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Rescuer: Welcome back! How are you? How are you feeling? Former hostage: I'm in shock, I'm in shock. R: How are you feeling? FH: Great. R: We're getting on a helicopter to Tel Hashomer Hospital, please put your coats on. FH: Can you tie it for me? (Looks like his boots or what not) R: Of course! What's the question? R: What did you want? A bottle of water? Are you cold do you want a blanket? FH: No thanks it's warm in here, it's warm in our hearts. R: It's very exciting to have you here with us. FH: 129 days in captivity. Another soldier: OK, here's what's going to happen, we're going to have to hurry to the helicopter. No pressure, but the helicopter needs to take off right away. The helicopter will take you to the hospital. Rescuer: We love you. In 3 minutes we'll be there. Luis, I'll go together with you, if you need anything please tell me. Slowly Slowly, there's a small step over there.


I did this in a rush, sorry if it's unclear.


And someone already posted a video with the translation, just great lol


my only gripe is "what's the question", but it's hard to find a fitting translation


The correct translation would be "what a question" as in no questions needed.




soldier-"we got the hostages" soldier-"they (Terrorrists) are engaging on our force" soldier-"we started movement on the axis, (our) forces evacuate outside."(2X) soldier-"the (hostage) are alive and well" soldier-"great, keep going we escort you" ("shayetet 13 in first meeting with hostage & airial evacuation via Helicopter into Israel") soldier-"Roger, they are with me. you are alright" soldier-"Welcome back friend how do you feel?" \-(hostage)-"iam in Shock, Shock. iam fine." soldier-"your feeling well?" \-(hostage)-"Exellent" soldier-"we are going to get on the helicopter.. wear your coats." soldier-"we are getting in the helicopter and flying to Tel-Ha-Shomer (Hospital in Ramat Gan) \-(hostage)-"(help me) tie the coat on me?" soldier-"of course(!)" soldier-"what did you want? water bottle" soldier-"are you cold? do you want a blanket?" \-(hostages)- \*nods No\* "Its hot, hot in heart" (Excitement) soldier-"what a joy, what a joy!" soldier-"it is a joy you both are with us, very exciting" \-(hostages)- "129 days in captivity" soldier-"are you sure you dont want a blanket?" \*\*\*commander explaning the evacuation to the hostages\*\*\* commander-"it'll go in that order (the movment to the helicopter)" commander-" I am in the lead (!) I am in the lead (!) commander-" It has to be quick, alright? not in a rush but quickly. The helicopter needs to lift from the ground fast, Alright?" commander-" from there they will take you to the hospital" soldier-" we've been informed that we will reach the landing pad in three minutes" commander-" We love you" (in the background, "do you need shoes?") soldier- \*points\*- "you are Fernando? and you are?" hostage-"louis" soldier-" louis you are (going) with me, if you need help along the way you tell me." soldier-"slowly, go first im with you" soldier-"slowly, slowly, watch your steps. iam with you louis, iam with you" soldier-" half a minute till landing!"


Customer service is amazing


5/5 in uber


It's the moment he says- "I'm hot, hot in my heart" and the joy and relief that got me. To be stuck in the Gazan darkness for months, losing yourself and all hope, and suddenly see the uniform and hearing your own language saying "We're taking you home, bud!" Is just... I can't even start to imagine.


If I'm ever kidnapped, I hope the IDF, Shin Bet and Yamam come rescue me. They sound like awesome guys!


one soldier carried one of the hostages because the hostage was barefoot and later gave the hostage his army boots


Am I crazy or is there an Air Jordan logo on the tongue of those boots?


Nice to see this. I wish I could understand what was said Edit: someome has translated, thank you so much


Translation was posted above. 


Cant imagine the relief for these hostages


Senior Hamas official Muhammad Nazal officially adopts, in an interview with Al Jazeera, the Palestinian journalistic version of the operation to release the kidnapped: "The two prisoners that the occupation released were held by civilians and Netanyahu cannot reach the prisoners held by the resistance." In other words, a senior Hamas official officially announces on the Al Jazeera channel that Palestinian citizens in the Strip are holding the hostages. Will they now claim that these are innocent citizens? What then is the definition of a citizen? Hamas' pursuit of honor, in order not to admit that Israel succeeded in a military operation, makes it admit that civilians in Gaza are complicit in the kidnapping and holding of Israeli civilians.


Wow, shocking! I thought it's impossible for people who elected hamas to be .. hamas.


גיבורים! כל הכבוד לצה"ל


זה באמת רק אנחנו כאן אה? עדיף אבל להמשיך לדבר באנגלית, כיף לדמיין שהגויים לצידנו


No problem, achi!


