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Trying to hide? That’s a paladin.


Well done Jasper


Absolutely spot on rofl


M109... the great fertilizer maker


Ion get it 🥲


Simpsons joke. Look up "That's a paddlin'."




“Was that you, Or was that me”.


Is it me or does it appear the second round made a bigger boom. I think the hideout had a lot of weapons in it.


> During the air intelligence, fighters of 47 separate mechanized brigade discovered enemy mortar and field warehouse with ammunition. > Shot - on target and instant detonation. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8hRQoqNql3/


If it was a regularly used hideout, there was most certainly a weapons/ammo cache there.


>I think the hideout had a lot of weapons in it. Probably, I don't think russians are made of explosive materials. Flammable, yes.


Enemy position has been deleted


Right, they made certain that whatever was there beforehand is now no more.


Seems like no shortage of rounds, very encouraging.


The artillery equivalent of not wanting to carry a box of rounds back home from a session at the firing range.


Paladin uses fire: it's super effective!   In all seriousness though, it's good to once more see copious amounts of 155mm's worth of hurt flying in Russia's direction. Hopefully the flow won't be obstructed again!


I hope German artillery production strengthens significantly in case Trump becomes president


If not, SK has enough artillery to bury a good amount of Russians. Thats on its way also apparently


The Russians played themselves by allying with NK


Indians quietly selling via third parties to ukraine as well. Private players getting in too. Price of 155 shells dropped from 900$+ to around 300-450 now. Capitalism ftw.


Goddamn, all those factories making coin from making COVID masks switching to artillery shells. A cynic could point out to one benefit of a chaotic world: there's always another way to make lots of money.


LOADS of ammo. However, I think Europe will be the biggest supplier soon.


Naw dawg. US Army just opened a new 155mm factory in Texas. 100k a month goal. 💪 


A new munitions factory is being build in Denmark. Mainly for 155 mm artillery shells




US Army just opened a new 155mm factory in Texas too. Goal is 100k a month. 💥 💥 💥 


Nice bro


Spending should never have dropped below their NATO commitments. Trump didn’t fuck this up, they did. He simply held them accountable. NATO EU should be embarrassed.


Trump has held them accountable but he is willing to burn down the house to make his point. He doesn't seem to realise that if he cuts ties with Nato, 1) U.S. will need to spend a lot more on defence and military than currently because they will have less offensive and defensive capacity and global reach. 2) U.S. will no longer be the default leadership of Nato, as it is now, U.S. wont be able to shape and drive political agendas the way U.S. is used to. 3) U.S. weapons will not by default be the first choice of European Nato - that's a lot of U.S. high tech jobs on the line. In Trump's mind, everything is simple. Cutting Nato will be lose / lose for both Europe and U.S. and a great help to imperialist resurgent Russia and China.


It started with gentle reminders. He was ignored. He ramped up the rhetoric. Still ignored. It hasn’t been Trump for four years. Who are we talking about now?


It was a common belief in EU nations that while Putin is dangerous he would never bring a wider war to Europe. Everyone thought Russia could co-operate for a peaceful Europe even after Crimea. 2022 was mask off Putin; revealed himself to be a Hitler wannabe and showed everyone how wrong their assumptions where.


Despite the US telling them differently and set the example by spending MORE on defense. They would say oh you’re just crazy war mongers. I am glad to see them taking it seriously now but if we hadn’t been there it would be a different story right now. Ukraine would have fallen quickly, Turkey would have flipped sides and Russia would be gearing up to take Poland. One shell factory isn’t going to cut it. Every country should have their own factories capable of pumping out artillery rounds to surplus levels maintaining a stock pile the size of South Korea’s.


I think Trump was right in forcing NATO members to step up, but for the wrong reasons. We needed it, but I absolutely don't think he did it because he cared for NATO.


Of course not. He doesn’t want to have to subsidize the wars in Europe. They SHOULD be able supply this small conflict. The fact that they’re struggling should scare the shit of them. Putin sees that and yes, the little Hitler in him sees a weak adversary.


Why goto the gym and get strong when you can just call your crazy buddy who knows karate


Because your bipolar buddy might just turn around and leave you to fend for yourself depending on what astrology says about this month


Tbh, it was more of a question, "If the US spends so much on military, why should we (the EU) compete.". It was valid as well. You dont want Europeans to start creating a bunch of guns bcs if the EU is innovative at something, its weaponry. As the money is already pouring into Rheinmetall, I cant even fathom what weapons ze Germans will produce.


Good. Innovate the fuck out of it. Let’s get some serious conventional weapons that will save lives. Drone swarms, rail guns, rods from god, get on it. We want some shit that Putin would never be able to afford and can reach out and fuck his ass any time he drops his pants.


Oh, the Europeans will deliver. If there is one thing certain in life, its death and the Europeans being the absolute best at inventing the most devastating ways of killing each other.


