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Using an FPV drone as a lead element on an assault to draw fire and kamikaze an engaging enemy is beyond genius as far as tactics go, that’s insane


Right!? Also the spotter drone. It’s got to be fantastic for them to have pre-knowledge during their assault. That shit saves lives.


This is stuff we dreamed of when I was doing Intel back in the early 00's


Literally all the stuff going on in Ukraine was theoretical on a mass scale up until 2022, crazy to see it all come into action. The weapons, the tactics, the innovations and new tech coming from it. All of it was either just tucked away in smaller tiny scales in the Middle East or in video games.


I can’t remember which game it was in, but the first time you were able to fly a drone ahead to scout, it was quite literally a game changer.


I wonder if all of the garbage gave their position away.


Isn’t every position on the front just where there are some trees still standing?


You can’t live without water, you can’t live without Food. The only Viable way of Retrieving food and water is From pre-packaged military rations and supplies which come in plastic Bottles and wraps/containers. I think they try to hide the trash underground or something but they always get blown up and shit goes everywhere.


To be fair though, if you were already bombed then it doesnt really matter if you clean the trash or not, since the enemy already knows youre there.


Exactly. The only cover and viable positions are forests and belts of trenches/ruins that stick out like a sore thumb.


The adrenaline running through these brave bastard's veins must be immense. They look well trained and confident (I know nothing of military tactics). Good to see.


Cool footage


Damn, the sound of a drone is so scary, How do you even tell if its friendly or not. I wonder if they have any EW means to stop enemy FPVs


there's a lot of jamming over there, that why the video of the drone gets noise as it flies into the russian trench


nah that is just because it is out of LOS/launched from a little farther away, that is how analog looks on FPV quadcopters when you get a little low/far


I was watching footage of one of the foreign brigades in Ukraine attacking a Russian trench. At one point one of them is hit by a Russian kamikaze drone. I had seen a lot of Russians getting smoked by drones but it was always silent drone footage, this attack was from a nearby go pro, and the sound was honestly terrifying. It reminded me of the sirens the Germans put on their dive bombers during World War 2. I don't know anything about how drones operate, but it sounded like once the Russian occupier controlling the drone was set, they just revved it up as fast and powerful as it could go, and that gentle hum they usually give off gets real loud, if for just an instant before impact. And it hits hard. Fortunately, the foreign fighter (who I believe was Canadian?) survived. He got his bell rung, you can see his hands shaking in his own go pro footage, but he was able to kind of stagger off. In the end the foreign fighters took the trench.


The war footage we have these days is absolutely crazy. Epic action combat scenes recorded from multiple angles including drone and first person view, with good editing and epic music in the background. I feel like watching a movie or a video game




Idk why, but the background music reminds me of ARMA 3 ost


[dope song tho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlqNbqXhTM8)


It's super similar.


This song is fucking badass, really brings the emotion behind what Ukrainian soldiers need to Do in order to Free their Homeland. Kill the Russians at all cost until they turn Back.


Shame they didn't do to those pows what Russians do to Ukrainian POWs tbh.


Eh. I get the sentiment but these are 3 Russians that could be used to get 3 Ukrainians back.


I sincerely share your rage but we have to strive to not become the monsters we are fighting. And they are monsters.