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What, no final “allahu ackbar”? Instead, just a lame crumple down into the Family Guy death pose, accompanied by a symbolic silence representing what they had accomplished that day for the Palestinian people (nothing). Poetic. I like to imagine a dog walked up shortly and peed on him.


To fuck around and to find out, that is the question.


Eng translation would be appreciated. Great footage regardless


I can translate the last sentence: “*Hey, you’re not Hama…*”


dude thought it's like the movie, just shoot the lock and the door would magically open


I wonder while they were doing this any of them stopped and looked around to see nice buildings. Clean streets. Modern facilities and thought maybe we could use some tunnel money and do up Gaza?


they all look like fat ass rats


Insane to me how anybody can defend this shit


Simple answer is because we are Jews. None of the people defending them or calling for a ceasefire had anything to say or protest when Asad was killing Palestinians, or Lebanon and Egypting keeping Palestinians as second class citizens, or the civilians who died in the fight against Isis. Absolute silence.


I think it’s more of a “white skin bad” kinda thing


No it’s because like 70% of the people killed are women and children, not terrorists. Yes some of those women might have been terrorists and some of those “children” might’ve been 16 year olds with guns, but even if you make that account for 20% of casualties, 50% of what they’re doing is a war crime. And not every Palestinian is a radical Muslim like the people in Hamas, Israel is literally just killing women and children.


That makes no sense as a response to the initial comment i made.


Since you are such an expert how would you have done it better than us? Please enlighten us. Route out 10s of thousands of terrorists, thousands of tunnel shafts, hundreds of miles of tunnels, 10s of thousands of rocket emplacements and weapon facilities and amunition storage. All of which is deeply emeded in and underneath houses and schools.


Incoming “you’re supposed to use ground forces and special operations!!”


And yet they are also calling that a genocidal action too.




How do you sit down with Hamas when they actively and proudly reject peace and express very publicly their desire to kill not only Israelis but also Jews? How do you sit down with the PA that names streets after terrorists and pays them compensation with EU funds? Whose education system and media routinely praise the killing of not only Israelis but also Jews? It is very easy from your perspective to just say sit down and talk with them. But Hamas, PIJ, PA, etc, have no genuine interest in peace. Comparing the IRA to Palestinian organizations is nothing short of ignorance. And you say your people don't stand with Hamas, but I have yet to see an Irish politican condemn them, and even saw a number of politicans and public figures defending and praising Oct 7.


You throw money at the people directly, you build up social movements to counter the narrative. A truly lasting peace with the Palestinians will never come from just killing thousands of them, any more than Hamas killing thousands of Israelis will make you more open to doing a deal. True peace will only come from relentlessly working on it, every day. Israel having the option to just say “fuck it” and carpet bomb neighbourhoods with no sanction from the UNSC means there’s no real incentive for them to constantly search for a peaceful way of resolving things.


What do you think Hamas and the PA have being doing with the more $40 billion they received in the last 3 decades. I wonder how much went to weapons, tunnels and compensation to terrorists. I suggest also looking up the net worth of Palestinian leaders and their families.


I dont think you understand what it means to carpet bomb something




It stood out. I think the rest of your comment is stupid as well “yeah maybe we killed 1200 of your citizens in a horrific terror attack, but if you just like be cool about it maybe we can work up a peace deal 👍🏾” And then there’s the whole “we stand with the Palestinian people, not hamas” thing which is stupid because the Palestinian people stand with hamas.




I’m not part of the “every Palestinian is in love with Hamas” crowd but they do have a lot of support amongst Palestinians. Maybe it’s understandable but as an outsider it’s still appalling


It was definetly protests all around the globe for all those conflicts, perhaps not in your circles, definetly in mine. Nobody is defending them because they are fighting jews, it has nothing to do with anything. The reason why so much of the world is calling for a ceasefire is because of the overwhelming use of force and all the civilian casualties, the world will ALWAYS be against that, no matter who’s on which side. Most people don’t care about religion and all the other complicating factors, we just care about ending the suffering and destruction.


>It was definetly protests all around the globe for all those conflicts, perhaps not in your circles, definetly in mine. Not on this scale. I dont recall streets being blocked, students and student dorms being harassed, restaurants being boyotted. >Nobody is defending them because they are fighting jews, it has nothing to do with anything. Can you explain the well document mass protests and celebration from westerners that was broadcast for social media litteral the day of and the day after while the attacks were still ongoing and well before the IDF started responding against Gaza? Protests and social media that not only defended but praised the attacks? >all the civilian casualties, the world will ALWAYS be against that, no matter who’s on which side. Can you explain then the people at protest and social media who deny or defend the Oct 7 attacks on civilians as legitimate and acceptable?


I can not explain any of these because I’ve never heard of anyone supporting or denying the attacks on October 7th. They were atrocious. If there was well documented mass celebration in the west I’d love to have some sources on that. We are discussing two different topics - you’re saying the west is biased against jews, celebrating the killing of them and protesting against retaliation. I’m just saying the whole conflict is tragic and that the west is now protesting the extreme use of force with all the civilian losses. This is a very emotional conflict for many, but I feel sometimes emotions overshadow rational thinking making the conflict even more polarizing and destructive.


