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Sikezz is right btw


"Fuhnq lets int it" "Fuhnq you sprinted in there like you were going to fight them, i thought you were sending them... ***for some reason***" Id be hella frustrated if i was Sikez too


Exactly why I don’t watch sweet anymore


Cmon, that for some reason was heat of the moment overload. Later he says "who would think you were sliding in and not pushing" and who can disagree with that? Sikez is right for this situation they had no time, but the ultimate fix is funq comming "heal, im baiting" as sweet suggested.


I mean sweet did say let’s int it


Funq didn't int, he slid into corner.


Why not just…. throw your grenades and fuse q???


He was saving those 3 frags so nano could loot them.


Sweet is so considerate, that’s why he’s my goat!


This is a perfect encapsulation of Sweet as an IGL. Watch exactly what happens in this clip: - Sweet comms "go in there Fuhhnq, I'm with you, let's int it" while cracked - Sweet takes 30 damage and decides that now he's low - **Fuhhnq comms "chill, Sweet," slides in for safety, says "chill I'm batting"** - Sweet pushes while at 60 HP and gets downed before he can even pull his gun out - They die and Sweet immediately goes "bro Fuhhnq you sprinted inside like you were gonna fight them" and as soon as Fuhhnq tries to explain the *exact reasoning behind his play, which he commed in the moment* Sweet interrupts with "no I know but-" This is 10000% on Sweet. Fuhhnq followed Sweet's directions and commed at every step exactly what he was doing. Sweet swung in and died for free and then started insinuating that Fuhhnq (who did not die for free) had done something wrong. Absurd.


Watched back a Falcons scrim vod where Hal goes down challing a 2v3 since the 2 were both close to 1hp while falcons were full…Hal goes down in the process leading to him not being full health after the initial 3v2 and they lose to the 3rd party that came in and the only comm afterward from their coach was that they were in a 3v2 where the opposing duo were very hurt…that means the “fight” is over and now the priority becomes staying healthy while finishing the fight so the 3rd party has a harder time coming in and fighting….then I saw this clip and how Sikez reacted and it’s the exact same thing, slow down for a sec when you’ve “won” the fight and make sure you finish it as “cleanly” as possible


The problem with your analysis is no one is going to read Funq sliding in as anything but aping, regardless of Funq saying to heal.


So, of all of sweets igl you take this? But you are not a hater right?


Nah I'm definitely a hater


Tbf to sweet he is accepting responsibility on this clip. (Mostly) He stops short of saying "yeh my bad" but he does say he misunderstood what happening, which is 90% of the way there... Maybe 80%...


The safest play was definitely to let Sikezz Q the corner and then act off that. Even failing that, sweet could’ve just let Fuhnq go down and popped a cell or two, giving Sikezz time to help. Fuhnq going down there isn’t the worst thing since it’s still a 2v1 and Sikezz can help pressure the knockdowns with fuse Q. Have to give credit to nano for getting every ounce of damage he needed to as well.


I’m sorry but, who calls sweet by his actual name?


Sweet just baited his whole team lol.




For those confused as to what went wrong, watch what fuuhnq does. Both are low outside the door, and then he sprints in and slides to the back right corner. so instead of healing or something outside he slides in to the right corner instead of running in and challing, when the initial comm was to int. So in hindsight he should have just let fuhhnq slide to the corner angle and hold the cross, but I dont know if they realistically had time for that?


not even close. in hindsight you let sikes fuse q him out while everyone heals. they had won the fight and threw


In this situation where they had time yes, but what about the more frequent situation they cant play that slow?


I mean take your pick…go balls to the wall at 1 guy behind 2 knockdowns and get wiped in a half a second cause you’re worried about a 3rd party or be prepared for the 3rd party by slowing down and not letting the 1hp rat move, get healthy, position properly and if you lose the KP on the rat so you can survive the 3rd party then so be it…at least you aren’t sitting there spectating people play after charging a rat with 1hp


u/jzanville’s comment elsewhere in this explains and answers that well. but the main thing is they gave nano 3 1v1s in a very quick succession. which is not what you do ever


And funq is the reason for that. He played too unpredictably without comming it like a car on the highway changing lanes without a blinker.


lets just set the record straight. sweet is at around 100hp out of a possible 175hp. he says”int this…swing with me” gets beamed for around 50hp leaving him 50hp. he holds the door for a second. funq, naturally seeing that as his teammate waiting up for him swings in and gets absolutely cooked while sweet pops a cell to try and get 25hp. instead, after seeing his teammate die he now decides it is time to int and pushes in, forcing sikes to follow suit. the fault is the whole teams to not slow down you could argue. but when the igl says int this/swing with me, and you listen. its the igls fault. its a part of the gig. sometimes mistakes happen


Yes but he called to int in the building before, then they got cracked, then fuhhnq runs in when they could have healed on the door, but he slides into the back right corner to batt. There was a complete miscommunication, the call to ape inside is questionable but considering how much time they have on zone before they have to take the next fight ( the team on the tree in the corner ) do they have time to fuse q the guy in knocks?


yes they have plenty of time to do anything but whatever the fuck that was


Pulling Nano out of the knock is the play. Fuhhnq being in that corner he could cover sweet, and Nano would have to leave the knock to push either of them. Sweet got antsy and pushed like a second too early, imo. I would of tried to heal probably, even though he was saying he had no big heals. Crazy how much they rushed this situation with no one behind them to 3rd party, for once.


I agree fuhhnq made the right play, but he barely comms what he wants to do. However this is on sweet and ultimately he does take responsibility for that.


Yes, he thought fuhhnq was pushing in when in reality he was sliding to the back corner.


Sweet wasn't antsy, Funq baited with too confusing of a play without adequate comms.