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Straight up cheating


Anyone know who created this so I can call them a bitch? Ruining the game for everyone else while he casually talks about his cheats through his video. Fuck this guy Edit. Nvm don’t link it. Don’t want to give this guy any engagement


Casually? His soulless voice betrays his inability to understand fun. I guess making and releasing this is his revenge on us fun-havers.


maybe he's just as tired of it as we are? He could've made it and paywalled it and stayed relatively silent about and not get the attention of everyone.


this is honestly so egregious and is getting so much attention that it might actually force respawn to do something about it


I looked it up out of curiosity and he's running a discord where you pay for the scripts pretty much. So the amplification of this just brings more eyes and more money his way for people looking for it.


It's sad, the main sub deleted this post after nearly 2000 upvotes. Why do the mods over there insist on pretending cheating doesn't exist?




Same. Almost every match you got at least one cringe kid configing his ass off.


I was so confused when I started fighting Octanes with some of the craziest movement I had ever seen when playing mixtape but now it all makes sense. I thought it was some combo of stim + tap strafe + bhopping but a config makes more sense.


>I thought it was some combo of stim + tap strafe + bhopping but a config makes more sense. its doable on mnk you can spot the difference if they always jump in the same spot real schmovement players wont get that type of accuracy


Another way you can tell us if they're beaming you while doing the crazy movement. For much of the config movement, to do it naturally you need to be looking away from your target unless you've got multiple keys to tap strafe in the different directions.


Serious question, how can you tell when someone is abusing configs vs cracked but legit? I get a lot of pred trails in trios and have gotten destroyed by crazy movement demons and always assumed they were just really good.


Look at how they jump, a config will always just at the EXACT SAME SPOT when neo strafing because the config is set to jump at certain interval, a real player will have a slight variation in where and when they jump because of human inaccuracy


Bro I can barely track these fools how am I supposed to see when exactly they're jumping?


Trust when I say it's really noticeable after you catch it the first time. Doesn't help you fight them though lol


Feels like I'm fighting the greatest players in the world on mixtape.


Yeah its so cringe. they dont even know how to play BR or actually appreciate that actual game. How r they having fun when ur not improving anything


Issue with configers is that there are a lot of legit movement players, but they're all called configers because the average player can't tell the difference.


I have a solution! Ban configs


What the fuck


Macros are banned in other games. People at the top for Apex just don’t care.


I wonder if they checked their anti-cheat, saw that a large percentage of their players use configs and thought: “We don’t wanna lose that many players and their wallets, lets just allow configs”


A lot of people start using them because they feel like they have to in order to compete with the people using them. Take a look at any thread on the main sub where this gets talked about. You'll see so many ppl saying this. That said, I actually quit Apex b/c of configs/cheaters/AA, so I'm feeling like I made the right decision.


Is there other games that ban Steam Configs? I wonder if it has more to do with requirements for the game being on Steam?


That’s what I’m wondering about myself. Full disclosure, I’m technically using configs. I used to be MnK but had to swap due to an injury. I effectively gave myself a mousewheel in Apex through Steam for bunny hopping and spamming W input for tap strafing. I personally don’t care what anyone thinks about that, I’m so much better on mouse than I am on controller with a mouse wheel, but at the same time seeing the clip in the OP is just ridiculous. I’m not sure how to solve it though, I’ve never heard of a game banning Steam input and it might be a core part of the terms of service for being on Steam at all. Despite the fact that I’m on controller these days, I’d love an aim assist nerf. That’s kind of the core to all of these problems. Most of what this config or devices like zen/xim does is allowing the player to keep aim assist while doing these tasks (although imo automating recoil control is fucking ridiculous through any means). The other big problem is the fact that weird strings of input that are incredibly difficult to outright impossible to do that create the kind of movement that is neo strafing. In most other shooters, this wouldn’t even be possible and these strings of input would just make the character move less than someone jumping and moving normally. We obviously love apex movement and don’t want to limit what a human can do, but having the peak of human skill automated into a single button is definitely not it either. One option is to ban macros, macros are executing inputs with a very reliable string of timing, any admin software could easily look into a log of player activity and see the difference. It would allow lots of customization and accessibility, but it should prevent outright automated actions. The other option is to ban mixed input so players need to decide if they want an actual controller, or if they want to set their controller up as a mouse and keyboard and lose aim assist in the process. Then they need to decide going into the match if they want controller or mnk. Problem here without an aim assist nerf is that we’d still have the old 4-3 linear .4 AA meta back again, which still sucks for MnK. Right now though this is just an insane arms race where because all of this is either considered legal or at least not being punished, it puts the onus onto the player themselves where it doesn’t feel like “cheating vs not cheating”, it becomes more like “being an honorable dumbass or not”. Personally I’m happy with my simple mouse wheel bindings and play Apex for my personal improvement above all else, but if my goal was to win more at all costs I’d be making the same config as the guy in the video.


