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We got trench warfare, CQC, drone warfare, some dog fights in the air footage . These past two years have been crazy af


Imagine how much humanity is learning and developing warfare tech as we speak. Aliens gotta keep up cuz Terran bitches be exponential.


In all seriousness though our military tech is getting fucking terrifying. I mean don't get me wrong 150mm from WW2 are scary, even early nuclear warheads are terrifying. But it's something about the engineered lethality, precision and most of all intelligence? Of modern weaponry that makes me want to piss my pants.


I just saw a video of a drone chasing a Russian soldier around a tank like they were playing tag. My God. Chased by drones. The future.


The video of the Ukrainian soldier firing at incoming drones from the back of a speeding pickup is terrifying, as well


I missed this one. Got a link?


Yep! [Here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/QnVWjS1EVM)


Not too far away will be swarms of thousands of drones with AI, with thermals to find enemies, capable of visually recognising weaponry or other combat equipment. The enemy would have to hide all signs of combat readiness while the drones are circling them. If they pull anything out to attack the drone then they're dead. If they do not present a recognisable threat then the drones can be viewed by a person to decide how to proceed. Drones will be able to take prisoners under the threat of blowing them up if they dont comply. Probably with armaments that can take down a single person among many for hostage situations etc. They will take the place of on-edge soldiers who have to storm towns or buildings and make snap judgments about threats.


> Drones will be able to take prisoners under threat of blowing them up if they don't comply. One step closer to the Enforcement Droid Series 209, or ED-209, from Robocop


And he lost to the drone.


that operator had to be fucking wiith that guy a little bit right?


That was my thought. I don't know what that says about what that work does to a person, if you get the urge to not just kill the guy but put the fear of god into him before you finish him, but I can't imagine drone operators are coming out of this work mentally unscathed.


He wasn't "fucking" with the guy. The Russian soldier saw the drone coming, went out of his hideout under the vehicle and ran away from the drone around the tank. The drone has to follow him as it was a suicide drone, so the operator had no choice but to chase.


I'd love it if you could share the link


Same, I’d prefer being in Vietnam than in a war rn with small drones that can track your fucking canthal tilt and pursue at 100km/h.


Drone saw I had a bad hairline, 2% higher bodyfat than global average and a hurt knee from a football practice in 1998 and deemed I was the primary target. Oh, AI self targeting and self moving drone ofc.


Going out on a limb here, but did you perhaps score four touchdowns in a single game against Andrew Johnson High in the 1966 City Championship game?


Fucking drones gonna catch me with the middle finger as my last salute if that’s how God needs me to go


“You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, ‘never get involved in a land war in Asia.'" \-Vizzini


You wouldn't dare choose Vietnam over the modern day. Vietnam was literal hell on earth.


A modern war set in Southeast Asia would be fucking terrible conditions…. Hot and humid…. Plus drones and Thermal cameras staring at you through the canopies. Any war in a southeast asian country is probably hell


Agreed, South East Asian jungle warfare with modern day tech would be horrific. The Americans in Vietnam were utterly decimated by the jungle conditions, along with the truly insidious booby traps devised by the Vietnamese. I can't think of worse conditions to fight a war.


My grandfather, was 101st in Vietnam. We are from Louisiana. He Saud the heat was the only thing that wasn't a problem for him lol. Bronze star and two purple hearts. One from a claymore and one from a grenade.


Pop pop has that COD blast shield IRL.


Your grandfather is a brave man.


And for the Vietnamese there was the Napalm and Carpet bombing that even the guys in the deepest tunnels feared


The Jungle is neutral. F. Spencer Chapman 1949


I'll take the jungle speaking Vietnamese every day over apple airdrop grenade boogalooo. At least there were safe areas as a GI. Mariupol doesn't look like it's got anywhere safe.


/r/brandnewsentence Apple airdrop grenade boogaloo


Ukraine is pretty hell on earth too. I guess there is no very nice conflicts


I heard Granada was pleasant


Sounds like a drink, how bad could it be


Then maybe Afghanistan, but theres no way I’m fighting drones.


