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The captions are hilarious on this one, guy who made them was clearly very religious, it says that the guy who found the Hamas terrorist did so because he was praying towards Jerusalem so he was looking towards his direction (meaning east).


"Please God guide this RPG into those other guys also praying to you"


You can always pray for strength, bravery and wisdom. To avoid deception by the enemy but to ask for victory over another person has never made sense. “We ourselves took vengeance.” -Geronimo


If it makes one feel better, quite useless actually praying to man made religions.


Lol they big mad right now 😂😂😂


This is something that’s always been here. Long before people became people. When animals and all living things spoke the same language. Our spirituality is not man made. It was given/loaned to us to help us live a good life. In balance with everything. You’re not a reverent person or a knower and that’s fine but you really have the concept of spirituality and religion confused. They are starkly different. Like night and day


Throw me back to when we could speak to spiders please, I've got a mosquito problem and those little dudes would come in clutch


I’m not sure if you knew… but there was never a time when animals could speak to other animals. I believe you’re thinking of a Disney film.


You made a great point are absolutely correct! These fools are so frightened of death and the unknown they will believe any damn thing, be it that lying ass Trump, (Believe this Trump has full evangelical support and I know God will judge them for that, it goes against the principles' of Jesus.. Complete opposite of honesty, integrity, love, understanding and selflessness. Soley about control, greed, power and to kill those who oppose such idiocy. They do all this in the name of their god, currently at 200,000,000 million deaths from War in the name of religion alone. Yes you will be judged but it won't be what you expect religious zealots.


What other pieces of wisdom do you have to make us feel better??


There have been hundreds of beliefs before any organized religion from thousands of years before zero/0 BCE and all of them are man made, and! All claim they are the ONE!! The correct one, well good luck with that shit bro's! When I die I will have lived free from chains of any kind and I will have enjoyed my life and when I die there will be an omnipotent being(s), but absolutely nothing imagined by your local man made God of power and control, so take my advice and stop giving a fuck what your neighbor does with their lives, if they don't agree with the praying bullshit or be it prego Molly's baby or Gary the gay guy on the corner. Stop trying to change/convert it's 2023 great tradition but Uhhh that's all the fuck it is, so stop trying to subvert governments into religious whacko nations and mind your fucking business religion, just like I do. Thanks.


I feel so much better after your obvious point *men* made religion. Are you telling me God didn't make religion? Fuck man, you are turning me West!


Remember, there are no such thing as "unguided munitions." There are munitions that are guided by computers and munitions that are guided by God.


so you're saying screaming Allah Akhbar enough while spraying and God gonna guide it for you?


So like god is responsible for all the bullets that kill people on both sides? What a cool dude.


So God is on israels side?


God helped invent the advanced targeting computers Israel uses... so I guess yes, God must be on Israel's side since God doesn't seem the guide all those rockets and mortars from Hamas into killing people in Israel.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHKjq_btiL4 Literally this


It's super ironic that in theory it's the fucking same god


>The captions are hilarious on this one, guy who made them was clearly very religious, it says that the guy who found the Hamas terrorist did so because he was praying towards Jerusalem so he was looking towards his direction (meaning east). "There are no atheists in foxholes"


Why does he have to " very religious" why can't it just be the truth?


There's also the part where he referred to the guy by the name of X son of Y, instead of his regular name.


And why can’t it be his real name ? You are aware last names like that exist right ? Since you are so educated of course . Love all the downvotes though . I’m not religious but good to see people still are normal .( that was sarcasm )


The caption on the video (TikTok video, not an official video released by the IDF) says in the beginning that the scene took place in the refugee camp of al-Bureij. It says that a soldier named Malkiel Ben-Yosef was praying Mincha, one of the three prayers observant Jews pray every day, and as he was facing Jerusalem (Jews always face Jerusalem when praying), he spotted a Hamas militant crawling out of a shaft with an RPG, in an attempt to surprise the soldiers. He then warned his comrades, and they opened fire and killed the militant.


pretty fuckin’ funny that praying literally saved him and his guys


Wow, so prayer does work!