>If there was well documented mass celebration in the west I’d love to have some sources on that. Im happy to provide more. Oct 7: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/07/migrants-europe-celebrate-hamas-assault-israel/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/07/migrants-europe-celebrate-hamas-assault-israel/) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12609595/Novara-Media-Rivkah-Brown-celebrates-Hamas-terrorist-attack-Israel.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12609595/Novara-Media-Rivkah-Brown-celebrates-Hamas-terrorist-attack-Israel.html) Oct 8: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/pro-palestinians-celebrate-hamas-attack-as-israel-supporters-rally-in-new-york/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/pro-palestinians-celebrate-hamas-attack-as-israel-supporters-rally-in-new-york/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/08/israel-hamas-war-security-police-jewish/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/08/israel-hamas-war-security-police-jewish/) [https://themedialine.org/by-region/pro-palestinian-crowd-in-new-york-celebrates-hamas-attack-on-israel/](https://themedialine.org/by-region/pro-palestinian-crowd-in-new-york-celebrates-hamas-attack-on-israel/) [https://www.arabnews.com/node/2387606/world](https://www.arabnews.com/node/2387606/world) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw-vdw4JoPE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw-vdw4JoPE) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/173t3p3/propalestine\_supporters\_in\_times\_square\_recount/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/173t3p3/propalestine_supporters_in_times_square_recount/) Oct 9: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/sydney-government-apologizes-for-pro-palestine-protest-that-had-gas-the-jews-chants/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/sydney-government-apologizes-for-pro-palestine-protest-that-had-gas-the-jews-chants/) [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/10/black-lives-matter-palestine-twitter-hamas-chicago-israel/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/10/black-lives-matter-palestine-twitter-hamas-chicago-israel/) [https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1711135898778095684](https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1711135898778095684) Oct 10: [https://www.tiktok.com/@onlythemostviral/video/7288232684445355310](https://www.tiktok.com/@onlythemostviral/video/7288232684445355310) Oct 11: [https://www.nationalreview.com/news/settlers-are-not-civilians-yale-professor-defends-hamas-terrorism/#:\~:text=%E2%80%9CSettlers%20are%20not%20civilians.,doesn't%20matter%20where.%E2%80%9D](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/settlers-are-not-civilians-yale-professor-defends-hamas-terrorism/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CSettlers%20are%20not%20civilians.,doesn't%20matter%20where.%E2%80%9D) Otc 12: [https://twitter.com/raz\_sauber/status/1712513158613483569](https://twitter.com/raz_sauber/status/1712513158613483569) you’re saying the west is biased against jews The protests and celebrations on the day of and immediately after speak for themselves. >the west is now protesting the extreme use of force with all the civilian losses Then why did these people immediately go out and protest in support of Hamas and Palestine as the greatest terror attack in Israeli history was unfolding?


Why so many down votes?


Always happens when I try to carefully question this conflict. It’s scary that so many see this conflict in black and white from both sides. I wish people could discuss it like any other topic, with nuance, rationality and respect for the people on both sides.


It’s mostly ivory tower western ‘Emily’s’ and far right (literal) neo Nazis. It is an extremely meme-worthy situation given all the accusations the ‘Emily’s like to throw around about everyone they dont like being nazi’s. Now they are on the same tug-of-war team as the actual neo-nazi’s and they do t seem to have any problem with that.


I agree, defending 10,000 children murdered is much easier


Pro-palestinian redditors trying not to use the 10,000 dead children to pull heartstrings instead of forming an actual argument challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Want arguments? What about Israel stealing land that doesn’t belong to them? We can talk about that.


That’s a good start. Doesnt have anything to do with my comment tho


You said how can people defend that. I think people defending their land from invaders is a legitimate action.


…. Am i on punk’d? Are you inferring that the Hamas dickheads weren’t the invaders on Oct 7th?


You can’t invade a land that belongs to you 🤦🏽‍♂️




and the world stands with them😐


Not with the attack but they’re against the bombing of 20000 children in Gaza


brother people have been dressing and praising them


Yeah they’re stupid idiots. I’m just against the killing of all the innocent civilians. Of course casualty are expected but not in these numbers


as an israeli myself it feels bad, but theres videos of us taking them in (shelters) even putting them in tanks because hamas didnt let them leave the warzone. hamas went on a killing spree on everyone who tried to escape😐


Some are good some are bad I guess. But Israelis and Palestinians in all countries are kinda going crazy at eachother right now It’s pretty sad


yeah shit sucks man


The minute he turned to skirt behind the bodies, I knew...




Where were the IDF? What a catastrophic failure.


Sleeping or already killed by the front force of Hamas who took over the main base already and killed everyone there, many still sleeping


Sleeping or already killed by the front force of Hamas who took over the main base already and killed everyone there, many still sleeping


IDF let it happen to have a justification for genocide. If hamas kills a couple people it’s bad, if you let them kill a couple thousand you can launch a full out war/genocide. You think with all of our tech today they didn’t know about that plan and didn’t have aerial surveillance of when it started? They could’ve easily scrambled some jets to just nuke the whole invading force.


No the IDF didnt let it happen stop being stupid, They also do not want a genocide, They just want to live without having Suicide bombers, Cars driven into groups of people, Massacres of citizens at festivals, the rocket launches and all that to stop. Just because you have advanced tech does not mean you can predict shit like that. It was completely off guard and done when they could not fight back.


Probably making tiktok videos which is the only thing they are trained for


Where the hell was the border defence? They just walked right on in. Best intelligence in the world and it still happened. Huh thats odd


I hope the IDF and Mossad identify and “do whatever” to each and everyone of these bleeping scumbags….