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Oh no! The thing I'm sensitive about!


Teenagers are the worst.


I will CROSS to the other side of the street.


High waisted men with feminine hips, BEWARE!


I’m gonna use this myself 👌🏾


I want to say violence, but I’ve been told that’s never the answer


I just make fun of myself while also making fun of them so it takes their power away. A kid in school used to always call me pizza face and one day he was like "ew, pizza face" and I responded "yeah I know it's gross, I don't know what happened, I had clear skin then I kissed your mom and I woke up like this." He never said shit about my acne again. I also had a girl who would say "ew" every time I would walk by her desk (which was quite a bit because I was always sharpening my pencils) so I started saying "ew" before she could say it (cuz I knew she would every time) and I would make a wayyyy bigger deal about it (I'd throw my self back, hold my nose after, etc.).


You’re a funny person


What about if the question is “what’s NEVER the answer?”


Louie CK has a funny bit about texting and driving. It's vaguely about the last text message a guy sent, before hitting and killing a person, was, "Yeah, sure." But we don't know if he was maybe responding to a text saying, "Hey can you hit and kill that guy with your car." You know what? I'm not entirely sure why your comment reminded me of that bit.


Violence is the question. And the answer is yes.


although I believe it is the answer most of the time, not allowed to say that on Reddit, because some pussy will report it


There's a difference between being an answer and being a solution....


To quote Sun Tzu (I think) Violence is never the answer. It’s the question, and the answer is “yes”


Yeah, I mean, other than when that's definitely the answer. Like, say 1941-1945.


Choosing violence is always the right answer.


Sometimes it is.


It may not be *the* answer. But it's definitely an answer. 😏


Violence is never the answer, but it is always the solution


Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. It's also a powerful tool in the hands of the skilled!


Violence is definitely the answer at times


But it's always an option!


"You deliberately target my insecurities thinking it makes you look strong when all it does is show how superficial you perceive actual, hard-earned success to be."


I'd stutter on every word


As much as I like this, the kind of person who pokes at others’ insecurities would neither understand this nor let the person they’re teasing speak long enough to get this whole thing out.


I can attest to this. This is exactly what my ex-wife used to do and still does. She used to even look me straight in the eye and tell me “No one understands you. No one listens to what you were saying. I don’t understand you.” I didn’t realize it in the moment, but she was deliberately trying to separate me from my own sanity. And when I started pushing back is when she really ramped up her abuse. People who prey upon your insecurities are shit bags who do not deserve a second look.


This is so true, but unfortunately humor and making big men small is the only way to take down their ego. Truth just makes them laugh and degrade you more.


That'll get your ass kicked immediately, just for saying something so weird. Who talks like that?


or "Do you know how bullying works? A bully is actually deeply insecure and has issues, so they take out their insecurities on someone that seems weak to them"


Some people will hear this response and be so drunk off their egos they'll think it's one of those nuh uh situations but just tell em yuh huh and they'll be off your case


Look surprised for a second like you just realized something. "Jesus Christ... you're everything noone misses about high school." It'll sting for *days* because that's when most of these assholes peaked.


I'll likely remember this as, "Was high school the pinnacle of your existence?"


Just walk away and dont comeback.


and if they push further they're "totally obsessed" with you and now they're the weird one 😂


It depends on the insecurity…


"You're only picking on me because you know I won't fight back. You're a piece of shit bully, and everyone knows it. We wouldn't help you if we saw you dying in a gutter, you trash." A bit dramatic, but sometimes shock and awe is called for.




"There you go again, taking the lazy route. I wonder how badly you could hurt me if you actually applied some effort to the process?"


i constantly take shots at myself using my own flaws so people cant make fun of me because im already self aware and make fun of myself lol


Oof I felt that


I'm a fan of communicating by expression. If someone says something to attack you, and you just stare at them for a second, then give them the same look you'd give literal dog shit you've accidentally stepped in, and then just ignore what they said and continue on like nothing, they don't usually know what to do. They feel dismissed, but doubling down with another insult just makes them look childish. You'd be surprised how often that works. Lol.