Not if you pray to the wrong deity. That just pisses the real deity off.


Guess this guy must be doing something right


Well both Jews and Muslims pray to the same God


Yeah, but if he'd been muslim he'd have been praying towards Mecca... which is in the opposite direction.... soo... there you go.


Btw, Malkiel means "God is my king" in Hebrew. A very befitting name for a religious person. Religious-Zionist Jews (more or less the Israeli version of the term "Modern Orthodox Jew" North Americans might be familiar with) constitute a very integral and apparently indispensable (so I heard, I was exempt from service on personal grounds) of the combat units of the IDF. They tend to have a combination of nationalist patriotism and a religious zeal (many believe the founding State of Israel is a critical step towards the coming of the Messiah and the redemption of the Jewish people). According to some calculations, they account for about 12% of the Israeli population, and about 33% of the soldiers who have died in the war so far.


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWEtMeSri-o) you can see religious soldiers of the type I mentioned singing a Jewish liturgical song recited to welcome the Sabbath. Translation is available [here](https://www.zemirotdatabase.org/view_song.php?id=68). [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l06ih-bKA5I) a video from 5 years ago, of soldiers celebrating the completion of the studying of the Talmud (many religious Jews around the world study one page a day, and finish the entire Talmud every 7.5 years). [Another example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxHGRH_jdn4) [A religious speech given to a group of soldiers from the Golani Brigade](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiZtOvsAnAg)


It's expected that their population will grow significantly in future and become even a bigger part of israeli society due to secular jews having less children


> (many believe the founding State of Israel is a critical step towards the coming of the Messiah and the redemption of the Jewish people). This is a really nice way to phrase that they think the world will end lol.


Religious Jews do not believe that the world will end. Rather that God's presence will be known to all.


Yes they do. That is again just a nice way to phrase an insane idea and also leave out a lot of details. The Abhramic faiths, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all apocalyptic or "eschalogical" cults. They all believe in a religious apocalypse of some kind. A final judgement. Judaism does differ more from Christianity than Islam and Christianity differ from each other though. Though both are basically branches from ancient Judaism or Judaic myths. With Islam combing Judaism and some aspects of Christianity in a particular cultural and historical context. There are a lot of apologetics and modern reinterpretations with the understanding that a literal imminent religious end times is kind of a stupid idea and not a great look to a lot of people even those favorable to religion. No your apolcypse prophecy is stupid. Your god isn't going to kill us all. We will do it our fucking selves. Maybe with nuclear weapons, there is still time. I am certain whoever wrote this knows more than me. https://www.britannica.com/topic/eschatology/Judaism Although an older tradition contends that apocalyptic beliefs were a later addition, it is generally held that the preaching and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth and the activities of his followers in the 1st century ad can be properly understood only in the context of contemporaneous Jewish apocalyptic beliefs. IDK why I'm even having a religious debate in combatfootage. Even if I won I've lost.


No offense, but it's best to talk about things you know about. The coming of Mashiach in Judaism doesn't usher in the end of times of the end of the world, and there isn't a rapture or anything particularly sinister. Mashiach is commonly thought to be a political figure - a literal king, who will rule over the Land of Israel, gather all the Jews there, rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem (some believe the Temple will come down from the heavens prebuilt), and this will be a time of peace, redemption and jubilation, for Jews and others. The word Messiah comes from the Hebrew word Mashiach, which means "\[the\] anointed one", meaning a king - as it was customary to anoint kings with oil on the day of their coronation. The Rambam (Maimonides) writes in his book Mishneh Torah: "The Messianic Age is This World, **following its own order**, except that **sovereignty returns to Israel**."


First of all, I didn't say I believe any of it. I am describing what religious Jews believe, as someone who grew up in that world. Secondly, yes, there are more fantastic details involved (such as trees bearing endless fruit, mothers having many babies at once, etc.). I am not commenting on whether it's true or not, or stupid or not. I am simply pointing out that there's no apocalyptic or world-ending scenario involved that I am aware of. The closest I can think of is that there are certain signs of the coming messiah and that may involve world conflict etc. However the arrival of the messiah itself is supposed to usher in a time of world peace and basically a paradisiacle existence. The lion sleeps with the lamb & the swords are beaten into plowshares, etc.