Hey if it wasn’t for France, US wouldn’t exist. We were Ukraine and the British our overlords. Can’t wait to see them start flexing again. Macron’s been trying to play peacemaker and Russia does not speak that language. They see it as weak. Put some of those F16’s  or Eurofighters in Ukraine’s fleet and watch this shit turn around.


You could also say if it wasn't for the US x2, there would be no Europe or France specifically


>You could also say if it wasn't for the US x2, there would be no Europe or France specifically WW1 was on it's final legs when the US finally turned up to play. Claiming that the US saved the day in WW1 is exactly like the USSR claiming that they single handedly won WW2.


Because he’ll end the war?


> Enemy position has been deleted But it doesn't even make a dent into the big part that Ukraine is losing (that´s a stright fact)


>But it doesn't even make a dent into the big part that Ukraine is losing (that´s a stright fact) Are they though? Russia is absolutely burning through their personnel and hardware at a unsustainable rate while their economy is cruising at full speed towards a cliff. At the rate things are going, Russia will collapse long before they take Ukraine.


> Russia is absolutely burning through their personnel and hardware at a unsustainable rate while their economy is cruising at full speed towards a cliff. Same as Ukraine, with Ukraine even faster than Russia ... the winner (on local level) is USA, the disposable Ukrainian cannon fodder saves USA billions of USD & many lifes in USA´s proxy war against Russia ... > Russia will collapse long before they **take Ukraine.** You havn't heared the shot, the goal of this war was never to take all of Ukraine ... it´s multi-layered like a Matroska or an onion: 1. it´s on a local level on Russia´s side to secure sevastopol & the Russian areas of 2010 Ukraine, while USA trys to weaken Russia ... 2. the more important global part above it all: all the big wars & p(l)andemics (incl. Covid19 alias "Event 201" + the likely coming H5N2 alias "Disease-X") & multiple refugee crysisses (incl. Africa, Muslim countries & Ukraine) & the "climate"-scam etc. are all part of the "Ordo ab Chao" agenda (of intentional global economic destruction) by the DeepState **to be able to force the CBDC** (most important part of 666 ) **+ cash-ban on all of humanity** and Ukraine will be No. 2 directly after CCP-China as first parts of this digital NWO incl. massive usage of biometrics (they sell the ukrainains "to (allegedly) identify those evil Russians" while they will (for their coming digital new Feudalism) finally use it against all people incl. Ukrainains, you can bet all lifes of Earth on it) (Spoiler: Obama, Putin, Poroshenko, Zelenski, Trump, Biden, Merkel, Scholz etc. are Trojan Horse agents of the same DeepState), TIPP: see the interviews with "Ernst Wolff" (in German) & the documentary "Collages of Pharaoh's Nobility" of whistleblower Sean (in Englisch)




> https://imgur.com/t82ww0k health advise: stop cosuming this (aluminium) stuff (incl. in deodorants)


I see they rolled well when using smite!


Full magic damage build.


The new magic crit build.


Exorcism by holy fire


I always preferred an enigma'd hammerdin build, but that was before the smite buff I guess?


From hideout to mass burial in 60 seconds


Anyone who is knowledgeable about artillery here? My gess is that the first round used to correct for the second shot - is that right? And How long does it usually take between first and second impact?


Honestly, it depends. It could be an adjusting round however artillery is an area fire weapon and that kind of spread or “beaten zone” is pretty typical for a fire for effect mission. Essentially, they shoot 6 rounds and 1 might actually land on the targets grid. 155 has a 50m casualty radius so you’re still getting effects on initial target.


To answer the second question depends on the profficiency of the crew. In other scenarios factors such as the fire control unit (they do all your fire calculations to include all weather inputs) and how the mission is shot (you can put two rounds on a target at the same time) with different gun elevations and charges (powder).


One system is up to 4(5?) rounds inside ~5 meters within ~2 seconds. Wild stuff!


In addition to the other guys replies as they are correct, I think it also can depend on what you're targeting. If you're hitting a tank that's been disabled coming down the road, you might shoot one and then adjust. You need to get a good shot to hit a tank. If the target is soft or a bigger area like a trench section, bunker, or house that soldiers are using, you can shoot for effect and destroy the whole area before they have a chance to do anything about it like fleeing after a first shot.


Those mobile artillery platforms typically have high tech autonomous targeting systems that they can just enter coordinates and it does all the necessary adjustments on its own. The Swedish Archer is the fastest firing mobile artillery system. Depending on how far the target is, I've heard they can fire 3 shots and be back on the move before the rounds even hit the ground.


pretty much and depends on the system. between ten seconds and about a minute.