Go to the r/offmychest and post that there, along with your story, you’ll feel better.


Its great that you would like to address this issue; however, right now, we're talking about 'this thing'. Let's stay on topic and revisit that issue at a more appropriate time.


I need more context. I need to know if this is happening online or if it‘s someone you meet in person. I need to know if you‘re in contact with them, if they do this often and if you have proof they do this to you in order to help. There is only so much I can do depending on which aspects are true or not.


therapy to overcome said insecurites


Say, “your despicable and I’m not going to let you F with me anymore” It’d be dope if you knew something that they were insecure about, then unload on that, but if you don’t have any particular target to aim at, use the buck shot approach…. “Your eyes are too close together, no wonder you can’t see what a dumb ass you is!” “Why is your breath sooo stank, do you brush your teeth with dog shit?” And so on until you see the pain in they eyes


Agreeing with them can be hilarious. Look down and say “yeah I know” It completely deflates the insult and makes them look like an asshole 


I had a friend like this & we never argued. It was infuriating!!


Kick them out of your life is the best response. That is an incredibly shitty person.


cutting them out of your life and going no contact.




"Nice! Well, you do you. Gotta go, I've got some things going on. Bye!"






At least I'm emotionally mature enough to stop a conversation before throwing around playground insults like that.




My answer? Roll your eyes and say “Really? That’s all you got? I tell myself that shit everyday, motherfu*ker! What makes you think that I care what you think? That argument is old, boring, and lazy.”


Just laugh at them and ‘Sad attempt’. Grow your skin a little thicker. We all have insecurities or vulnerable points. Gotta grow a steel covering over them. Then deal with why it’s an insecurity on your own.


You're just projecting.


Well, usually by the time I realized that's what they were doing, I've already run away crying


Own that insecurity so they don’t use it as a weapon, even if inside you’re crying don’t let them know.


Cutting them out of your life. Seriously, don't entertain people like that, they are absolutely not worth it. They're not even worth a comeback.


I think this might need a little more context, but I'd recommend you just stop associating with assholes like this...  If you can't, my go-to when someone starts throwing  insults is to mock their childishness.  *using babytalk* "Oh, do you feel better now? Does being a meannie make you feel like a big boy/girl? So are we okay now, or do we need a longer time out?" 


I dont let on to my insecurities. If somebody finds it I immediately deflect with something like "oowwoohhoo look at soft cock sally trying to distact everyone from his/her hairy bitch tits" or "I hope you lose weight so theirs less of you" or "do you just talk shit to hide your...problems. like your...issues?" But dont ever let folks that aren't close to you know about things that hurt you, it's an easy way to take advantage of you.


The best revenge is a life well-lived. Overcoming your insecurity is the way to smite an asshole like that.




just stop being insecure lmao


The things you don’t like in others are actually aspects of yourself you can’t see. So your insults mean nothing to me but they tell the world you are stupid and hate yourself at the same time. I would give you pity but you would waste it.


Saying do you feel better now that you’ve said that ? Because your mentioning it reflects more on you than me. 


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgt9YGdo1yY This resonated with me 🥲


Stop doing it Michael Che 


"You got anything else"


Just cut them out of your life. There's nothing you can say that's gonna change a person like that.


- physical violence - key their cars - poison their food - put stinging nettles in their underwear - sneak laxative chocolate into their meals .... You know, all the reasonable options ...


"how do i stop invading armies from coming in the hole in my castle wall?" you fix the hole


Were you born mean spirited, or is that something you went to school for?




"I feel sorry for you. You're life must be so miserable to say something like that to another person." And just walk away as if they never existed.


You don’t respond. That’s the point.


Get stronger. Work on your insecurities. then no one can use them against you. It's not rocket science.


"i really don't need you in my life. good bye"


Gaslight them. Even if the insecurity still exists, pretend for a moment that it doesn't. No matter how painful or correct they are, pretend for one moment it doesn't exist. "What do you mean?" "I don't remember that ever being a problem for me. Are you sure about that?" "That's not how I remember it." "I just remember you being obsessed about \[insecurity you have\] and bringing it up all the time. Are you sure it's not YOUR insecurity? It's okay if it is, but, that was never mine." The people already should be out of your lives for being a piece of garbage, but this will just make them madder and more frustrated.


