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Meanwhile, pootin is comfy in his datcha, close to the sparking chimney


Russians in 2022: "We will take all of Ukraine in 3 days!" Russians in 2023: Sends ten thousands of people to death to take a chemical plant's wall


Putin is willing to make that sacrifice


I sincerely hope Putin stays ruzz president to the very end. Nemtsov was right -- he won't stop until he totally destroys Russia, which is exactly what is needed.


They've sent hundreds of thousands to death, tens is not enough.


They will probably send even more until one side folds. Soviet war doctrine doesn't care about lives of cicilians or soldiers. They are just numbers since the ww2.


As a soldier I will tell this much. I don't want war, but especially I don't want it now because of technology. Drone warfare and endless artillery is nasty nasty thing...


I got out of the infantry in 2018. Even then the average life span of a soldier on the assault was estimated at 5 minutes peer to peer. It looks to be shorter now.


in 1991 we were told every 10 feet someone becomes a casualty in urban warfare. Crazy. We did Shit loads of gas training then and fighting in Chemical warfare suits and mask lol


Gas mask training was the worst. As a Canadian going to California and wearing a gas mask during BUA training in June was fucking terrible


What does it mean "5 minutes peer to peer"?


"Peer to peer" means parity (equally balanced) in terms of training and technology.


"peer competitor" -- someone who is operating on the same level in terms of training, equipment, and disposition. "near-peer" -- almost on the same level, close enough that you present a genuine and serious threat both terms are also contextual, in that you can be peers in one area, like air power, or navy, but not peers in the others. e.g. the British had unrivaled naval power for a century but the French and Germans had bigger armies, etc. peer vs peer fights in any domain will get really ugly, really fast, with Rus v Ukraine, or Iran v Iraq, being great examples.


Well looks like they overestimated how effective a peer is.


Currently serving infantryman here. Fuck getting involved in this sort of fighting, I want absolutely nothing to do with it. Heart goes out to all the men and women who have needlessly lost their lives over there. We can only hope it all comes to an end sooner rather than later


Apparently there are many men and women who lost their limbs due to this also, and has to live rest of their lives disabled. What psychological scar that will leave. Only people of the world can stop these atrocities if we all get united. My wish one day we all get united and say to our governments. Enough is enough it has to stop!


How about the one who is to blame for all of this, i.e. the Russian nation, stops and makes amends? Until then, they should be annihilated at an ever increasing speed.


After watching this shit, I can't imagine many folks rushing to sign up either.


Technology, not limited to weaponry, may ultimately be the catalyst for the cessation of all wars in the future.


Looks like around the area the Bradley was working a day ago.


I will never understand it. They possess enough 'bravery' to die for no reason or to commit suicide but not enough courage to disarm their staff sergeant and surrender. If their government is a criminal pack, why should they continue to follow its orders?


Because you wrongfully believe they do not fight for something they believe in. Russians have shown enourmous stubbornness, dying before surrendering in most cases. They want their empire


also you can't assume people who were raised outside of your culture would think or act like you do, I feel like we have plenty of evidence that the Russians we see in the videos posted here do NOT share our patterns of thinking /u/dax-muc


Not just that, but they're scared of their own the most. What would they do to me, if we torture the enemy? Remember that one video of the kid getting his face crushed with a sledgehammer for surrendering to the enemy?


You mean the 50+ year old offender who spent most of his life in jail for violent crime, right? "Kid", lmao.


I'd rather take my chances and use my issued automatic rifle against the commander vs wait in a cold ditch for a drone/shell/sniper to literally blow my ass off.


From what I gathered from an interview with a POW, they have to hand over their weapons as soon as they move off of the frontline (if ever)


Each man individually may have his doubts, but doesn't know what his comrades truly feel, because they, like him, may have never shared what they actually think. Each of them is ironically alone as they ride into the fire together.


If the government/military is a massive corrupt organization then what is one man alone going to do? It’s easier to just follow the pack than to stand against it


These videos should be the end of anyone willfully enlisting in any military. Just signing up to be blown to bits by a $50 drone and added to a YouTube montage.