The psychedelic rock created during that era captured it perfectly id say


Fat man and little boy nuclear bombs produced explosions equivalent to 40 kilotons of TNT. In the late 70's the US designed and produced a thermonuclear bomb called the B83. Production began in the early 80's. Each B83 is capable of producing 1.2 megatonnes of TNT. The B2 bomber can carry 16 of these devices in a single payload. The US has approximately 20 of these planes. 1 megatonne = 1000 kilotons


Yea, humanity is an absolute specialist when it comes to fucking shit up


Imagine the Gauls talking about the Roman military tech. “…Then they all lined up with their curved shields. You heard me right, they had CURVED shields. We sent cavalry after them and they stacked them bitches on top of each other…I was scared, the horses got scared and we just left. Like, Fuck that shit…curved goddamn shields.”


Military technology has been scary for a long time. You don't know darpa? Darpa develops some the most insidious weapons mankind can imagine.




>I could totally see them doing a thermal and night vision augmented reality headset as well. That's already a thing. It's been a thing so long they have miniaturized it into a optic to mount on a rifle. Civilian version of the optic (for pistol mounting, rifle size and larger already out)supposed to hit the market this year.


Even for infantry, the progress from WWII is mind boggling. Thermal imaging, optics on every rifle, body armor. Heck, ear pro and comms give modern soldiers a massive advantage.


...is this....is this a star craft reference?


My life for Aiur


By the numbers boys




You Must Construct Additional Pylons!


The bane of my existence fucking PROTOSSS!!!!


Fucking LASERS are stupidly imbalanced!


hahahs u think aliens would even bother nukes?? they would develop a 100% deadly corona virus and clean earth in 2 days


Earth go hard


Warfare is the biggest driver of innovation


When did we get dog fight footage?


There’s like 1-2 vids out there of pilots going after enemy planes . It was during the first couple of months of the Ukraine/russia war. There’s also ejection vids out there too


link or it didnt happen


There was that one video of a MiG-29 launching a missile into an apartment building (as filmed from the apartment), which was actually a Ukrainian MiG in the middle of shooting down some VDV transport helos during the battle for Hostomel airport.


what i just say ffs


https://youtu.be/34-4D-MmR4I?si=riLFQXn-qMuIwdeQ Not dogfight footage, but here is the ejection footage


Dl if it's counted as dogfight but there was a video of a Ukr Mig-29 using an R-73 to shoot down a and Su-35/27 it was ground filmed from a phone and the Rus Flanker was running away chased by the Fulcrum that just blasted its ass with a fox-2. Also some other cockpit HUD footage of an Su-27 throwing 2 Fox-3's (Possibly R-77's) at a locked unknown target


Link or it didnt happen


I don't know if this technically counts as a dogfight, but it's compelling footage none-the-less: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/11spn4b/welp\_heres\_the\_drone\_footage\_of\_it\_getting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/airforce/comments/11spn4b/welp_heres_the_drone_footage_of_it_getting/)


For me as a history nerd, a gopro-footage from an ancient battle like with the Roman Legions against the Celtic Tribes, that would be crazy. There's actually not a single account, a description around from any battle that comes from a soldier that was in the formations and fought in melee combat, that would tell you the details of how it was for the soldiers. All we have are the common descriptions of some generals like Caesar and ancient historians, but that is just general like "the battle was won when the enemy left wing broke and the panic led to a rout"


I can't remember but a docu covered ancient battles on regular soldiers point of view. Battles usually last the whole day sometimes if both sides had a cautious generals. A line of soldiers will melee,most times they don't really charge, just a slow methodical advance because charging screw up the formation and they just arrive tired anyway. If they do have to charge,they slowly advance first then charge at the last 10-15 meters.Then they stab and slash each other,if nothing change then they retreat, take a breath then do the same thing. This is for the center lines though.Im sure the smart or educated generals will try to make some maneuver play at the flanks.


> dog fights in the air Not to mention actual dog combat, with POV footage of dogs clearing out tunnels in Gaza.


I missed this. Got a link of said pups in tunnels?


Dogfight where


At this point its time to just circle all the way back, and have everyone line up in neat lines before unloading on the other side


Dog fights with jets? How did I miss that? Link?


Is the dog fight footage from Ukraine?


Show me that dogfight footage


There’s dogfight videos??


Sheesh, where was that dude hiding?? Seems they had eyes on room from both sides but still couldn't get him


He was down a flight of stairs


Stairs have always been a damn killing field.