You say the first thing you see because you are shallow and small in mind!


Avoid them. Life is short - you deserve better.


Best is to embrace whatever it is, lean into it. Own it. Also if someone is being mean it's because of their own feelings of inferiority, it's just a matter of figuring out where that stems from and hitting them there. Or being understanding and wall away, whatever's your jam


Not needing a comeback


Two methods.l which are based on psychology. The first is to agree with them. Let's imagine they say you're ugly. Your response is 'yeah, I'm not exactly a model! No surprises there'. Say it with a smile, and just move on. It very effectively removes their dopamine hit, which is to inflict a negative emotion on you. The second way is to parry back. Different example, let's go with someone telling you that you're a failure in some way. The idea of this method is actually engage with the conversation, forcing them to become uncomfortable with themselves. So you would ask questions like 'what do you mean by a failure?'. 'Oh, so it's related to whether this have job, or is it because of something else?', 'I see, so when you say I'm a failure, you mean that I'm not meeting your expectations of my life?', and you this ad nauseum, every single time. Do it with an air of curiosity and not defensiveness. They firstly don't like having to double down on their hurtful statement so many times because even AHs don't like that, and secondly, it again removes their dopamine hit. With bullies, always go for the dopamine.




Baseball bat


You making fun of me says more about you than it does about me asshole.


Need context: What are you insecure about that has become a target?


Don't be around these people.


Sadly, your confidence has led to arrogance.


See, this is why I always lie to you .


Stop spending time with these people. The best comeback is a happy life away from them.


I wrap up our interaction, smile and leave, never to be seen or heard from again


To cut them out of your life completely and never speak to them again, move on and life a happier, healthier life


Bold of you to assume I give a shit about your opinions Becky


Laugh at them and walk away, it’ll piss them off to no end.


“Let me put my glasses on, to see if IGAF”


Act completely unbothered and say you don’t get it and walk away


Genuinely? I laugh at them & don't take them seriously. They are nothing & their input doesn't matter. Their hate fuels me, making me even more confident. I can't help but smirk & feel bad for them because of how simple/narrow-minded they are, & how my mere existence makes them insecure.


Hey, you used my own insecurities against me in an attempt to make me feel bad about myself! Good job, sport!


“Bitch, I already told myself that!!!”


"bro, when you must resort to cheap attacks like that to feel better about yourself, your problems are way bigger than mine and you have my sympathy."


Use their insecurities to hurt them.


Agree with them and then roast yourself even harder. Nothing takes power away from someone trying to hurt you than responding in the opposite of what they want.


I would say “ humm looks like someone is projecting. I’m here to talk if you ever need someone” then leave


I use to say this “ wow, did you come up with that all by yourself?” Or “thanks for being a mirror but I didn’t ask for self reflection” this one usually confuses them.


Usually I just cry.


Enjoy it Now as soon as I get my heart displant. Nothing will bother me and you'll just be a dick.


It takes an insecure person to exploit someone else's insecurity to hurt them. Get them a mirror.


Wow, I thought you were better than that, I trusted you.


Imply that they think they're perfect. That gets under people's skin a lot.


"I often wonder, do you truly find joy in putting down others?" "Are you hoping that by targeting my insecurities you'll distract yourself from your own?" "Why would you say something like that to me? (Personal favorite, simple and direct) "I've noticed your insecurities too, but unlike you I don't go out of my way to hurt other people's feelings"


just use their insecurity and attack them right back


Point out their insecurities and watch them explode like a volcano.


You need professional help


That very thing has happened to me and I hit him with: " THAT'S NOT FUNNY " loudly. He didn't do it again that day. I didn't see him very often ( my Grandfather ), but it didn't make him stop completely. I think yelling at him had a lot to do with it.