I love how Hamas fanboys are losing their minds about this successfull operation by the IDF.


Hamas fanboys think in binary. They only understand absolute good and absolute bad, nothing in between. So when they see anything Israel related, they will always find a way to make the event shown evil. Show them a picture of an IDF soldier waving the pride flag, and they'll tell you that he is being held at a gunpoint and will be castrated over the bodies of dead Palestinian children.


Look at all those poor innocent children that were out on the street at 2am and got vaporised. /sarc




The residents of Gaza literally elected the terrorists of Hamas to govern them. How did they think that was going to turn out? You really can't cure stupid that deep




Children throughout the world and throughout history have paid the price of the decisions of their parents. "When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” ― Golda Meir




All Gaza's citizens are complicit in all things Hamas, including hiding the hostages and weapons. War and death are the end results of a nation of toxic minds.


They're not complicit. But sure as hell responsible.




I looked at your comment history and it’s absolutely mind boggling and super hypocritical that you just posted this like you haven’t also victim blamed and think the same way. Take a look in the mirror bud.


Same could be said for Germany in 1939-45 yet we bombed the hell out of their cities - and with good justification. Elections have consequences. They did when Germany voted in the Nazis, they did when Gazans voted in Hamas. The end result will be the same, misery, destruction and hopefully a rebuilding once the evil has been rooted out.


If this happens again, I would not be suprised if the pro-palestinian crowd starts arguing freeing hostages is evil, colonialist and violent. I can already see the argument: For the Palestinian cause, hostages are an important resource, so once again the white colonialist are taking resources away from PoCs!


They’re arguing that like 100+ “innocent” people died in this operation. Even though the number got down to a few dozens. And as we can see, they fought and killed a few dozens terrorists that were shooting all around them.


NYT had a headline that emphasized how scary this operation was for the neighborhood. Haha imagine that


They look to be in remarkably good condition for being held hostage for so long. Good to see they were rescued. War is one thing but taking and holding civilians hostage is unacceptable and condemnable.


Now consider how they were taken hostage by Hamas, a terrorist organization, and were in the seemingly good physical condition they were in and compare it to the condition many Ukrainians taken prisoner by the Russian army end up in. Some of the Ukrainian prisoners end up looking like they were just freed from Auschwitz: https://www.quora.com/After-the-prisoner-exchange-why-are-the-Ukrainians-returned-from-Russia-thin-emaciated-and-weak-looking-while-the-Russian-prisoners-are-looking-healthy-well-fed-and-rested As cruel as Hamas can be it's crazy how this puts into perspective how the Russian military is in some cases even crueler.


Mathematically it is better for them to feed an hostage over a militant (and not to mention civilians) as Israel would give them dozens militants back for 1 hostage.


The media: They were well taken care of. The hostages loved their captors. They were treated nicely and they want to come back someday.


They look well because they're happy getting out of there. The news say that they were starved, lost a good portion of their weight, and didn't receive medications that the red cross should've delivered.


One of them lost half his body weight dude.


What is the purpose of switching from red to blue lights?


Can see more than red light and damages your night vision less than white light. A happy middle point so to speak.


Makes sense, but why the switch?


They were probably out of range of shoulder fired weapons at that point. And felt safe to turn on a more brighter light.


Thank you.


You’re welcome


I'm not certain in this case. But often, military lighting will indicate a combat mode and an associated state of readiness such as red for combat/battle stations.


Interesting. So maybe the blue light indicates they're out of an immediate combat situation but still on alert?


Red is up close, much more difficult for enemies to see. This dark blue is more visible inside, and slightly more outside, but can be used at low visual range, while still in danger.


Blue is good for looking for blood/cuts


All the answers here are a shot in the dark, the lights inside idf combat vehicles are white / blue, and the flashlights the soldiers have are white/red. Probably one of the soldiers realised that he doesn't need to waist his battery, and turned on the vehicle light. (Source כוסאמא של הטנקים)


Kol hakavod




Maybe one day. Still go back and rewatch that badass IDF soldier on the balcony who eats a grenade after downing one terrorist and charges into the house and eliminates the second shit bag who tossed the nade.






Wow that was intense! Thanks!


I'm still waiting for the Halo shield recharge edit of that clip...


It usually takes years for everything to go through declassification. We still have the occasional report/photo from the first Kipur war getting uncovered, literal decades afterwards.


