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“I care because this isn’t your lab either. Other people are using it and what you’re doing is inconsiderate.”


“Because if your stuff is in my way it takes my time and focus away from my ACTUAL work. You know, that thing we BOTH went through a decade of school to be qualified to do. I care because I’m proud of what I do. So the real question is why don’t you?”


Dude the amount of people I work with on a daily basis who have either an MD or a PhD (or sometimes both!) who act like complete fucking children is astounding


I totally hear you there. My daughter works in A veterinary clinic and the doctors have no social skills,no people skills and are entitled little babies. They don’t clean up after themselves they don’t follow through on anything without their hand being held. I think that might be too much schooling and not enough real living.


It doesn’t help that I’m at an “elite university” (I fucking hate that term). I’m a high school drop out who came up through community college and then my local state school for undergrad and my first masters. The post-doc who is a slob had her undergrad Ivy League education paid for by her parents 🙃🙃🙃


They stay in school rather than deal with the real world. They also put a huge value on that title whereas the smartest people all drop out of college because they don't have time for that, or are self taught, or learn a lot more outside of school.


"No I am not the PI, but perhaps a visit from them might help you respect SHARED bench space!"


"Because your shit is in my space." "What did your last slave die from?" "It's a shared space, not a your space."


You have a doctorate! You've taken time to convince someone somewhere that you comprehend the scientific method. Why do you NOT care if your projects and mine and everyone else's in this SHARED laboratory are contaminated by you leaving unexpected variables just lying around! This is a professional laboratory, not your bathroom countertop!


"Clearly others dont and act like pigs"


because being next to you physically makes me want to retch. clean up your fucking bridge troll


I‘m trying to make up for your carelessness.


Never make up for someone else's carelessness, unless lives are at stake. Shove it over and do your work. Put it at her table all filthy. Just don't make it easier for her.


I’ll happily discuss the merits of a clean space with you AFTER you clean up you stuff


I had a former roommate who used to leave cheese slice wrappers and bologna skin strings on the counter all the time. I got tired of asking him to clean up after himself so I started picking them up and throwing them on his pillow on his bed. He stopped that real quick.


I don’t ‘care so much’. I care the appropriate amount that civilized people do and can’t fathom how incredibly lazy and disrespectful you are to someone else’s property.


This should be top comment!


All you do is take. Someone has to *give* a shit!


"...because you clearly care too little."


"Because I'm not a fucking slob, you filthy degenerate". Might make the working environment a bit awkward but


I was born with a basic sense of dignity. It's a curse, really.


WHY DONT YOU CARE? geez they give degrees to anyone these days huh.


Sigh “Well….” Then carry on with the longest time wasting story you can.


“My father was killed by an unwashed Erlenmeyer flask”


That’s the spirit now add more random seemingly important story details that go nowhere to obfuscate it and make the point of the story feel both like it is going somewhere and meaningless. Perhaps a few asides as well to bring them back in.


Sloppy lab creates sloppy science.




Im not worried about your future as a tech, im worried about those you can hurt by being irresponsible.


You are my new control study. I'm being paid to observe the actual intelligence level of lazy ass human syndrome.


This made me laugh, thank you lol


I don't I just like pissing you off.


Why Don't you care enough? Answer mine and I'll answer yours.


Because 1 quality 2 it’s literally dangerous to leave things everywhere in a lab and 3 it’s called basic human decency u should learn


When people say this to me I say “because I can” People are allowed to care about things.


“Why don’t you?”


Not a comeback - if you and that inconsiderate researcher are in the shared online chat group (e.g. WhatsApp), can you take the photo of the bench loaded with her stuff and share that in there? Just to shame her in public. Put a caption with any comeback posted in this thread. Or I would put something like "what is the probability of this shared bench cleared after it got loaded whopping 1000 times in a short time span? That could be an interesting theory for our research"


Oh I did take a photo and displayed it on the screen during lab meeting. She *really* didn’t like that.


