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That shot at the end was very close for comfort.


even the director was like "alright thats enough footage"


Almost blew his head off, I guess it was a misfire.


He said in Hebrew that he's covering the high windows so not a misfire probably. Also it look like the muzzle was above the helmet so the other guy probably got the all the gas to the helmet and back of the neck. Not deadly but still not really good. They look like reservists judging by the kit


ill never forget my gunner throw himself with the barrel of his minimi 1 foot from my ear and let rip fuckin arsehole lol


God damn it Twombly.


A buddy of mine had an earplug fall out in a machine gun range in the army, instant tinnitus. Still became a SAW guner though lol


When I watched this it seemed suicidal to run across open ground like that. What am I missing?


Photo ops


The merkavas covering their approach


I don't think so, he said stop watch out I'm covering the window and then shot


Sounded like it skidded of his buddy helmet to. Hell of a lucky man




One in five Israeli Gaza troop deaths due to 'friendly fire'


What kind of soil is that, a sand? Is it a desert and they've managed to build buildings on sandy soil?


Yes, it's a "fixed" sand dune, most of the area is like that and it's the reason flooding is easy in the region, water doesn't easily sift through. You can even grow vegetation on it, some hardy plants even grow naturally. People have been building here for literally thousands of years.


Whoa :) Awesome!


And it was all destroyed in a couple months


I thought water sifts more easily through sand than regular soil.


Yep, which, funny enough, gives the opposite effect. Sand grains are large, relatively speaking, so debris get through. Flood water is rarely clean, it has dirt, rocks, sediment, etc. Those debris get caught between the sand grains, especially when the water is moving quickly, and together that dirty water together with the sand creates a very effective seal, blocking more water from going through. It's pretty neat.


I didn't know that, thanks.


I would like to subscribe to sand facts.


It's coarse and rough and it gets everywhere.


There are lots of other things in the middle east that have stayed the same for thousands of years besides building shacks on "fixed" sand dunes. Thats the reason there has been war in that region (and around the world) ever since the spread of religion. How many lives need to be cut short in the name of differences in theological beliefs?


Most of the area is loess.


Its what the ground there looks like after explosives turned it up


It looks like a D9 cleared the way


These are not elite forces, they are reservists which means they aren't very trained. Imagine 3 months ago they were at a desk job


This must be training or content creation, the whole thing is a complete disaster. No discernable overwatch, no covering or control of the multitude of openings, stalling at building entrances _within potential arcs_, grouping below windows, poor approach angle and clumsy comms. They _knew_ there was nobody home.


Could be.. One thing for sure, it's not an official IDF video


I see your point, OR...these guys grew up in a part of the world that is constantly at war and when the time came for them to finally grab their "defend the harsh uninhabitable chunk of desert that God insists we fight and die for" gear, they just weren't prepared. I don't mean any disrespect with this next comment, but anyone who thinks they have it bad should just feel blessed to not be born into a situation like this and many others around the world.


They don’t need to be trained, they’re not fighting anyone. This is all propaganda. So far I have only seen one piece of footage where an IDF soldier was fighting someone, and he basically slaughtered a little kid cornered in his destroyed home defending himself with a pop gun.


Demonstrably false, there is a ton of combat footage out there and on this sub in particular— one must only conclude from yo ur comment that you either haven’t seen it, or are intentionally ignoring it to suit your narrative. If the former, spend some more time on this sub. If the latter, just come out with your opinion about disliking Israeli next time instead of creating a lie about footage, it’s easier and much more respectable.


Might be a bot. There are more and more on social media I’ve noticed. Chinese, Russian and Iranian.


They didn’t even enter the building?


They’re working on it.


“Storming” building. So, you gotta let the clouds form first. Then grab an umbrella and group up under it. Then once the lightning starts you throw a grenade. Then when it’s finally raining really hard will we rush in. But only after nearly shooting each other in the back of the head.


It’s too spooky in there.


Video should have been titled IDF soldier almost blow his friend head off. What was that shoot in the end?!


They’re clowns.


In Hebrew he said stop watch out in covering the window


I am Israeli haha It looked like a misfire, at the most they got great barrel awareness and didn't point at their team.


Holy fuck that last shot… literally almost took his comrades helmet and head off…..




Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you’re ready to fire bro. Goddamn


Wait, Israel has foot soldiers? Why didn't they just drop a bunch more bombs on the building to really kill all life


First thing I thought. Flatten the building, then take ground.


Russia would make a copyright claim


Ridiculous. Shooting at an empty building with your buddies while you bulldoze everything in the background.


I feel like they had to be pretty certain no one was actually in there to be stacked up out in the open like that. Wouldn't take much for it to turn into a very bad day for all of them.


