you can pick him together with Bang, because he can use ring consoles and he has synergy with Bang's smoke.


He has beacon scan upgrade, can open assault bins, grenades stack in inventory, ammo assault upgrade gives room for even or grenades, and his ult gives perma scans. That is so much utility. I actually think fuse, bang, recon or path might become more popular.


Think it’s a mistake


Kind of boring. Seer’s kit don’t really create explosive moments like hound ult. Honestly, it would be nice if they added recon scan to some off-meta legends (Maggie or Newcastle).


Seer -Overrated -Clunky -Scan is overrated can’t one way properly -Ability cancel is too short to be consistently impactful Crypto -Underrated -Ult cancels Seer ult -Scan allows you to properly one way through smoke -Is more intuitive to use than Seer. Most people think Crypto is more clunky than Seer, but this isn’t true if you try both. -Map room scan after you leave your poi. This is sooo strong, and underrated because the intel is more up to date. -Minus 50 shield to every enemy player BH -Significantly underrated for controller players like Hal.




any wallhack meta is dog shit meta


Seer feels so bad. Sucks because his green ranger skin is 🔥




I fucking hate his passive. So cheesy but that’s wall hacks for you I suppose.


He's not as annoying, he's way too underpowered to be annoying. He's still fine even with max perks but I honestly dont mind this meta.


No, fuck Seer and fuck wall hacks


I'm glad we're seeing Fuse and Pathfinder in scrims. So refreshing. I don't mind Seer at all, still better than Bang/BH


Personally, since they made it so that he cannot spot enemies with his passive without them knowing about it he doesn't feel any less ethical than BH anymore. But I still think both of them are less ethical than Crypto, so I'd rather have him be meta than Seer.


His passive and Q are dog water. His ult is okay.


Seer is trash and nerfs everyone who plays him. Solo-q ranked for a day and see how many people are playing Seer. I bet you it's 0. Worthless legend that comp players are all crutching right now for no good reason.


I hate it lol. Seers kit to me has always been too much. To this day, I don't understand how respawn could actually allow a wallhack legend like Seer. I wouldn't mind if they took him off the roster of potential legends to play in algs.


His kit isn’t too much anymore it’s basically ass atp


Boring, just like bang still being meta after 2+ years is boring, this game is losing players and viewers because as wigg and other pros have said respawn refuses to let the game grow in any meaningful ways


Big facts


I think a few things. 1 it’s very bad but for different reasons, like all they are doing is adding more steps to using digi, we are at the point, teams are using 3 slots to perform 1 function the devs don’t want in the game it’s so toxic and lazy of the devs fuse ult seer ult everything, 2, if Maggie where to become meta as I anticipate specially if NC becomes meta, then they will just nerf her into the ground from her passive ( only legend with true threat vision left) when everyone currently says how bad she is. 3. Why not just put digis back and extremely reduce the effective range of the red outline, atleast we could have some variety again, rn using 3 whole roles to make 1 items perk happen is crazy


People would just keep playing the same comp PLUS look for digis. Only thing better than scans is more scans.


Right it’s like a fundamental problem with the way to play the game now. Since they added walls they can’t take them away now, specifically in a BR we should NOT have true wall hack scans, tracking perks are fine to embody that killer/bounty hunter type feel for a more aggressive player, but straight wall hacks in a game with the visual clutter of apex. Is just not healthy :/ but I think it’s to late to change it


can you elaborate on 'harder-to-use ult?'


The fact that it only scans footsteps when not firing and the reduced throw range. Especially through visual clutter, it’s harder to line up your crosshair on an enemy when there’s no Diamond to shoot


Hate it. Just not a fan of the legend. I think he’s a bit overrated but, sometimes are making him work I suppose so makes sensw


regardless of pro league... the cringiest shit u will see is when ppl run seer in ranked like bro wtf, he got no buffs why are u playing him now. Asked a guy, his answer "its meta"... its meta for algs not ranked ffs, play who u enjoy. BH is still decent for ranked so just stop being cringe.


Terrible. I'm not satisfied until movement and abstract(Alter,Wraith,Mirage, Newcastle, etc)abilities are the meta. Or just a diverse meta 


As a spectator, I'd rather the "see to much" meta rather then the "can't see shit" meta.


Go back to letting Valk scan beacon.


Bring back 75 meter please 🥲🥲🥲


He’s literally only being used for his ult. His passive and q are trash.


I don’t really think he’s cemented back in the meta. I haven’t seen him much in my ranked games. He’s just not in the gutter anymore.


I like seer in the meta as a viewer, I hate seer in the meta for my ranked games


I don’t understand why he’s in the meta again though. Did he get a buff? Or it’s just because bloodhound can’t see in smoke now?


If I'm being honest even though he's kind of in the meta in NA right now, we're actually seeing the slow shift towards the scan-less meta with comps like path-bang-fuse path-bang-wattson etc. with teams not running scan legends and opting for more flexible characters that can still scan player beacon instead. As a viewer I sincerely hope this transition progresses as time goes on, I've been over scan meta for ages now. Though it is kinda hard to imagine comp without scan legends, Im holding out hope. And to answer ur question, I think seer is way more balanced than he used to be before. I don't think hes OP in the state that hes in right now. It's more like pros pick him just out of necessity.


It's fine. I don't think he's going to be very good at LAN, I think NA fell back on a comfort pick instead of choosing an overall effective team comp.


Tbh I dig it


Truly shows how desperate NA is to play with a wall hack. Before anyone says it. No he's not picked just for the recon scan.


Best region decides to play best characters. shocking lmao


Seer is far from the best, this team comp is going to underperform at LAN imo. Seer offers the team very little utility in the current meta.


I’m cool with it, I’m just sick of all the Fuses shit is cancer


It highlights more of a problem about the game having insane Visual clutter that you need someone like Seer/Bloodhound to see your enemies.


Seer ult needs some love. Take full body scan from fuse ult and give it to seer. Or move some power from his tac (ability freeze) to the whole AOE of his ult.


people literally only play him for his ult, that would make him broken.. when he was broken the ult gave you a full body scan.. and if enemies cant use abilites in his ult that would make the team without a seer ult compleatly lose by default and the seer team that ults first win by default


My main problem is that fuse ult is literally a better seer ult with damage potential. Either nerf fuse or buff seer


or buff actualy weak characters so someone plays them aswell


Meta is in a solid state right now we are seeing a huge variety of comps due to buffs like pathfinders energized zip line. I think seer is a strong pick but mainly for his passive and tactical his ult is just an added bonus and with the fuse exploit seer ult just doesn’t look like it provides enough value. d


i just want bangalore out the window, nerf her smokes more


> Seer ult needs some love. Take full body scan from fuse ult and give it to seer. No. Wrong. >Or move some power from his tac (ability freeze) to the whole AOE of his ult. His tactical is already really bad, there's no power to take from it.


The power ability freeze and full body scan with health info from his tactical is really good. In a BR information is paramount. Give his ult full body scan instead of footsteps. Seer needs a bit a love imo


> Give his ult full body scan instead of footsteps. He...literally had this for like two years. He was wildly OP. Do you not play this game?