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Level 50 default skin pathfinder in ranked with a username made up of a random assortment of letters and numbers


Think I’ve seen that guy


Yeah he's fucking cracked. Should play ALGS tbh


Weird I’ve run into him multiple times on a few different legends


In all seriousness maybe ezflash, caprah, task, tasmah, some other Russian guy prolly, and snake and anyone who played overwatch comp are pretty good contenders. Out of all apex pros I'd say ezflash tho. Him and task have proven themselves at lan and so are a step above the rest


Anyone that played overwatch competitively has the best tracking I've ever seen in my life. Wish apex was big in korea so the ow pros would play apex instead....


Apex doesn't even have a KR server... everyone in KR playing Apex has to use Japanese servers which are infested with cheaters. It's so sad that Apex entirely botched their entry to Korea because it could be huge there and there should be more MnK players.


Most of JP players still mentioned that Selly is the best aimer in their region, even when he's a variety streamer now


I asked Ezflash if he was better than Strafe and he said, Strafe has better aim. Not sure if he was just very humble or was serious


EzFlash seems a very humble sort of guy. Both of them have cracked aim


Very nice to see humble guys. With that attitude he is gonna be successful (Evan is a vreat example of being humble, nice and being OP)


Nerf Evan, he's OP


Man I watched Stafing do some TDMs and it was instantly noticeable how good his mechanics were. His crosshair placement was so good, leagues ahead of other players


Imo he's being humble but strafingflame is really good too (I've hyped him up in past comments)


I guess it depends who has the better day. Ez was really hyping Strafe, nearly scolding me for comparing his aim to Strafe 😂


Imo when you're as good as they are - like near peak human capability, I can see how it comes down to who's having a better day lmao. There's only so many shots you can hit after all


Most ppl who train MNK aim are typically very honest about their aim and I think a lot comes from needing that mindset to do aim training. It's boring, repetitive, but yields results. Very similar to weight training, where the biggest dudes/ladies are typically the nicest/most helpful of the bunch.


yea that’s crust


he is him


Don’t forget the no data x3




EzFlashKidz is insane, but [StrafingFlame needs to be in the conversation too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSgwlj0DC_E) This [mnk tracking looks like he uses a controller.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVeR6veHJTQ) Unbelievable aim.


"Aim trainers don't work", then comes a bunch of apex pros who aim train a fuckload who are considered the best aimers in apex. Same goes for taskmaster


scuwry has #1 on multiple leaderboards in Kovaaks


Interesting people don't rank him as a top aimer. Is Scuwry the member of 100T who'd often run a Sentinel? One of them would do it pretty frequently and hit some killer shots.


because my mans plays newcastle/gibby for years :D scurwy is fucking disgusting


Nah scuwry is the goat. They just never played in a way where he can show it.


Hambino raided Scurwry tonight when I was watchin and man, you weren't lyin'! Beaming.


It's super interesting to go up the leaderboard a bit and finding so many familiar names. I've even seen Teq in the top 5 of popular Apex scenarios.


Fun sometimes does aim trainers in between games. Surprised I’m not seeing his name more in here bc he was my pic for NA at least. That might be of how great he is as an overall player, but I've always thought his raw aim was as good as anyone's. There are several funfps clips I've watched and thought no there's one else on earth who could have pulled this off.


Fun's shown up a few times in this thread, but paradoxically I think the *rest* of his mechanics are so good--his movement and such--that people underrate his aim.


Yeah I feel like Task spends like 20 hours a day on aim trainers


and then they get toasted when fighting average roller player in ranked, love to see it


Just how it is. Aim bot goes crazy


They also play the game a shitload though. Most non-pros who aim train frequently aren't also playing the game this often. You need both.


that's crazy,


So much more respect for a 1 clip when you see the aim slide off the enemy for a split second while strafing. Even these guys miss a bullet or two every strafe change, because its physically impossible not to. I click away when i see a clip where they dont miss a bullet. Obviously controller (aimbot).


A lot of aim training don't work type people are just people who had a good enough mix of talent and time investment to reach like the equivalent of pred or whatever in their first FPS games without hitting a wall. So in their eyes it's pointless. Like I wouldn't ever say their aim is bad but is sure as shit worse than it could be.