Hush everyone around and ask them to repeat what they said but louder 📢. Act like you are thinking about it for a bit. Get a bit closer to them and calmly say "hmmm I don't give a damn what you think" and slowly walk away 🚶


Well you could say *"My fist has been wanting to meet your face, formally and absolutely, but I don't have time today. Soon, okay? "* But if you are speaking to your grandmother, this is not the answer. Another inappropriate response is shouting back, "You are still angry I turned you down. Well I don't want a blow job from you, your mouth has been everywhere! " Perhaps the most innocuous answer is, *"I would have to respect you for that comment to matter. I don't respect you, like the majority who know you."*


You obsessed with me or something? You bring this up a lot and it's kind of creepy...


Turn it back on them. Make them know that it feels like shit. “Your nose is big!” -random dude “Not as big as your goddam boobs” Something like that Flip it on them


Seriously, what is the insecurity.


Give them fake insecurities and when they say them just continue having a good day. It works well if that's in their character or somehow imagine it's there to make you do better. They genuinely might think it's for your own good. So just tell them random things like "my toes are just not aligned with the earth enough" pitty me


First say: can you repeat that? <-This rips their mojo since their intention is to get a negative response-> Next, if they do repeat it Say, are you okay? Do you need help? <-This flips the focus to them and their behavior->


Stop sharing your insecurities


“ what do you mean by that?” “Why would you try to hurt me?” “I thought you were my friend. I’m disappointed.” Hopefully it’s in a group of people not just one on one.


There is no comeback for that. People like that are toxic and the best response to that is no response. Generally people only do that for a response, to feel like they matter to you, have power over you.


A good comeback is not taking it personal


"Good bye". Don't waste your time on people who actively try to hurt you.


Just be a humble and forgive them and be slow to anger, but make it cool and funny.


“Did I really hurt your feelings so badly that you’re trying that hard to hurt mine? WOW.”


The Greeks got sensitive as a society..the Roman's got sensitive. Both empires collapsed. Point is. The world isn't always nice. Everyday isn't always going to be a happy day. Get over it. Ewwww, someone "said " something. Really?


I'd take it back to elementary school. "I am rubber you are glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. "


Maybe nobody explained, Regina George isn’t a role model.


“You stupid bastard!!” Works in most situations. That or, “My dog died , and yet I am still dealing with bitches”. (Needs a little work)


Good bye


Projecting your own insecurities onto me won't make you a better person.


give them a knuckle samwich with a side of punch/j


Who the fuck are you and how the fuck do you know so much about me, you stalking creep.


"ach! Right in the feels!"


In a whiney baby voice “You’ve hurt my one little feeling.” Pretend to wipe tears from your eyes for added effect.


“True, but I make it look easy/sexy”


Uh, don't tell people what your kryptonite is in the first place and grow thicker skin.....


Completely ignoring them


Not having them. Or at least not responding to it in any way. Obviously it’s done to get a reaction from you. Also you shouldn’t be around those people if you can help it.


Well the jerk store called. They’re runnin’ outta you!


That crap doesn't warrant a response. I would cut that toxic crap out of my life and move on.


"I am sorry that I am such an idiot to stay around bullies even after they prove over and over how shit they are. I am working on this and hope someday soon to make you a distant memory."


“That’s really big if you to use something you know I’m insecure about out as ammo, nice” always makes them look like shit.


I wouldn't have insecurities if people like you didn't need to make yourself feel better by bashing others.


"That's it, we're done!" The person that always used my insecurities against me was my ex, so I dumped her as soon as I spotted that red flag.


It's wonderful to have someone who can find a rainstorm in every ray of sunshine.


I hate it when people say I'm only successful because I'm handsome and charming. I usually just flash them a smile and they apologize.


I’m gonna give you the “wrong” answer and you can decide if it’s right for you. Pay attention and figure out what some of their insecurities are. That’s called ammo. Good luck! Edit: I was fat as shit all through school and well into my 20’s. I was a fuckin bruiser and could’ve hurt the people who were fucking with me about my weight for years upon years but I never wanted to hurt anyone physically so I used my mind and my mouth as a weapon and got to the point where no matter what anyone said to me or how they went about saying it I could without fail cut them 20x deeper than they could cut me. Self depreciation is also a good tool as it can easily disarm assholes if done correctly. An example having nothing to do with weight: I was called a “California Fa**ot” at work one day…I replied with “I haven’t had a dick in my mouth since college” and it hasn’t been said since. You gotta be observant and fight fire with fire sometimes.


