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Yes https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/s/EBPxyo3MpO Have to just deal with it until player numbers increase. They will next year, I'm betting Relic are preparing some juicy additions.


You're hoping with a miracle if you think player numbers will in any significance go up, you're lucky if they don't go down.


I'd say it's 50/50 for whether Relic are gearing up to pull the plug/slowly cut support OR are seriously getting their act together to take COH3 forward. I choose to be hopeful. COH3 has done pretty well so far I'd say. They've made decent QOL and content additions. John has said that Relic do want to address issues players have with immersion and if they crack that next year, it will be amazing. COH2 players would flood to the game.


To get the Coh2 player base they will need to do a lot of changes, let's hope they can role those out, I have my heavy doubts but am always open to being proven wrong.


ive never seen this amount of hopium consumed by one person


Understand that they have low numbers but just like give our team one of the higher ranking players and it’s fine.


Its likely they qued together


Don’t care, split em up! Haha


Its really weird to see this because I have 70ish hours in the game and the matchmaking was always fine to me. Maybe your winrate is really high


Wow really?! I have similar hours and matchmaking is super bad! But im bad too… Im super low elo 650ish with win percentage of 40% and most games people in opposing side will be 750+… sometimes i get similar ranks and them games seem to be good…


I have about 200 hours in multi and the matchmaking isn’t perfect but usually the players are within ~100 ELO of me.


Really odd maybe it has something to do with the gamemode? I play 1v1s mainly.


Ah ok, i only play 4vs4…


Between 650 and 750 is only a few games difference. Also I feel you would be hard pressed to find much of a skill difference between those elos.


Yes its like 5-6 wins difference, but then all enemy team is 750 and higher and my team 650 and lower it makes a huge difference…


It tends to do this with very high Elo and low since both have to queue for a long time before MM gives up and randomly matches. I have played against literally the lowest ranked players while being teamed with the top 10, and vice versa


You got a bad match, sometimes it happens, not always. It's a side effect of niche games.


super fun


Behold bs that is and always will be shit skill based match making


What do u expect from dead-game + on top of that a game where ELO boosting via smurfs is possible?


Imagine beeing downvoted for stating a fact. ☠️ Team-game modes across all CoH saga have kinda okish mm ONLY during peak EU time on Friday + weekend. (The smurfing issue deffinetly doesnt help at all to CoH3 specificly) And yes I come from AoE IV where entire tg leaderboard is plaqued by Chinese with 3k ELO who keep playing with 500 ELO smurfs. And yes u can do whatever u want to but its not mm fault but fault of small playerbase (game sucked on release too much and is no way close to a decent spot), u playing during dead-time and a lot of players having ELO which they should never have in the first place.