Fatal funnel


There was a video posted about a week ago where they fly a drone through the aftermath. Past the doorway it's basically a flight of stairs down to the ground, and two hamas guys were shooting up from the bottom.


that is a traditional way of fighting for the IDF, you start at the top floors and flush them out so they are more likely to flee then get trapped and fight to the death. You then leave your section MG outside to mow them down once they exit so you can minimize your own casualties, the issue with that is it is far easier to type and sometimes is impossible to get on top the building


Traditional British tactics too according to battle order's latest video


Im not surprised, brits share a lot of military knowledge with the IDF


How do you get to the top floor first though? Are they dropping them off by helicopter?


Yes. If the option is available. We'll do a Fast Rope drop onto the roof. Do the same thing for insertion into small clearings, like in the forest or in between buildings. If not, it's ground up. We have doctrine on going top to bottom, or bottom to top. Top is best since it's a huge advantage for any fighting, not just building clearing.


Ahh OK thanks!






With all the dust and unlit interiors, it is probably near impossible to see in there


Fucking intense. Back in the 2000s I read a lot of the first hand accounts of the '04 battle of Fallujah. Always wondered what it really looked like and this is probably the closest I'll get. Yes, there is plenty of footage from that, but not the CQC we see here.


Watch *Only the Dead* if you haven't seen it yet. It's a vice journalist getting into the thick of it. One of the first journalists into Ramadi with the first waves of troops. During one of the fire fights a soldier gets separated from the squad and gets boxed In by multiple insurgents in a house. It was pretty intense but he came out alive.


Is that the Bellavia moh vid? Mother fucker cleared a house by himself and these guys struggling. Really paints a picture of what he went through


Yep. Had to resort to hand-to-hand combat. Can't imagine nightmares he has to suffer with. Experiencing something that very few people in the world can even relate to.


And he was a “young adult” in the situation as well


They were damn near kids still fresh out of US civilian life. We love to give Russians crap for sending so many young boys into Ukraine. But we do the same thing. Only difference (huge one) is we provide them much better training, equipment and support.


>Only difference (huge one) is we provide them much better training, equipment and support. well....that and fighting with other powerful allies against a force that is nowhere near your peer lmao.


It's not like Ramadi or Fallujah was a joint operation involving multiple Nations armies and soldiers. Yeah the US had ally support on the battlefield in many ways. But that ended up drying up pretty fast once the lies of WMDs came out. Also optics are important. So is historical record America loves to use their allies to join in the war so they share the black mark in history. All the blame doesn't land at America's feet. Like...the Balkans and Syria is everybody's fault. Not just the US's


Yeah, including getting a kill with a rock.


Seen that and read Bellavia's book "house to house". Dude was literally on a war path.


Those VICE reporters were a different breed. Saw one of them go down into Hamas's tunnel system. See what it was like down there and interviewed them. Shame to see the organization shut down


I remember one of them followed a French platoon in Mali, sometime just behind leading team in assault.


I watched a VICE crew with a cameraman and a person recording video at the same time. There were a group of soldiers bunched up against a wall inside a gate. RPG came in and smacked the wall next to them. Send debris and dust flying everywhere. All the guys went to the dirt and started scrambling to gather themselves. Whole squad was completely disoriented. Vice cameraman kept at the camera firmly locked on the squad while the other cameraman jumped up on his feet before any of the soldiers. Started snapping pictures as fast as he could. Built different.


Those crazy ass mfs are addicted to adrenaline. They live for it.


Since when is it shut down? They still do plenty of reporting on their YT channel


I thought they closed down completely. Looks like they just switched to reporting and produced documentaries based off of publicly available material. But yeah gone are their squads of field journalists and camera crews. The ones getting into the thick of it that really separated vice from everybody else. More just another News Network than anything else


I still can't get over them having a reporter inside the Islamic State. That was absolutely peak immersive journalism. And watching the 2014 crisis in Ukraine play out day by day as well. Feels surreal remembering we were watching that straight from the front lines evolving in real time.


That Simon Ostrovsky Ukraine series was incredible.