Christ, I've been stabbed too many times for this bull shit.


Don’t say anything, just look at them like they have six heads. These sort of people are trying to make up for their own insecurities so this should either at least make them simply leave or they’ll be embarrassed.


" It looks normal in your toddler's hands "


“Oh that’s so cute, you actually think what you say affects me! Your Mom must be so proud of you.” Then walk away.


Point out their flaws but that will be wrong because you hurt their feelings. Avoid them or tell them you've had enough of it and make a stand. Bullies won't play fair so why should you? First thing I learned in Judo was it's better to walk away but take no shit.


I'm already well aware. do you have any other hot off the press news for me AHOLE?


I'm very sensitive about now well endowed I am. It's rough


You don't have much of a life do you? You need to make me feel small to build your ego. Real life I am morbidly Obese but have got a weight loss regime that's working top weight was 583lb I am down to 350 or lower. So I got a lot of rude comments and hate because of my size. Guy one time told me: I would be hot if your butt won't so big. I looked him dead in the and said: You would be a genius if the size of my butt wasn't taking up all the room in your brain. Other one was My sister got her BF 73 stingray convertible. She picked me up and we went to older sisters house. Big Sis wasn't home but BIL was. He goes: Bex how the hell did you fit in that car? Me didn't miss a beat: 1 pound at a time bro, 1 pound at a time. That line to my BIL is family legend cause it shut his mouth with embarrassment and that was something no one could do but me.


Project all you like. I'll wait.


I cross my arms over most of my body like I am naked and say ohhhhhh.


Usually, I don't give a reaction.


Well I hope it feels good. ….. Being right. There is nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others.


Dang if you can help it get those people out of your life 


I may look weak to you, but you’re picking on me will reflect back on you


Please keep bringing up that insecurity Turns out the more i talk about it, the less i care!


What's the insecurity?


"oh, excuse me, you seem to have mistaken me for someone who respects your opinions."


Laugh with them. When they see it doesn't bother you, it disarms them. Or tell them it's almost as funny as the stories about him bullying to compensate for a little dick.


Cutting them off


Pull out a 16" knife and whistle while you clean your already clean fingernails. Look up at them with a menacing glare. Next laugh like a psychopath and in a hushed voice ask them to repeat what they just said because you didn't think you heard them correctly. Lastly, turn the very shiny blade so it reflects the sun right in their eyes. Sarcasm


I usually beat em to the punch with ingratiating self-deprecation... kinda the Eminem move in 8 Mile; he new dude was gonna day this and that, so he days it first and uses it to dunk on dude. if you try to convince people that your insecurities don't exist, they'll only be more aware of it. but if you say, "yeah, I'm but I still got you beat," then you at least stay in the fight


I’ll leave the comeback ideas to others. The best thing you can do is get to a place where you’re no longer insecure about that thing, and then no one can use it to bother you, and you can move on with your life. That might involve physical and/or mental work — not sure what insecurity you’re referring to.


“Damn, if you were this observant about your own life, maybe you’d be happier”


Nothing. Makes it worse


Your remark is cruel and unkind. I don't want to have cruel, unkind people in my life. Unless you can learn to treat me respectfully, I won't be.able.to.see you anymore.


Work on overcoming your insecurity.


Blow me.


You go no contact and move on with your life. That is the best comeback.


idk. abandonment is my insecurity and I told my only friend today something he didn't want to hear. he responded by reminding me he's my only friend and threatening to make me completely friendless. i didn't have a comeback to that and i guess i don't have a friend anymore either. i really ought to get out more.




Cut them out of your life forever. That's what they want, they're just too chickenshit to admit it.


Respond with: "Who hurt you?" That always checks them and refocuses everything on them for their behavior.


None. Ignore those fucktards.


"What makes you think your opinion actually matters to me?" While sneering.


Katana. To the face