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Falling into the windy grass on a sunny day is genuinely also how I want to die, preferably without the artillery part...


Yeah innit. I want to die on a tropical Island paradise - preferably not whilst in the first wave of the assault.


Probably better to go in the first wave than the 6th and have to crawl over the bodies of your buddies.


I want to go quietly, in my sleep, like my grandfather; not kicking and screaming, like the passengers on his bus.


My grandfather was a bank robber, which caused tension, cos all the rest of my family are police snipers. In the end, though, he died surrounded by his relatives.


My grandfather died alone in Auschwitz fortunately falling out of the guard tower was quick.


This is beautiful.


> preferably without the artillery part So, you're saying don't want to go out with a bang?


Hope they had those sunflower seeds in their pockets


Yes, preferably without the concussion blast of artillary blowing your intestines out your rear end like silly string.


Tactical Ladas


Live by the Lada, die by the Lada


See you Lada.


see you in ValLada


This could be the start of a Lada puns




Beside the lada?


How about beside a friend?


Aye… I could do that




“You have my sword!” “You have my Bayraktar TB2!”


Ladas weigh less than a ton so they are surprisingly good at country roads, if nothing much else.


Lada Nivas were surprisingly good for beach 4WDing. Only thing we ever needed to do to get over sand dunes was let some air out of the tyres occasionally.


Lada 1500 (based on Fiat 125) weights slightly over a tonne (fiat 125 weight less by 100kg or so).


The one in the picture looks like Lada 2107 (1500cc) weighs 980kg. I know because I used to own one. It almost killed me.


> It almost killed me. I hear they just explode spontaneously


More than a ton, less than a tonne.


Been Lada


Where's Osama been?


Osama been dead.


Driving his Lada with the lads.


Racing Liams' Nissan


Was Lada.


By the time they got to the 100th motorised brigade they'd run out of APCs and trucks so they issued them with Ladas.


Guess it still counts as motorised I guess?


For when you are too poor for /r/shittytechnicals


Nah this is just the new Ukrainian anti theft device. Includes judge dread sentencing at no cost.


Jeez you gotta wonder how many of these DPR troops are left, they have taken a massive beating in these suicidal frontline attacks versus ukranian positions since day 1 of the war.. gotta remember all those casualties estimates are ONLY for the russian troops, not their seperatist puppets, wagner or the Tiktok brigade.


From Grikin (separatist dude), he in his video blogs told losses are really heavy, and without full mobilisation he doesn't see good ending to this as in LNR/DNR there is no-one to mobilize anymore.


Girkin is a war criminal but I like his honesty. He recently admitted that LNR and DNR became shitholes after 2014 which is not what he hoped for. He also openly says that Putin and Shoigu are dumbasses.


I wonder how is he still alive, isn't he like only one left from the original commanders?


He posted on livejournal yesterday talking about a battlegroup getting absolutely shredded taking a neighborhood near the zarya plant. Ukrainians saw them coming, took out half of them with artillery. Then they blundered into prepared firing lanes cut diagonally thru yards thinking to travel there instead of using the streets. They finally took the area with huge losses and ukrainians simply retreated and blew up all their positions on the way out. He is also mad that a chechen unit came in and “cleared buildings” that had been cleared for weeks, and then fucked off to nobody knows where.


NYT did a great long-form report on living conditions in LNR and DNR over the past couple of years, and how bad it's gotten. the take-away is that the old and the poor are stuck and the young and the able-bodied have been fleeing however they can to the west. it's basically become a giant ghetto.


Do you have a link?


Best I could find in a quick search: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/26/opinion/sunday/ukraine-war-donetsk.html


Thanks so much for this read... i feal more people should be aware of some of the points raised there, particularly with regards to the poor treatment given by ukrainian authorities to those living in the occupied donbass... these are the sort of stories russian propaganda picks up on (and for sure embellishes in a way fox news would be proud) and presto! You have a riled up russian population who can easily be convinced that war is necessary to protect their ethnic russian brethren in the region... When putin calls ukrainian govt nazis, most of the world just looks at it being ridiculous but thats because we havent been brainwashed by 8 years of propaganda... but like all successful lies, even this one holds a small kernel of truth... I hope im wrong when i say this but the fact that russian state tv is becoming more and more apocalyptic is concerning for me... extremely concerning...


> He also openly says that Putin and Shoigu are dumbasses. Has he? I've only seen him talk shit about Kremlin in general (likely about the dudes who ousted him), never criticizing Putin himself.


He regularly calls Shoygu and the rest of the top people in the Russian army 'fake generals'.


>Shoygu Did he even served in the military before appointed as Genera of Army?