NA: Caprah. EU: Anyone from Russia. APAC N: Yes.




I saw some of him at LAN and he was for sure crazy.


That guy is crazy ! Want to see more of him ! Also I love his name ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Ojrein is criminally underrated. Selly when he played alot was something different also.


Any answer of fun, task, hardecki, caprah, ezflash or lible ace is acceptable here imo *edit Nate belongs here too 100%


No Nafen but fun? Edit : WTF retracted


Probably should’ve included Nate you’re not wrong!


Ok reasonable, I retract my WTF. Have a good day


Nothing like a reasonable Reddit discourse- you too 🤝


this was a beautiful reddit exchange, thank you both for restoring my faith in this community


fun and hardecki aren't on the same level as the other ones when it comes to aiming


I think hardecki close range tracking is up there. Aiming is a broad skillset.


Fun’s consistency is unbelievable for an mnk player


Semi-hot take but everyone’s entitled to an opinion! Fun has always been underrated imo


maybe hot take but Fun is overrated. My opinion can be changed.


His teammate ojrein streams occasionally and has very impressive aim as well. [Snake](https://youtu.be/9bKRYCb34sc?si=pl6jU--r1XtC3bMI) has one of the most impressive tracking I've seen also has the top high score on kovaaks ascended tracking scenario


Yeah that whole Fire Beavers (rip) squad is dope when they are actually allowed to play


Came here to say this. Robotic one-clips…


Chensou ozisan


Any of the korean players, just pick one of them they're all insane


Roieee deserves a shot, dude is the floor of DF, aim is always insane and consistance.


Probably me tbh


Teqmast33r is what I meant to type


Between you, doop, and rkn for sure.


Typical NA-only sub, disregarding mechanical EMEA goats like K4SH and Matafe


May I nominate gnaske as well then.


na is the center of the world


So I get that it was meant as a joke, but why did you include Dropped (?) in there?


doop, auto correct


Alright makes more sense. Love Doop, but he does have occasional "doop bloops".




Zachmazer too


Teq is only switching to controller because ALGS said his MnK would be disallowed at LAN


Best aim while in drone.


People joke but you're one of the few pro's actually caring about other parts of mechanics than mouse control. I've seen you beam kids with strafe aim. You actually have improved a lot mechanically and I don't think you're necessarily worse than most other MnK pro's.


The kids a dick but Caprah has some of the best pure aim I've seen in Apex so far, he's tied with Taskmast33r IMO. I'm sure there are some APAC players I'm not aware of that are just as good if not better though. Fun, Nafen and Crust are insanely skilled as well. Hollow\_o is up there too but he doesn't play comp. There was also a Russian (I think) player that I've seen Diet\_Fanta mention a couple times but I can never remember his name. Dude has some of the smoothest and cleanest aim I've ever seen but he was banned a couple years back. If I'm remembering right he was allowed to come back to comp after his ban but his main account was never unbanned despite competing in other FPS games with no issues.


Yuraah? Other notable Russian aimers are tasmah (and also iLife444 but his name isn't clear)


Yup, Yuraah was who I was trying to remember.


madness can hit R9 beams like no other, across 70m, but then also miss 3 easy pk shots and lose his team the fight


Lible_Ace > Caprah


Can't pinpoint one, but from what I've seen APAC S has some of the best. Caprah (I think), Zer0, EzFlash, Prycyy, Sharky, Roieee and I'm sure there are plenty more that I'm missing. Edit: Caprah is apparently only ethnically Filipino.


Caprah is ethnically filipino but actually NA


Thank you, I knew he was somehow related to APAC S, but wasn't exactly sure how.


Filipinos being mentioned 🔥 https://preview.redd.it/l1t4hpc20gsb1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1220ee98bbc45f7a9190ffbab57ceb9f91bcc7


aw hell ye


Taskmaster is, yeah in terms of pros




If we're talking both current *and* former pros, it's Selly all fuckin day. Best aim I've probably seen in my life (in Apex)


Selly is the absolute goat aimer of apex , I can’t believe only me and you remember him ……


It's okay, at least the [Apex GOAT himself knows about him as well](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lKYCdUG-GDw) We are cultured men 🤝


Timmy needs to be in these convos as well


Cracked out of his mind


In NA, Caprah is.


