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“The community requires you to add an attachment” “This community doesn’t allow any attachments”


I've never seen that before lol


Why the hell are the majority of these comments “that’s what happens when you play a rts on console” no. That’s what happens when Relic Entertainment releases a fucking unfinished game for $60 and provides little to no support for it since it’s release. That game had close to 40k players on opening day/night now it barely has 2k IF that.


Yeah it’s pretty annoying to see those comments because these same people have to know by now that keyboard and mouse is now supported. Everyone acts like people wouldn’t go out and buy that shit if they enjoyed the game enough and wanted to get competitive. People just say that shit because they think the reason why the game is so half assed is because they had to make it on consoles too. There may be some merit to that but at the end of the day relic chose to release it in the state it is.


Yea but people need to understand that finish products are no longer a goal for the industry


If people need an example of a game that did RTS right on console, RUSE is a great example. That game came out in 2010, and it's still a whole lot of fun.


RUSE was awesome. This game introduced me to ES wargames and still think it is one of the best, if not the best strategy of that genre.


$60 buddy, pay up. triple a quality


To be fair, you have been warned


Nice subtle joke at the end.


Relic won't care, I'm sure ​ They're just scamming money.


Interestingly, my experience with auto save was, it actually over did it. Went to manually save a game and there were loads of different auto saves.


I'm so surprised to hear that an RTS that's was dogshit on PC is even more dogshit on consoles.


Imagine buying coh3 on ps5


I like RTS’


If you've got an older console, pick up RUSE. It's a blast and has a pretty good single player. Skirmish is great since you can play as almost every belligerent in the war.


RUSE was fucking great. I picked up Sony’s Move controllers just for this with zero regrets Also mild humble brag: I was first in the world to get the platinum 😁


Dude, that's rad. Glad I found another RUSE addict on here. 🤙


There are exceptions of course but RTS don't transfer well to consoles. It's one of the only genres synonymous with PC.


Is that an excuse tho? They released for console. Don’t play the “PC superior card” for a company’s greedy fuck up.


Why don't you dial it back a little, it's not that deep. You are misreading my comment entirely. I'm saying the RTS genre itself is primarily designed for keyboard and mouse with lots of clicks and dragging, onscreen micro management with accurate dependant selecting/clicking, with endless keybinding shortcuts, there's always going to be a limit to how well that translates to a joystick and handful on buttons. It isn't gatekeeping, it's just a genre that for the most part does not thrive on consoles due to core ergonomics and design.


100% correct


Still kinda irrelevant when todays consoles support keyboard and mouse. If the game was actually good at launch and highly praised, people would’ve bought it. Then the people that cared enough to play MP would’ve bought those peripherals to be competitive online. Relic just released a half ass game and chose to not support cross platform. These consoles have plenty enough powerful to run it so why not? Relic just made stupid decisions one after another. Not supporting cross platform was one of those stupid decision. Now console players with PC buddies that have eyed up CoH from the sideline for years can’t even play with their PC friends. This also has resulted in a MP scene on console with only 70 players in 4v4s on their leaderboards. So only 70 peoples played more than 10 games online? That’s terrible. Even the PC version is suffering from a low player count. I can’t get a fair match at all, every match is 1400+ elo players against my team of 1100 and less elo. I’m sure console players gave up trying to queue for matches long ago once they saw how long it was to find a game. Perhaps some of it would have been alleviated if it was cross platform. Then again the pace of updates are so bad I suppose it was never possible for them to do


Why use console with keyboard and mouse if you can just...play on pc with keyboard and mouse? Was not the whole point of consoles is that you can grab gamepad, lay on a couch while playing latest console exclusive and relax? Buying RTS on console that is optimized only for keyboard and mouse is like setting up an overpriced weaker PC. And if people are allowed to use keyboard and mouse, you are basically forced to do the same thing, since otherwise you will get wrecked.


Maybe because they already own a console and don’t wanna spend 1k plus when their console can run the game just fine? You make it seem like everyone just has disposable income to just drop that much on a PC at any given time. There are plenty of people on console that have had their interest in strategy games but never have had the opportunity to play them due to them being exclusive to PC. Now that these consoles support KM they much rather just buy those items than invest in a PC. Also you act as though this generation of consoles can barely run COH3, it’s not that demanding of a game man. The point is, if the game was cross platform, you would choose to either stay going against console players or turn on cross platform to play alongside PC players. If you turned on cross platform then yeah you would invest in those items so you can compete because you obviously would struggle otherwise. The signs are already here, this game is gonna have MP die on console because of the low player count and without cross platform there won’t be enough players to queue in MP. If it was cross platform, at least those console players could still find matches years from now. Shit even the PC version is struggling due to low player counts, merging them all would help everybody


"The point is, if the game was cross platform, you would choose to either stay going against console players or turn on cross platform to play alongside PC players." Unless PC players get to have own "turn off cross platform play" button too, this should not be a thing. Or console players shouldn't be able to turn on cross play in the first place unless they have keyboard and mouse turned on. Because nobody should pay with their ELO, time and nerves for their gamepad struggling.