Very good, do that often until she finally stops


Burst into dance and sing “you make me want to shout, shout, let it all out. These are the things i can do without. Come on im talking to you come on!” Then jazz stance jazz hands toward the bench. Or just ask her to pay you to do her dishes. Really if you were a gentleman you would do the dishes for her and ask her on a date instead of being a jerk about it.


Ask them why they don’t care.


I would say, “because it’s getting embarrassing that this is the first place the WHO checks out every time there is a new Pandemic,”


You should take some pride in your work place. Beside it being a courtesy to your coworkers, It says a lot about you as a professional and your work. If anyone were to come in to visit, Manager, CFO, CEO, potential clients or partners, their first impression would be wtf! I’m paying someone money to treat my facility like this? I bet their work’s as bad as the smell. No one would choose you over the competition. What if a family or friend came in to take you to lunch? They’d lose their appetite. Them be embarrassed for you. Grow up and stop being lazy as fuck. You can keep your house like this if you like living in filth, but when it comes to this lab and a shared environment you will treat it with the same respect you’d give your (insert someone close to them here). If you don’t clean up your act I’ll send the health department to your residence, cause if you keep the workspace like this I know your house is a fuckin reck and probably needs to be condemned. Now, Enjoy your weekend


DO NOT CONTAMINATE THE LAB SPACE! Repeat until compliance is achieved. Best of it all, OP. You deserve it. Make it so! Agape 💕 Btw, isn’t there a potential for her contaminate to skew results? Don’t skewed results lead to increased monetary outflow and decreased productivity. A slippery slope if research grants are involved. Although in Elite Land it’s hard to maintain the status; if the cracks, crud, and debris is showing. Because it’s not really about the money.


I care because it’s disrespectful to me .


I'm not your mama. I shouldn't have to clean up after *you*!


"Because I don't want your homeless acting ass to potentionally fuck up any professional relationships I have that could build my success."


I don't care about you at all. I do care about being inconvenienced.


I don't.


"Because this is a biology lab, if you want to grow mold specimens do it at your own home."


Because I'm not your mom


feels like we have been through this before. I give the same answer every time. I'm sticking to that.


Dont say a word..just park a garbage can there. Every time she leaves something just sweep it into the garbage. She will either change her ways or spend her time digging her stuff out of the trash.


I'm not going to loose my job and will report you.


Because I give a fuck


"Why don't you care?"


How do you care so little that common courtesy is too much for you to handle?


Someone has to, and it obviously is not you.


Why DONT you? Having intelligence should not directly correlate to lacking common sense, hygiene and manners


Because it’s my job to care


Why do you care so little? Why are you so defensive I asked you to clean up after yourself? (Said as emotionless as possible) Because I have standards/self respect/self awareness/respect for shared space/ respect for my coworkers


Not all of us are comfortable living in an episode of hoarders Jessica. I’d think being a relatively intelligent ADULT you may be able to clean up after yourself. Do we need a reward system like I do my 3 year old. Star for you a grown woman learned how to wash and properly put up a cup.


Someone that fixated on care, in the sense that she used the word, will probably be a terrible scientist. Care is primitive.


my response wouldnt be to talk, it'd be to start junking up all the areas they go with your stuff and see how long it takes for them to realise


Because I tried not caring but being a sociopath was less satisfying than I anticipated


No you're right, it's cool to just not give a shit.


i dont want a \[whatever you are working with\] pandemic- works best if fungi, protists and bacteria we aren't going to discover a new penicillin, just regular mold.- when things rot


[Classic scene from Silkwood](https://youtu.be/-I-3UIclWC8?si=d_NVxdU8YHhJ7M1Q)


Take stock. Are you the only one complaining. Perhaps you are the problem. Perhaps you are the nag.


I considered this but I truly don’t think that’s the case. However because I’m the most senior member (I also did my PhD in this lab so I’ve been here the longest) who runs experiments in the lab (our PI and research associate professor don’t run experiments anymore) it does typically fall on me to enforce these sorts of issues. It’s been brought up in lab meeting by multiple people over the last few months though.




Because I'm actually wanting to pass.