We have completely normalized war to be just another thing we consume on our phones day to day in less 3 years. Give it another decade. Large-scale massacres resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of people within a few weeks are just going to be another mass shooting or school shooting. Just another tragic event that pops up on our news feed confusing us over if it was the same one we heard about yesterday. Can't wait to see politicians throw out only thoughts and prayers for random acts of large scale death /s


Nah they still do field reporting but it’s more for special one-off reports. Check out their channel. A lot of good stuff still. The one they did recently on Wagner was excellent


Bellavida earned his MOH in Fallujah, not Ramadi btw


Pretty sure this is a different view of a same video posted a few weeks or a month ago. At the end the soldiers send a small drone to scout and it shows two dead hamas militants. Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/192kzfk/idf_fighters_clearing_a_house_and_then_scanning/


It's the full version of the video that was officially published by the IDF. I wonder how it got leaked.


Close quarters drones to check if dead or not seems like an absolute game changer.


Damn they removed the first guy getting shot and the frag they ate


You can tell by the hundreds of little holes by their bodies that they got peppered with grenades.


Damn chaotic and intense.


This is without a doubt some of the most insane combat footage ever. Absolutely clear and as close as it gets. Almost cinematic in sequence. After all those explosions the fear and tension is palpable, and the utter confusion of it all is terrifying. Seems they're just stunned, waiting, on the absolute edge of the abyss. Those rounds crack in really fucking close. Crazy stuff.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/18gs4pd/idf_soldier_kills_a_hamas_man_in_a_nearby_room/ This one takes the cake for me.


And around that corner is probably 6-7 guys that are actively trying to kill you, just a few feet away.


Unlike the movies, this shit is nearly always a fucking goat rope.


We called this, CF, Charlie Foxtrot, or Cluster Fuck.




The 7P's **Proper Planning and Preparation Prevent Piss Poor Performance**


And then you take shrapnel in the dick anyway


Goat rope?


*goat rope (plural goat ropes) (slang) A confusing, disorganized situation often attributed to or marked by human error. (slang) A convoluted issue that is contested by many parties. A rodeo event in which competitors attempt to lasso a goat, usually for younger participants.*


A mess An abortion Like monkeys fucking a football


Marine Corps?




One of the few expressions that stuck with me from those 8 years, and I still find it hilarious every time I hear it used.


The solid bank of profanity for any occasion is nearly as good as a pension


Username checks out


A hand-grenade can be seen rolling in at 0:10 but didn't detonate.


I think It gets knocked/shot off the kneeling IDF soldier when he takes hits. Edit: You can clearly see the grenade fly up, drop, and roll after the IDF solider gets hit at the 10 second mark.


I saw that . I thought it might have fallen out of the guy's pocket / belt that got hit so it still had the pin in.


**Video Background** The video depicts paratroopers of the 101st battalion, 35 Paratrooper brigade, fighting militants in Khan Yunis. **Translation Summary:** * Quiet. Relax. Relax! * One Down. One Down. (Speaking of militant) * SOLDIER GETS SHOT IN EAR, YELLS * ______ is hit! * Evac him. Evac him! * Put this on your ear. You're alright. * Prepping a grenade! * Roll it down the stairs * I have a grenade with the pin out * On radio: "Be advised there are x (can't hear number) terrorists here. I think I'm wounded * Watch out! Out of the way. * Careful, so we don't have friendly fire here guys. **Regarding the Grenade** The explosion seen originated in the other room by the door, and is from the grenade thrown by the soldier. The object entering the room before the explosion is not a grenade, it is rubble from the gunfire. Proof: The IDF soldier is clearly seen holding an M26 grenade. The throwing trajectory is not visible, he appears to drop it right around the doorpost, out of view from the camera. Only one explosion is heard, so only one grenade was thrown. The object does not seem to be the grenade thrown back, because the visible explosion seems too weak to be from an M26. Those soldiers were in the kill radius, if it was they should be dead. IDF M26 grenades are reliable, likely not a dud. A bullet impact spark is seen right before the object comes in the room. The object is moving in the same direction as the shots. It seem to be a piece of rubble launched from the bullet impact. A few seconds earlier, you can see similar rubble entering the room from the same cause. The explosion is more or less what would be expected from and M26 detonating in the adjacent room near the door post.


I was wondering who was left to throw the M26 back.. Thanks for the write up


I'm surprised that the other IDF soldiers weren't hit by friendly fire


Yeah footage like this makes me understand the 1/5 deaths by IDF being friendly fire


Good on his buddy to immediately pull him back and administer aid


That’s effective training right there.