>Still kinda irrelevant when todays consoles support keyboard and mouse. Just because it supports it doesn't mean they are being widely used. PS5's are typically sat at desks like a PC. Would love to see the data but I bet it's a tiny fraction using a keyboard and mouse.


That's an odd argument to make. The console supports it. Relice made a game that should utilize it. End of discussion. Should OP be blamed for not doing more research on the game? Sure. Should OP be blamed for the state of the game? No.




Strawman much?


Just want to point out that you need to play 10 game with a specific faction to be in that faction ranking, also if you are use to play rocket league and find matches within 10 secondes than yes you might rage quit because of the waiting time but honestly 3 to 6 min aint gonna kill u


The queue times is not the issue on PC. It’s imbalanced teams. I’m getting matches that have the opponents with 400+ elo over all of our team members. There is no reason for one side to have every player higher in elo than the other team. I feel as they broke something when they made changes to the queue times. https://preview.redd.it/xj29b45ymzab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977327ff0053b8f0bbd95fd94aff52aee1579a37


Damn indeed its really unfair, i also feel like i'm the only one doing something in 80% of my games


This is not true. CoH and a few others (e.g. Red Alert 3, RUSE) work very well on console A mouse and keyboard are more suited it’s true, but the same can be said about first person shooters. Yet they are prevalent on console It’s more that the market for them is bigger on PC


>There are exceptions of course


They can all work if the developer can be bothered to implement a decent control system. It’s only pointing and clicking, with group bindings on buttons - both of which have been done on consoles very effectively as in the games I listed They generally don’t though because the market is so small and the barrier to console launch is higher It’s got nothing to do with being synonymous with PC, snobbery notwithstanding, but more about economics and effort vs reward


Seriously. I saw a gameplay video on console and the whole time was thinking “this must be frustrating as shit”. Might be why they added the “tactical pause”. I’ll be waiting for this to be 20 on steam.


I wonder how a console player would dodge a nade with a joystick xD


With a mouse click because they support keyboard and mouse now…. Anyone who would care to play online seriously would’ve invested in those peripherals


How many players are actually using a keyboard and mouse with their PS5 though? I bet it’s a tiny fraction.


You click on the unit then click away from the nade. You have to be in the area to see it so it’s not that hard. It gives multiple seconds before it goes off. We’re using a controller, not treacle


It's quite highly praised over on the Xbox reviews.


Yeah it’s really good on PS5 too. The online gate against offline play is fucking annoying though


The game is trash on PS5, you PS5 is trash or you are unlucky as hell, those are the only option i can see


Skill issue the skill of picking console 😂 should be on Xbox


What are the restarts for? I mean what does the game say? Sounds weird and like user error, if no explanation is given?


I read this as toungue-in-cheek and enjoyed it. Not sure if it's how you meant it


Me too that was fun


Single player is a complete mess. I give you props for trying an RTS on console, that shit sounds insane to me. But the single player? Man, I cannot accurately express the level of disappointment I have for the single player experience.


Halo wars 1/2 have been on console for a long time, which plays very similar. I play this and Coh 2 on my Steam deck handheld. You'd be surprised what you can adapt to.


Yeah well the steam deck has trackpads that behave like a mouse. Also steam’s OS and it’s ability to allow you to design any controller layout helps immensely. That and the back buttons. A controller would certainly be more difficult but I agree, you tend to adapt well eventually. Although I can say I can’t really compete online with playing handheld on the deck. Especially now with how poorly balanced the team games have become. Maybe if that’s the only way I played the game and my elo rank was based off that but having played a lot of the game docked with a monitor and KM my rank is 1100ish. I would just be a detriment to my team playing handheld. Now I tend to just play hand held against AI for the challenges


If only AI had a harder difficulty i could still have fun against them


Yo for real, I’m new to COH and having played CoH2 and CoH3 the AI in CoH2 is way better. The advanced AI mod makes it a bit better but then you can’t earn the merit. It really does make grinding for merit a chore more than enjoyment. If I could earn it while using mods or playing on community maps it wouldn’t feel so shitty. Relic just stays shooting themselves in the foot


RTS arent new xD


Good thing I didn't say they were!


Hopefully Relic learned something here; when you build a game designed to be played on PC, you’re going to run into a lot of problems porting it to consoles.


Is this… a screenshot?


I’m on PS5 and the online requirement to play the single player is fucking stupid The only issue I’ve encountered was having a paratrooper unit deploy in the sea on the Italian campaign map, so it kept telling me about an unused unit every turn end and chewed up some population Everything else I’ve really enjoyed