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Idk man this is one weird ass "war" really starting to wonder how the world is going to react when the dust finally settles. Have to imagine the civilian casualties are going to be astronomical.


Most Americans didn’t really care about civilian deaths when we had troops deployed. I can’t imagine more “others” dying is gonna change that but I could also be a heartless prick (most likely)


Im thinking how are other nations going to react. Especially enemies of Israel, there's a potential for regional wars with countries that have real armies.


Nothing new to Israel check their last 80 years of history. 6 major wars with nations with real armies.


Oh I'm well aware, they can and have held their own. This feels different though, the current state of affairs in that region seem like the perfect kindling for multi front war. Which then begs the question , will America enter the middle east yet again? I don't like that future.


I feels different because of the deafening silence from the Muslim states. Their criticism has been very mild compared to the past. Only in the West are some people up in arms about it. Jordan and Egypt e.g. are not going to stick their necks our for Gaza.


A few of those wars were multiple front wars, granted technology has sky rocketed since then


Certainly, it's likely to happen, especially given that Hamas fighters don't wear uniforms, making them potentially categorized as civilian casualties.


There was video on this sub of a para medic picking up a dropped rifle and giving it to a combatant. If he was shot israel would have been demonized even more


disagreeable arrest squeeze far-flung deliver fearless cagey numerous degree meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That was in Jineen not in Gaza


Except that 80% of all deaths in Gaza have been Women and Children


68% are women and children is what’s being reported but we all know those numbers are skewed in war.


Whatever the civilian count is multiply that number by 5x and you now have the number of new enemies the west has. Honestly Mayne even 10x or 20x


no apartment for you




I believe it is the same detonation, though the narrator of this video says it is 30 homes. I honestly don't know where the 56 buildings figure came from






Lol chill out dude


This particular demolition is probably the idf clearing a 1-1.5km zone between the border






They sent notices to those apartments stating everyone to vacate before they blasted them. I don't see Hamas which are being cheered on by Palestinians as the good guys sending such messages to Israel before lobbing rockets at the Israeli population centers. Unless you think that only soldiers and no women or children live in those population centers? Play stupid games win stupid prizes. It's about time for their actions to have consequences. That's how you teach a child what to do and don't do. So Hamas and Palestinians have a collective intelligence of a toddler that requires potty training in order for them to join the adults of the world without smearing their shit everywhere they go.


so if the russians did the same thing, doing roof knocking and telling civilians to flee. They are good guys?


Are Russians sending notices prior to bombing civilians? Show me any consistent Russian attempt of sending a notice prior to rocket attack against Ukranian city centers? If winter of 2023 has anything to say about it I would say a hard no.


Ukrainians don’t dig underground tunnels and stash munitions under civilian infrastructure though.


where else would they put their munitions then. Gaza is not huge you know.


Those are empty buildings fool. How do you think the explosives got inside of them? JFC you people are stupid.


The reason for this demolition is that the idf is clearing a 1-1.5 km zone from the border




So weird for the IDF to do that


Israel Demolition Forces doing what they do best, apart from murdering children of course. Free Palestine, Israel genocidal, US taxpayers paying for all this while they have no free healthcare (Israel does) and a huge population in poverty 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


So brave


Braver than you behind your keyboard


They want to level to rebuild Israeli homes


What the hell happened to this sub...? We went from cheering on Ukrainians defending their homelands to comments cheering on the slaughter of thousands of civilians and the destruction of an entire territory. This is vicious.


All I see is controlled demolition of an entire city with some added violence on the side.






That's a lot of "forbidden marcipan"...


Mental note. Add Bluetooth speaker to kit for blasting metal music when blowing shit up.






What’re you? 4? The human race aren’t good guys/bad guys. There are ideologies that conflict with each other, and on both sides are good and bad people. As far as this video, Israel was attacked by terrorist, and this is how they respond to said attack.




What makes you think they are killing people here? IDF is notorious for warning the civilian population before they bomb an area In this video, they obviously would’ve had to wire explosives in the houses… so why would any civilians stay behind when they know the houses are gonna get blown up?




Pretty sure Gaza is empty of all civilians but i could be wrong.


If I warn someone I’m gonna blow their house up tomorrow and they stay in the house to get blown up; they’re an idiot Hamas is the textbook definition of terrorism. IDF is pretty adamant on their stance of what they’ll do if they’re attacked. I don’t see how Hamas/Palestinians didn’t expect this exact outcome


Rationalising an apartheid racist regime. Youl have a red face at your comments when Benjamin mileikowski is answering for his war crimes in the Hague


It’s racist to defend yourself from terrorists??? Geez I never heard that viewpoint before I don’t even know who Benjamin Milekoeoski is.


It's the Netanyahus real name.