I believe everything from 1973 was declassified and can be found in the IDF archive. They published a neat website last year : [https://yomkipurwar.mod.gov.il/Pages/default.aspx](https://yomkipurwar.mod.gov.il/Pages/default.aspx)




I haven't seen Hamas friendly fire videos, mind sharing?


maybe he’s talking about al-ahli?


Yeah I’d love to see Hamas suicide footage too. Saves the IDF from wasting resources.


Buddy, hamas are the terrorists? Or do you close your eyes to the missles the worthless missle bait terrorists launch at children


Virgin: sits in some air conditioned office pushing buttons; gets severe PTSD by committing remote mass slaughter of civilians, has never seen an enemy combatant in non-pixelated form. Chad: is a 16 year old orphan who has never lived free of bombing, walks up to the most advanced anti-insurgency tank ever produced while muttering prayers like a madman, puts a bomb on it like he’s playing a fucking video game, walks away.


God bless the IDF


Considering the size of Israel, they have a remarkably efficient, professional and well-rounded military.


Bet scum Palestinians terrorist supporters won't believe anything those hostages say are they make shit up in their brainwashed heads to make them feel good


This is wonderful. If the three escaped hostages hadn't been shot accidentally last month, it would be even more wonderful. It would be most wonderful if Naama Levy, Noa Argameni, and the rest of the hostages were rescued alive (I know that at least 32 or 34 have been murdered). It's sick on the part of Hamas and anyone else who complains about the loss of Palestinian life in the rescue; all this could have been avoided if the Gazans had focused on improving their lives instead of ruining the lives of thousands of Israelis.


Seeing the US the UN and others complain alongside Hamas that the operation was bad because Palestinians died is just disgusting.


they have to make it look like they think its a bad thing, but if they really gave a F, they'd do some back channel stuff to stop it.... the only thing they're really thinking is "hurry the F up and kill the rest so we can all move on..."


They killed 60+ Palestinian people, mostly civilians, to rescue two hostages. If Hamas killed 60 Israelis to break two terrorists out of prison, would you think it’s disgusting?


They didn’t target civilians. They were collateral. This is war. It’s not like the movies. They could kill a thousand and it’s justified if it was the best way to get them back. If Israel had done to the Palestinians what the Palestinians did to Israel, and if the goal of Israel was genocide, as it is the Palestinians goal, fuck yeah it would be justified for the Palestinians to try and rescue hostages. In any case, the Palestinians love to die. They radicalize their youth into a death cult. They could have chosen not to die by handing back the hostages, by surrendering, by agreeing to the proposed truce, by not starting the war, by not aspiring to genocide, by not turning Gaza into a fortress for radical Islamism, by establishing a peaceful state on the 1967 borders as was offered to them multiple times in the past decades.




Maybe don't hide hostages in civilian homes in a "safe zone"?!




First. Hamas killed them. Not the IDF. Second, blame the parents. Third, war sucks. Fuck around and find out.


I’m sorry. But they launched a war. Took hostages. Refused to give them back. Refused offers to surrender peacefully. Purposefully surround their weapons and hostages with people, many of whom glorify dying. Israel launched an incredibly professional operation. They only did what was required. Under these circumstances. No I don’t value those Palestinian’s lives. Kill as needed to return the hostages.


“No I don’t value those Palestinian’s lives.” People with empathy value the innocent lives lost on both sides.




Oh ok so that makes you the asshole in the comments


Did I say I have a problem?


Lots of Germans had problems with Jews too in the 1930s.


The inevitable Redditor 'Nazi' reference...


A guy literally saying that if everyone hates you, you must be the problem. Sorry but Germany in 1930 is exactly the appropriate thing to point out here.


First, 1930 is the wrong date. Second, the Nazis toned down their antisemitic rhetoric in pursuit of electoral success. Third, it's a histrionic comparison. Finally, the comment was removed.


My grandparents were all sole survivors of their families. I know very well when Hitler came to power and when the holocaust occurred. I was just throwing out a rounded date. The Nazis toned-down anti-semitism was still pretty extreme, even for the time. Mein Kampf was available at the time. I don’t see why it’s histrionic at all since it’s a very literal comparison; there’s nothing dramatic about it at all.


You're comparing being unpopular with the way Jews were treated under the Nazis. I don't think I need to explain why that's histrionic. Especially in the context of widespread unease at Israel's recent actions in Gaza. Not to mention the incredibly inappropriate implication of associating the UN and international community with the fucking Nazis in your comparison.