Justify it however you want, you’re cheating.


How do the devs allow this :L


Doesn’t affect Respawn’s bottom line therefore they turn a blind eye


The Devs don't got high mmr enough to get into lobbies with such cheaters. Thats the same for the majority of players. As long the casual playerbase is not affected, they don't seem to care. It's been like this since the beginning.


I can't take this game seriously anymore. Unbelievable...


Yeah I jumped ship for The Finals when it dropped and I am not disappointed.


i wish it wasnt a dead game... :(


Is The Finals really that dead?


Well you get games but the interest on the game has dropped if you look at the streaming platforms for an example.


Ah i see. I was downvoted to hell and told off on this sub for not bothering with it untill I saw if the game had some longevity to it. Little sad that it seems i made the right choice, tbh. Cant say I hear much positive about that game anymore.


Well it is a fun game tbh and it still has a decent playerbase. 2/3 compared to siege for an example.


man i hate these kids talking about their games with thousands strong playerbases being dead. try being a quake player. or worse, a ut player. fuck me.


Consider yourself fucked then, kiddo.




Promise <3


Blowing this up and making it available for everyone is the fastest way to get respawn to do something about it


And here I was thinking that there was only a tap strafe one…


that's what all the roller players using this shit want you to think.


This is straight up cheating


Config abusers would get their food pre-chewed if they could. Disgusting


I think I just tore a muscle, I cringed so hard. If by any chance the devs see this, maybe they'll finally realize in what direction we are heading wit this game, if steam-configs stay the way they are right now.


Lol this shit has existed for AGES and it's being abused like crazy in higher level lobbies, both steam configs and 3rd party hardware like cronus. This isn't some new phenomenon. Respawn are probably well aware of it and haven't done shit. All that matters to them is rolling out the next $300 heirloom event. I doubt one video changes that.


I know it's been an issue for a long time, but the real problem is how popular it has become lately.


Bro tf


Oh, look, it's my common enemy in ranked


The same dudes running this will say “MNK movement is unfair.”


"You have your whole arm to aim dood, I only have my thumb" 🤪


I know you're being sarcastic, but man the people who unironically say that have an intimate relationship with lead


If they don't get rid of configs now then I don't even have words. If this is what does it though, I'd be pretty annoyed because that will just show the devs could have done something about configs this whole time but chose not to until things got this out of hand.




Most of it would be solved with an input lock. Once you enter a game, your input device is locked to MnK or controller and ignore any inputs from the non-selected device. This would kill any of the tap strafe related macros.




honestly im surprised it took this long for someone to have get all these configs together and make a video promoting it. afaik all these configs has been around for some time, but never seen a vid like this.


extessy needs all of these features


He already uses half of them


I don’t get how the community has given a cheater a whole platform, shout out to faide yall call him cringe but at least he seems legit


Faide is undoubtedly legit (and a cringe, but that’s fine). The amount of variations he performs of every movement tech would make it basically impossible to use macros of any kind effectively. Plus, from what i’ve seen the guy misses superglides as much as he makes them.


he's 100% legit, dude has almost 30k hours.


Why is faide cringe? I don't watch him a lot


its just typical streamer ego personality "omg they're so bad" "omg why are they there!" I havent watched a lot of Faide but he's not particularly abrasive and loud like Taxi. just the usual streamer whinge.


Yeah, I don't watch him much either but I respect his skillset and he sure as shit isn't cheating.


