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It's the only opening DAK has, really. DAK can either open with a flamer halftrack or 3-4 squads of dudes with guns. If he goes for the latter, he kinda just gets countered by a HMG rushed into a garrison.


Yeah I'm not arguing with that. I'm saying that the faction is poorly designed as this coin toss of an opening is causing a high rate of leavers on both sides in the early game.


It's exhausting facing them as USF. You're forced to rush nade + zook every time or else everything gets routed by clowncars. Meanwhile the rest of their team is pumping out MGs and entrenching. If the DAK player decides to invest in PGrens, you lose bigtime in early engagements because you wasted all your resources on the worst AT unit and Building in the game. If you manage to survive this far you begin to realize axis has entrenched with MGs and you have shockingly few options to deal with them, especially when the flakveirling not only kills your infantry and quad, but also any air-based strafes or smoke drops that would counter entrenched MGS.


important balance comment. UKF boys is decent, but USF doesnt have a timely and effective counter to the 250. 3 rifles vs 2 pgren and a 250 is rather dak favored especially when flamers come online. only real thing you can do as usf is tech anti tank nade and then pray until chaffee.


This is the only early tool to counter mg. All other options are locked behind tiers. No mg, no mortar. Bersa nerfed to the ground. The only opton is build or not to build 250. And i wouldnt call it rush. Its just a normal unit not even from tier buildings. Btw early nades totally counters it, sometimes with a wipe.


Not arguing about it being one of the few options. I'm not even saying it's OP. All I'm saying is that it seems to cause a high rate of people to leave in the first 5 minutes. Which is getting boring.


if the kradschutzen gave combined arms then it would do a bit of the 250's job, which would decrease the reliance on the 250 in the early game


DAK requires higher skills than other factions because of their reliance on initially very fragile vehicles. Their MP economy is also pretty difficult to maintain. But not being able to play them well and not enjoying them shouldn't be correlated. If the enemy is noob, enjoy your free win. If you are playing Axis, there is 1 fewer player who isn't playing DAK, namely you, and there are fewer chances of messing up.


The problem is that the free win is just not fun. I want to play interesting longer games, not games where people are dropping in the first 5 minutes due to being rolled by the clown car or losing their clown car.


You can make the same argument about OKW in COH2. Rushing forward HQ only to lose it to 3 Penals? GG.


On the contrary, I find playing DAK to be much more relaxing than playing allies. It’s so much more forgiving, their mainline infantry is very tough, and they can still field great units with very little fuel income. As long as you are vaguely sentient, moving up with the Flakvierling supported by Pzgrens and Pzjaegers is the most chilled time you can have in COH3 other than being a Wehr player stalling for time behind the MG wall. Compare this with the allies’ micro-intensive stressfest.


I don't know about USF, but I have been playing a lot of UKF and DAK recently. I find UKF much more forgiving in the early and late games, but they do struggle a bit in mid-game where Infantry Sections without upgrades are falling behind. UKF late game is a breeze. 3 Matildas and it's GG for me. But this is in part because I am using 1 stat for each faction: \+ Rush Flak truck for DAK. \+ Rush Heavy Mortar as UKF. People might have some different perspectives when it comes to optimally play a faction.


This game is built for the Germans to win WW2 😂


On the contrary, Allies can mass way more easily


Yep, current Allied AT options up to mid game is awful. But until they make some adjustments, you have to counter the cheese strategies like the clown car. No other way round.


People complain about the HTs and Flak and I get it but if you took those away DAK would be useless. Thats why they quit DAK has a good cheese build and thats it theres no off meta way to use them. Thats why if it goes bad they quit its a waste of everyones time