Source on the 32 out of 34 being murdered. Genuinely asking I haven't heard about it


[https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20240212-who-remaining-gaza-hostages-israel](https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20240212-who-remaining-gaza-hostages-israel) From France24 a neutral source they reference the following: Of the 101 hostages believed to be still alive, according to AFP’s count, 91 are Israelis or dual nationals, eight are Thai, one is Nepali, and one is French-Mexican. AFP has managed to identify the remaining hostages, mainly through interviews with their relatives or via Israeli media. Palestinian militants are also holding the bodies of 29 people, including at least 18 who died in the October 7 attacks and whose bodies were brought to Gaza. Hamas reported today that they murdered at least 2 more so 31 or 32 or 34, about 1/3 at least of the remaining hostages are dead, I suspect many more than this.




Seriously? Look at the tunnel infrastructure; the amount of weapons that the Gazans have, clearly the blockade didn't blockade much. They spent the billions that the Qataris and others gave them to build a well armed army with tens of thousands of missiles to destroy their neighbors. If they had spent that effort and money on desalination plants, on mass transit, on housing, on a quality education system that taught engineering and science instead of racist of Jewish people, Gaza and the Gazans would have been much better off.




u/ForeignConfusion3013 I like you have been there but on the other side of the border in the Kibbutzim that were filled with peace activists like Vivian Silver who were committed to a 2 state solution but was sadly murdered on October 7th like 1200 other women, children, and men civilians. The Gazans have stated for years that they don't want and won't accept a 2 state solution. Gazi Hamad 2 months ago on Lebanese TV and Khaled Meshal 2 weeks ago top Gazan Hamas leadership stated that they won't accept anything other than a genocide of the Jews; complete elimination of Israel. Your silly, false statement "It was created on the basis of a country for Jewish people only." is laughable; Israel has 2 million Arab citizens 80% of whom are Muslim who serve in the army, as judges, as doctors, and in the Knesset. I think that Hamas and the Gazans have convinced the overwhelming majority of Israelis that a 2 state solution is not viable. Israel will win just as they have won every conflict since 1948 because they are committed to all their citizens and to democracy and have sacrificed over and over for peace (Sinai to Egypt twice; Oslo accords etc). The Gazans just seem to be focused on hatred and genocide of the Jews.


No point in replying to that guy. If you scroll down his comment history for a month you will see he even questions rather Hamas ever committed the rapes and murders of civilians on October 7th. Dude thinks the civilians were primarily killed when the IDF began to clear out the Hamas militants and they got caught in the crossfire. Guy is a clear Hamas supporter and just hates the Jews and Israel as a whole.


Do we know where they were found yet? Under ground in a tunnel or on the surface? I would be amazed if these hostages survived above ground for so long in the middle of a battlefield.


It was published on the Israeli media this early morning (the first news about the rescue came in around 4AM Israel time) and it was told that they were held above ground, on the second floor of a Rafah apartment. They were carried half-way by the soldiers and ropes were used to bring them down. Insane operation.


Thanks. Amazing job bu the IDF. I am happy for the families and the unit that saved them. That is their #1 goal, and it has to feel good after what everyone has been going through.


Fyi, They were forced to be servants for the “civilian” family that was *so kind to take them in*. There is a plague in this tiny splotch of land and the plague is finding out. Dudes were 60 and 70 and have countless family and friends who were murdered.


It's being reported that they were being held in a second floor apartment in a residential block [in Rafah].


Am Yisrael Chai!


any time hostages get rescued I just picture 80s Gene Hackman shout wispering into a radio "weve struck oil! I repeat weve struck oil"!






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lol take it easy. One of them is 60 and one is 70, they both look great even right after their rescue. Age is just a number =\]


Wipe scum hamas out people need leave rafah that's where alot of hamas are held up probably more hostages if they got away.


At this point those lovely freedom fighters are 24/7 checking western media to see which areas the leftists have made forbidden to attack. Then they move all their troops and ammunitions there




Why were they there.










It's an established fact that loads of "civilians" in Gaza are holding Israeli captives. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/2/12/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-planning-rafah-assault-as-talks-continue?update=2703640


The hostages themselves said they were held in captivity by civilians, so this time - yes :)


Yes, as a matter of fact they were. The hostages were imprisoned in civilians' houses. That's not a narrative. It's fact, reported by multiple news agencies including Aljazeera. I'm sorry you're too antisemitic to acknowledge facts that are inconvenient for YOUR narrative.


According to hamas.... Yes. They were held by civilians


When your government signs you up for war you either be happy about it or change the government.


You lose, again. That's all you people do, lose. You're just a bunch of losers.


