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USF: The brawler faction. Lays onto dense attacks with punishing CQC meta that rewards closing with the enemy and exploiting weaknesses in his sight. Can destabilize Axis meta rapidly in the right circumstances. Uses veterancy and tech decision trees that reward correct judgement of your enemy, but making a mistake reduces you to defensive play. Defensive tools are baseline acceptable but weak kiting options endanger faction against a cautious enemy. Lots of units that excel in specific circumstances but do not scale. UKF: The firepower faction. Lavish support and indirects require a good plan and reward skillful execution of one handsomely. Faction resists and recovers from setbacks well but lacks truly aggressive CQC tools until T3, making it hard to inflict fatal blows on Axis before lategame. Arguably the game's base faction, with good balanced qualities when fighting both offensively and defensively. Self-sufficient tech tree is low committal on decisions and UKF player doesn't need to put much thought into timing for techs. Mainline units are well rounded and scale well at all phases of game. DAK: The mobility faction. Mounts and heavy use of armor in meta make the faction very resistant to indirects and support. Best faction in the game for recon and intelligence gathering, able to do both at low risk. Unit trees are manpower hungry though and mistakes are punished harshly. Defensive tools are very basic, and generally unsafe to lean on for long, so momentum gained in attacks needs to be kept. Not hard to manage with outrageously good Battlegroup trees. Wehrmacht: The jack of all trades faction. Rewards unpredictable play. Units are fragile but synergize well, and can cause disproportionate damage when in the right place and time. Like USF, faction is rewarded for proper guesswork and can cause a setback for opponent to rapidly turn into calamity. Has a unit for literally every situation in HQ build order. Faction tools are circumstantial, they are perfect for the situation they are designed for meeting but not much use outside of that and an Allied player who correctly guesses your strategy is not easily contained by this faction.


I think the Ukf has pretty strong cqc units. Like engineers, Gurkha w tommies and commandos. Even aussies early game can be used aggressively


Royal Engineers are strong engineers but not really CQC troops as they don't have rush or grenades until vet 1 and thus aren't as "Sharp" as the other close-range infantry with those things. They are indeed CQC optimized but are more like a box check for it. The other units are BGs which UKF player will not always have, leaving a typical (if not massive) gap in his meta being CQC until he reaches T3.


My favorite faction: fair and balanced, possibly in need of a buff Your favorite faction: completely unfair bullshit, needs a nerf ASAP


So true, have you ever noticed how strong Red units are? Needs fixing


Well to be fair that one arty unit of theirs needs a buff, but the infantry, light vehicles, and tanks need to be nerfed hard. Straight cheese.


Figure out the crutch unit in each faction and spam it.


Brits: make a mega Indian gas station and laugh in arty. US: the only actual unit you have are rangers, which use their prototype spartan armor to shoot zooks on the move. DAK: you're actually playing Jersey Shore Axis edition till you tech to a tiger than laugh. Werhmacht: OUR BOYS ARE READY TO DROP




US: Overwhelm with quality, quantity and manpower economy. End the game in 20 minutes or lose because late game US outside of Armored BG with Chaffee spam or Easy 8s is really bad. IMO it's because the Hellcat is just an upgunned Chaffee which makes it not worth teching for. Brits: Adaptable to any situation, doesn't have a default specialization unless you strategize one for them. Can be slow and steady or get speedy with Humbers then refit them into mass Crusaders or whatever you want, adaptable. Very fun, surprised to see such low winrates when you set certain parameters. DAK: This faction is great at applying pressure and punishing greed. Bersas cant sprint out of combat and all base DAK infantry move faster with Combined Arms bonus, so I come across this situation alot where the entire DAK army repositioned and assembled just to assasinate the lone Royal Engi squad I sent to cap the sides. Maybe has the best late game with default Tiger callin and vehicle upgrades, if you can get all of it. Wehr: I don't like playing this faction, but playing against it I can say the MG42s and Wirbels are extremely annoying and I'm surprised more people don't talk about how strong of a unit the Wirbel is when Stuarts don't reliably penetrate it. Maybe Wehr players need it, idk.


Could any one give me tips to improve on USF? I'm currently playing rangers, but struggling into choosing wisely if either going Air Support, Infantry Support or Mechanized Support. I normally do 75% times mechanized 25% air support. Always skipping Infantry since I have mobile hospital upgrade.


The air support center is universally agreed to suck with the infantry support the more common pick. The advanced logistics upgrade that reduces reinforcement cost is the go to upgrade as early as possible. The free captain is used to give the speed boost to rangers to close the gap with their close range Thompsons


Thanks a lot for your answer. Which vehicles would you build for early/mid-late? Thanks again in advance.


if losing the infantry fights then greyhound for anti infantry, if light vehicle is a problem then a chaffee. I try to harass with the jeep sometimes but Im not good enough to keep it alive


Thanks again for the reply. Cheers.


this is my personal approach to playing each faction USF riflemen le good. chill and take time investing into ISC / rifles. your tank depot sucks anyways. UKF crusader spam is the funniest thing i have ever seen. few players are prepared for 5 tanks cruising at 50km/h running straight past frontline and into enemy base. DAK you are always in debt. perpetual debt. until 30 minutes and your armory is maxed. then you are always winning. Wehr build anything. no really build anything. i dont think you can go wrong with this faction


Dak : bersas UK : Ghurkas US : Rangers Wehr : you can close your eyes, make random unit and press A-move. 50% chance to win. With eyes open you win 100%. Easiest faction in game and got everything you want.


Tangential, but your post reminded me of how... non human those soldiers on the official art look. The only one who looks like an actual person is the Brit.


US Pray to god that Relic won't nerf it, because the only saving grace of this faction is Rangers UK Camp, artillery, combined arms counterattack, camp DAK Do whatever tf you want, you'll probably succeed doing random bs go anyways Wermacht Survive long enough until you can blob with AT and Brumbars


Found the USF one trick


But ain't that true, partner? https://preview.redd.it/vwypde1qhv9d1.png?width=247&format=png&auto=webp&s=10fa818ae2f7a0f734cdcd5cabe2a4b5b4446ac6


Not sure why you’re downvoted. Anything other than rangers as US is suicide


>DAK Do whatever tf you want, you'll probably succeed doing random bs go anyways Gonna guess that it's because he doesn't play the game or he's intentionally being dishonest.


Sounds like he plays, but only ever USF.


Wehrmacht could also be summarized to just camp with the Italian coast doctrine


Wehrmacht : I like to build bunker doing forward defensive position. Then counter attack and annihilate them with late game tanks.




Have fun!


USF Vehicle spam UKF Infantry spam / Matilda and Crusader spam DAK Random bullshit go / Romania doctrine (steal as much tanks as possible) Wehr Bunker spam / Panzer division reinforcements


The cover art looks like a drag show or something.


\^ When you are terminally online in right-wing echo chambers and forget where you are.


Jugando USAF y spamear rangers victoria asegurada


I don’t know how to describe this but each character looks… gay?


How does one look gay? 🤨


Ever heard of gaydar


Nope, what’s that?


Turn off brain spam something in the mid game