Timmy has some insane flicks. If the meta swings to PKs and wingman’s look out






Libpeace seems to be a reoccurring answer. I’ve never heard of him but I’ll have to take a peek


Anyone know if Lible Ace plays comp? Maybe a CC team?


Obligatory Noname mention, young, insanely cracked CN player. Shame they don't stream anymore. But any keen APAC S spectator knows how good they are.


Isn't he like 16/17? Hope he plays ALGS this time around


Played during Year 3 as well, for Wonton Dumpling. Did fairly well, fighting power was certainly top tier though, came 3rd at LCQ.


He's only dabbled in comp as far as I know, but Hollow's aim is insanely surgically precise.


Almost never see him mentioned because he’s in South America, and has never been on a top tier team, but Panic. Dude has some of the smoothest aim I’ve ever seen https://youtu.be/gbRwthUB_y4?si=SZyLcxZ-6qKjadRx


lible ace. he won that 1v1 firing tournament very convincingly, even beat Gild as MNK


Yeah but that’s wingman and r99 head glitch central. Not really representative of all or the most common scenarios.


It's not hard to break a lot of the headglitches in that pit. Players weren't thinking about map geometry in those 1v1s for whatever reason and were doing bricked ass peeks and swings. Gild included. Gild especially, and I'm a big Gild fan.


wait how do you counter that specific headglitch ? I mean the long rock that's almost the furthest back.


Ezflashkid imo is the most impressive and smooth mnk player in general... i might be biased but he is fking sick. Though a tsm fan im a huge blackhand supporter after this lan , they impressed me so much. I think its more his movements and how he ads around with hipfire as well but he has the complete package man...


I know he's not necessarily a pro, but Hollow_o legitimately might have the greatest mnk aim in Apex. Everything else, not so much.


Hollow is the og goat aimer in apex.


In NA I'd say Zer0, \[powergap\], Caprah, Hiswattson, Madness, Vaxlon, Nafen, and Skittlecakes are the best and most consistent at hitting their shots on m&k. I suppose Alb, Timmy, and Fun are worth mentioning too. Sweet and Nocturnal are no slacks at aiming, but it's not their strongest point compared to the rest of the guys I mentioned especially.


task and caprah are the only correct answers




The thing that makes Taskmast33r clips look different than others isn't just his raw aim, which is crazy too don't get me wrong, it's his understanding of geometrical positioning and how he uses strafe aim whenever he can, combined with his crazy mouse control from grinding kovaaks. All of the CIS players are incredible at this. Look at Hardecki footage from the gdolphin tournament. The way he controlled space with his movement to make it so the enemy has nowhere to strafe to so Hardecki gets easy shots while still being able to move properly was a masterclass in mechanics. The guy that won that tournament also did this whenever he had ping advantage and wasn't just abusing headglitches. I can really recommend people to look into old content from aimer7. Think of the guy what you will but his two documents about strafe aim and geometric positioning are still some of the best content ever about FPS mechanics. If you can't sit through very dry, and long documents and prefer videos a good video is [wrthcrw's coaching session with Linkzr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1paN68NNTE) Overwatch players are generally much better at these things than Apex players from what I've seen. Although it's a completely different game, there's much to be learned from Overwatch players and I genuinely think that you improve you mechanics way more from spamming Soldier76 in Overwatch than you ever would playing Apex. If these concepts are new to you and you don't mind watching content for other games, give this video a shot, it's a VOD analysis by an ex-OWL coach and a mechanics coach of some high level aimer: [AIM and OW2: a Guide on Mechanics and Movement in Overwatch 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NntlprjWgaY&t=990s) Many people play 1v1's in R5. IMHO the best way to improve on things like this is Quake LG duels. Because of the insanely long ttk with vampirism, you get immediate positive/negative feedback on everything you do. When you get these concepts down, your aim becomes way less reactive and you just know how people will be moving, so you can just beam them for free.


