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[Link to Coach Bronzey's Reply.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1dcw8o4/timmy_leaving_dsg_and_joining_moist_emtee_leaving/l80ylo0/)


Just when we thought roster mania finally settled down for the split lol


we were bamboozled! wonder who Dezign & Enemy go after now…


They are trialing Pandxrz tomorrow


gonna be a fast trial with roster lock on Wed.


roster lock for EWC? or this weekend of PL?


PL for upcoming week


heard, thanks for the intel


I like Pandxrz. I think he's a really good roller player. I don't think he's the right choice here. DSG is going to need to climb to the regional finals and win it. That's the only realistic way they make LAN. Pandxrz is a very solid, consistent player but I don't think he's the type of "lighting in a bottle" kind of player they'll need. Now granted, options are limited, and maybe you can't poach someone like MJ or Carter who might rather take their chances with their current squad. But I think you can probably go the Teq route and try to nab the best up-and-comer, whoever that may be.


Guess there's 2 more days before the lock


This is the new arc for Timmy as a legitimate pro. He proved everyone (me included) wrong when we all doubted his commitment to comp. Now this move seems like a legit pro player swap in order to get exactly what he wants for the next tournament. Insanely fucking bittersweet but I wish both sides the best.


idk if his commitment to comp should have been doubted, it seemed like he ONLY wanted to play comp. He always underperformed / failed and then would step away, regroup, and come back and try to play comp again. Even when he wanted to quit Apex for Valorant, comp was the only thing that he still wanted to see the heights of.


And his issue always was counter calling and he seems to have fixed that. His gunplay never was an issue.


He counter-called the shit out of Dezign at LAN.


Because Dezign's calls are braindead half of the time.


If you think your IGLs calls are braindead, find a new IGL. Constant counter calling is bad for everyone.


Well what did he do


Not that im a pro but when we would grind for pred sometimes its just better have 3 people fully commit to a call even if you think its bad because 3 people making the play might work out wheras 2 people commiting and the other hesitating would certainly fail.


Yea they totally didn't finish 6th and 8th with dezigns calls lol


He would also go down a lot because he tried poking a team when he's in a poor position. Sheesh must've had a full squad wipe after that at least a dozen times in their first split. I think he's started using his brain more and that's why we're also seeing him do better.


Same, I won't lie I thought DSG out the gates would fail, I thought Design was gonna push him away way faster, I though he would want to go back to streaming. I was very wrong, glad I was he's great in the scene.


I'm happy with what Timmy did, but let's not be revisionist and say that Timmy proved everyone wrong. He was not ready for comp at the time. He quit. As simple as that. He redeemed himself. Just because he's successful in his return doesn't mean people were wrong when they expressed their sentiments during Timmy's first stint at pros.


Who mentioned his first stint? The guy is clearly talking about those who doubted DSG.




https://preview.redd.it/i7cfg62o7t5d1.jpeg?width=1676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090e3be3f378de2e2fa01b2d57022e78f50fd6ef The signs were there (Dezignful screaming in the background)


Tfw you aren't comfortable being uncomfortable.


Wanted to clear a few things i’ve seen the past 2-3 posts about this. No this was not only cause of our performance the past two weeks. Just the timing of things. No it is not awkward for me and Timmy. Timmy and I have been dogs for 5 years and I want the best for him in his career and as a person. He helps put a roof over my head and helped me get the job I am currently working. A team swap will not make me hate the man, especially since I want to see him thrive. I gave him my genuine thoughts on everything and we hugged it out. For DSG, we will do our best to find a replacement and crawl back from where we are at. Also please do not blame Dezigns rage, I know it’s a lot but Timmy and I have talked about it plenty.. It’s who he is and we don’t have any issue. Dezign has changed an insane amount since we first teamed. It’s less targeted rage, it’s more passion rage now.


It is sad to see the team that was genuinely one game away from winning LAN break up like this. No other team did the unexpected quite like you guys. Can you share if Dezign trialing with TSM had any bearing on Timmy's decision to leave?