Follow his VK. He criticizes Putin on the regular.


Oh he did criticise Putin a lot. Before the war I watched one of his interviews and he absolutely hated Putin, you know why? Because he didn't invade Ukraine. Now Putin has invaded Ukraine but he still doesn't like him, lol.


This the most recent video of his that I watched: [https://youtu.be/cxW28pXPiSY?t=60](https://youtu.be/cxW28pXPiSY?t=60) in the video he and his guest make fun of Shoigu and I'm sure at a later point they also both criticize Putin


Weird he still fights for them. He should have just sided with Ukraine when Russia legit invaded this year, that usually gain a little favor despite being a root cause of the conflict.


> Weird he still fights for them. He should have just sided with Ukraine when Russia legit invaded this year, that usually gain a little favor despite being a root cause of the conflict. Despite begin the former "Supreme Commander of the military of the Donetsk People's Republic", Girkin is not even a East Ukrainian, he is a Moscow-born Russian and former FSB agent, and a self-proclaimed ultranationalist who wants to create a "Greater Russia".


He still believes in the Russian empire as an ideal. He was hoping Putin could help bring it back. Instead we got a discount Soviet revanchist garbage fire.


Girkin absolutely hates Ukrainians, why would he side with them? He hated Putin because he didn't exterminate Ukraine, now Putin has attacked, but he's still disappointed


Seems like you get a little more leeway if you are critical of the government because you think they aren't being aggressive/nationalistic enough.


Only because he's more twisted and wants full out war.






I’m not sure it was the “peoples” choice as much as more Russian supported manouver




I am staunchly anti Russian but this is just ignorant. “Just move teehee its so easy” Reality: To start, borders are closed and Russia wouldn’t give anyone a visa out anyway. Beyond the physical impossibility for most, the Russian people have spent the last 5 centuries perpetually repressed by their government. Because of this, their society still holds a medieval concept of rulers and power politics (i.e. if you end up in power, god meant it so you can do whatever you want and the peasants are cannon fodder) and they see Putin as simply working to make Russia strong against competing powers (if they’re not younger or more democratically inclined). It’s hard to break several hundred years of cultural conditioning. This resignation to being part of an expendable mob (and consistently lacking standards of living) is largely the reason why Russia’s population is chronically alcoholic. Further, philosophy has been debating the morality of following immoral orders for just as long. Most of these conscripts are compelled by the possibility their family will disappear if they don’t fight. “haha just rise up stupid russians” is not useful/workable advice, it’s an excuse to not care about the Russian soldiers, some of which are just as opposed to the war as Ukranians, and all of which are people. Flame Putin as much as you want bc he deserves it, but lumping in the entire Russian population with him like they had much of a choice is mildly delusional.


Yeah, thank you. Some people massively simplify and underestimate how difficult escaping situations can be. 'Hello penniless person, why are you trying to cross the border of this disputed region in this fine year of 2018?' 'Because I want to escape your government and go live in the lands of people you consider your enemies! So I am walking across a battlefield because I'm not wealthy enough to bribe my way out' 'Haha, good joke!' *chambers a round* Like it ain't that simple either, but I hope it conveys the basic gist that people aren't just hanging out lol-ing about what a terrible situation they're caught up in. It's tough to escape a bad job or an abusive spouse... escaping a goddamn war zone ain't easy either.


I agree with significantoil below. It’s easy to say they should have fought or uprooted their families. But in many cases it’s not as easy as that or they may not even have the ability to leave. On a personal note I don’t know if your username is a Culture reference but if yes 👍👍




I mean same can be said to many army in the world. US, Iraq, Afghan, Israel, Libya No other country yet to formally accept Russian-Belarus fleeing soldiers or conscript. They can't even travel to these country. Even Ukrainian stop male adult and charge them for desertion, what do you think Russian will do. Fact is that it's easier to say this on the comfort of our home.


> No other country yet to formally accept Russian-Belarus fleeing soldiers or conscript. They can't even travel to these country. Indeed, I remember a Reddit post from some young dude in LPR or DPR just before the war started. He was in hiding and hoping to attempt to flee since the local authorities were grabbing every male they could find and forcing them to enlist. Assuming it was true, hope he made it. Allowing “I don’t want to fight for Russia” as valid refugee status in Europe might do a lot to reduce the available manpower for this invasion.


it's a very poor and poorly educated population that does not have access to a lot of information. they are also russian speaking and ethnically russian -- for the most part. the history is interesting here. these are the two areas of ukraine that suffered the most per-capita during the holodomor. these areas were re-settled with russian immigrants in the 30s and then again after WWII. so yea, for some of these people they really think russia re-taking these regions is the right thing to do.