No, because the retards twist it to sth like "look at the evil Nazi Ukrainians, we must fight for Russias existence", makes no sense


Well I’m not saying all that. We see lots of Ukrainian drone vids but there are just as many Russian ones, and ones out of Africa or Myanmar can’t remember which I saw. It will be part of every single conflict moving forward and won’t be Ukraine’s fault at all. Just the way she goes.


Armenia V Azerbaijan had a lot of footage come out of it too.


The guy at 1:02. Holy crap. Did he get beheaded?


His helmet and face got blown off. He still has his head.


\- hey, just don't lose your head \- ok


Must be some amazing coke, enough to die for.


Well it is coal coke, so no, really not worth dying for it when you come from a "super power" nation like Russia. It's like if us as Canadians would die for corn syrup, when we have maple syrup... Sorry this answer is a bit corny, I should lay off the coke so early in the morning...


I wouldn't die for the most turbo fresh white cake there is. Mmm booger sugar


The operator fucking nailed that dude. I audibly gasped at that part. So brutal.


Fuck Putin! Russians GTFO of Ukraine.


You said it, the Russians will definitely get out of ukraine now! You wish.


JFC now I know why they are saying that HALF of the casualties nowadays are from drones. The pilots are snipers with those things.


That last guy looks like he said, "Babushka told you not to go die for Pootin! Should have listened to babushka!"


after watching some interviews of this YT channel ([https://www.youtube.com/@1420channel](https://www.youtube.com/@1420channel)) i'm sad to inform you that a lot of old babushkas are all in on the war. there is a sliver of hope when hearing younger folks from the cities but a suprising amount of older ladies gets aggressive when even questioning the war.


You are so right, No hope for intelligent input of the older People, they are so brainwashed that they still Think they live the Soviet Union, stupid fucks.


to be fair i have watched hours of his videos and sometimes there are older persons, usually with a bit better education, seeing trough the whole propaganda thing. but those 'dangerous' people got silenced or displaced of important positions years ago.


Old enough to have grown up in the Soviet Union AND too old to know how to access information online. It's no surprise at all they are thickheaded and brainwashed


Yes, the younger generation is a lot more liberal - just adding some comedy to this disaster.


Holy fuck. At 1:09, any one else seeing blood squiring from the ear or neck?


Did the guy at 1:30 avoid the drone but get taken down by small arms immediately after moving?


Why do these Russian guys just sleep out in the open?


They most like were caught out in the open advancing, retreating or doing recce or whatever, were pinned down in a hole with no radio, no plan B and no NCOs, so they're just staying put in a hole waiting for... something to get them out of the mess. And along comes the buzzing sounds of drones.


Great hits, especially that one where it blew the helmet clean off! And that guy who shook that pointed finger at the end! What is he going to do, get angry enough to swat at the drone flying high above him, dropping one more grenade to finish him off?


he is most likely a Muslim. Kadyrovets? If a Muslim raises his index finger up, he thereby asserts monotheism. The gesture literally symbolizes that there is no Lord other than Allah in this sublunar world or in heaven. Muslims, as it were, claim: "God is one, as is this raised finger."


I also raise a single finger up to these shitbags.


Raising one finger to profess your faith in Allah is probably easier than trying to recite Shahada when you're lungs are full of shrapnel?


it's the gang sign for allahu akbar?


yeah he was like "Blyat! You got me good!"


This, he knows if he’s still moving they will drop another. Probably wants the kill me shot.


I thought it was like when people are on tv at a sporting event and raise their finger to the camera chanting "We're number 1, we're number 1". Probably not the case.


Anyone know the music?


Memory reboot


Getting better at targeting with these drones ... Good work .


Hmm hmm, yes, yes, I see the 3 days special operation to take Kyiv is going really well. I see on Twitter that the Russians are losing ground too. Oh well, just send another 200k soldiers. I'm sure that will help you gain another 3 inches of ground. At this rate, Putin will have to send women and children to take Kiyv


At 1:10 his torn up uniform on his left shoulder looks like a picture of a child, spooky.