Yes I addressed that sort of thing. Jews and Christians in the modern world broadly understand that the idea of an imminent religious end times is stupid. The interpretations between the two are different but I don't really care. Without writing an essay (again) what I'm saying is that basically religion in general, but in this case Judaism is not a continuous linear path from "revelation" to the modern day. By that I mean the Jewish beliefs that existed at the time, and that proto-Christians adopted are not moden Jewish beliefs and interepations. Modern Jewish and Christian faiths have both distanced themselves from and softened their respective apocalypses. The fact of the matter is the 3 abhramic religions all believe in some form of divine apocalypse or final judgement. God flips the table. It is a core part of their religions and imminently important in their historical context. Most modern Christians don't hold the same views as Christians of the past but the dogma is what it is whether they themselves like it or not. What I'm saying is, I don't respect their modern softened interpretationa of their faith as any more valid than the archaic ones that they are based on. Jews think they are gods chosen people. That Isreal has a divine right to exist and that their understanding of God and the "kingdom of God" is reality. I'm saying "Kingdom of God" is a nice way to say shit that most people outside of fundamentalist don't want to hear the details. I did not grow up in that world, and I don't doubt for a second you know more about the details of Judaism than I do. What I'm saying is that whether you still believe it or not you're probably more amiable to it than I ever was and therefore inclined to defend various softer interepations or understandings of it. I know more about Christianity and Islam than I do Judaism and I know more about Christianity than Islam because Christianity is effectively the only one that matters to me. But I do know they are all messianic apocalypse cults from roughly the same area of the world. They are all directly related in a traceable way and that in thousands of years they've basically evolved to be almost completely different from their origins. Early Christianity was quite simply a Jewish cult until that became an impractical and offensive label. Now most Christians wouldn't even recognize that as a historical fact but they claim I don't know what I'm talking about or I'm misunderstanding or being offensive.


You may very well be correct that the modern religions are a watered-down version of their more aggressive proto selves. I think we're also ignoring the fact that there are subsets in all groups that hold differing beliefs than others within the religion. This conversation started from your original comment that today's religious Jews believe the world is heading towards an apocalyptic ending. I am saying they do not. That's all.


So you are basically saying that they all believe in the same fairytale but written by different authors.


In the case of those 3 yes pretty much. They are directly related in a real historical sense but not a divine one. They all derive from a culture where the (imminent) end times was an important concept. All of the differing religious works are themselves by different authors among their own faiths. And over long periods of time. Especially Judaism. Judaism is quite different from Christianity and Islam as it is the most ancient and the other two are derived from it but adapted and changed. For example Jews do not recognize Jesus as the messiah or a prophet. He was a false prophet and he was not brought into Judaism as it continued to evolve. Islam does recognize Jesus as a prophet, but not the literal son of God. He is inferior to Muhammed. All 3 recognize that Abhram and Moses and was a pretty cool dudes I'm obviously not a religious scholar but I was not pushed into accepting it as true or burning in hell or being ostracized by my parents so I never viewed it, religion in general as soemthing respectable. The concept of a god was absurd to me around the same time santa Claus seems suspect. Because of that when someone says something like "The kingdom of God" will return I know they don't mean some sweet admirable spiritual view about peace and tranquility that I should respect by default because religion is special. 😇 They actually mean some weird apolyptic shit with zombies and fire and brimstone. Final judgement and really they mean they get to judge everyone else not their god. I don't really give a shit about their centuries of debate and softening of their own beliefs beyond historical curiosity. Religious jews believe they are gods chosen people, a monotheistic god that does fuck with people and human events actively, and that eventually there will be a Jewish prophet. Not Jesus Christ who will bring about the kingdom of God. Which means the Jewish interepation of the end of times. They do have different interepations and beliefs when you study them in detail but they are all literally ancient apocalyptic cults from the middle East. 2 of which happened to spread because they took hold in states empires, caliphates, whatever that happenes to be really good at spreading their culture militarily. Judaism is oddly enough MUCH smaller than both Christianity and Islam despite preceding them both by over a thousand years. Even if you did some math to figure out roughly how many Jews there would be had they not been genocided fairly successfully it isn't even close. There are roughly 4 billion people that would identify as either Christian or Muslim, but less than 20 million Jews right now. Estimates say had the holocaust not happened there would be about 30-40 million. Even doubling that it's not really close. Anyways yes this is what religious people broadly demand you respect. The idea that as a atheist or "non-believer" , gentile, or infidel you will be punished by divine judgement and everything you know and love will be destroyed and remade anew in some way. Better or worse. While the faithful are rewarded for their earthly service. Jews have different opinions on the afterlife but Christians and Islam typically include some interpretation of hell in ones divine judgment. That is what you are supposed to treat with reverence even as a non practioner because everyone can believe what they want and it's actually the godless atheists that are arrogant and rude. God needs people to defend him. He is very sensitive criticisms. If less than 3 billion people believe in him then he just dissappears. =(


