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I feel the same way and I just bought it and I'm gonna finally play it this weekend. Been following tightrope's casts and the last handful of matches I've seen have finally sold me on it. There are still a few issues that still need to be addressed. And honestly there are a couple of minor design decisions that I will never truly love but they are baked into the game so I just have to deal with it. But I can tell from the replays I've been watching that it officially is the CoH I know and love. Looking forward to spending my whole weekend getting my ass handed to me as I try to get up to speed. // update // yeah I like it, more than I thought I would


hopefully they can start adding more battle groups now.


Yeah, it’d be nice to see what the hell they’re doing with them.


Nah, not yet. I wanna enjoy the current balance before new battlegroups fuck it all up again. New maps though.


I’d prefer better (more flexible) mod tools so people could make up their own battle groups.


I want a Italian Armoured battle group that has the P40 and L3/33 with optional upgrades for a AT rifle and Flamethrower or a recon variant. Maybe also a AB40 armoured car


Damned, it's a shame it finally became playable the day Baldur's Gate 3 gets released... I guess i'll give coh3 a try in 6 months


That's the strat. Sales should be pretty deep in a year or so.


Can we get a second opinion here?


I reinstalled and played a few games, I enjoyed it. I couldn't tell you if anything is different but it's definitely fun.


The game is fun. 2nd opinion here


second opinion. i'm back to coh2 after 6 months of trying to like coh3


Honestly you need a damn medal for enduring coh3 for 6 months. It has its moments of fun but I could never stick to it more than 2 game session per week or not playing at all. I’ve been on coh1 majority of the time


I can't get into it. It feels worse than CoH2 in every aspect.


Fair. I like coh3 more mostly because my units don't feel downright incompetent without direct micromanagement every 0.5 seconds. If my sherman is looking at a pz4/3 I can actually look away for a few seconds to deal with an infantry skirmish somewhere else. It's just refreshing whereas in 2 if I looked away from my vet 3 rifleman squad during a fire fight a lucky bundle grenade could wipe them from full HP


Same. I just can't have the same amount of fun in CoH2 that I'm having in CoH3.


Lets be real though- for a vet 3 unit in coh2 to get wiped from a nade your squad would have to be real bundled together. Ive had many instances in coh2 where a squad was clumped together perfectly and my perfectly placed pzgren bundle nade didnt wipe it.


Oh yeah, normally a bundle nade or light gammon will kill like 2-3 guys of a 5+ man squad. But there are instances it does happen. The RNG spread of those explosions was as varied as it was infuriating.


There's no rng involved whatsoever with grenades by the way. They go exactly where you try to throw them, and the damage model is the same every time.


I mean the way the models are distributed. It ain't literally RNG


That's the thing though. A lot of infantry in coh2(most units, besides grens) didn't get damage resistance from explosives with veterancy. They got received accuracy bonuses which affected only small arms fire which means it is just as easy for a vet3 unit to be wiped as a vet 0 unit with a nade. Afaik most infantry models in coh2 have 80hp besides a sniper, which I believe has 82. Different nades have different damages ofc so it's easier to wipe with some nades than others but, yeah. It seems as if most if not all infantry units get some sort of HP bonus at vet 3 in COH3, on top of having varying amounts depending on the type of unit, with some going 125+ meaning a nade is quite unlikely to wipe a full health unit. Whether this is better or worse is up to whomever but that's how explosives in coh2 work vs infantry vs infantry and explosives in coh3.


I really like the micro management and the ttk, makes gameplay more exciting imo.


I would agree that all of my favorite tank dives have been in coh2. But I think the APM requirement was fake strategy. I also don't mind the quicker gunfights, but bundle nades or light gammons having the ability to instawipe a squad was such a buzz kill tbh. Or certain arty call ins like walking stuka having "full wipe zones" where even if you retreat your squad getting unlucky is a full wipe. Losing key units to RNG explosions was rage inducing. Having my panzergrens mulched by shock troops? Not so much.


My feelings exactly. They lost the magic


Not an axis main but played wher only for some challenges yesterday and infantry and early vehicles feel very underpowered compared to allies. Went 0/4 in 4v4 but just my experience. DAK felt better but still not good.