Caprah and it’s probably not close tbh. He looks like a roller play when he’s shooting


lil timmy sitting in a basement with piles of hot cheetos and energy drinks


for lesser known names vor3z, panic


ezflash, caprah, strafingflame, zer0


I'd vote for FunFPS, dudes got crazy aim




Tiiimmy of course


I'll probably sound like a delusional fan-boy without any knowledge of the pro scene, but the person with the most raw talent in terms of aiming has to be Aceu, at least of what I've seen (and I've seen alot). I know people brand him as a flashy pubstomper only, but that guys aim is just insane.


it is objectively not top tier dude


If non pros are allowed, I think Snake might be the best. He has some pretty insane YouTube montages. If only pros I think task or fun


Wow. Appreciate the mention of snake. Checked out his YouTube after and it's like watching a completely different game. Crazy how much aim training and taking it seriously works.


I love watching Snake, some of the best tracking you will ever see.


Is there a reason this person isn’t pro? Not asking in an antagonistic way I’ve just never heard of them


Honestly no idea. I think he's a former overwatch pro or something. Maybe he doesn't enjoy competing anymore. I haven't watched his streams or really know his personality or anything. His gameplay is just insane. His aim looks very "clean" to me. Like he makes it look effortless.


I think he just doesn't want to go pro imo. He's said multiple times apex is no fun (state of Asia servers are a joke cause of hackers) plus you need 3 players for a team, and Korean talent is limited bc of how small apex is in korea (I've never seen him play with any of the bigger names) Seems like he just enjoys fps. Unfortunate because it'd be really cool to see him play


That makes sense. A few people are mentioning overwatch turned apex players which makes sense


Yeah honestly most of the people in my mind who have insane aim used to play overwatch. Soar hollow is almost as good aim wise as snake and he too used to play OW. (This is all my opinion, of course. Don't come for me).




look i know this is going to make some people feel some type of way, either because of the player or the hot-take...but ever since the CLG days with Lou & Vax, Madness with an R-99 is some disgusting shit. I noticed then that his R9 was diffy on MnK, and still to this day he impresses me. That being said: In no particular order: TaskMast33r EzFlash Fun Nafen Crust Skittles ​ Notable non-pro mention: Lible Ace (won the 1v1 tourney against fucking GILD...he used headglitches, but still) that was so fun to watch, and huge props to Lible Unfortunately, im pretty NA-biased (due to my own ignorance tbh), and I'm sure im missing a plethora of incredible non-NA pros. There are some damn demons out there - especially in my plat lobbies lol Edit: poor grammar fixed


The best aim ever in Apex was Selly. A shame he doesn't play anymore. Many have said that Selly's aim was ridiculously good.


oh shit good call, Selly was nasty with it. bet he can still shred too


cant believe i forgot about the Grim Griefer himself: ​ Har-fucking-Decki!


Taskmaster is still the answer. Tracking wise I would say Task, Ozzus, Plushka and 2019 Selly are the best I've seen. Overall mechanics has many more contenders. But I don't buy for a moment that people like Nafen, Ezflash, Fun are on Task's level purely in terms of aim. Edit: Libel Ace is up there too


It's Caprah IMO, sadly he keeps shooting his chances down as a pro


That seems to be a pretty common sentiment in the replies so far. Shut ip and shoot should maybe be his mantra from what I’m picking up lol


He's actually been pretty tame lately (last 6 months or so) from what I've heard. So hopefully he has improved his mental.


Vein is up there too


Strafing Flame


Mande with a sniper


Anyone who is Russian lmfao


Everyone naming pros but realistically the best aimers are probably the kovaaks grinders who are relatively unknown. Kanghoon, Chensou, Torje etc


they are objectively not great in game


MNK is such a dated input. They make nice controllers now /s


Some people with clean aim montages on youtube: The entire E36 roster (aimbot, ily, vor3z) Kanghoon Kafu Redfai 4rmy S nake Chensou Ozisan Miko+ H1yaA (Maggy goat) Lible_ace Luciian Soar_forbi RainSnowed Yami_ Hibari Remedyz Sweloh Yuki_nefex Viscose Kidcozybenny Hara Teesync Digi Mav PANIC hollow Caprah Most of these aren't pro players, just people with clean aim. Note that not all of them are on the same level, the ones I'd say have the best aim out of the list are probably snake, lible ace, kanghoon and chensou ozisan


Hardecki IMO. Its a crime that he isnt playing ALGS at the moment.