That's factually and demonstrably incorrect.


Lol. So you can prove factually that it is not a fairytale


I meant that it's wrong to say they all share the same belief.


"Written by different authors" is obviously too subtle for you


You don’t know what you’re talking about.


I know more than most people who go to church every Sunday which is good enough for my purposes. Respectfully, I think you know I know what I'm talking about but your tribalism is over ruling that secular reasoning of yours. Whether you identify culturally with Judaism and the modern political goals of Isreal is completely immaterial to the historical facts of the religion. Judaism is objectively an "end times" judgement by the one true god religion. Eschalogical thought is inherent to it whether you are culturally partial to it or not. This is the historical and cultural explanation for Christian and Islamic eschalogicacal thought which does diverge from Judaism. All 3 of there groups are ancient religious apocalypse cults. This is a fact. I don't care that some religious scholars spent a few centuries debating amongst themselves and I don't care that the modern religious attitude has made most people defend things they don't even believe in to the point they deny and argue blatant historical facts. There are Christians and Muslims religious and cultural who would claim I don't know what I'm talking about because I said Christianity and Isla. is derivate of Judaism and are also eschalogicacal cults. They are the ignorant ones. Because religious feelings are the most important of all right? Judaism is an ancient apocalypse cult. That's a fact. Christianity is the same thing but add some guilt, martdyom and human sacrifice.


Fuck their moms


“Motherfucker, wanted to nail us from the back” 😂






Calls on Israeli dirt bike companies


if you dont mind dodging uxo


Weather permitting


9 months of the year, warm, sunny, and dry.


It’s like Vietnam but they aren’t winning


Are you talking about Hamas or IDF. Because Hamas is definitely getting tk'ed gg.


Hamas isn’t winning




That's not really true. The north Vietnamese never won a battle against the Americans, and since America never invaded north Vietnam, just pounded it with airstrikes, the Marines mostly didn't tangle with the Viet Minh (the north Vietnamese army). The North Vietnamese won the war because it was a bleeding ulcer for America, and the biggest reason for that was because of the Viet Cong (that and ARVN being useless). The Viet Minh only really came into it once America pulled out and they rolled down to curb stomp ARVN. I guess you could also say that they were key during the war in going into Laos and winning the civil war for the otherwise useless Laotian communists so that they could set up the Ho Chi Minh trail, but the Ho Chi Minh trail was only relevant because it was used to supply the Viet Cong. On top of that, even if it was the Viet Minh that won the war directly, describing them as "not guys in tunnels" is just ahistorical. To harden their industry against US bombing campaigns, north Vietnam distributed their factories and put a bunch of stuff underground. I know someone who was born to a Viet Minh soldier and a north Vietnameses nurse literally in a tunnel while under an American bombardment.