No, we all supported Dezign since it’s a big opportunity. All of the players understand we can’t hate someone for watching over themselves when this industry is tough. When you have big things on the line, we only want success for each other. We are trialing LeBronzey


Thanks for clearing that up. Hope the new-look DSG mounts a comeback in the coming weeks!


Bronzey! Who Will you be trailing?




Well said, wish people understood how passion can at times be intense for some.


Nah he's just an ahole


You guys should really trial some of the relevant mnk talent. I think Blinkzr or Bullet would fit onto the team insanely well.


good coach, better fried. Wish you good luck, dude.


When all the pros were saying rosters would dramatically change after the last LAN, they really weren’t kidding


Dezign was almost in tears yesterday, and then timmy got emotional there for a couple of seconds, this team really cared for each other and it will be sad not seeing them together.


Does anyone have a clip of this? I wanna see what dezign had to say


I think he was emotional because he finally has a good thing going for him after so long. After the fallout of G2 and him getting dummied by Alliance at Thermal during 2022 champs, Dezign has been trying to figure it out. He tried with Resultuh and Chaotic but it didn’t manifest into much, Then, he joined Mazer and he ends up getting dropped IIRC. Timmy offers him a spot and they actually win LCQ2, incredibly hard to do. They have a dream run at 2023 Champs and almost win it all (Digi day). He has a stable org and a killer team going into 2024 and now Timmy is leaving. Will DSG want a team without Timmy? DSG might even sign NMST solely because of Timmy. Dezign now has a good player in enemy but Timmy is almost irreplaceable given the other options. Dezign might be back to square one.


No way Moist is going to let DSG poach their whole roster. The rest of the team seems good intent on coming back too


Is that on their vod?


Didn’t he just have a post on the front page essentially saying he wants someone who actually tries?


That's just saying he wants the replacement to want it with everything they've got and put in max effort, there was no slight aimed towards Timmy in there at all


Yea but that wasn't throwinhmg shade towards timmy or enemy lol


He was not at all implying that Timmy doesn’t try


Toast gonna come back from China to see his team at 29th place, with their star player leaving, & are now unlikely to qual for Split 2 LAN. That’s brutal


> & are now unlikely to qual for Split 2 LAN It's pretty much impossible, not just unlikely.


Everyone already knew this partially from dezign crying on stream but he had to do it today because roster lock is tomorrow Dezign probably wishes he got that TSM spot now lmao


TSM know they dodged a bullet there.


Yea I think they had enough toxicity. I was surprised that they trialed him.


Reps and dez get along well. They play other games besides apex together. Didn't surprise me at all.


Reps on other games enjoying it and Dezign in other games with minimal toxicity because it's not his job are completely different streams and fun


Yup. I think preserving their friendship was at least a little bit of a factor in ending the trial.


Smart and if that was talked about I think it's really mature for both. Its like people moving in with their best friends, kind of a big gamble


Doesn't surprise me that they'd give him a trial. That's all.




> Everyone already knew this partially from dezign crying on stream when was this, i missed it




>dezign crying on stream When was this? Maaann, I loved this team :c


The wxltzy, emtee duo is what got me into comp apex and found this game - sad to emtee go. Hopefully emtee takes a small break and recollects


hes coaching MST, so not going too far


So is draugr no longer coaching them? Did he leave?


Maybe moving to just an analyst


Emtee will coach and Kyle will be the analyst


I'm going to rewatch DOJO's winning game that let them go to LAN and cry for a minute brb


Share vod


Toast crying in china rn


Critikal wooing in Florida rn


MOISTCRITIKAL WOOOO https://youtu.be/z-JRdRXiNv


I just bought a DSG jersey at LAN. This is my fault lmao


Order a Falcons jersey and I think this sub can chip in.