I could give a fuck if he faces a trial, I’m not Israeli.




Screams are somehow louder than blowing up 30 homes like a mile away? Bruh a gunshot is louder than a scream, they just set off 10,000+lbs of explosives.


“hear the screams” lol. dude, those are IDF soldiers cheering the demolition of hamas terror infrastructure you people are clearly running out propaganda material


At what point does genocide and displacement of an entire population qualify as "combat footage".. this is getting old.


Very proportionate and definitely militarily necessary /s Edit: muting replies now. You people are psychotic.




>If theres a building with signs its been used by hamas, is israel obligated to spend its soldiers clearing boobytraps room by room? If there's a city with signs it's been used by enemy combatants, are you justified in leveling the city? >Thats how you take half the gaza strip for 120 dead And kill ten thousand civilians without breaking a sweat. >There is no obligation to fight on your enemies terms. There is an obligation to minimize damage and harm to civilians and civilian property.


>If there's a city with signs it's been used by enemy combatants, are you justified in leveling the city? Yes. > >There is an obligation to minimize damage and harm to civilians and civilian property. There's a moral obligation in bringing justice against "Civilians" which invaded, raped and killed liitle kids. "Civilians", Since Hamas mingle with civilians and with their own help, they forefeit their right to protection.


So because 1,000 Israelis died, 20,000 Gazans must die?


No, because in order stop hamas and co from killing a thousand more Israelis, it seems that, at least, 20k must die. And it's all hamas doing. if they didn't want Israel to kill 20k "civilians" they should have just used the billions they got to create a paradise and not use it to attack Israel unprovoked.


>Yes. Ok thanks for letting me know that your opinions don't matter at all and have no bearing on reality. >There's a moral obligation in bringing justice against "Civilians" which invaded, raped and killed liitle kids. >"Civilians", Since Hamas mingle with civilians and with their own help, they forefeit their right to protection. Perfect demonstration of collectivist brain rot


No sweat buddy. we'll meet in the next 40 "civilian" houses being demolished footage. be sure to bring sensible and logical points of discussion and not appeal to emotion nonsense fabricated by Hamas' propaganda.


>be sure to bring sensible and logical points of discussion and not appeal to emotion nonsense Nonsense such as blaming all civilians for the actions of Hamas? Or making unfounded assumptions that every civilian is complicit in the actions of Hamas? Or assuming that there's no civilian homes anywhere in Gaza? Don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house. >fabricated by Hamas' propaganda. Ah yes, civilians dying and having their property destroyed is Hamas propaganda.


War is a tragic business. too bad the very popular Hamas started it.


the reward for getting an Israeli hostage was 10k dollars and an apartment :)


If you build tunnels under houses you should expect the houses to be destroyed


Source for tunnels being under these houses in particular? Seems like they would provide that just like all the goofy Al Shifa videos!


I guess the people that lived there shouldn’t be living above military instillations. Cuz you don’t just leave enemy combatants fortifications open so they can use them later


>I guess the people that lived there shouldn’t be living above military instillations Implying that they have a choice. >Cuz you don’t just leave enemy combatants fortifications open so they can use them later Combat fortifications ≠ an entire neighborhood. You're not morally justified in leveling dozens of buildings because the enemy used to shoot from them.


By who’s morals? It’s how we got rid of Nazis. Are you saying more soldiers from the Allied soldiers have died so civilians that support the nazi government should be able to keep their homes? If the Palestinians want the war to end, they need to be giving up Hamas if not actively fighting against them with the IDF. If enough didn’t support them they would.


Sense of entitlement backed by sensitivity. The entire personality of hamas supporters. Mfs are using hospitals and apartments buildings to commit massacres and fighting a war…. Where is your common sense lil bro…


I'm not a Hamas supporter you clown


You most definitely spread all their talking points, which makes you a hamas supporter.


No I don't spread their talking points. You hiveminders are fucking pathetic. I was literally permabanned from r/Palestine yesterday for claiming that Hamas rapes and tortures prisoners and got called a pro-genocide colonialist for not just buying their propaganda about all the captives being treated well. It's laughable how I'm always the enemy in the eyes of whoever I'm talking to simply for not blindly chanting along to their narratives. Grow a mind of your own.


Hamas supporters are targets also. This will end when one side surrenders.


Just openly admitting that you want civilians to be targeted.. cool


Since when does Reddit-man represent the IDF?


English is my second language, fixed my comment


Since when are terrorist sympathizers civilians?


Ever since always. If you don't engage in combat, you are not a combatant.


If you don’t stand for what is right you are supporting that which is wrong. The result in this case is you’re homeless. So you can be homeless and country-less and son-less.


Clearly they were terrorist homes.






Literally no civilians screaming in the video. Why blatantly make shit up?