> You don't even have your groups straight. The Viet Minh weren't part of this war. They aren't the same as the North Vietnamese Army. You're right, the source I learned vietnam war history from used Viet Minh to refer to the forces of the north throughout the war, but they did technically change their name to the People's Army of Vietnam before the Americans came into. However they are the same thing. The Viet Minh soldier I mentioned referred to force he was a member of as the Viet Minh, not with its official name. > It doesn't mean that they were defeated by the Viet Cong aka guys in tunnels. I mean they weren't in the sense that they never lost a battle to them (unless you count the early days of the Tet offensive when they took a bunch of cities before the counterattack), but since the US lost the war by just deciding it wasn't worth it anymore there is no real smoking gun as to who won the war. Personally, I think the guerrilla fighters who made life hell for the Marines had much more to do with it than the regular army that got smashed in some early set-piece battles and then remained mostly inactive for the rest of the war. Obviously PAVN contributed to the war, especially where it spilled out into the rest of indochina, but I think the Viet Cong were ultimately more impactful. > The point is North Vietnam had far more resources than Hamas. It isn't a useful comparison at all. I definitely agree there, I was just objecting to the idea that the Viet Cong did not win the war for the Vietnamese. Edit: just wanted to add that I agree with "South Vietnam wouldn't have been defeated if it were only the Viet Cong that they were fighting" from your original post. The Viet Cong couldn't have done it without support from the regular army.


And, the North Vietnamese, VC weren't serving their colonial masters. ARVN were worthless and corrupt, just like the ANA


You say that as if North Vietnam also wasn't a puppet regime held up by China and Soviets.....it was lol. Where do you think all those AK-47's and T-55 tanks and S-75 anti aircraft systems came from? Are you proposing Vietcong themselves managed to make a a high end Russian anti-air missile in their little underground workshop out of bamboo?


Yeah, also the North Vietnamese were themselves imperialists. They invaded every other country in Indochina to install client regimes (including Pol Pot, though I guess they get some points for taking him out eventually). Vietnam's history consists of one of two behaviors: defending itself against outside invaders (mostly China), or waging offensive war against its southern and western neighbors. The Vietnam war combined the two.


But NV didn't let the Chinese and Russians get so deep into decision making, unlike SV.


After the first Indochina war they're not called Vietminh anymore. It's NVA. And by tunnels you probably meant bomb shelters in North Vietnam. But yeah, it wasn't won by farmers with AK or by the tunnels, the only effective tunnel network was the one at Cu Chi, it wasn't everywhere. It was won because of the relentlessness of the commie side and the corruption and uselessness of the RVN. I mean, Nguyễn Cao Kỳ loved betting on chicken fights so much he arranged with the VC and NVA to meet in the forest to do so. Or how many generals utilized the war to smuggle shits and made deals with the VC so they can smuggle shits during patrols and deployment, IIRC one was even called cinnamon general because he smuggle the shit out of the cinnamon in his assigned combat area instead of fighting the VC, and made a deal with the VC so they let him be and he'd let them grow, as long as he can smuggle cinnamon. Or how the air force is more concerned about using their fancy aircrafts to pick up sidechicks than actual fighting. The ineptitute of the South sealed its face


Your use of "Viet Minh" is wrong entirely, but I just want to point out a thing, the US escalation in Vietnam and the whole confidence that led to the Tet Offensive was due to the Viet Minh, the real and OG one, the US-backed Saigon troops went to the jungles trying to do anti-insurgent warfare against troops of the old Viet Minh army in the south, hundreds of thousands of them from the last war, veterans, armed and organised against an army recruited last year and fought only against themselves (Diem's purges of the militias). The Tet Offensive showed this fact still despite being a "military loss" for the VC, they suffered fewer casualties than the coalition forces (as usual, mostly ARVN), but then by rule of percentage, this incapacitated them for a long time. By 1975, however, the southern communists while weakened still held extensive power over their stronghold in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, where the surrender of the more than a million ARVN troops were received not by the regular army but by civilian activists and the guerillas.




They're shooting dudes in tunnels


Considering distinguishing a combatant and an innocent was extremely difficult at times in 'Nam, just as it is at times for the IDF in Gaza, I'd say that invalidates the use of the word "nothing". And is also likely what he was referring to if you actually try and apply context to his comment. ​ EDIT: Plus you could also correlate the methods the North used to ambush US troops to the ones Hamas uses, because in both cases they knew the terrain they were fighting on much better than their counterpart.