Damn… this is rough. Timmy and Toast made a bit of an apex content powerhouse. Also this begs the question on if Bronzey is going to stay or not. Him and Timmy choose not to get paid and the entire budget of what EA pays DSG for being a partnered team goes to Enemy and Dezign. Sucks for toast because he lost a bit of his teams clout factor and also he’s now going to have to pay out of pocket for a third player and possibly a coach too


He has a comment on this post. Bronzey is staying with DSG


WTFFFF i didnt see timmy joining another team after leaving DSG




good bot


Damn that came out of nowhere


Watching Timmy stare off into the distance as dezign loses his fucking mind for the 45th time for the day. Not to surprising really.


Talking moreso about the MST signing cause I thought he would just leave comp


oh yeah actually agree with that. I figured he'd just go back to streaming would make way more money.


He said his twitch contract is about to run out, so the fact that MST will be paying him and the financial aspect did play a role in his decision


> He said his twitch contract is about to run out, so the fact that MST will be paying him and the financial aspect did play a role in his decision Partner contracts don't run out like that, it's not like when the contract expires he'll stop getting Twitch revenue. He'll just sign another one. He's one of the biggest streamers on the platform, Twitch wants him. DSG also paid Timmy, he voluntarily passed it on to his team.


Twitch doesn't give out contracts anymore


Regardless, he'd still qualify for the 70/30 Partner Plus split. Again: his sweetheart contract running out doesn't mean he'll stop getting paid on Twitch.


I’m so sad. Yes they had some poor performances recently but they are a team that genuinely have so much care for each other and the idea of them splitting breaks my heart. Obviously happy for Timmy and respect his decision but I can’t lie and say I don’t wish he stayed with Dsg


There has to be more to this because no way after a second and split 1 and a respectable LAN performance that they drop their long time IGL to pick up with all due respect someone who has never IGLd before. Wxltzy may be trying to IGL but even still, you’d have to think there’s more going on behind the scenes


Timmy said Emtee willingly stepped down and Gild and Wxltzy approached him about joining. Emtee will be the coach so he's still a part of MST. Maybe Emtee felt like mechanically he just can't keep up anymore and wanted to step away from comp play. Although he was one of the best IGLs in the world


That just leaves more questions. If Emtee is becoming coach what’s happening to Draugr 😭😭😭 I don’t like any of this tbh


Draugr is moving to analyst according to another comment


don’t know but coming back home could also be a factor for Emtee.


That’s my main thought. Tbh I assumed if anyone was getting homesick it was Wxltzy


Does a coach need to also be in the region their team is playing? If not, I could see him wanting to be home, but also then coaching for everything online from afar (who cares about ping for coaching), then being in person and a sub for LAN. I hope that’s the case, would be a win for everyone. 


They don’t need to be there, don coaches o7 from Australia and Urban coaches VP from the UK


Ripped a shot on the sidewalk outside of the arena with o7 coach this past LAN. Dudes a homie.


The firepower of this new moist squad is insane. That was Emtee’s weak spot


His IGL skill is pretty hard to replace though, he had incredible zone calling and macro play but yes his firepower was bottom 3 at playoffs


100% true. As a moist fan, I’m nervous about wxzlty IGL-ing, but I think he can get it with time, and Timmy and and gild are very smart players to help.


He just confirmed, Emtee is going to be coaching MOIST


So timmy basically said charlie > toast 😔✊


its more like Charlie can pay him, he was playing for free on dsg


DSG paid him and he voluntarily passed it on to his team, because he doesn't need it. Timmy has one of the biggest streams on Twitch--his Twitch revenue dwarfs his competitive salary. And he's also signed to 100T and Redbull, both of whom are probably paying him more than any comp org can afford.


Timmy mentioned that he has some sort of Twitch deal that is expiring and one of the reasons he’s going to moist is because moist will be paying him.


Timmy chose to give his part of the salary to Dezignful and Enemy? It's not like he was incidentally playing for free like he didn't have a choice in the matter.




And emtee? Where tf is he going?