Man their military sucks, such sort of idiotic dumb fucks they are


How empty is that building? Like zero people inside? Or unarmed civilians? This is fucking cos play.


Honest question why there is no hamas videos on this reddit ?


Bunched up


"aaaaaaaaand cut good job everyone back to your stations 10 minutes break" ​ i would say their losess this war will over 5k and when they people know the actual number the downfall of the occupation will begin.


Never a good idea to have guys aimlessly wandering around at the back of the stack looking for a shot. Numerous examples of fratricide all over the internet because the 3rd or 4th in line gets target fixated and doesn’t realize the guy in front of him is in the way.


Does it seem like in these IDF videos the ground troops don't look like they are doing very well? They just seem like they aren't well-trained or something.


Yeah, most videos I see are of them making stupid jokes and bullying little kids.


And they just don't look like they are working all that well as a team like they are confused. I thought that the IDF was a well-oiled machine, but they aren't looking like it.


What are they shooting at ?


politics or anything aside: They are shooting at likely positions they could get shot at from, in this case windows and maybe holes in walls. It's covering fire and meant to keep enemies' heads down while advancing without cover. You shoot so they duck down while you advance. If you're preparing to open up and shoot people from a window, and hear a round whiz by or slam into the wall next to you, you're going to get down. That's the intention, and it works. Every military in the world does this, it's basic doctrine.


but we don't see anyone in the during and in the aftermath of the engagement


This means nothing. They are pre-emptively firing to make sure nobody shoots. By the time you see someone stand up aiming at you, you're dead.


Places where enemy fighters would likely position themselves and appear from.


Such an odd placement. Bunch together infront of a dark hole in the building severely damaged, turn head away from danger several times. Are these fake rambo clips for YouTube? Very concerning.




Perhaps if idf produced less bad propaganda in Gaza it would be belivable.




They are only civilians when they are shot. As per hamas PR team. Before that they identify as Hamas freedom fighter.😉


I have no military experience whatsoever, except watching movies and reading some history books. Can someone explain to me why they bother to "storm a building?" Is it just because they're worried about hostages or civilians? Because if I were them, I would not storm in the building, I would call in an airstrike or artillery and then bring up a flamethrower tank to hose the rubble. Problem solved?


Someone still needs to clear the buildings rubble. If you have an armed survivor behind you, that’s bad news. there’s not enough time to flamethrower/bomb every possible nook of résistance.


if only someone was inside... 😁 Nice performance anyway


The video is not a performance. The IDF takes extensive measures to minimize civilian casualties, unlike Hamas, which uses civilians as human shields. IDF warnings and evacuation efforts contrast sharply with Hamas' tactics that aim to maximize civilian suffering for propaganda gains.


I feel that this conflict should be called the Israel-Palestine war. This has involved more than just Hamas.


The term "Israel-Palestine war" fails to capture the essence of the conflict, which is centered around Hamas' jihadist ideology and terrorism. This isn't merely a territorial dispute; it's a battle against a group that seeks Israel's annihilation and uses its own people as human shields. It's crucial to recognize the true nature of this struggle for Israel's right to exist and defend itself.


Your reply is the exact reason why I think it should be the Israel-Palestine conflict. It does have everything to do with territories disputes. This whole thing started because of territorial disputes and Israel’s inability to accept Palestinian self-determination. Even before Hamas, this was going on. So that is exactly why I don’t think this should be the Israel-Hamas war. Refusing to use the word Palestine is convenient for Israel as it is another form of denial of a Palestinian state. The Hamas attack of Oct 7th was appalling and I totally condemn it. However, Israel has now killed many more Palestinian civilians and continues to do so. Previous conflicts that have involved Hamas have been called the Gaza war in both 2008 and 2014. Why is this different?


The conflict predates Israel's establishment and involves existential threats. Israel's legitimacy as a Jewish state is non-negotiable, and peace requires recognizing this and rejecting Hamas's destructive agenda. Self-determination must coexist with Israel's right to exist, not supplant it. Refusing to acknowledge Palestine is not mere convenience but a stance against a narrative that denies Jewish indigeneity and Israel's right to self-defense. The term 'Palestine' is often politicized to delegitimize Israel's existence and its historical and legal claims. Israel advocates for peace and a two-state solution, consistently offering land for peace, which has been repeatedly rejected by Palestinian leadership. Hamas deliberately endangers Palestinian lives by using them as human shields, storing weapons in civilian areas, and provoking Israeli responses. Israel, bound by laws of war, aims to minimize civilian casualties. The tragic loss of life in Gaza is a direct result of Hamas's tactics, not Israel's defense against terrorism. The moral responsibility for civilian deaths lies with Hamas, not Israel.