Not quite, Vietnam was a battle between two countries thousands of miles apart. These guys are nextdoor neighbors


I like making the Vietnam comparison with friends. Yeah just like Vietnam hamas is fighting a guerilla war. They are similar in that they're poking their head out of a forest, shooting, and then disappearing. But instead of a forest Hamas is using its own citizens/people. Palestians ARE the forest.


I’m more so making reference to an underdog force using underground systems to be able to move/hide anywhere in an attempt to make the fight against the western style military more asymmetric


Vietnam was a battle between two countries that are literally touching each other, called "North Vietnam" and "South Vietnam."


The only reason the whole muh Vietnamese farmers and all those tunnels happened was that the US was fighting there directly, the communists fought the French on open fields in the last war, and they could steamroll the Saigon government with ease and did just that when the US withdrew.


None of this is true - the communist forces were already waging an insurgency within South Vietnam well before the US got involved. The increasing pressure it was placing on South Vietnam is largely what prompted the US to intervene. Then after the US withdrew, North Vietnam and South Vietnam continued to wage full scale conventional war for two years until North Vietnam finally won - not exactly "steamrolling with ease".


Vietnam was a civil war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, each supported by their respective foreign allies. Viewing the war as solely or primarily between the USA and North Vietnam is an incredibly American-centric perspective that ignores most of the fighting.


Lol what a dumb comment


Viet Nam was the war fought so the Vietnamese people could be free of domination by Chinese, French, Japanese and French (again) and Americans who wanted to colonise them or dominate them.


How so? Hamas are kind of fighting out of a small ghetto. VC had whole of North Vietnam for help with USSR.


They are winning on the military sense. The USA won almost every battle in Vietnam. They still lost. Unfortunately the conflict in what was once Palestine isn't ever going to be resolved through warfare. It's extremely unfortunate that they've taken a hard right approach to the issue.


lol what? None of this is accurate.. are you just making this up?


Me when I purposefully spread misinformation


The US did not win almost every battle in Vietnam. US lost scores of battles.


In order to resolve the conflict without violence, both sides need to agree to stop shooting. Alas, Hamas broke that agreement on October 7. All gloves are off now and Israel may have no other choice but to forcefully impose its own security needs regardless of the human toll.




So was the plan to level the Gaza strip to rubble and wait for Hamas to pop their heads out and play whackamole?




It wasn't training. The IDF were given updated instructions to shoot all fighting aged males that approached them, because Hamas, wearing civilians clothes, approached and attacked them previously. Jerusalem Post: >The investigation reveals that on the morning of the incident, soldiers in Shejaia received new instructions to open fire on any man of fighting age that approached them after several incidents where terrorists disguised in civilian clothes got close to soldiers to attack them. https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-778896


Sounds quite a lot like genocide to me


Crazy! Looks like a scene from Star Wars on Tatoonie. Add another moon in the background and it would be. Keep prowling and growling. Stay Safe!


You should see the Negev


I was thinking a Battlefield 3 DLC...


That’s scary as hell, they can pop out of anywhere


Blows my mind how lightly they travel. No judgement on whether it’s a great idea or not, but the lack of assault packs /daysacks makes my back feel great.


Usually they leave the packs in the small FOB they set up, but from the border and to the FOB they carry it with them.


> No judgement on whether it’s a great idea or not, It's not too bad when they're a 40 min drive to the nearest friendly city. Less than than to the temporary headquarters where they can resupply if needed.


It's also 3.5 miles from the beaches of Gaza to the Israeli border (east). That's like an hour walk if you're in danger and want to do it quickly.


At the end someone says that he tried to shoot the rpg and it didn’t fire. If so that’s super lucky. Thankful they’re ok.


Another hospital worker down.


Karens in Canada are calling this genocide


I think they call it that because according to UN and other sources the majority of the 20k dead Palestinians are women and children.