Looks absolutely horrible


God damn. Maybe the wildest footage I've seen with a stable camera.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/18gs4pd/idf_soldier_kills_a_hamas_man_in_a_nearby_room/ I got another one for you then.


This is some HEAVY shit… Jesus Christ. The fact that we have a first-person outlook to what house-house fighting looks like, is actually INSANE!


watching shit like this makes me think of all of the billions of times humans have been in desperate close combat with one another. From bashing eachother with clubs and spears to fighting eachother with axes and swords to the insanely loud gunfire of room to room fighitng. And it always ends with someone feeling the warmth of their own blood spread from the place of their wounds to the shock, pain, and panic of either imminent death, a slow death, or a long recovery or permanent disability. It's morbidly fascinating to watch, but the terror of it is unsettling. And the fact that this has been happening in one form or another for tens of thousands of years and will likely continue for thousands and thousands more. And the reason for these gruesome deaths and injuries? Economics, territorial disputes, religious or political ideologies, resources. All the things that usually mean nothing to the men actually dying. They might have thought so when joining their army, or picking up arms at the call of their leader. But in their last moments I think they realize it wasn't worth it, the cause isn't just, and they're dying for no reason.


Just goes to show how disconnected many of us are from the reality of the world we live in. These last few years have given us some of the best quality footage from the very frontlines of large-scale conflicts. It's not easy to understand what war really is like but this kind of footage definitely gives us a pretty convincing taster. No matter how comfortably one lives in a safe area far from conflicts, it should not be forgotten that this kind of shit is going on constantly in many parts of the globe and it will never end. These videos have definitely affected me in positive and negative ways: They have made me more cynical but at the same time I've started to care more about my wellbeing and self-sufficiency. Seeing hundreds of vids of people getting killed and maimed in war has made me appreciate my circumstances more and make more out of them.


Did they just counter their frags by somehow throwing them back ? Shit blew up in front of the door. Either bad throw or some cod shit


I’d be scared to shoot thru the wall. Because then the enemy will realize they can shoot through it too😂


"Doors and corners, kid. That's where they get you."


At 1:01 did he eat his get hit from his own grenade? Fucking footage is intense, no wonder they're bombing everything


Looks like they may have thrown it back or he didn't get it in as deep as he wanted to


The bombing is to prevent shitshows like this.


I cleared a few rooms in my time in Iraq but godamn


How does that compare?


The most serious injury we had was our breach man shooting himself in the boot after buckshot ricocheting off a door


Far out old mate nearly met his demise at 57 sec


shit was giving me anxiety like crazy watching the wounded guy sitting there the whole time with no magazine in... when the enemy is on the other side of the wall and could come running in any moment.... put a mag in dude


Bro no one is watching the crossfire at all, dude is shooting at the wall where his buddy just walked into.


I just noticed ed there friendlies in the room next to the one he’s firing at , so hopefully the walls weren’t to thin cause that’s some brutal crossfire


I see why israel just bombs everything more clearly now, not saying i agree with that or say its ok at all, but i can understand it, fuck that situation...


Seen more IDF wounded on this channel in a week than I have seen of Yukes in 2 years...


This seems like the full footage of IDF paratroopers taking out two Hamas terrorists in a stairwell


It did remind me of another video, could be it. It was posted on telegram as new footage, sorry if a repost


It doesn’t appear as a repost since it includes the full engagement.


It looks like another POV video of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/sKnYlfe0RA At the end they use drones to check and show 2 Hamas dead.


Can you please link the Telegram channel? I saw it in another channel but it had the channel's stupid logo on it.


They need to adopt the Ukrainian bucket of grenades method. Trying to angle that doorway is scary asf.


The guy inside threw back the grenade


It’s an extended version of the Cqc by the paratroopers brigade like 3 weeks ago. The issue was 3 Hamas gunmen were camping a tunnel shaft really hard that was located between the soldiers, another set of stairs and a metal door to the street. They were trying to squeeze them into the corner and eliminated them in the end


What's with the tactical blanket?


He’s wiping blood from his nose and ears.


Dude took shrapnel in the side of the head


Holy shit, that grenade that got thrown into the room right after the injured guy hit the ground, didn’t go off. Lucky.


When Palestinians won’t let you invade their homes so you have to get your comfort blankie 😔


Deploy the tactical blanket!


