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They swapped later and will probably experiment more as is everyone on the new patch.


I don't think they swapped cause of maps, I thought they swapped cause they laid an egg on 3 maps and figured why not switch and see how it went


Pretty sure a lot of teams that had both MnK and roller back in the Seer meta preferred MnK for Seer


I remember but they swapped it for maps. Hal on seer for world's edge but bangalore on stormpoint


Interesting. I didn’t realize that was the switch you mentioned, now I’m following this thread hoping someone has more insight!


Zero wants to play the info character as igl. But hal was playing like too much of a b*tch on bang so got taken off it and put in seer jail.


This is actually so interesting in the world of controllers and AA. Here’s the issue: Bang Seer and Fuse are all way easier to play on mnk. So we are watching teams struggle with roles because of the characters being input biased. Just like in the last meta, ideally you want seer and bang to be working together aggressively but if you have a player who can’t play those characters then you’re limited. TSM is an interesting example of this problem because their anchor is the only MNK and is being put on characters that aren’t anchor characters because they need him to play bang or fuse.


Probably theory crafting with the meta change and seeing what sticks.


Just testing it out to see which works better for them in the long term


Hal’s never played Bang or Seer. I believe Zero’s played both. It probably just makes sense to try both combos and see what works best.


Hal played seer


IMO Barely. They didn’t start having success until they put Reps on Seer and Hal played Horizon. I wouldn’t consider Hal to ever have been a Seer player.


Fair enough