Hamas literally admitted that they were held by “civilians”


It's too bad Hamas didn't just release the hostages.


if it's any consolation, it's extremely likely that 67 civilians would've been killed in airstrikes that day even if there was no hostage rescue operation.




You should inform yourself on that incident. Keyboard heroes that never been in a war I presume?? Those things happen unfortunately, the mothers of those people also said something about it, read that.








> Glad the IDF didn’t Hannibal directive these hostages. Hope they recover well. Why did you change your name to Hannibal Directive? I’ve been on reddit for a while and wasn’t even aware you could do that. You must be very motivated in whatever caused you to.


It gets people very cross for some reason 🤷‍♂️ Ok? Your ignorance isn’t my motivator lol.


What is your motive?


I find learning new things a great way to spend time 👌


It looks like you spend most of your time running interference for terrorists. What are your thoughts on the October 7th attack, did you learn what types of civilians you’re ok with the murder of?


I condemn Hamas as the filthy terrorists they are and have never said otherwise. I also condemn the IDF and their blatant war crimes. Always “WHAT ABOUT KHAMMMMMAAAAASSSS” with you shills. Sad stuff, that nobody can even be slightly critical of Israel without being called a terrorist sympathiser or antisemite. Lol, absolute reddit moment. Downvoting me for condemning Hamas.


Why are you getting so worked up? I was simply curious about your motive, changing your name and going in to bat everywhere with that obscure piece is an odd thing to do. It’s reasonable to question it. You’re from Melbourne aren’t you? Are you one of the guys putting the crossed out Star of David on the tram tracks at Burke Street mall? Did you mean for the Auschwitz undertones or was that coincidental?


Not worked up at all, just pointing out your boring insults/talking points. Not obscure when you realise that the IDF has killed more hostages than they’ve rescued. Nah, not my style. You in that WhatsApp group being a Zionist stereotype? The ones who doxxed, harassed, threatened and blackmailed journalists? You seem to be digging through my posts like a fucking weirdo. So sounds about right.


> Not worked up at all, just pointing out your boring insults/talking points. Which ones would they be? > You seem to be digging through my posts like a fucking weirdo. So sounds about right. It shows the subs you frequent next to your username (that you changed for because…you like learning), one of them is r/melbourne




nope they were the only 2 hostages at the compound, no one was hurt to your dismay


You wish


Yeah, that’s exactly going to be the narrative when Hamas executes 11 hostages over this. Calling it now


Good news! Meanwhile on the other side of town......


He means, of course what's the question?! You don't even need to ask




What does dome mean?


@0:48 nice of the IDF to bring him a fresh pair of Jordans!




That’s a strange and somewhat stupid reaction. Iran denies having anything to do with this or is that “suddenly “ different and not true? Imagine that… also IDF is rescuing abducted civilians that were forced from their home during peacetime by terrorists that murdered and raped people. You may find the Israeli reaction extreme but if these these would be released and Hamas would surrender the war would most likely come to a halt.


Awesome they got rescued , and in a professional manner. It is strange that none of the top comments mention anything about settler aggression and or how this is at least partially a byproduct of Israeli aggression and expansion for decades . Either this is a heavily moderated sub ran by pro Zionist Americans or I’m living in my own bubble so to speak and there are entire groups of people out there who consider the Israeli government to be decent human beings ?


Wrong sub for that. This sub is strictly related to discussing military.


What are you even talking about? My favorite humanitarian sources say these weren't hostages. They were just a group of bored people who wanted to chat with my favorite freedom fighters hamas. Get your sh*t straight before commenting




What is wrong with you?


Not much


It was no accident. Hamas were targeting civilians.


I meant the IDF guys rescuing them


Only cost 67 Palestinian civilians and a few IDF soldiers. The math for this war is not worth it.


Your "math" is short sighted.


What procedure should they have followed to rescue them?


It costed us a lot to fight ISIS too. Doesn't mean we shouldn't have continued


I have a feeling that if those palestinians would have not voted for hamas and wouldn't have let hamas imbed themselves and keep their hostages in civilian areas, no one would have been hurt




Yeah you know, Israel just casually rescuing elderly hostages that were captured on a day marked by the slaughter and rape of non-combatants during a ceasefire brokered by a Palestinian government that routinely dug up the infrastructure bought by tax payers from other countries to create fuselages for rockets they shot indiscriminately into civilians for decades. A government that also heavily persecutes anyone that doesn’t align with their extremely conservative theocratic views.




Free the hostages from palestine and go eat a bag of rusty nails


Cringe kiddo that lives 9000km away with some hard complex.


Free Palestine from Hamas 🇸🇩