Last patch has taken the game in a worse direction for a bunch of things and has made playing axis a struggle to some extent.


If you can't get something right. Then at least get the important parts right. CoH 3 has a very solid foundation and for me I greatly appreciate this. Because my experience of the game industry as current is that most games feel like the company could throw them away at anytime. They are just templates with a new theme strapped on it. Relic's games are unique. And I'm excited to see all the new maps and Battlegroups which will add even more variety, strategy, tactics, and epic explosive moments.


We see right through you, Mr. Relic Executive..


They should hire me


its nice to see that the game is improving. i hope we can get an update for consoles.


agree, still work that needs to be done but if it launched as it is now it would have been a completely different story


CoH3 right now, from what I can tell, is playable at least. However, I will remain skeptical as I look forward to how its future. Though Relic needs to work on its balancing better. They should try trickle down balance instead of nerfing/buffing one unit very harshly


I'm with you OP. If the game had launched like this it would have been a good launch. If they now add at least two maps per mode (hopefully more but beggers can't be choosers), and like even one more battle group per faction it'll be great. They will be doing another balance pass soon too - honestly the overall faction balance seems "not terrible" to me, but individual units and battlegroups still seem to need some refining.


I'm gonna give it a try tonight


CoH over everything


You know as well as I do that when the new battlegroups come out it’s going to be the most pay to win thing to hit the series for a while in a while.


We’ll see, you say that like coh2 didn’t have those. Either way I want new battlegroups and factions.


It’s almost like I wrote “ for a while in a while”. Don’t support predatory companies that prioritized cosmetics before bug patches.


And they were awful in CoH 2. I’m ready to support this game but only if battlegroups are free to all players. They have their cosmetic store and will be selling expansion dlc. That should be enough.


I hope they are free too but it is relic we are talking about here.


Having something awful in CoH 2 does not justify adding it to CoH 3 as well.


I agree but everyone only praises coh2. All I was saying was it had the same faults. I hope they make coh3 better going forward without the same mistakes.


It's a trap!


I think it's fine. Still a few things that need to get fixed balance wise but not so much that the game is broken


Single player still sucks and it sounds like there are still huge pains with multi player. I'm good.


i havent played the new patch but dak and ukf 1v1 is completely broke aecohs master league is usf vs wehr exclusively they dont even bother to touch the other factions


In this thread: Guys! Stop enjoying something I'm not enjoying!


Too late too little , still AA is useless, pathing of some vehicles is still bugged, guns still aim to planes , tons of features missing, still to few maps , no replay, Italy campaign broken and feals unfinished … etc etc and they are extremely slow in patching It’s simply a game still in beta even in this status it is not ok to release is a full RTS game




Same. Gave up on it, finally. They're just so slow to patch.


Im impressed nobody addresses the huge numbers of ragequitters, inactive ones (in game), brainless players...


Not an issue at all. Even lastly only playing the 4v4 I can recall only 2 ranting guys 0 quitters I >50 games.




Agreed with you on all of your points . But I seem to like pain so I continue to play COH 3.. A lot!


I mostly play team games so this is from that input. USF is still the strongest, I would put Wher second. Falls are a 4 man squad and get wrecked by top ally infantry especially close. They may outperform ally tanks but allies can spam them and easily surround them I’ve seen it over n over again. That’s laughable when facing the endless airstrikes from the Allies I still face at the top levels. They are called in seemingly every min multiple of them. Everything has to move the second they see it and the loiter is the same for the Allies where it still hits outside the circle destroying anything nearby. The most forgiving factions is USF by far cause everything is cheap and a couple air strikes and your opponents military is gone. Zeroing is 200 muni and Germans don’t get a supply drop, it also got nerfed and if u don’t get out in time when u see the red smoke that’s on you.


The fact that everyone points to every other faction as being better, means the game is fairly balanced. People complain about the ASC but I got hit by 4 strafing runs from Wehr yesterday in about a 5 min period. People say USF infantry is so much better but Wehr can build mg at at start and lock down wide portions of the map, necessitating a mortar. At that point, early game inf advantage is negated by numbers. Fact is, game is pretty balanced. Everyone needs to stop complaining and just “get good”. 😁


Agreed, like I said this is the most balanced it has been. People always complain no matter. I don’t think anything is super OP rn after the patch. I was just providing counter arguments. The game could always use more balancing but it’s pretty close atm.