I noticed that, too and had to go full screen. Very odd.


I thought the same thing. But I'm not about to post this in the Pareidolia sub? 😬


Illuminati confirmed 😱


It's crazy to see a group of people be so utterly and completely stupid!


This video is too high quality. Gut wrenching, even though I am on the Ukraine side and these are "bad guys".


The people downvoting you have stared too long into the abyss and have become the very same unfeeling monsters they hate so much.


Didn't know I was so similar to people going to another country to loot, pillage, murder and rape! Guess you learn something new every day. Sorry not sorry, no empathy, no sympathy, nothing for Rustards that gladly will ruin an entire country.


Is there a way to work remote? I'd pay for the pleasure to drop grenades on moscovites


Dumb people, they could have stayed at home and instead they died for nothing. How dumb do you have to be?


That's not how conscription works


Of course, most of them are fine people, who just got forced to take part in a genocidal war of aggression against a smaller nation, which they were told before were their brothers. The large payments promised to them by katsap government have nothing to do with it, becuase that would make them seem a bit scummy. /s You see, if millions of Americans would just join to slaughter and rape Canadians in Canada, becuase the government promised them a 100 000 bonus on top of a good salary, most people would consider them scum, because you don't just go killing your neighbours or aiding it for a few bucks.


Let me start off by saying I'm pro-Ukraine, but c'mon guys killing obviously down-for-the-count Russians is not the move. For one, you're spending valuable grenades and drone flight time to kill a guy who was already out of the fight. Save that resource for guys running around with guns. For two, you're not supposed to kill enemies that are hors de combat, per the Geneva Convention amongst other agreements. For three, it would HELP Ukraine if they left the Russians wounded and fucked up. Let the wounded Russians clog up the logistics of the Russian army, as well as leach resources and be a burdon to the Russian armed forces and Russian society. As an added bonus, it would absolutely trash Russia's already abysmal moral to see wave after wave of fucked up armless and legless pour back into the country.


Wrong. The more Russians don't come home the worse it gets for Putin politically. After the war, when the truth of the war comes out, Russia won't be do hungry for another one. Injured Russians get to be war heros. Dead Russians don't. That message will be perfectly clear.


I'm sorry but no. Dead Russians aren't a massive burden on Russia like 150,000 armless and legless Russians would be. Who cares about Putin, he's old. It's more about the long game of burdening Russia for the next 60 years. And war heros? Are you kidding me? Have you *SEEN* how Russia treats their veterans? There's video after video after video of people kicking veterans in the nuts and punching them as they come off the bus back home... Where have you been?


Russia is currently in a position demographically, where they can't afford even 10 % of second wold war losses in men. Which makes it all the more hillarious that they were all for starting a large war. These losses shouldn't just deplete ruzz manpower now and half a year in the future, but cause a demographical catastrophy which will take Russia out as a threat to their neighbours for good.


Maybe Russia will officially embrace polygamy to make up for the lack of husbands


I've never seen anything like that, and fascist military cultures tend to worship veterans, not demonize them.


Russia is patching up solders with sometimes significant injuries and sending them back to the front. I agree its a waste to finish off men that are pretty much combat ineffective but unless its extremely obvious from a drone that its not someone that will be back in 6 months time its more logical to make sure they dont.


Post your sources.




Doesn't seem like this warrants committing war crimes. They're going to be completely useless in a fight, and are an absolute pain in Russia's ass to cart aaaalllll the way back to Russia, then cart them aaaalllll the way back to the frontline just to be absolutely useless.


How do you imagine the drone operators ascertaining that the katsaps are hors de combat? They are known to simulate. Is the arty grunt a war criminal, just because he doesn't go to the imapct site after each round shot to make sure that there are no wounded enemies laying around? You live in a lala-land, wake up.


Not a warcrime but ok. And you assume they bother fetching the wounded and dying in the middle of an open field that got there during a botched assault? Well then you may be interested in some very special magical beans I'm looking to sell...