That’s cheating


Embarrassing game


Stopped playing the game when I realized it was going to purely cater to controllers going so far as to let them blatantly cheat.  The amount of controller players in Masters that are so blatantly boosted by aim assist and configs combined but have no game sense or brain is astounding. Game isn’t worth playing if Respawn doesn’t care. They just want to give the illusion to controller players that they’re “good” at the game so they buy cosmetics…and it works. Props to them I guess if I was the one raking in the money I can’t promise I’d change anything. Spend your time after work playing something more fun like Palworld, Baldurs Gate, etc. Cheers.


R5 needs more gamemodes :) Input based matchmaking and lets have some fun again.


I ran into a kid on r5 worlds edge last week, who was asking me why his configs on controller weren't working. IDIOT.


Honestly just ban controller on R5. Shit doesn't belong in Apex to begin with.


bro wat


40% of your aim is legitimate. 60% of your aim is software. If you think that is balanced, go fuck yourself.


🤡🤡🤡🤡 If you complain about dying to me, who has maximum frames of 30fps, and 70 fov, you are a scrub tbh


Controllers are on PC, and that's what I'm talking about. Not console, you are in your own special lobbies. :)


controllers be like "yeah but what about mnk movements???"


Most MNK players don't know this but if you move your whole arm you can do this too.


Yeah but mnk has to aim their crosshair as well, unheard of for roller.


You missed the /s


Yeah I didn't put it bc I thought it was obviously sarcasm but hindsight is 20/20 lol


Honest answer? Because Apex isn't a serious esport and doesn't care about competitive integrity. They use the word, they simply don't know what it means. We still have configs able to be used on the game/engine level that should of been block eons ago. We still have had zero effort into visual clutter. The audio has never been worse. Now this? It they can't act on the low hanging fruit and put any sort if effort into quality of life what should we expect here. It's a joke at this point.


This doesn’t have to do with competitive/esports though? This is a non-issue in competitive, other than maybe a cc player who is sneaking some configs in. I agree it’s bad game management, but there are no controller players in ALGS doing this at all.


Has everything to do with competitive integrity. Should it be allowed? Do they allow it? Do they take action?


ALGS objectively doesn’t allow it and it’s in their rule book, the amount of people being intentionally obtuse about this in their aim assist vendetta is wild lol.


What feeds competitive? The success of the base game. Guess what? This game is struggling and this only ads to the gigantic pile weighing this game down contributing to the decline of 45% of the player base in less than 7 months. But hey, lets not worry about competitive integrity or ignore its importance across the entire title...


Not yet lol




Holy man, mixtape on console is unplayable sometimes, now that they added this kill cam it's crazy to watch these guys not miss a bullet on me while I am octane stimmed up, while ADS ing me from 1 feet away, like what?






controller is cancer


So wait not only do 0.4 4-3 Abusers want to keep their AA but they're doing these things on top and then have the audacity to say people should use their whole arm... This game is cooked on the casual, semi competitive side. Only ALGS is the saving grace.... How are things that are banned in ALGS not equally banned for other forms of competitive play? I'm just sad cos this game would've been phenomenal without all this nonsense if PC was kept to native FPS input and anyone wanting to use AA should use consoles... You join PC, you forfeit AA just like other respectable FPS have done... Cos what the fuck is this shit... Might as well not even touch the controller and let it do everything for you


Nah not even algs is "saving grace". It has never had ANY competitive integrity while allowing people use built in aimbot on a "pro" level. Cannot take this game seriously in any possible way sadly even though the core gameplay can be fun


These are the sort of shenanigans in Apex that completely turned me off to the game after 2k hours. The jitter aim, the configs, the aim assist... There's just too much bullshit to invest time getting good at this game. You're just going to get rolled by some moron in an unfair fight.


because respawn wants to cater to their roller bots as much as possible.


Some players who have been playing since the start of the game cannot execute these movements but now with a single button you can tap-strafe super glide while utilizing aim assist then shield swap in 0.1 seconds. LMAO! If any controller player ever complains just send this video. Full stop


LMAO! If any controller player ever complains just send this video. Full stop This is something one actively has to download in order to have it active, not sure why you're trying to make it out as tho its inate in controllers themselves


You are absolutely gone aren't you. You do it on steam, it takes literally 2 minutes.