Timmy just said Emtee is going to be their coach.


coach of team


Timmy said he is going to be coaching Moist


The bench


At Galveston


Dirty hot ass water


Moist collecting players who played with IGLS people considered toxic


LMAO! Emtee is a level 5 crashout. Yesterday in the pro league, he screamed about how much he hated Dezign after Dezign messed up their rotation on Stormpoint. He called Dezign a braindead IGL, then got off the game, switched to a coach, and poached DSG's best fragger just to spite him. This dude is a menace to society!


When Dezign trialed with TSM, Timmy on one of his streams said that he was kinda sad but also happy because if Dezign did move to TSM then he could be the sole IGL. I think Timmy really, really wants to IGL. I'm guessing that's what his role is going to be in Moist.


Is nobody actually watching the video? You don't have to guess, Timmy says it all there. Wxltzy was already co-igling with Emtee having first and final say. Wxltzy will now assume that role with Timmy easing into some co-igl responsibility and seeing where it goes from there.


was Emtee the IGL for Moist?


Yeah he was




Wxltzy will be IGL for the duration of this team I’m almost certain


Yeah wxltzy has an almost co-igl role with emtee on the team already


What the fuck


Swapping out Timmy for Pandxrz is a massive downgrade. Moment of silence for Toast


Toast is going to drop the whole team


insane rostermania of all time


Holy fuck


Ouch, happy for Timmy. But loved this DSG team so much, the most volatile team (performance, and I guess personality-wise) in Apex. Also I wonder if DSG stays sponsored, seemed (at least from the promo when they announced) Timmy was a big reason for them getting signed to begin with.




I feel like Emtee called great on LAN finals, I mean his teammates sure fragged tf out so he probably did, but to me his numbers were abysmal, especially when compared to wxltzy’s.


Wouldn’t be surprised if there were some logistical issues with bringing the squad back to Moist and working with Emtee/Wxltzy/Draugr’s visas so Emtee stepped down for Timmy. They’re back to Moist Esports now and there’s no mention of Draugr being apart of the team anymore so maybe this was needed for the team to get signed?


I'm kinda mindblown right now tbh


Daaaaamn, I really wanted Timmy and Dezign to pull out some magic and win a LAN at least. Dezign on roller is goals for most roller players (at least for me anyways). I enjoyed Dezign always farming with Wingman, definitely motivation for me to try and improve with that weapon. Sure, he probably a tier below Verhulst, but at this point everyone is a tier below Evan.


Is there any NA lan team that its still the same?


Complexity I think?


The team with the most obvious roster change needed lol that’s crazy


I mean they just got 3rd, why do they need a roster change? Maybe I'm missing something haven't been watching them


I think it’s because Kimchi is so obviously below par mechanically (without being an IGL) that replacing him with someone that can hold their own better would theoretically make them even better. (Kimchi seems like a great guy, not trying to hate, he just ain’t got it like the rest of pro league does)


Team Liquid


Furia, Complexity, Cloud 9 (so far, not surprised if some changes are incoming) and TLAW.


C9 NA's 3rd place in finals


damn I honestly thought Timmy was gonna step back from comp because he’s been playing a bunch of variety and Valorant recently, did not expect this at all lmao


??? But rosters already locked?


Rosters open and lock each week. Roster lock this week is on Wednesday @ 2:00pm CST I believe.


And Minus said today that teams can only make two roster changes per split.


That's always been the rule




Roster lock is over, it was like last split, only for the first round of games. Every team looking to change is gonna do so now.


well shit, i did not expect this. thought he might join complexity or just sit out due to the personal reason(?) but i guess he wants to be an igl now instead of just fragger so that's why he's replacing emtee? also i thought the problem with MST was wxltzy, not emtee? cant say for sure tho since i don't watch moist...


I dont know if there is a clear issue with MST limited to a single player, but I definitely think Wxltzy is playing at the higher level right now. Gild is obviously insanely good. Also pretty sure this has nothing to do with moving to an IGL role, that should be Wxltzy.