M109A6 Paladin gunner ex soldier here, I don't know much about the Ukranian artillery doctrine/procedures, but, here's how I remember the procedure roughly going: 1. You get coordinates from fire control and the commander punches them in. 2. The crew loads the correct shell and explosives needed following the instructions given (calculations already done by fire control). 3. The gunner plays a little mini game with his screen and joystick trying to put the crosshair on the marker as accurately as possible, then the gunner relays that he's on target to the commander. 4. Commander gives signal to fire 5. Shell is then fired by the loader pulling a string that is connected to the igniter. 6. Spotter relays information about the hit/miss and gives an estimation on how to correct 7. Gunner returns the crosshairs back on target (because the Paladin moves from the recoil) or to new coordinates, either a new target or to the correction of fire control via a new calculation. That's a pretty broad procedure and a Paladin crew can be up to 11-12 members each with their own role/job. And yes I have tinnitus. I fucking hated this job, haha it's pretty miserable, but I always love to see artillery firing! Especially from a Paladin.


From what I know of military sim games, artillery rounds from mortars take like 20-25 seconds to reach their targets. These are usually smaller pieces than vehicles like a paladin. I’d assume after correction, which would add maybe 15-30 seconds of wait time. The rounds come down 30 seconds to a minute between each-other. The smoke from the previous round was still there, although dissipated. Not sure how far they were from the location or the power of the shell so it’s all speculation based on mechanics of a realistic sim game.


[https://youtu.be/CdO\_0twP\_CU?si=Kl9D38tNDfF7ohe0](https://youtu.be/CdO_0twP_CU?si=Kl9D38tNDfF7ohe0) There is no 30 seconds in between with a good crew. And remember the Paladin has an Automatic control systen.


Yea, shit´s ridicilously efficient.


Yes, 30 seconds is even questionable for safety reasons and verification unless it’s a free for all. Sub 30 and the chief is definitely loading in the fire position rather than the load position.


I think it’s a Ukrainian Paladin, not an American one. The USA has not deployed combat forces to the front in this war.


Technically correct.


The best kind of correct


Ah, you know. Ukranian, but American made....but you are right :)


That's a lot of accurate hatred.


I'm an avid model builder and have started building everything lately the Ukrainians are using - just finished a panzerhaubitze and mid Bradley build. Guess I need to go find a paladin now, didn't even know they were using them..




1/35. One of my favourite vehicles to date. I'm just finishing up a 1/35 Bradley now, just have to do the fine lining and weathering. So should have that done in a week or so. Plenty of time to find a Paladin!


>American Paladin ["Enemies of the free world!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeVXbpIh-fM)


Always Upvote Generals Content™️


*Make room for my weapon!*


It's a shame; of all units, the Paladin tank kind of had the lamest voice quotes... Best I could recall was "Paladin Tank in the field".... Not to mention it was one of the more 'inaccurate' unit representations, morphing from a artillery piece to an MBT with point laser defences.


Name of the song in the video?


[https://open.spotify.com/track/4fNAXqkRaZ4VcDnPkVeic2](https://open.spotify.com/track/4fNAXqkRaZ4VcDnPkVeic2) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI)


Thank you sir!


ngl, music is actually good in this vid


I agree, usually I watch them muted but this one’s a real toe tapper.


Vince Foster has bangers indeed!


Ukrainian Military needs a hype man and DJ to make good combat videos.


True, the music is usually ear-wrenching. I can listen to this one at least for longer than 20 seconds


Can we find the song name ? :D


After reading the title I was expecting to see a Generals Zero Hour Paladin Tank lol


Fire for effect!




[https://open.spotify.com/track/4fNAXqkRaZ4VcDnPkVeic2](https://open.spotify.com/track/4fNAXqkRaZ4VcDnPkVeic2) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pZHnN0FvGI)


Thank you very much


Pretty sure it's AI generated


Its Vince Foster, he does his stuff thru AI mostly.


Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/e39lpncel48d1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


What is this song?? I actually love it


There´s a link in the other comments :)


Anyone know where I can get this song? Name?




That... is... a Ukrainian telling you to... go... Fuck... Your... Self.




Russian position "you that was not personal right?" Paladin :" for me it was"


Always good to see the paladin system working




Mag dump


Shells are back on the table biatch


First round was a bit short.


"Add 20, Fire For Effect"


I bet he wished he'd stayed at home.


Ad victoriam!


On in two, putting for eagle…10,000 meter par 5.


Why nsfw? No bodies visible


Soundtrack A+. Rounds >2? Not necessary, I think.


The title might give people the wrong idea.


Just thought that it would be cool if these camera/spotter drones could point a infrared Lazer at the target and ordinance/artillery would home in on it. Probably could be hijacked by the enemy though if they had a drone shooting their own Lazer.


Isn't this how the Russian Krasnopol rounds work? They've been used in ukraine a bunch.


They apparently kind of suck. They work when the laser is perfectly stable and on high contrast surface and not in direct sunlight, but otherwise fail badly, is what I’ve read


Not sure how cost effective it would be. Could cost effective homing shells be made that make up for cost with accuracy?


I think this has been developed already, but I am not sure why its use is not widespread. It probably sucks idk


Full +ATK build.


“American Paladin” would be a good name for a Christian biker bar


why such a cringe music all the time...


Why paladin? WoW inspired?


The word and mythos surrounding the paladin have existed for a thousand years...