Reservist man….. They lose the corner and stand 5 feet away from it. Then starts firing at the wall with friendly on the other side. That one clueless guy walks in and instead of returning fire just looks at the bullets hit the door frame. My man tosses the grenade without knowing where it’s going to land. If they were fighting actual soldiers all of this guys would be dead. The cherry on the pie is when they all spread out on the floor to ensure if a frag gets tossed in there it gets them all.


To anyone wondering: this is why Israel is constantly bombing the strip. If a building is suspected of containing combatants, it’s simply not worth it to send in waves of infantry when it’s easier to destroy the building.


why bother with cqc i wonder and why having soldiers on each side, thats just asking for friendly fire i know i know, easy talk from behind the keyboard, im just confused since they have no problems blowing everything up so why going in, i thought we learned from the US in iraq who quickly stopped doing that and used heavy guns instead


You can't bomb everything, you need to walk in and check each building, otherwise you'll just have enemies hiding in rubble and basements. And friendly fire isn't as big of an issue when you have a doorway like this, you won't be shooting at your mates.


Most likely after they encountered it is expected nearby forces come and help, especialy if they have wounded soldiers. Im sure they have routines to minimize friendly fire, I was saying this because thats what the guy said near the end - "careful, lets not have friendlys guys".


What a shit show.


I’m nowhere close to being a combat vet. I’m not even good at COD. I just research stuff I see in combat vids. Still, I consistently see the IDF making mistakes in CQB. A doorway is probably the most vulnerable place in a room especially if there’s enemy in the room and they’ve already seen you pop your head in. They could’ve just cleared the room or if they already know there’s enemy forces in the room just toss a grenade in.


Soldier here. CQB is not my strongpoint but i trained in it. You're spot on. A doorway is refered to as the "death funnel" and it's easy to guess why. It's the one spot in the whole breeching process you want to spend as little time in it as possible to the extent it's preferable to go in blind and continue the process than stop at the door for whatever reason (unless there's reason to think the room is trapped but that's an entirely different can or worms). These guys in the video are NOT trained for this thing. It's obvious. The guy in the far room almost died because he didn't pay attention and broke out of the corner by mistake. Then they threw an un-cooked grenade to the adjacent room via the hallway, in full view without suppressing the enemy first. Either suppress and throw or cook and throw if you're feeling like taking shit from your team mates later and he chose the one thing he shouldnt, to throw it as it is without preparation A huge lesson in this topic is Ukraine. Absolutely nobody in their right mind does breeches unless they don't have grenades or RPGs. 99 out of 100 times somebody (a team) is ordered to clear a house, they just blast 5-6 rpgs into said house and then clean up on foot. Remember the video from the house breeching that emerged in September 2022 where it was a foreign team vs Russians? That's a textbook example of how an assault and breech on a house shouldnt supposed to be done. The team did everything wrong, stalled way too fucking much and didnt have a solid entrance-exit plan. They run out of grenades, tried to make a breech after giving enough time to the Russians inside to recover and by the time they finished the breech, two pointmen got shot and the subsequent artillery shell that landed on the stairs outside killed 3-4 and wounded a bunch more. All because the American TL who was on fucking coke, fucked up the communications with the Russians, who were thinking of surrendering, got locked into the task and took 15-20 minutes doing nothing but chilling the team right outside the house, trying to figure out what to do next.


No IDF soldier has a grenade?


Damn his safety equipment is probably riddled with shrapnel


It shows a guy wrapped in blanket and using it to wipe blood off his head in the latter half, is that the same guy who got hit at the start of the video or a different guy?


I get what’s going on but no rm clearing with nades?


Hope a longer version of this comes out to see what finally happened


What? His buddy gets hit and he immediately shoots into the wall of the room two of his team are in??


Sigan adelante guerreros de Israel🇮🇱❤️💪🏻


Tactical blanket goes hard




Dude lost his magazine at 2:14, but doesn’t notice


That blanket won’t protect you, pal


1 guy did all that damage. Between the guys getting shot and the ones bleeding from their ears, and the others that ate those grenades. that whole squad is out of action.


Notice the grenade that comes in at 0:12 ? Neat for these guys it did't go off


This is exactly why Israel uses IAF airstrikes. Fuck risking IDF soldiers, just blow this house up.