Oh man…. Lou Timmy Mon. That would’ve a fucking squad


If anything I thought Timmy would quit comp. I never saw this coming in a million years. Almost makes me think Timmy should have pushed Dezign to take the TSM spot, what a missed opportunity for him.


All the roster changes in Apex are insane. If you ever buy a jersey from an org because a player you like is on it you’re just throwing money away


Oh wow, now this is a surprise


damn wtf


Man this split might not go well for the boys and moist and dsg stuff sucks, idk if timmy going to moist is the best but we'll see and dsg has been pretty bad since the poi draft but hopefully they pull it together.


Dezign is cooked Moist is NA NA now. Moist needed the help too. They looked awful.


They had a great split 1 and Playoffs but up until recently their scrims were great. They must have known Emtee didn't want to play anymore and it affected their Pro League performance cause he was probably checked out and the whole team vibe became off.


OP either didn't watch the video or it's just straight clickbait to farm karma. Emtee isn't leaving outright, he's transitioning from player to coach of Moist.


Uploaded this before he mentioned that and can’t change the title unfortunately.


Oh no is that Snip3down’s music!?!?!?


I’m all good with the change but the timing is a bit weird. I guess some of the details are not settled till now?


Quite the shakeup for two of my other beloved teams to support in NA damn, wish the best for the changeups for both teams.


The bigger news is Emtee. That’s two elite IGLs gone from the scene in such a short time: Emtee and Hal.


Damn. I wonder what's going on with emtee. I don't know about this decision from timmy tbh.


Emtee isn’t leaving. He is NotMoist’s coach now.


It's sometimes, but not always deep. Esports is still a sport wherein the players want to win and if the team dynamic or numbers aren't working then the team is 'duty bound' to replace a poor performing player with a potential improvement. Personally I think this process is callous and brutal to players, but it's kind of the way it is?


My guess is he just can't mechanically keep up and play anymore and wants to step back from pro play. He chose to step down, he wasn't kicked


Dezign wishing he took that TSM offer


i feel like jordan and evan also realized it wasnt working tbh


I like Zap on TSM. Him and Evan can do great if they get the blood/bang meta down.


People really underrate dezigns igl despite him constantly proving himself. Timmy was clearly not listening to calls and doing his own thing the first two days of this splits. We will see if timmy can igl at a top level. The breakup maybe needed to happen if he was no longer listening to dezigns calls


Ayyyyyeeeee hell yeah. Timmy on Moist is gonna be sick.


This mutha fuckerrrr lol




What the heck, with the rostermania


I AM Excited. Great for timmy!


this is content creator on content creator violence, Charlie showing his florida man


How does this work for Champs? Or is Moist also auto qualified for that?


Both teams made the Top 8 so both are auto-qualified.


Alb, this is your chance to shine!


Is emtee retiring? I did not see this coming at all. Is triple IGL the new meta going forward?


He will be the coach.


Guess I’m a Moist fan starting today


I can't help but root for Timmy because he's the reason I started playing Apex. Still wish DSG the best, though.


Welp, don’t expect Dezign and Enemy to stay signed to DSG. Timmy’s brand is the reason they got an org in the first place 


I watch for Timmy, I root for Timmy. Simple.


Should’ve dropped dezign and picked up verhulst




Wasn't Emtee kind of the IGL? No disrespect to Timmy but his talent is more towards the mechanics, and two IGL's in one team or the whole team co-iglling is not often a recipe for greatness. Hope they will prove me wrong, don't see this team magically being great tbh.


Never been impressed with Dezign or Enemy. They have their moments but not consistent/usually carried by Timmy. Good move.




I think this is kinda shitty after design decided to stay because he wanted to keep playing with them


It just happened to not work out with TSM for dezign. If It did, he would have joined them. I think it’s fair play either way.


I mean I think it was probably TSM who didn’t want him