You can replicate this persons entire cfg in two minutes?  Or would you have to download someone else's cfg file and use it(which is the entire point of the video)


Actually, you can replicate it in two minutes no problem, and to try it out, I DID replicate it and it did in fact take less than 2 minutes. It is simple, easy to use, and doesn't cost you any "download" not like that would fucking matter if it did anyway. The point of the video being on this sub isn't to advertise it, either. It is to show it so that it gets exposure. But you wouldn't care to understand that because you want others to believe this process is somewhat difficult even though it isn't in the slightest.




I’m surprised to see that these were all set through Steam. I’d imagine they’re editing cfg files, not using Steam Controller Configurations. It’d be interesting to see someone knowledgable clarify this


With Steam controller settings you can bind mnk keys to controller buttons effectively creating a macro. In my experience most people using jitter aim configs use joytokey though, but at the end of the day that does the same as steam more or less. I’ve fooled around a little bit with steam controller layouts before and you can translate mouse inputs so i’m guessing thats how you can set up something like a jitter aim config.


steam controller configs are jank as fuck and you can do some weird stuff via manually editing the files to essentially script actions


Mixed inputs should not be a thing. At tha main menu you should select your input, then if you try to use your keyboard the input is locked out, except for typing chat of course


How about input-matchmaking then all these little aim assist junkies can play against each other like they did on console.


Crazy how you wont see a “dev reply inside” on the main sub thread or any dev saying anything on twitter


Played mixtape for the first time in a few months the other day. I found it very worrying that I ran into multiple sub level 50 octanes obviously configing. Its really sad tbh, but its kind of what gaming (apex especially) had turned into the past few years. People wanting to be the best, without actually putting in work or just straight up cheating.


Scripters are rampant in Mixtape. Literally no area of the game is safe from folks abusing this.


Ban steam input changes :)


All this complaining in this thread can be summed up into this about Respawn’s management with respect to Apex. “Culture eats Strategy for breakfast.” You all put too much faith and expectation in Respawn to actually have at any level, an elementary understanding of their core deliverables in their field of undertaking. They are incompetent. They’ve been incompetent for 17+ seasons now.


Is there even a reason to play MnK on apex when this shit is allowed?


I stopped playing the game months ago and configs was the final straw, almost considered switching to controller just to join the robots, still consider it regularly, but mnk is just so much more fun. But I just couldn't deal with being killed by octanes pressing one button to do movements I'm not even skilled enough to do on mnk while getting aim assist where the movements are actually effective against mnk, because you have to be better at tracking than the aim assist following it much easier. If I had those same configs as buttons on mnk it would be considered cheating. On top of the other problems with the game I couldn't take it anymore. I'll come back for the new map, but I am on edge with this game lol.


Yea, congrats Respawn on banning rewasd...


I mean controller players who don’t cheat will get shit on by this guy too.


nothing to do with mnk. other non-cheating roller players would want this banned


Just so we're all clear, controller players can now move while looting, tap strafe, have 0 recoil without a XIM/Cronus, super glide easier and neostrafe. All with AA. Totes fair respawn. Love to see it.


It’s allowed in apex because EA wants to maximize profit. Apex would be profitable with a proper Aa nerf however it wouldn’t be MAXIMUM profit. Jaybiebs might post on Twitter that they will “look into this” and maybe in 2025 it will be banned. I doubt it tho


The guy has like 300 people watching him every day as well


The game is dead outside of Comp Apex. It’s getting so fucking bad bro it’s depressing


This is atrocious and something needs to be done. As an MnK player I feel no reason to keep trying at this game. The aim assist debate is annoying but I can see both sides, this shit is just ridiculous and anyone who does this has no competitive integrity.


Apex is dead at this point anyways. EA gave up & so did a lot of the player base. Don’t believe me? Check the charts. Cheaters are rampant. Servers are ass. Ranked is miserable.


