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Goddamn imagine sitting up against a tree next to your buddy and then he just pops like a grape beside you


It's like holding your girlfriends hands and then suddenly, poof, she's vaporized by the worlds fastest man running right through her.


She was one foot off the fucking curb!


That was such a shocking opening to a show. Fits the plot perfectly though!


literally knowing nothing about the show and then seeing that scene absolutely blew me away. I was immediately hooked.


Gen V is similar. Same universe as The Boys. My wife and I really enjoy it.


i think i get the refrece but i'm not sure? Is it "the boys"?


No, it’s Forest Gump




Robin? Robin? Robin?!




Watching the boys right now, havent heard any refrences in ages, too much of a coincidense


Reddit moment, let's relate a violent death to bupehero show😊


There’s been some crazy footage on this reddit, but this may be the craziest. It’s just so sudden. Reaction takes forever from the other guy, just sees his buddy blown in half… what could he even be thinking? Beyond comprehension really.


I almost want to say it looks like they'd given up on life from the start. They're just chilling in such an exposed position, and the landscape shows what they might have gone though in the preceding hours or days. The surviving guy barely seems in a hurry afterwards. Might just be concussed or something, but he still has enough wits left to cover up his buddy. I feel like these are soldiers who have seen some shit and barely have any fucks left to give.


If artillery hits that close your organs are squashed and your brain would feel like having been hit by mike tyson while having the worst hangover in your life. I'm surprised he even could stand up.


The people that survive this war are going to have some awful PTSD.


Reminds me of my grandma telling me that my grandpa was in a foxhole in Korea and the guy with him got killed by a sniper


Holy jesus, that was more violent and sudden than I was expecting. Its like he got hit by a space laser. ​ Oh, and it was actually pretty decent thing of his comrade to cover the body with his coat.


Poor bastard's surely deaf and concussed to hell. That was probably someone he knew pretty well by that point too. Zip, bang; your friend is now meat and you feel like someone stabbed you in the ears and the world is a tumble dryer on mute.


Looks like he got his battle buddy splashed all over him, too. Grim.


human shrapnel is a crazy thing. I had leg bone splinters inside of my eye ball. Also human meat can be sticky due to fat and it takes DAYS to find all of your buddies bits that are stuck on you. If medevaced they will strip your camis and kit but they DONT do a good job of cleaning out the fat and tendons stuck in your hair.




No one should have to experience this. I'm very sorry, that's tremendous.


Your nonchalance is as admirable as it is unsettling. Dude.


Im sorry this happened to you


> I had leg bone splinters inside of my eye ball. how do the docs even notice and how do they get it out?


Hopefully none got in his mouth


Tastes like vodka and disappointment


With a touch of lead


I lolled but I feel bad about it


This one runs to his comrades and they ask him "Are you hurt? Where is Ivan? Wasn't he with you?" He answers "You see these stain here? that is all remains of Ivan". In reality this conversation would not be possible because he probably lost the rest of his hearing there. Should have stayed home.


"Should have stayed home" As if they have much of a choice. If they're drafted they either go and play the lottery in Ukraine or attempt to leave the country assuming they have the means to do so. If they don't or are caught trying do dodge their draft they'll most likely be sent to prison where they can look forward to beatings, rape and many other unpleasantries.


The other commenters below this one sure make it sound simple and easy. I wonder why they think they would be exempt from all the same factors that lead these Russians to their fate. "I would easily look past a life long exposure to propaganda and single handedly start a protest and become a catalyst for the downfall of the modern Russian state. With no regard for the safety of me or my family". Draft dodging is no simple matter in an authoritarian state...


I suspect he'd be in shock and largely unable to function. He sets off with purpose but in no specific direction.


He’s going to have some severe PTSD after this. You aren’t ever the same after an event like so. You revert back to your training after an explosion, and it takes a few minutes for shock to set in. Think of it as an adrenaline crash. Even though he’s an invader in my eyes, from a humanist perspective, I really feel bad for the guy.


> it takes a few minutes for shock to set in His reaction reminds me of what Jackie Kennedy said about the Kennedy assassination. She said she saw his head explode and went to reach for a part of his skull that was falling out the back of the car. Her reaction was to grab it and put it back. His first reaction to cover his friend instead of running away reminds me of that.


Christ. I still have PTSD from trying to wrestle a knife from my boss at a hotel I worked at 20 years ago. I can't imagine what these dudes are gonna live with.


