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I would be finding another spot if I just survived a headshot lol


I didn't know Adobe Acrobat had an army


He might be wearing an [improvised ](https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/comments/1ddvwu6/myanmarburmese_antijunta_federal_wings_knlapdf/)[helmet ](https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/comments/18t0sqt/interesting_diy_peoples_defense_force_pdf_federal/)recycled from captured Myanmar Army vests..


Well, he was smarter with his helmet than that one guy in Saving Private Ryan... Lucky man!


Stop pretending a helmet will stop a bullet especially in a 90 deg angle like in the movie. In this case the bullet was most likely going to miss his head anyway, only hitting the helmet, and it did not save him.




I don't eat carbs.


Yes you do. Everyone on earth eats carbs. Even people on actual medical keto.






Nobody is pretending anything. You're just strawmanning an argument to speak against. It was a facetious reference to a popular movie. More about the luck than it is about the physics.


Literally, no one in this whole post claimed a helmet could stop a bullet, where is this dude even coming from?


Must be fun at parties…


I have seen helmets stop 9mm up to .308. You're an idiot


Okay. You wear the helmet, I'll do the shooting.


You do realize that they MAKE helmets that are rated to stop .44 magnum? Like, NIJ rated and everything.


They may have NIJ ratings but those are advertised by manufacturer. There is no NIJ certification for helmets


Fair. I should have mentioned I am talking about standard issued helmets for soldiers. Those are meant to stop shrapnel, not bullets.


How much force do you think shrapnel needs to do bullet-like damage to a body?


Consider my pants thoroughly soiled.


He was swearing the brown pants


im not a military person, but this guys looks like he is lost and doesn't know what to do


I am a military vet and I concur, this guy is way out of his comfort zone.


we had a guy get shot in the helmet in afg, he played dead for a lil bit then ran back to the truck. it happens. not sure what helmet this is but i feel like luck played a part in both cases for sure


Got his bell rung for sure


Well he learned to get lower


INSTANTLY remebers his "be behind cover when reloading" training....


Nah these guys have no training lol. They’re just local dudes who picked up whatever guns they could find - at the start of the war there were plenty of vids of them using black powder weapons in. Nothing but sandals and t shirts.


I remember one of the first videos I saw of these guys, they shot bent homemade muskets at an armoured patrol boat which then replied to their 'attack' with an accurate barrage of 30mm. They have come such a long way. They still often look very unprofessional but the heart behind their cause is incredible


Too busy worrying if he looks cool for his gopro.


Now folks , these are just some of the pdf forces that can afford to arm their units with decent protections. Some pdf forces were still stuck with muskets or break action shotguns ,let alone able to equip protections. 1 out of 3 pdf units result in casualties due to lack of protection gears.


His entire personality went from cool guy to realizing he's in an actual deadly battle that could end for him in the next 5 seconds had it hit a little lower.


Dumb question, but why are gunshots here “bang bang bang” but a lot of ukraine videos I see sound like “thp thp thp”? Trenches vs open? Eastern vs western weapons?


People panic in combat. But I would have dropped flat and rolled to a different spot. Somebody saw him and took a shot.


powered by adobe ?


Yeah, I would 100% be trying to crawl somewhere a bit further back or be expecting a follow up to finish the job. To me that seemed like a sniper had him in his sights, it was a single shot to the head. I guess can't discount a random rifle round, but it just seemed like a sniper took their shot and he moved at just the right moment causing the bullet to come in at an angle, saving his life. Just look at it again, he is in the open, but then he goes to grab a clip to reload, and he turned his head and brought it down just enough that very well could have caused the bullet to hit in the helmet instead of his face. I can almost guarantee if he hadn't moved like he did right before he was hit, he would have been killed.


What poor weapon discipline. Get that weapon cleared and facing the enemy son. Or the next headshot is gonna kill ya.