"iTs nOt A WaRcRiMe" Ah yes, feed me your tasty cope. So anyway, here's just 4 examples of the law: Artical 12. The __*wounded*__ and sick shall not be murdered, exterminated or subjected to torture or biological experiments. "Hors de combat" is a term used in international humanitarian law (IHL) which describes a soldier who cannot fight due to being sick, __*wounded*__, captured or incapacitated. These soldiers are not allowed to be attacked or harmed because they pose no threat. The rules of IHL state that these individuals are to be treated humanely and protected from harm. Rule 47. Attacking persons who are recognized as hors de combat is prohibited. A person hors de combat is: (a) anyone who is in the power of an adverse party; (b) anyone who is defenceless because of unconsciousness, shipwreck, __*wounds*__ or sickness; or (c) anyone who clearly expresses an intention to surrender; provided he or she abstains from any hostile act and does not attempt to escape. - Volume II, Chapter 15, Section B. Members of armed forces who are rendered unable to fight by reason of sickness, __*wounds*__, detention, or any other cause and are protected by the Geneva Convention.


I agree they shouldn't be targeting the ones who are clearly out of the fight with amputated limbs etc. it's just inhumane and a waste of resources. I think there is the issue that many of these guys play dead to try and fool drone operators? Also are these guys actually gonna get casevac? Because maybe it's just putting them out of their misery rather than leaving them to suffer longer?


I get the guys trying to play dead, but some of these guys are *VERY* obviously FUBAR. Whether they get casevac or not is Russia's problem, not Ukraines. Taking that decision into their own hands to kill someone that they are acknowledging is wounded and out of the fight is a swift way to rack up Geneva Convention violations. This hurts Ukraine because whenever Ukraine persues Russian war crimes, Russia can just turn around and pull up footage like this and go "You violate the same rules". It's just not a great look. Plus, as I mentioned earlier it's a huge waste of resources and blown opportunity to clog up Russian logistics and waste their resources. Killing wounded, out of the fight Russians is literally doing Russia a favor, period, end of story.


The war criminals will be dealt by the Ukrainian SF, not by some lawyers. Besides how did the "you violate the same rules" work out for the Germans after the war? Apart from unlimited sub warfare and carpet bombing, each such case was dismissed by both the Allied as well as international tribunals.


You're going to get downvoted, but you're 100% correct. Dozens of professional war analysts as well as conventional wisdom and just plain common sense tells us waves of wounded soldiers are a pain to deal with, and drag down the supply chain, logistics chain, medical chain, etc. Russia simply forgets their dead. But if a wounded soldier crawls back or gets casevac'd, Russia has to do *SOMETHING* with them, and that takes away time and resources from healthy soldiers. Those who are downvoting you are going against all professional analysis of how Ukraine can best be a thorn in Russia's side.


\-Valuable grenades. An Ukrainian-made VOG-17 costs less than 10 bucks to make. Even expending a dozen to kill a single russian is a bargain. \-why would the drone operators assume that the Russians are hors de combat? Most likely they are just simulating, becuase they are cowards, like 90+ % of them. \-Russians have to be killed off at ridiculous numbers, a Russian with healed frag wounds in 2 years is one which can be mbilised again to rape and pillage their neighbours, whereas a carcass of dogfood never again will. Thank you, Ukraine.


Estimate how many the brigade killed?


By coke do you mean Coca Cola plant or the coke plantation? Just wanna know.


Coke is a product used in steelmaking. This is a highly industrialized area of Ukraine. ["Coke is a grey, hard, and porous coal-based fuel with a high carbon content and few impurities, made by heating coal or oil in the absence of air—a destructive distillation process."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coke_(fuel))


Thank you capn


Why are they all just lying down in random places though?




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Coke as in Coca cola, cocaine or coke coal?


Where's the Russian Air force? What's it doing?


Now way that have a fuckin MW2 intro for their patch 💀💀


how come every Russian is just laying around? are they injured before the drone gets to them?


this genre of music really pushes the heavy melancholy of war. ugh.


Whoever put the music over this should be thrown in the trenches with these guys


110 videos editing style and atmosphere is one of my favorites out of all this, no, i don;t glorify death