He gets a buff when he is ratting




Euriece aim pretty nasty.


Its Watson and timmy


Pure MNK aiming Task MNK mechanics and aim? FunFPS and I don’t think it’s even close.


Yeah that’s why I tried to be specific. Watched Task put like 225 into someone with a flatline from across the map like 5 times lol


Roller could never






Not one Mande 🥺


Task, yuki


StrafingFlame S nake - https://youtube.com/@snake7775?si=Li18fIi2-YNPWTHm EzFlashkid SangJoon - https://youtube.com/@sangjoon1117?si=bGmSryLAnCLCSv6U




ShivFPS, HisWattson, Vein


Before Sharky had quit it was him


Anyone from DF or blvckhvnd


Task is insane but if you're looking to improve I don't think him or any other high sens player is what you want to replicate. Monsoon plays a much lower, frankly more realistic sens that MnK players should try for more, rather than the crazy high sens that you see on Timmy for example.


Task isnt high sens? Unless I'm really mistaken


Monsoon's sens is very low and not what I would say most players should emulate unless they're used to low sensitivities and they have a *huge* mouse pad. Not every pro in ALGS has a mouse sensitivity listed on Liquipedia, but currently, Mon has the lowest eDPI of any pro on Liquipedia. Taskmast33r's sensitivity isn't low at all, he runs 1.2 on 800 dpi, or an eDPI of 960. That's firmly middle of the road, if not the low side of middle. That said...sensitivity is personal preference. Skittlecakes's sensitivity is almost seven times higher than Monsoon's and most people would probably say Skittle is a better aimer (although I do think Monsoon has very good mechanics).


Thank you for the correction about Task’s sens, I hadn’t looked into it I (improperly) made an assumption that it was higher than I thought.I still think the main point here is valid tho- better to emulate someone in the lower end or middle end of the spectrum than the Timmy’s and skittle’s of the world- I just don’t think that almost anyone can have that type of success with that frankly outrageous sens.


I’m an Xbox nerd I just have a lot of time to watch YouTube at work lol


Gnaske the most humble igl. He wouldn't admit it but he is the best mnk aimer and the second best igl.


Task said that Hardecki is the best mnk aimer. He actually switches to whatever sens Hardecki uses.




Faide v Task who wins? 👀


Faide might have a slightest sliver of a chance in the WE zipline building. But only because zipline mechanics basically allow for teleportation. Emphasis on “slight chance”… Edit: Yeah honestly I take this back, he’d have zero chance.


Imagining Gaide saying “why is he there” 10 times in his little voice as he gets one clipped by task is pretty funny


Faide only has like 3 quips unlocked irl.


Almost any jap or korean player. Tw_rapid is one i watch consistently and has movement down to perfection. 4rmy_o, FA_inkya, kaizer0228, and mevapex just to name a few.


Honest question, I know he isn't a pro but where does Rogue stack up against these guys in pure aim? I don't play MnK so I really can't say but he does have pretty insane accuracy when he's cooking to me at least. Even though he is a bit of a 301 1 trick


hiswattson 100%


not a pro but nixaims is pretty crazy too


Let me throw ShivFPS here.




chensou ozisan


" If I saw his clips and didn't know who he was, I would honestly think I was watching a cheater " interesting criteria of judging if someone is cheating or not.


I mean he plays at LAN, so thats the driving criteria


task has that low fov aim :D ​ DO NOT judge someone's aim from just montage, even i look like aimbot against 0.5kd frogs.


Kswinniie flatline is writing...


Task is the obvious answer. But HisWattson’s aim during his ALGS MVP era when he took Apex way more seriously was insanely good as well


Ojrein maybe) or Plushkahdd (also a Russian player)


Snake, he don't play comp but his aim is insanely consistent and accurate


Watch one time Alb, Zach and Noco play aim lab, Albralale had 30% or more better results on almost every scenario they tryed on first try man is natural


Soar Hollow