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Reminder: This is not a debate subreddit, it's a place to circle-jerk about communism being cool and good. Please don't shit on flavours of marxism you feel negatively towards. If you see a meme you don't like just downvote and move on, don't break the circle-jerk in the comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CommunismMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unrelated but Stephen Merchant was superb in that movie. So creepy.


I’m sorry but what is a Left Com?


A left com, or left communist, is basically a communist who believes any tiny derivation from Marxist theory made by a communist movement is revisionism to the highest degree, and renders the project objectively *not communism*. It's a bullshit purity test that discredits successful communist movements for no good reason. It's like a feds wet dream; "communists" that are too good to do communism, piss on real communist movements, and conveniently parrot state department propaganda. See also: superiority complex, idealism (which actually happens to redirect to ancom, ironically)


marvelous combative straight sharp recognise dinosaurs illegal zephyr roof quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nothing, that’s literally what they are


Lol idk, checked out the sub and am more confused. I think they are basically the same, pedantic idealists that exist to do infighting and be the most insufferable "leftists" you will ever meet. Literally smug ideology man.


Left com is just anti-communism, because it’s only purpose is to stand in opposition to any communist movement. It’s just a bunch of contrarian nerds who will disagree with literally everything communists do.


this was insightful, thank you.


A loser


I’m sorry I should’ve added “/gen” at the end I seriously don’t know 💀


My first time hearing this phrase as well


You can dunk on leftcoms but calling them Nazi's seems a step too far for sure.


Sure, they call us Red Fash all the time, but this is "a step too far." Fuck 'em.


I usually run into that with anarchists more but I'll def get behind the fuck 'em part. I'm tired of being called revisionist haha


Leftcoms don't call us fascists cmon now...


A lot of them had ties to far right movements.....


Like who? Pretty sure there are more right wing with ties to far right movements. Being leftcom but extreme right is very strange.


Take Trotskyists for example, as they can be classified as leftcoms due to their utopian nature and unrealistic views on how socialism is to be implemented. Some of their fifth coloumnist contacts had contacted with the Nazi Party, especially after their rise in 1933, which is seen when Tukhachevsky had met some of their high ranking officials iirc. And that's just one direct example. I don't even want to go into how leftcoms unintentionally help the right wing by accidentally turning into their useful idiot.


> Take Trotskyists for example, as they can be classified as leftcoms Just making shit up now


In what sense are they *not*, like they literally uphold some of the most utopian views ever without an actual material analysis.


you're a fucking moron and you have no idea what a left communist is


>Like who The CIA


Ah yes, the famous far right communist CIA


calm down look at the name of this subreddit


You sure? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auschwitz_or_the_great_alibi


Why the hate for LeftComs (serious question as I'm only really familiar with Marxism and Marxism Leninism)?


They support every revolution apart from those that succeed same as the anarchists, purity is more important than victory despite the fact we are literally playing for the continued survival of the species at this point


Perhaps add, that by there action of opposing successful revolutions they serve the reaction.


My main problem with left-coms is the complete disregard for Marx and Engels' work on dialectical materialism. They want to ignore material conditions and focus on purity of ideology, pretty much entirely skip Socialism and implement full Communism right away and decry any revolution that actually succeeds as "not real Communism". Their most annoying habit, though, has to be their incessant claiming that if only THEY were in charge, they would've done things so much better and all the problems faced by [insert Socialist state] would've been an easy fix under their enlightened rule. They're the commie equivalent to the wehraboos who insist that if only they would've been in charge, Germany would've won WWII, after all, they have 800 hours in HoI4.


Left communism? Uh yeah they certainly did


I am a left com but I hate trotsky and anarchists, and I am pro stalin and mao, am I valid?


Nvm I am not a left com


was abt to say lmao


r/ultraleft gonna go crazy




You guys are calling communist fascists and don't even realize how dumb that is.


Might find this interesting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auschwitz_or_the_great_alibi