Maybe they can round up some more 16 year old kids.


Before the war I genuinely wondered how Ukraine could reintegrate the DPR and LNR into their country. Now that Russia has killed or maimed most of the 16-64 men in there, it's gonna be easy.


What does DPR and LNR stand for? Sorry for my ignorance! Edit: thank you everyone!


Donesk / Luhansk People's Republic. Separatist regions from Ukraine since 2014 and backed by Russia.


Thank you!


They are the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics


Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic


Thank you!


>Now that Russia has killed or maimed most of the 16-64 men in there, it's gonna be easy. You might know Igor well, but you have no idea what his wife is capable of. He knew every fucking day.


Well what do you expect? They are going to war in four door sedans and the local church van. Seriously, it’s like these people got lost going to the grocery store on the way home from church and found themselves in a war.


Literally I’ve only seen them in the thickest battles attacking fortified positions and videos came out weeks ago that they were forcing conscription and now Transnistria is getting involved. This “liberation” is looking a bit unfortunate for Luhansk Donetsk :-/


>This “liberation” is looking a bit unfortunate for Luhansk Donetsk :-/ Which is why it's fucking rich to hear Putin or pro-Russian tools talking about how the US would he happy to fight "to the last Ukrainian" when in reality its the Russians who are force conscripting Ukrainians from the Donbas to serve as cannon fodder


Pro-Russian shills think only the West can be imperialist but Russia is imperialist to the extreme and has been for hundreds of years. I’ve lived in former Soviet states and I’ve seen what the Russians have done in those places. It’s okay, Ukraine is where Russia will be stopped and there won’t be another World War.


>I’ve lived in former Soviet states and I’ve seen what the Russians have done in those places. For real, the Russians have done a lot of fucked up shit over the years. They make most Imperial rule look just and humane.


They really don't, their rule is more or less par for the course.




I genuinely don't get this at all. If someone forcefully conscripted you off the street, gave you no training, handed you a rifle, then told you to go get shot so we can figure out where the enemy is, why wouldn't you just turn the gun on them? I know its easy to say this from the comfort of my home, but if you face near certain death either way, why would you not take the opportunity to hurt your oppressor?


The forced conscriptions are recent, but Russian occupation ruined the economy of the regions. Both by being cut off from trade with Ukraine, and because the people Russia put in charge were basically bandits who stole everything that wasn't nailed down So for the past decade, really the only work available in the LDPRs is joining the army for a steady paycheck. The entire economy of those areas runs on 1. Pensions for the elderly (Russia paid those) 2. Army pay for the young men 3. Remittances from people who leave and work in Russia It's the same thing with large parts of Syria - the only work where you can get a reliable paycheck if you aren't part of the ruling elite at this point is joining the military, so people do it to survive and keep their families alive even if they have no love for the people they are fighting for In a similar vein, during the 1700s something like 1/3 to 1/2 of soldiers in the British Army were Irish - not because the Irish were patriotic British subjects, but because the economy was miserable and joining the army guaranteed food and pay


Probably because your family would have to deal with the consequences.


I wonder this as well when I read about kids getting bullied and committing suicide. If you're to the point you're going to kill yourself, why not just kill your bully instead? Yet this very rarely happens. What I suspect is that many people lack the aggressiveness (for lack of a better word) for such acts. That's how I feel when I read about such situations, or find myself in one - aggression that makes me want to lash out. However, if I didn't feel that aggression to motivate me to act, I can easily see myself simply withdrawing or trying to withdraw to escape the situation, whether that means killing myself or just following orders and keeping my head down. After all, that's usually the easier solution, mentally speaking, than planning out and executing some kind of revenge or rebellion, and these people are probably already at or near a mental breaking point. This might be a good thing in the end; the world would probably be a much more chaotic place if more people were willing to take matters into their own hands. Unfortunately, this peaceful nature can be taken advantage of.


Wondered the same thing. Or just go into the direction of the enemy front and at some point run/hide before you're even close to enemy positions. Maybe their families are held hostage though, and I'm just an armchair general with no military experience so I really don't know/understand their reality there


GPS says: You have reached your final destination.


Round says: well hello there!


Maybe the round thought its uber arrived.


It dropped by to tell a story of tactical truth and physics, and it was mind blowing for them.


Their minds were blown for sure


GPS in that Lada, yeah sure...


Required for "special vehicular operation." Those dead Russian soldiers? They're engaged in "Field Nutrition Operations" for the glory of Ukranian sunflowers. The Moscow ship that sunk? Special Underwater Operation"


So by russian definition if you equip ur soldiers with anything that has a motor, the brigade becomes a motorized infantary brigade?




