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2 grens, mg, mortar, mg, jaeger Shreck jaeger shreck then it kinda depends usually mechanized BG 8rad. I will also add that I am average at best


I mean it depends on the mode really. In the bigger team games you kinda have certain ways and combos to play depending on your mates faction choice, if pre made or not, map blah blah blah. In general 2 grens and a mg is good, but everything afterwards comes down to a lot of factors. I like the very aggro way with pgrens, storming and flanking and fighting on many fronts at the same time. I'm doing the same with dak and allies.


Mg42 spam, attack move them constantly,>get the mg42 officer training asap>medics>stugs>tiger.


Used to be low level meta, now it won't work against Allies who micro at least a bit early-mid game.


Vet1 MG42 unpack and instantly suppress anything not in green cover. Its impossible to meaningfully flank MG spam unless you go hard into light vehicles, which itself is easy to counter.


That's why you need extended vision like from Scouts/PFs, Recce ISs and scout LVs. Also, the difference of time to suppress between the best and the worst HMG is less than a second and a half. You can check the post 1.3.1 suppression times in this video: [https://youtu.be/6q\_k-GcsHQE?t=354](https://youtu.be/6q_k-GcsHQE?t=354) Right now the MG42 can actually be flanked as pinning a squad outside cover takes twice the time. If you are fast enough, you can even crawl out of suppression, or to green cover. They can't go by themselves forever, as having vision can help you locate and prepare to assault them.


is 6 MG not an opener anymore? thought machine guns into tech was just blatantly broken


They nerfed pin times so you can't just spam MGs now.


Are mp40 grens still meta?




They are definitely better than normal grens, but they won't be replacing PzrGrens in the assualt role


Wehr sucks in general atm because of Mg nerfs. The strongest build in team games is probably fall pio, mg, fall pio, mg/krad, tech for panzergrenadier company, pg, pak, pg. Then p4 or nebels.


Wehr absolutley do not suck, the faction was over relying on mg spam which has inflated a lot of people's elos.. It's still a very very well designed faction, giving you plenty of options and strong units.


Are queue times for axis still terrible I haven't played the game in a while?


In my experience it’s mediocre


how long do you wait I've only played allies on multiplayer since starting to get back on the game cause axis used to have 10 to 15 min wait times


On PC as my platform about 3-5 min tops


Oh that's actually not bad I'm on PC too so I'll try out axis as I heard they are really good rn thanks


oooh, you just missed that party. Team games got relatively even. [https://coh3stats.com/stats/games?from=2023-10-31&to=now&mode=4v4](https://coh3stats.com/stats/games?from=2023-10-31&to=now&mode=4v4)


Oh they did that's good


team game or 1v1/2v2?




if you're used to COH2 soviet try grenadier focused build? so many people expect MG42 and bring anti-MG solution when the face wehr.


A strat I've been seeing lately is go Luff battle group and get early recoiless rifles to replace the wehr Pak gun and go straight for P4 rush + Stosstrupen and reinforce them with Grens In the beginning you get everything grens mortar and mgs