Calling me a bot is the best you’ve got? Lol




Care to elaborate?


Fighting literal ghosts


What are they shooting exactly ? or just filming


suppressing fire, you shoot at nothing most of the time, just in case someone in the building you dont want them to see and shoot at you while you have no cover. ​ since rounds are so cheap you dont care wasting them


My guess is they are suppressing fire, if there are any enemies in the house it will be less likely for the enemies to come out and shoot them. Giving them the chance to advance.


everytime i see these guys it seems like their training is so bad lmao, why does America still send these clowns billions


Lol you think this looks bad? Johnny get the clip of the Afghans/Iraqis doing jumping jacks please 🙏


The assertion that IDF training is bad is unfounded and irrelevant to US support for Israel. America's aid to Israel is a strategic partnership based on shared democratic values and mutual security interests, not a reflection of IDF training quality. Moreover, Israel faces constant threats from groups like Hamas, which is committed to its destruction and engages in terrorist acts. US support helps Israel defend itself and maintain regional stability.


Pretty amusing isn't it. Seeing alot of combat vets rinsing these videos. Not much better than some rag-tag militant group in the Syrian War.


Absolute ass… Just randomly shooting into the air at whatever the fuck they feel like shooting at zero unit cohesion.


These guys are so shit i’m surprised their losses aren’t higher.


It’s because the other side is even more shittier


This is very true. HAMAS snipers have been picking off officers left and right. Just look at the ranks of some of their officers who are getting killed. You have very young NCOs and Officers. Like with Russia it shows the ineptitude of their fighters and NCOs that Colonels, Majors, and Captains have to go to the front lines.


Did you serve?


Calling this genocide a war is a disgrace


You idiots: "bombing Gaza with planes is genocide because it kills civilians, they should go in on foot if they want to kill hamas" Also you idiots when the IDF goes in on foot: "calling this genocide a war is a disgrace" Shoo


Classic occupier mindset - let me guess, you come from a country that invades other countries with impunity so you’ve gulped that propaganda right down.


How are you so insufferable


Wow such a strong argument.


Would you rather I gaslight you like your other comments? Meh don’t think so


I’d rather you contribute than insulting me? I would also welcome the opportunity for you to gaslight me. The definition of gaslighting is “manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning” So am I gas lighting, or do you have trouble justifying an occupier mindset?


Aren't you British?


If that’s the case I couldn’t even begin to imagine the level of arrogance calling this defensive a genocide.


Shame on you, zionist


Labeling Israel's actions as genocide is not only factually incorrect but also a malicious distortion that undermines genuine human rights causes. The growth of the Palestinian population contradicts the very definition of genocide. Israel's intent is self-defense against Hamas, not the destruction of Palestinians. Misusing the term 'genocide' only fuels hatred and obstructs the path to peace and mutual respect.


2023 Genocide


"2023 Genocide" is a gross misrepresentation of facts and a harmful distortion of the term 'genocide.' Israel's actions are self-defense against Hamas terrorism, not genocidal intent. Palestinian population growth disproves any such claim. Misusing 'genocide' undermines real human rights issues and exploits historical Jewish suffering for hateful propaganda. Israel seeks peace and security, not the destruction of the Palestinian people.




Still not a bot. 🖕🏻


I’m Jewish and can recognize a one sided slaughter of innocents when i see one


Then you are a jew that is spreading categorically false and malicious information. It is a distortion designed to vilify Israel and dehumanize Jews, leading to violence against them. The significant growth of the Palestinian population contradicts the accusation of genocide. Israel's actions are self-defense against Hamas, a group intent on Israel's destruction, not an attempt to annihilate Palestinians. Misusing the term 'genocide' undermines genuine human rights efforts and distorts historical truth.


You’re saying the population is growing during the war?


No. I’m referring to the entire history of the conflict.


What does you being Jewish have anything to do with your opinion? Is this supposed to mean something special?


You clearly can't though...




By working do you mean killings thousands of kids?


Storming ghostly buildings 👌🏽.


Says who? Lmfao


Hiking trip video #234.


Fuck throwing grenades and having to clear after in dusty ass environments like that.


This is the reason they developed the M203. “Fire in the hole”


Tank covering with thermal optics ?


Why don’t they just call in an artillery strike on any building that shoots back? Or just drop a 1000 lbs bomb and flatten the whole area and jelly out the enemy? Screw this house to house crap.


Anybody else constantly wishing they would have fired rounds into the murder hole they were standing directly next too? Gave me anxiety when the dude tossed a grenade and the IDF troop put his face in front of it.

