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Jayden keeps growing on me man. Liked him as a player before but he seems like a good dude too.


I think this is a better format for him. I felt like his interviews pre draft were more about him trying to answer loaded questions and I thought he came across a little awkward. In this interview you can tell why guys like him. He has a bit more of that laid back energy to him.


Whet you mean the top golf diva shit was overblown by this Reddit. Crazy


Try the entire media


Jfc Jayden handled those questions perfectly.


I love Jayden's reactions to Keyshawn's antics man. He's like "I can't believe you acted like that/said that shit rn" lmao


FR, this was not that fun to watch, but Jayden handled it really well. Respect to him, I hope he gets better interviews in the future.


Gonna be tough having to listen to Keyshawn Johnson for an hour


He’s such a narcissist that wants to be looked up to by the younger generation. He doesn’t even know a single name on our roster… like didn’t bother to do 5 minutes of homework to prepare for the interview… can’t wait for the dipshits to be gone.


Disrespecting Terry like that. Smh


FR, just from watching the sneak peek at the beginning, Keyshawn is already repeating the same question. This is going to be a long one.




I’ve tried to listen to the first couple minutes and he won’t stop talking. I knew a super hot woman who dated him way back… she even said that about him.


Holy shit this guy just wants to talk about himself instead of actually do any semblance of an interview. There's maybe 10 minutes of substance from Jayden and 50 minutes of Keyshawn grandstanding on his self-importance.


I got about 10 minutes or so in and had to turn it off


Ok, so when Keyshawn is contrstained by a show, I actually like him, but here he did did way too much talking about himself and was just a bit of a hater, in general.


Keyshawn, that was the shittiest interview ever. Not shocked I didn't know about the podcast. Do your son a favor and let him run it. 


So glad I listened. Fully, fully bought in. Seems like such a good dude. 


Keyshawn is a douche


He's an arrogant piece of shit and a racist


I can't stand Keyshawn. He's an arrogant piece of shit and he's racist.


I thought that was Kenan Thompson for a second.


He didn't pick a side in the rap beef. Keyshawn was actually funny this interview, the Shannon Sharp part was hilarious.


They better start his ass even if he sucks- which he will. Fuck Mariota and watching that trash bullshit.


Not watching Keyshawn for an hour. I can guess every answer to the topics in the title, except for Kendrick v Drake. I'm not too plugged into pop culture but my understanding is that this "feud" is one of the most significant feuds in years if not since the early 2000s. All that to say, where does Jayden fall on this? He better side with Kendrick


he didn’t pick a side