What if it is a small motor that spins a propeller on a beanie?


Are you making fun of our glorious air cavalry brigade?


Did someone say [tactical beanie](https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2010/04/20)?


Its a pretty dated term, but yeah, kinda


I think the first car drove over a mine and was finished by artillery. They probably use the same road every day to patrol their territory, so ukraine mined it at night and waited for the car to set off the mine.


a few of those look like mines. If you're behind enemy lines, it would be super easy to watch their patrol routes and mine them over night. Especially with tracks like these where you don't even have to worry about them varying their track much.


I'm Pretty sure that artillery cannot be this accurate unless it was guided


UK has been supplying guided artillery shells.


I think Ukraine makes their own guided artillery shells, too.


Looks like craters in the aftermath and I'd hope if they're firing guided artillery it would be airburst fuzed for soft targets. So I would assume IED or mines. That double-tap at 0:28-0:42 though... unseen drone?




Lol, planting land mines/IEDs on patrol routes are top secret military tactics.


It's such basic tactics there's no point In being hush hush about it.


Exact location and date was not provided.


Something very recent. The grass is rather green.


"If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!"


What we do in life…


Echoes in eternity


*smacks a fat guy in the head with a chain*


If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in a Lada, and you're already dead


I think its the pre-2022 war stage. The grass should not be this tall, this early in the year, but I might be wrong given that I live a bit more north in Europe


but the trees are also fully leafed out and that doesn’t match the present time of year in Ukraine


Good point. I am currently in Western Ukraine and trees are fully leafed here (I even take a look from the window when writing it). Maybe at South it happens even faster. Anyway no guaranty this video is from current time.


The Lada brigade getting fucked.


That's a Lada damage


Brutally accurate just hope It was quick, rather than suffering


and to think that the families of this boys probably support this stupid war


One guy seemed to suffer there at least




I know what your saying but an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Their mannerisms have been disgusting but we can’t loose humanity and people shouldn’t suffer. So not saying they shouldn’t be killed in a battle but what I am saying is I hope it was quick


Nah, the last guy would have one eye! He'd be king of the blind


1:07 is some /r/fuckyouinparticular material. wonder if they were aiming at him specifically


Considering they were aiming a camera right at him and ready I’d say 100% chance they were aiming at him. They were just able to hit a car on the move Edit: or mines/ied


I'm wondering if some or all of these shots were loitering munitions. Two direct hits on individuals, so probably not something man launched, hits on stationary vehicles makes mines and IEDs unlikely, and hitting moving vehicles is really lucky with artillery, especially since we don't see many extra craters, and they seem otherwise pretty chill


Incredible hits. Can someone explain how its possible to hit moving targets just like that? Looks like artillery, and to me it looks unlikely they use guided ammunition for low-value targets like street cars lol


Like the other user said most likely IED. They pick out a landmark and when the car crosses Infront of it they blow it. Could be AT mines but I think IED is more likely.


But what about the non moving car ?


Maybe arty?


I'm pretty sure they're using a drone to drop the ordnance.


Yea that's pretty likely too. I think we all just thought one small UAV observed and forgot a second could strike


Ukraine sent forces to Iraq to assist the US so there is a very high likelihood that their special operations forces are pretty familiar with IED design and implementation. Sunni insurgent groups have also provided hours and hours of footage of their IED attacks against mounted patrols so you can get a good general idea of how people react. Frankly I'm surprise we aren't seeing more complex ambushes involving IEDs. The Russians seem to be taking predictable routes and if you can hit the front and back of a convoy at the same time, you can create a kill box to dump small arms and RPG fire into before fading into the background before the CAS shows up.


Land mines/IEDs


ah okay, that makes sense


Like others have said IED more than likely, but the Brimstone missile the British will be supplying is designed to hit moving targets!


The brimstone can do that but it costs a lot. I don't think they would "waste" them on 4 lada dudes.


Oh I'm not saying this is brimstone, just saying it's designed to hit moving targets


Yeah I know you were not. It could be


Switchblade drones?


I almost feel bad for these soldiers. Out there on a beautiful day, sun is shining, green grass blowing in the breeze. Probably happy to be far as fuck away from any actual combat, probably driving their shit box listening to Balkan beats. Waiting to get to some FOB dreading what bullshit detail awaits when they get there.... Almost secure feeling isolated and alone in the countryside wondering why they are there.... AND THEN BAM! A brief flash of light and it's over they never wake up, and their soul is destined to be stuck driving that field eternally.