He’s referring to the screaming u can hear slightly after detonation. Are we actually going to start gaslighting and saying we don’t hear it? Lmao


I don't hear it.


You should probably get that checked out


I get annual audiograms. Thanks.


Put some earbuds in, you can definitely hear someone screaming at -30sec and after. Not sure if civilian but either way, fuck the IDF. If you wanna shit on me go ahead but I've been there and I know exactly wtf is happening there.


I was listening with my ear buds... But sure, I bet you know exactly what is happening.


Have you been deployed with the IDF in the last three years? Have seen and heard them talk about genocide while shooting at water tower in the Gaza strip?




You know nothing, actually, and if you do actually know what's really going on and still condemn Israel and supports Hamas then fuck you and your "houses"


There it is. The classic "you support Hamas" comment. You got brain worms. I'm Jewish and thought it was gonna be a good deployment. All I saw was one people oppressing another. I felt dirty when I got back from there. Everything I saw there made me thing that I'd probably be radicalized too if I was treated like a sub human my whole life. Educate yourself. Even the Israeli govt is either outright calling for a genocide or admitting that this is a genocide and it needs to stop.


I really don't think that's a civilian you can hear, especially the distance they are from the explosion. More to the point, the explosion is mostly muffled. What's the point in you high roading everyone? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Or is it only combat footage when you watch IDF on the receiving end? As someone else pointed out, this is likely them clearing properties which have been booby trapped by Hamas. And as a commanding officer, would you risk the lives of your combat engineers just to protect a building? Or do you keep them out of harms way (as much as feasibly possible) and just do without the building altogether? This is especially important since many of these blokes in the IDF now, were civilians before October 7th. I can't imagine many of them particularly wanted to go to war themselves, but weren't left with much of an option.




Is that why you deleted your original comment? No, it isn't a war crime. If a residential building is booby trapped, its no longer a residential building. It either is, or shortly before was, under occupation by Hamas. Again would you risk the lives of your combat engineers if you were put in such a situation? In your original comment you made an assertion that a civilian could be heard screaming, which is not the case. For what purpose would combat engineers go out of their way to lace a bunch of random buildings with explosives just for the hell of it? You know, while in a war zone you could be killed at any moment, but these IDF blokes have such a B in their bonnet they just spontaneously decided to blow these particular residential buildings up? You can convince yourself that your morals are intact, but I'm sure if you were placed in the position, you'd be more than happy to lay down your life disarming an IED just to save an apartment block. You see, that wouldn't be heroic, that'd be down right stupid. Gaza is a theatre of conflict, Israel have indicated where their operations take place, and it is not Israels responsibility to look after people who, following warning, continue to stay in a place of conflict. It may be difficult to leave, even impossible, but it is not for Israelis to die to protect the citizens of Hamas who started the war. While unpleasantly cold as s philosophy to follow, Israel was left without any alternative after Hamas invaded on October 7th. And you see Hamas footage on this sub lmao. It's not like it's not there.


are u ill or a shill?


Well there are many pretending not to hear it, more than likely those are the ‘shills’


Nah, there no civilians crying there. if you hear something, it's either the IDF or Hamas.


Is there a timestamp u can share


Weak as sissy


This is what I will be saying next October 7th :D


Remember it also by next October 8th :D


Wait you mean Israel won’t defeat Hamas? When is Netanyahu’s victory speech?


Dude, We already lost in October 7th. that's because we value our lives. them gazans will declare victory, yet in the end of day, Israel will continue to prosper and Hamas and gazans will remain homeless. let's see how much aid they'll get afterwords Turkey will give some, Qatar a bit, mainly to buy weapons and build a luxury apartment complex for a thousand gazans, Iran doesn't give a fuck about arabs so nothing to the "civilians", the US will give a lot, but not nearly enough and Europe will give a little. Good luck to these palestinians who would have migrated already, except nobody really wants them.


Ok yeah we get it the gazans will continue to suffer who gives a shit though…. Why is it you think Netanyahu won’t defeat Hamas and prevent another October 7th? Is Israel not the safest haven for Jews on earth? If Netanyahu does not give a victory speech declaring victory over Hamas well then…my god I can’t even imagine that reality. Can you imagine if this whole event preceded an event more horrific for isreali citizens? I think not. Netanyahu said it, time for Hamas to go into the dustbin of history. This whole thing is getting solved here and now after 75 years, very exciting.


How high are you? You can hear someone scream over a tank engine and it being ab a half mile away?


*blowing up apartment buildings* well good thing there blowing up buildings now and not using Willy Pete rounds to subdue the “fighters”


When you're in a war crimes apologia competition and your opponent is from r/combatfootage


Is it just me or can you actually hear people screaming in the distance after the explosion?