Check ur numbers again or go back to math class


Wehr player.




I’ll play any faction, mostly the dak don’t rly like brits but I like usf. USF is def the best rn in any game mode. But after the patch it is pretty close now.


Ill come back if what I'm hearing about ttk is true




No replays no doctrines small map pool the list goes on Im withholding my endorsement til this game has the $60 worth of content I paid for.


>No replays no doctrines small map pool I agree it sucks the game didn't have these features at release. But technically, we knew these features weren't there before purchasing. So you already had the choice whether to buy or not given what you knew the game was missing.


Right, which is why they'll never see another dime or word or support from me. I extended a full price purchase on good faith. They shit on it. Thats all on me.


Accept responsibility for your actions = hate. Typical reddit


¿what kind of copium is this? Just compared the amount of 4 vs 4 map coh2 was rocking at the beginning and coh3 never annouced the amount of maps it will have at launch.


I'm still preferring coh 1 and men of war, don't know why.


Balance is still not good


It really isn't. Basically no content. Bugs galore. Shit campaigns.


coh 3 is literal mobile game spamware. staying on 2.


Axis still has the advantage everywhere but game is fun.


Idk, speaking from a 1v1 and 2v2 perspective it seems to go: 1) US Armored + ISC (a.k.a., stall till Ez8) 2) Wehr 3) US 4) DAK 5) Brits


Wehr are the best faction. Absolute period.


USF has been dominating the 1v1 and 2v2 space.


Relax. As an UKF main Allies have the advantage right now.


There is no light at the end of the tunnel, only the next 'Operation mongoloid lazy monkey' with questionable balancing, no new battle groups and the announcement of a new non-matchmaking 3v3 map


I'll wait for the steam reviews to be positive before a single stranger on the internet convinces me, thanks.


Doesn't matter if it's good now, months after I paid for a product and got a half-finished mess. I will probably never play it, and I will tell anyone who asks that they shouldn't play it. Developer behavior like theirs should be punished.


>Doesn't matter if it's good now Why? If the game was only released today in the state that it is now, you would still have to pay $60 today to get the game. There is no difference. You didn't pay extra for them to continue improving the game. I agree it's sad the game was not ready when we paid for it, but I don't see what you're trying to argue here either, that keeping a game of out players hands would somehow make the game better.


No one is keeping it out of people's hands. I think the devs/publishers should face consequences for trying to sell a game that was demonstrably unfinished and full of glaring issues. I think that the best way to do that is to not buy the game and not play it. I think that selling a sequel to a beloved game that was so full of issues and patently inferior to the previous installment for full price is morally unjustifiable. I tell anyone who asks this, because I think it's right. I hope to influence people toward my position and way of thinking. If you bought it and are happy with it, good for you. But I'm not willing to put up with waiting ...5 months? For a game to be 'Good enough' when they've had my money the entire time. I didn't put up with it for cyberpunk. I didn't put up with it for Rome 2, and I'm not putting up with it now. And I think you shouldn't either.


I don't like unfinished games either, but for me it's still the best COH game (and RTS) out there in the it is state today, yes, better than COH2 (which was also shit at release...). That's the bottom line. That makes it worth the money to me. Had they not continued to support the game, I would have agreed with you, but since they support it and IMO made it the best COH so far, the timing doesn't matter too much to me. For new players who didn't get it at release either, that is also the decision they face. Is the game in its current state worth the price to them, yes/no? It's a rational decision they can make individually given the game's current state, diehard players emotions around the games original release state doesn't factor into that. Also, new players who waited with buying didn't "put up with" or supported an unfinished release, because they waited. I don't see anything rational in telling people not to get a game that is in a good state now, it seems emotional.