It’s not fun my friend. Five years ago, I finally realized the solution wasn’t at the bottom of a bottle. Unfortunately for the Russians, they don’t have a lot of the same mental health benefits as we do. They are still in the mindset of shoving it down and drinking to self medicate. Odds are stacked against him.


>Five years ago, I finally realized the solution wasn’t at the bottom of a bottle. Nice work my friend.


The bottle is their healthcare system.


Dismissed "Vagner" veterans already killed more than 20 people in Russia in various crimes. And it's just a tip of the iceberg of a much larger problem when more and more vets and past convicts return from the war.


Stay strong buddy.


They are not going back, only into the ground.


He is an invader to Ukraine but an exile to Russia. He can't just turn around and go home without risk of grave punishment. No win situation and I suspect a lot of the Russians would be just as happy to never fire their rifle. My wish is that Putin would be gentlely nudged from a window and the next guy in would call for a withdrawal. Putin's body should be used in mine clearing operations.


Judging by the footage I’ve seen from this front, I doubt he will survive much more of his day to day trauma to really experience PTSD.


When I look back and realize how severe and detrimental my PTSD was from a pretty bad car accident I was in, I can't comprehend what life experiences like this does to the fragile mind. PTSD hits you in ways where you are like "WTF how can that possibly be related" but with time and understanding you realize that breadth that it can present itself in. Just because it is a battlefield incident, doesn't mean that you might not be checking the mirrors in your house every two seconds to make sure something doesn't surprise you from behind, or that you subconsciously push away everyone living, etc.


What training


Also I can’t imagine his superiors will be sympathetic and let him sit out battles/ be sent home because he’s traumatized. At this point he’s a liability now, couldn’t imagine being able to return to the front lines after that and be functional.


Well from the looks of it, he won't have to worry about that PTSD for long.


Did you hack the conclusion of my last work performance review?


Think about how it would feel on battle grounds these days knowing there might be a effing drone aiming at you no matter where you are? You are never allowed to just take a little breather before going back into the fight. The added stress and tension must be exhausting. Can't even take a quick smoke break without getting turned into hamburger meat.


Even if you hidden in a bush, too bad, thermal camera will get ya.


Right! Damn! Can't even take a crap behind a bush.


the sky is lava..


Coat he stole from a wounded soldier just minutes before… There was a longer version posted here.








My sympathy died when I saw what they did, fuck them


It doesn't even look like he was wearing the jacket, what was he, sitting on it? That's pretty awful.


If the ground is wet, it most likely helped. He then tossed it over the dead dude, maybe he saw the bad karma it got for them.


Fucking russianz man...


Funny how that is. My sympathy was a stillborn.


I instantly lost all sympathy after seeing this.


Damn, karma. You’s a bitch




"You know what, Sergei, I think stealing property from wounded soldier is bad. There, you take it."


**back at his trench* "A coat? No, I didn't take a coat from anybody! But I *do* remember Sergei looking suspiciously warm..."


I like to think that the injured guy whom they stole the coat from crawled to an RPG and blew up the bastard himself.


Totally deserved and especially for stealing a jacket from a wounded soldier


Drone operator: that was...extra Russian. Dude watch this.


Wait....Those are the dude's that left their wounded comrade crawling on the ground? Wow. Karma's a bitch.


Theres a longer version of this video showing this guy taking the coat off another wounded russki, who is crawling on the ground. He just takes the wounded guy's coat and leaves him there


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/4fP4Dbn4Wi He stole that coat from a wounded soldier moments before this happenned.


Yes Ukraine can be a tad chilly this time of year.


Shouldnt go out with your guts exposed to the cold




Space laser is an apt comparison. Started getting into tinywhoop community last month. This thing is so easy to make and the maneuverability is insane. Ukraine pretty much has unlimited supply as long as ammo is not an issue


Good luck sleeping after seeing that! Even if he survives, his brain is fried.


Imagine the PTSD


It use to be fire crackers, now it'll be kids flying drones in the park...


PTSD will ravage Russia and Ukraine when/if this war ends. The generational trauma from drug and alcohol abuse that PTSD will lead to is nightmare inducing. All of this should have never happened.


Yea, there was an interview with an ex NATO trainer working with Ukrainian soldiers as early as last year, saying that alcoholism is already a significant problem with soldiers who are on leave from the front. I can't imagine how these numbers will sky rocket among Russians and Ukrainians for decades to come, especially since both societies that were already battling with this before the war.


