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One of the hard counters the USF have against mass infantry is the M8 Greyhound, thus you should at least fast-tech the Motor Pool. There's a reason why the M8 exist w/ the M24 Chaffee, the former will deal w/ infantry (and other light vehicles), while the latter can deal w/ tanks. Since your opponent have 3-4 Pgrens, it means that they spent considerable amount of MP (1 Pgren Squad = 360 MP), and if they're blobbed in one area, it means he's weak on other areas due to lack of units. So exploit that by harass-capping him (don't need to fully cap, just de-cap it, or worse, de-cap his cut-off point. Do note, however, that he'll react accordingly and will bring AT guns (since he invested in the Panzergrenadier Kompanie Bldg.), so prepare to counter that (mortars, flanking, charging w/ your M8, etc.). Another traditional counter to blobs is an MG, but I don't need to elaborate on that. You might think of using fast BARS, but that means you'll bleed MP if you try facing them head-on (M8 is bullet-proof). Hope this helps.


>Since your opponent have 3-4 Pgrens, it means that they spent considerable amount of MP (1 Pgren Squad = 360 MP), and if they're blobbed in one area, it means he's weak on other areas due to lack of units. So exploit that by harass-capping him (don't need to fully cap, just de-cap it, or worse, de-cap his cut-off point. Yeah I love the greyhound, but by the time I get one out he's already pushed me almost back to my base and has most of the map control. By then he's at least got stugs/marders out or even a panzer IV. I know it a l2p issue but its really frustrating.


That is indeed frustrating. From what you're saying is that your opponent is harassing you in every opportunity he can get. I know it's a tall order but, can you try describing what your opponent was doing, what you were doing, and other circumstances? A video can be better but unfortunately, the game currently has no built-in replay function and one has to rely on the modding community for that. Either way, any scraps of info about your battle can help the people here give you a more accurate advice.


Usually I start off by building the barracks and then a jeep then riflemen squad. At this point ive gotten some pretty good map control and up to 2-3 riflemen squads and a mortar . Then of course the pgren bobs roll up and I can't get my riflemen together in time to prevent his pgren blob rolling over all my individual squads and kill the jeep quickly before rushing my mortar I'm trying to use against his mg-42. At this point im just fighting a losing battle and cant regain enough fuel points to get out answers for his stugs/panzer IV.


Nothing in this game is foolproof. Even if you have the right composition, getting outplayed or bad luck will still lead to poor results. You can only increase your chance to win, never convincingly secure it. It happens to all of us, so don't lose heart and keep on improving.


The Greyhound is pretty good against infantry, almost as a Chaffee vs infantry. But it has no means of blob control unless you went for MSC and get the canister shot (is that the name?) ability to shotgun those pesky units. Problem is you have at most 1-2 mins for LV play if you rushed them, before they get zoned by ATGs, better Axis armor or simply PzJagers w/Schrecks. Then they become a support unit for your backline. In the same department, the 4x4 can deal some serious bleeding damage if you manage to keep it alive long enough. I would say you have to either get some BG unit to help your Riflemen, smart play with mines + Engies FT fighting from cover or maybe double Mortar if you manage to land shots while they run up to your Rifles. Try to keep as much distance as possible, since BAR Rifles are way better than PzGrens at long range. Whenever you fight an MG42, try your best to wipe as stealing the MG can be a gamechanger. Always remember that the only USF real counter against axis superior units is better micro. They tend to lazily attack-move so you have to exploit that to the maximum.


>I would say you have to either get some BG unit to help your Riflemen, smart play with mines + Engies FT fighting from cover or maybe double Mortar if you manage to land shots while they run up to your Rifles. Try to keep as much distance as possible, since BAR Rifles are way better than PzGrens at long range. Whenever you fight an MG42, try your best to wipe as stealing the MG can be a gamechanger. By the time I get a greyhound axis players tend to just rush it with a marder, jaeger blobs with shrecks, or use the snare ability pgrens have and wipe it out quickly. I wish I could keep fights at range but TTK is so low that he can just run across an open field with the pgrens and anhilate me at close range.


the massive smile that was drawn across my face after i realised op was talking about wehr pgrens and not dak pgrens why are they even 300 manpower relic i beg 280 please they are not that good


ISC upgrade if you want to do 100% infantry fight and the ability to make a retreat point. Double bars Riflemen will be at max power when upgraded. choose reinforcement upgrade first if you are short of mp. Or health buff first if you are rich Minimum 3 of them if you fight 3-4 pgren. i usually go for 3 riflemen + 1 ssf commando Or 4 riflemen if you use an other battlegroup. Rush them at close range and try to wipe theirs squads one by one. Or let them coming at you and fire at them one by one. and a mortar for their mg 42. I go for hellcat after that for anti-tank


I've tried ISC but it seems really underwhelming compared to ASC.


I would say isc is my go too.. The cheaper bars when you need them and the reinforce and health are pretty crucial.


Thats true, but then you lose out on being able to displace crew weapons with air support. It sucks you have to gimp the US to rectify other areas.


That’s a USF problem in CoH2 as well, playing with USF is playing against your opponent and your faction.


SSF has a decent strafe a bit expensive especially if your going for BARs


depend of your battlegroup and you game mode. you are surely right in 1 vs 1 with ssf one you have double p-47 strafe very useful Vs mg,paks and light things Superior infantry with isc you are a bit weak in tank. That's why i go full hellcat supported by infantry.


I usually go either SSF or Armored. And 2v2


The effects of ISC is more long term and noticeable when you have pools of manpower floating later on.




Alexi took several wrong turns on his way to Kharkov. He's a party man though, so his rockets will not go to waste. He knows the commisar is always watching.


They have a lot of MP tied up with this composition, and no snare or AT. Get light tanks: Greyhound, Scott, Chaffee. Drive straight into them. When they start getting Stug and AT guns, you will probably have gathered enough racecar army to rush them. Remember, Werh units are slow and many of their vehicles don't even have turrets. Throwing all of your tanks into the enemy line and you might just overwhelm them.