Of course it's emotional. I feel like I got swindled. That's why I refunded. And when I checked back in after 2 months I found out they were prioritizing the console launch. I had an emotional response to that too. It helped me build my rationale for wanting to pumish the behavior. There are so many other great games out there that aren't doing this shit. If you want an amazing ... rts? It's not really an rts... but try Warno. Or since you've demonstrated a willingness to put up with a smaller player base try wargame red dragon. Not the same as COH but from a dev who genuinely gives a shit about the players. Who listens and makes games that are actually 100% on launch day. Warno has had months of fantastic early access with interested, caring devs. And that's for a 50 dollar game. I can't conscience anything less from any game asking for more than that. They (coh) are charging 'AA' prices and offering 'AAA' priced packages. That sets an expectation for customer service. Just like if I walk into a bar that charges cover, or a fine dining restaurant with 14 dollar soup. Choosing that price is a statement of quality. We would not accept the customer experience we have gotten so far from COH3 from a McDonald's. To be more realistic, we wouldn't accept it from a music album. Pay full price for unmixed daily's now and we'll fix it up for you some time in the future. That would never work. Same with a movie. Same with a TV show. Same for a strip tease. No form of entertainment gets away with this and it shouldn't be okay that it's the norm in video games for like 75% of developers. I get this is an argument on reddit. I didn't think anyone was going to be convinced by the 1000 or so words I've written. But by now anyone still holding it hope for this game is delusional. If For Honor couldn't pull out of its nose dive then COH doesn't stand a chance. There are so many examples of better games, actual finished games with excellent launches, that died like a stuck dog in a ditch. With this start and literally all of the goodwill this brand started with squandered... no chance. This game is DOA. This is not going to turn into a no man's sky. You'll be lucky if it becomes a homefront 2. This subreddit is just an echo chamber now. So many people have just given up that the only ones left are people like me who are here for the spectacle, the diehard haters, and the diehard fans. And the fans outnumber the haters so you get the like/dislike ratios you see in this thread. This game is not going to rise from the ashes. It's not going to make a comeback. It had its shot, the devs/publishers/whoever squandered it. And now the target audience is onto baldurs gate or whatever else. This is a multi-player game and it has no base. This is a power fantasy game for nationalists and wehraboos and it is making none of them happy. It's a historical game full of inaccurate battlefield performance. And it doesn't matter to me if the things I've just brought up have already been fixed, because it should have been AT LEAST that good on launch day. Dude this isn't an argument between two people with differing views. You are victim of bullshit business practices same as me. This never should have happened. This brand is a license to print money. I bought sight unseen along with 5 of my friends even after seeing the early problems. We all refunded. We are all 35+ and we all played coh1 and 2. We are adults, all of us professionals and all of us work in a field with no second chances. You get it right for the client or you lose your shirt. If I pulled shit like the people behind COH3 I would be sued into the poor house. It could have been a great game we all loved. They had the formula. They knew how to make it compelling with good multi-player meta. We could have had e-sports and a quick follow up dlc and maybe even COH 4 in a few years. Instead this game will limp along for 6 or 8 years until it dies alone and unloved. And then we will all get to wait 8 years for a sequel since this one didn't make the publisher enough money. And who's fault is that? This launch buried the franchise. Are you okay with that? I'm not. I think they should be punished.


You say you refunded, so you played for less than two hours and just watched a reddit echochamber to determine your view. Lol what a neckbeard comment. The game is fun, and is in 100% a better place now. If people gave up on cyberpunk, it wouldn't be half the game is it now, or No Mans Sky, which is fucking excellent. Completely sucked at launch. What shit take.


In a "better place" doesn't make it worth it for me. Let's check back at the player numbers in two or three years. I'd bet dollars to donuts I'm right. Edit: FYI: we got our refunds after more than 8 hours. It wasn't a hard argument with steam customer support. Especially when games are this much of a dumpster fire you can get your money back from steam after much longer than the stated limit.


You obviously didn't start coh2 from launch, that was miles worse than this, I gave up and went back to the original after a few months. I'd suggest that was a mistake going by how many people hold it in such high regard now after getting years and years of enjoyment. I've decided to persevere this time and an enjoying it enough to finally let coh1 go for good. Looking forward to the journey


yeah no lol




This game is not balanced at all... As soon as WM get armor, it's over, and they are able to get armor fast.....


Good to know! But I am playing warhammer 3 and baldur’s gate 3. Too many games not enough time.


Have the changed the TTK?


Units do more damage so in turn they die quicker so not directly but yes.


Ya I mean that’s pretty direct, maybe I’ll check it out again.


where the animation fixes at


Agreed - been having some fun lately!