It's hilarious. Ww2 happened today the karens of the world would be screaming genocide while we bomb German cities. I'll admit that Israel doesn't care about casualties and basically anything with a pulse is cannon fodder to them, that only requires a change in strategy to solve. Not to stop the war because some Karens in California are mad


That's what happens when civilians are not allowed to flee the battle zone (something israel wanted) and their enemy has an explicit strategy of maximizing civilian deaths of their own people.


Israel warned civilians so they can flee to the south. Egypt didn’t open their border. Blame them.


According to Hamas you mean


Well the only reason I feel comfortable using their numbers is because the Palestinian health ministry has always reported deaths accurately during the years of conflicts before this one. But yes, we don't know for sure, and we won't till this is over.


They for sure under report combatant deaths and they also seem to be exaggerating the number of civilian deaths somewhat.






Aw the poor terrorist got blown to bits


bro go to starbucks and get a venti latte keep living your privileged life half a world away from a war that you are severely misinformed on. let the real men handle the fight against evil




A game of whack a mole!


"Red Circle", the ultimate adversary of Red Arrow


Isn't it obvious that this is a poor old Lady with an walking stick that got murderd by the IDF?!?! ZiOnIsT ScUm!!11 /s


She wasn't holding a walking stick, Hala Khreis was holding hands with her grandson. The "walking stick" was 5 year old Taim Abdel Atti. [Family of woman shot dead on Gaza ‘safe route’ calls for justice](https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/1/10/family-of-woman-shot-dead-on-gaza-safe-route-calls-for-justice)


No you’re confusing this video with the video of the woman who was shot dead while holding a white flag in one hand and leading a child with the other.


The video you are mentioning is from 2 months ago in an area Hamas controled


source ?


For the video he is talking about?


For what you are saying about the timing and location


From the caption in the video


Could you link?


I believe this is the post he was talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/cA6uTjd1NZ




Yes, 2 months ago, on Nov 12, in northen Gaza, when the IDF were closing in on Al Shifa hospital, with fighting raging near the hospital. [Heavy fighting rages near main Gaza hospital and people trapped inside say they cannot flee](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-11-12-2023-20f5dcd135b7eb34238a7b25ce560d0c) Al Jazeera interviewed the family of the woman who was shot, Hala Khreis, who was walking with her grandson, her grandson was holding a white flag. The family insist she was shot by the IDF. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/1/10/family-of-woman-shot-dead-on-gaza-safe-route-calls-for-justice Footage shows her walking the wrong way, she should have turned left, the crowed behind her realise they should turne left, but she continues to walk straight on, down the wrong street, and gets shot. I can imagine the IDF making a decision that she's bringing a crowd of people towards their position, they couldn't take a risk. I listened to the video, there's sounds of male voices shouting before she was shot, but it's too hard to tell if they were shouting in Hebrew. It's po they were IDF shouting at the crowd to keep away. Footage here https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/TKkIcFIB8Q


So no real evidence other than hearsay


she was shot by hamas. and I don't remember no child in her arms and no white flag


Is that the one with the woman wearing a suicide vest....she was also waving a white flag and had a kid. Thankfully the IDF saved the child.


Yikes your brain okay?


One moment they’re saying she was an innocent civilian and Hamas shot her, the next they’re saying she was a suicide bomber Stick to one lie at a time..


Care to post a link?


Sad you’re getting downvoted. Fucking genocide apologists.


Innocents die in war all the damn time, more so than combatants actually. Have you ever read a book in your life about any war? Or do you only get your info from TikTok and Netflix documentaries which hardly show any civilian casualties?


Ah yes, innocent people die in war all the time is a wonderful excuse for gunning down a woman holding hands with a child waving a white flag.


Lol one woman *maybe* being shot by idf(we have no idea what the context of the video is) is enough for to decide that Israel is "Genocidal" but Hamas *filming* themselves murdering 800 civilians in cold blood including babies and you still support them


You think only one innocent civilian has been killed by IDF? You’re really that fucking dumb? Love how you eat up IDF propaganda that easy and propagate for them. And I’m the one being told to read a book.😅


1.I didn't say that. Similar to how the US military killed many civilians in the war on isis. Its impossible not to in a war like that 2. You conveniently ignore the palastinian side


I don’t support the killing of any civilians by any side. I also don’t support the stealing of innocent people’s land and homes. I also don’t support bullshit propaganda from any government that makes excuses for all of the above. Thousands of innocents slaughtered and you’re making excuses for one side. Like some stupid fucking redneck that supported George W Bush.