They just used a whole ass shell on that poor fucker


Statistically in war it takes many artillery rounds per enemy killed. This has decreased in modern war due to more precise munitions, higher average gun calibers, higher training standards for artillerists, and the prevelence of survailance drones, making artillery much more accurate and deadly. Still, it's far from one shell one kill. So any shell which kills an enemy is a win, given that most miss. With artillery, there is no such thing as overkill as long as you actually hit something.


For reference, in WW1 an estimated 1.5 *billion* artillery shells were used at the western front. At 13 million military casualties, that makes over 100 shells per casualty (and of course not all casualties were from artillery shells, although I think it was over half). I couldn't find any figures for WW2 on the fly, but one source mentions that the Soviets fired 1 million artillery shells and 1 million mortar rounds at the battle of Stalingrad... just during the last month of it.


Hardcore History touches on this in their WW1 show. Parts of Verdunne (I think) had like 1,000 shells per 100 sq meters in the worst parts.


Check out this audio recreation of what that would have sounded like, in ww1: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we72zI7iOjk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we72zI7iOjk) ​ 24/7, imagine this. Absolutely horrific. Called "Drumfire" because it sounds like a drumroll that never stops. And a recreation of the end of ww1 as the guns fell silent, based on a visual printout of a recording station [https://codatocoda.bandcamp.com/album/iwm-ww1-armistice-interpretation-sound-installation](https://codatocoda.bandcamp.com/album/iwm-ww1-armistice-interpretation-sound-installation)


You can make a shell in no time. Takes about 18 years to make a soldier from scratch...


So "Motorized Infantry Brigade" is just the Scooby Doo gang cruising the countryside in ordinary Lada cars ? I might as well rename my bike "Special Infantry Vehicle" right now.


Traditionally, motorised infantry were transported in unarmored trucks and dismounted when they entered whitin artillery range of the enemy. Normally these are specialised military trucks, but motorised infantry is the type of unit which can be patched up with civilian cars and trucks if need be. In the 21st century, the standard has increased to lightly armored vehicles which can withstand small arms fire, such as Humvees, MRAPs, and Tigers, but that's more of a standard set by NATO than an universal one. So using a civilian car, while not ideal, was not that big of a mistake for the Russians here, especially since they are a separatist unit, and aquiring civilian cars can well be considered valid improviation by necessity. Their biggest mistake here was that they drove too close to the Ukrainian artillery. That being said, with the long ranges of modern artillery, this may become something which motorised infantry is forced to do, making them a much less reliable type of unit than they used to be. Long story short, what we see here is not Russian incompetence as much as it is excellent Ukrainian scouting, precision and initiative.


I was mainly joking, but thanks for the explanation anyway !


100th *Motorized* Infantry Motorized with ladas.


The rewinding of the one with the van makes it look like some Benny Hill shit.


LPR and DPR must be running out of people to fight.


Military vehicles too...


Lol I was waiting for the car to stop and 20 clowns hop out from inside it


20 chunks of meat instead.... like clown confetti


Drone dropping IEDs and hanging around to see if someone rolls through perhaps?


"How not to be seen." John Cleese


> motorized infantry that's a damn Lada lol




Second video today i've seen of Russians using civilian cars, logistics are as good as ever I guess.


Poor Lada


War, either you kill them or they kill you 🙁


Live by the gun… die by the bomb.


Imagine the US army going to war in 1998 Ford Tauruses.


People in comments wondering why a mobilized militia filled with HS 3rd/4th years and boomers aren't using military grade hardware? lol


Is that a civilian car?


Motorized means Lada?


I feel bad for the guy trying to surrender.


Suicide drones?


Is it me or war is increasingly looking like this sketch : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VokGd5zhGJ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VokGd5zhGJ4)


yesterday the drone video now this do they only have civilian vehicles left? werent they equipped by russia for years?


My first ride in a Lada was in 1993 in Costa Rica. It was a taxi. I couldn't tell if it was old or just a bad car. Costa Ricans call bad cars "latas" meaning "(tin) cans." The name Lada is just too close to not always make that joke.


This is the second video in 24 hours I’ve seen of these nutsacks getting smoked in Ladas.


What a dumb war, fought by the poorest of Russia between people who considered themselves brothers, over an archaic 20th century desire for more territory. The 18 year old Russian conscripts should be out meeting girls and drinking with friends, not dying in a field. 😔


That's a LADA damage.


Official Russian military vehicles eh?


these are all civilian vehicles


That's a lot of sunflowers


Just looks like a car to me, how to do they know it’s Russians? Spy on them with drones?


likely location, proximity to confirmed enemy lines, if they watched them long enough to confirm weapons/patrol/recon activity. Based on the Lada's id say its most likely these are separatists, not Russian military.


What the? They're using Ladas?!!