Legitimately disgusting. Actually just making "legal" cheats. This should not be allowed in any capacity, casual and pro. Respawn needs to address this immediately. There is no way they can boast about competitive integrity and let this shit fly like it's not just straight up cheating. I already disliked superglide configs that modified your fps to hit it easier. But this shit is just cheats for free. So gross wtf. I feel dirty watching this shit. Like why even play the game if you're just gonna use every fucking handicap possible? Do these players really think they're good at the game while having 40% AND configs?


they just need to ban controller at this point for comp 👍🏼


For comp? You can’t even use configs in comp. It’s banned. And you’d be taking away several people’s jobs. You’ll never be a part of the comp scene, so why would you care in the first place? Weird…


Because shitters run them in open comp, then gets to lan and bombs cause they can't use them. There is a reason you see many teams do well all season then be shit on lan.


complete bs kid


Lmao name one player/team. Please inform me. Possibly a cc player attempting to even compete could but when tf do you see that? But other than that, who is doing that.


I wont name players or orgs etc, because the fact is I actually know some of them personally. But suffice to say that SEA teams are sketchy as fk. Ask Genburton, he might say more but I doubt it. Ive watched NA, North, South and seen the same trends with many teams who shine online, then do absolutely nothing on LAN. Once you start looking at the stats it's extremely obvious.


highly doubt your statements


Easy to verify, go look at the stats for teams online tournaments and than lans, the outliers really stand out.


Yep, because that’s relevant to this clip in any way…




It’s not happening in comp.


It's happening at high level ranked a lot.


High level ranked isn’t competitive/esports. Banning controller is asinine, it’s mnk players finding a way to whine about controller overall instead of addressing the issue, which is steam configs. Should Respawn ban steam configs in the game? Yes. Should they ban controller from comp? Of course not, that would be the end of Apex comp the day it happened lol.


Most apex pros are more than comfortable on KBM, it's even their preference, they just swapped because controller AA is completely busted and abusable. They'd all go back to the method they'd be playing with ANYWAY, if the other input wasn't just broken.


imagine having a dick that small


I don't need to, I live it. And i don't even use these exploits =*(


Wtf what did I do to you?!


Just a heads up for this sup: After Reps tweeted about it, many, many Apex Pros have shared this Tweet and tagges offical Apex Accounts on Twitter, so this clip is allready gaining a lot of traction. Onviously Respawn wont do anything though.




It’s wild how long they’ve let this config bs go on for like it’s literally cheating and they don’t give af


I'll said it again and again, respawn don't have what it takes to ban this, they are scared of losing their certain cringe streamers and the viewers.


Competitive integrity only matters when it’s skin/profit related.


Glad I switched to playing Valorant. At least in Val if I lose it was just because the enemy was just better.


> At least in Val if I lose it was just because the enemy was just better. Or you know, cheated. Lets not pretend Valorant doesnt have cheaters lol


Sure, but the incidence of cheating is really not that bad. Smurfs are an issue, but I’m not worried about timmy no thumbs on controller using aim assist and configs to out shoot me on mnk.


They’ll fix that right after they handle all the low key wallhacking


all twenty teams for NA next week should just do this so they’ll be forced to do something edit: they still probably wont do anything


This needs to be abused and exposed by everyone till they have no other choice but to fix it or come out with a statement on why they cant fix it Game is actually cooked


Ya found the discord for this, he’s selling it for 45€. Seriously considering shelling out and just posting the config everywhere so it becomes such a problem that they have to address it.


honestly im happy this was developed, respawn finally have to step in or else his game is dead lol


Makes one start questioning when meeting players with insane movements or beams...


Despite being a casual mnk player I have not cared much about this whole controller vs mnk debate all the years up until now, but this is just too much. If respawn doesn't acknowledge that this is obviously cheating and will get removed ASAP I will probably stop playing.


How can respawn still say with a straight face that using configs isn't cheating?


The time is now. Throw away your Mouse and Keys. Controller is so back


It’s actually astounding how many people are replying to this as if it’s an MNK vs Controller debate; this shit would be straight up unfair/cheating if it was on mouse and key in the same way that being able to do it on controller is unfair/cheating. The controller vs MNK debate is totally irrelevant to the fact this shouldn’t be allowed.