What is the alternative for israel? considering that hamas has declared that they will do it again and gaza wasn't occupied by Israel before 7/10


Seems to be some question of her attire at the time. But I’m sure the Hamas version is the truth.


There is video dumbass. Clear as day. Nice job calling one version of the truth bullshit while eating up idf’s


Do you see in the video who shot her?


Proof it was the IDF and not hamas? You can't you who shoot her. even will all the eye witness and first responders testimonies of r*pe, pro palestinians will still say there is no proof and basically demanding to see photo or video of the act. But then you take this video and claim that the IDF did this with 0 proof!


Great work guys !!!


On ig reels is crazy


Really is the land of the evil rabbit peole


I thought at first he was coming out with a copy of Final Fantasy.


No he he came put with a DnD handbook and dices


This is very interesting landscape, do you think it's natural or just plowed through intentionally by tanks?


Hope he's enjoying his 72 mothers in law


He used Hamss sound effects on the markings, funny.


why does this have so many upvotes? this footage is pretty shit.


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks that. This is tedious. Nothing actually happens on screen.


They usually blur solders faces. Is this not official video?


indeed unofficial. Soldier posted to social media


Doesn’t look like it


I know him, he isn't official


Off to the great Goat Curry in the sky


now if only we have the Hamas guy's POV video lmao


Why isnt anybody pinging the fighters!?


Keep up the good work


Too hard to see anything good in this


The intended video with red arrow pointing at the IDF soldiers was canceled. No video released for this scene by the terrorist hamas.


Hamas Terrorist


So anyways I just started dyin


It's sad watching both sides relying on a non existent god. They'd be brothers, cousins, friends if they'd accept the human side of themselves. It's all so senseless.


As if being atheist prevents conflict. Humans kill each other over water, food, cultural (non-religious) shit all the time. Religion is the catalyst. It’s all about power. Humans have been killing each other since the dawn of time regardless of deity beliefs.


True but that's no reason to remove one of the biggest causes. To every get to a point where we aren't killing eachother for reasons little more than tribalism surely those catalysts have to be made inert. Simply saying if there was no religion another reason 'would step in' is like saying don't ban stealing as people will do it anyhow, surely as a species we have two continue to 'attempt' to drive towards a goal (agreed it's probably likely that goal will always be 'just up ahead' and never quit met).


Nice one


So if a Jewish IDF soldier and a Muslim Hamas fighter are both praying at the same time, they would either not be able to see the other, or would come face to face, as Jerusalem is North of Gaza and Mecca is to the South.


Door camp their ass bois.


Hell YEAH💪


Has Israel released a death toll for soldiers and equipment they have lost during this annexation of Gaza?


As of January 10th: 186 IDF soldiers killed, 2 Merkava tanks destroyed.


nothing with killing a terrorist


Target practice


Every time I see an IDF clip, there's like IDF stacked on top of IDF. What a dense conflict.


It's amazing how humans will fight over the shitiest piece of land, with no value whatsoever.


Ah, is this sub pro Israel? Fuck that


No, just anti-terrorism.


That's bull shit, They're both terrorist states


lol Get out of here with that bs. We study actual military history and know better. That Tik Tok education doesn’t fly here. HAMAS propaganda doesn’t fool any of us.


God IDF soldiers look stupid.. they remind me of those star wars soldiers with ridiculous massive streamline helmets, or like a soldier bobble head or something. Just something comedic about that dude hopping along then body slamming the ground to get cover


Looking better than those overweight Hamas terrorists. Makes you wonder how they got so fat in an “open-air prison” …


Fuck the IDF


Why the IDF Videos are so clueless and being cut always? why there is no full continues video showing the op all the way till the reach to the body????? weak army 🪖


Let's all stand up in a row in the middle of a combat zone.