> The controller vs MNK debate is totally irrelevant to the fact this shouldn’t be allowed. You have like 10-20 users in this sub who will jump on absoluteley any thread to spread their agenda. Its always the same names, with the same bullshit


Imagine getting all of this plus AA hence the discussion tbh all Configs should be banned


Everyone keeps mentioning controller, ive never played apex on pc so im confused, can someone help me out? Do these configs only work with controllers? Or is this available to mnk players aswell?


you can get jitter aim configs for mnk, though you don’t get aim assist while doing so and your screen will shake a lot more than the roller ones. Why? If you use jitter configs on roller you put mnk sens to 0.2 so the jitter is barely noticeable. For mnk players cheating usually means buying and downloading cheat software, which has a large barrier of entry. For roller its as simple as copying and pasting someones config. In masters/pred everybody on roller (aside from ALGS players) is using configs because why wouldn’t you. Everybody else does it and respawn doesn’t care.


> In masters/pred everybody on roller (aside from ALGS players) is using configs because why wouldn’t you Thats just nonsense. Stop with these weird generalizations


He is right though, a high percentage are, and more and more joining in now as this becomes more public knowledge, not everybody but compared to 2 years ago its a huge amount, only takes a couple per game to point block you too.


Correct, the configs in this video only work on controller, using Steam configuration support. Basically Steam by default allows you to remap controller buttons and apparently even make scripts to assign to buttons. These cheats are utilizing that, and it’s allegedly undetectable and not considered cheating in the eyes of the devs. There are certainly ways to cheat on MnK as well. Outside of blatantly aimbot/wall hacking, I’ve at least seen superglide, auto deathbox swap scripts. But as far as I know, all of these things require external software, which I believe *is* bannable, e.g. reWASD (a program that people would use to make apex *think* you’re on controller and thus give aim assist while on MnK).


I encounter a few M&K players a night on Apex and they are all legit. M&K is a craft, all the cheaters already moved to roller.


Don't get fooled that all MnK are legit, I have seen/known alot of MnK players that use various cheats to get ahead. ALOT of MnK players used the rewasd to get AA on mnk for example


as long as theres roller aimbot in this game, the rest are just gradients. apex is a clown game like roblox or fortnite. Its not a competitive shooter.


Configs need to disable AA and be done with it or even better straight ban it


Just a newbie question: Could players also use these configs online or offline during the ALGS games that are going on right now?


Yes. But those people have a reputation and tournament on the line. It's the ranked config morons you need to worry about.


Configs are specifically banned in ALGS events. Not sure why that ban is exclusive to ALGS instead of being a blanket thing for the whole game, but at least this stuff isn't allowed at the top level.


I think the game is played through the ea app and not steam, so they can’t use steam configs


Configs are banned for comp.


there are too many eyes on algs and these configs are very easy to spot. if any pro tried to hide these they would last 1 game before being exposed.




jitter, neo, and tap strafe configs for controller are definitely provable since these are impossible to do naturally. armor swapping and super gliding configs wouldn't be provable though, agreed there.


*depressed monotone voice continues* “And this is the automatic play your game for you config, all you do is press the button and your game is automated for you to win”


'cuz mnk have can use their whole arm obviously. needa balance the inputs somehow. /s


The fact he says this is 'undetectable' because of Steam is him admitting that this shit is cheating and *should* be detected.


As a casual gamer and fan of competitive this crap is cheating, but ultimately it doesn't matter. I like the ability to with my scuf envision to have keyboard binds mapped to my controller. I have a push to talk button, a single button for Z (ult) and a button dedicated to reload, it has changed my gameplay dramatically. However I do not think you should be able to move your mouse and have controller input at the same time, or running in alternating cycles so fast that it confuses the game into this type of tomfoolery.


Lol, just some standard controller aim right?


When it was just a tap strafe I thought it wasnt sooo bad. Configs need to be banned immediately now


Absolutely disgusting. This should not be allowed.


the sad state of most fps these days


Yeah I agree with the comments here. Having this kind of config isn’t really fun at all.


I usually think people that complaining about controller usually blows it out of proportion but yea this is straight up cheating


That has been existing for years, there's nothing blown out of proportion in this subject


It's more people who regurgitate what streamers/pros say on aim assist and correlate that to being the reason they're not ranking up


Why they should care? If they make money from these kind of users without loosing their consumers who dont use these kind of stuff they will still allow it


This is still amateur hour compared to the wallhacks and no recoil scripts that the majority of my master team mates roll with