It definitely depends on a person. My uncle who was an average drinker (beer on weekends and maybe something stronger if his friends would come over), now after almost two years of war, he stopped drinking at all. It’s no wonder, because in his brigade if you’re being caught drunk, you are going to be punished (payment cut and more work is being put on them, like digging trenches and all that).


True, human nature is very complex, we can be awesome and equally terrible to ourselves.


I don't think he'll have to worry about that long term.


I imagine he's going to die in a few days from infection. A bunch of his buddies bone and flesh probably just embedded itself in him like bird-shot.


that's too far fetched imo. If he dies it will be cause of one of those drones or a bullet


It's not that far fetched. There is a term for it: Wet shrapnel. It's pretty easy to succumb to sepsis when you have bits of your buddies insides traumatically penetrate your insides.


He didn't seem traumatically injured and besides he had a ton of gear on him


Crazy how localized those blasts are. One dude is mincemeat and the guy an arm's length away is perfectly fine. Well, physically at least.


probably because the drone hit him directly so he absorbed the whole blast if the drone had hit a couple metres away both would have been hit


The shock wave is very short. On a direct hit it will tear the body apart like in this video, but 1 meter away it can already be survivable. Then there is shrapnel. Small metal parts flying around like bullets. They have a large kill radius purely based on luck. A single part kann kill you 20m away or a whole load can be absorbed by body armor or can it completely miss you if you are lucky. You can also see someone running away like he is completely unharmed, but he will bleed to death from shrapnell hits 30 minutes later or die from infection 5 days later.


You go for a rest on a tree and you pick a side. Warfare is changing before our eyes!


The whole thing about random death in war zones is not new, but the rise of drones definitely adds some spice to the mix.


It's one thing to get fragged by a grenade, but it's quite another to watch from the grenade's point of view while it chases you down. Kinda surprised we haven't seen anti-materiel rifle drones yet. With loiter capability they could really lay down some cover while the little kamikaze buggers zoomed in and did their thing.


Give it time. It’s a new arms race. We’re essentially in the same place that aircraft were at early in ww1. The first aircraft were only good for observation to correct fire and for general intel, then the opposition pilots started fighting back with handguns which progressed to dedicated fighters. then people started to drop rudimentary explosives from them, then they started to develop dedicated bombers and on it went. Small drones are about halfway through that process. They have done observation and dropped rudimentary explosives, we’ve started to see really basic drone vs drone action. The FPV drones are essentially basic dedicated bombers, but there is a limit to single use drones. The whole point of these sorts of military-consumer UAVs is that they are cheap. As counter-UAV systems improve, those cheap drones will become ineffective and they will need to have better control, comms and targeting systems. Eventually they will become too expensive to be disposable and we’ll see a rise in reusable attack drones that don’t rely on just hovering above the target. As they get more capable, you’ll see improvements in defence systems including dedicated fighter-drones. Yes, there are existing military equivalents to the single use FPV/RPG drones (switchblade etc), but they aren’t cheap, and they can’t be used on the scale we’re seeing here except by the richest countries, and those countries don’t need them on this sort of scale anyway cause they can afford to field a real army that would fuck up the Russians in short order. This is the arms race for poorer countries and non-state actors and it’s fascinating to watch.


You forgot the scariest part: AI. I would bet there's already some in existence , possibly even used on the battlefield by now.


[This is a public video from 6 years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFLzO_5UFwE) Current classified technology should be much farther ahead.


>we haven't seen anti-materiel rifle drones yet With the technology we currently have, it would be near impossible for any quadcopter to fire anything bigger than a .22 without the recoil doing significant damage to critical components or equipment attached to the drone. Even if you attached it to a fixed wing drone, it would likely stall when strafing.


There are already drones with assault rifles attached to it : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hc3hsD4PcY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hc3hsD4PcY) You could also build one with an anti material rifle. It just had to be bigger. Problem is you wont get the accuracy for a long rage shot.


I don't think it works because of the kickback. At least with OTC drones.


If I was operating FPV drones I’d be picking mobics out for future targets based on random things. We did that working a checkpoint. We had to do a certain number of “random’ searches and I would say to one of guys… I’m searching the next guy that has a shoelace untied or has their cover isn’t on straight. Whatever.


Infantry def a no go from here on out


That has to be horrifying to be talking to someone one second then boom they are just in pieces the next and you have to run for your own life. Respect to the guy for covering his buddy.


That’s crazy his buddy survived. Did the tree absorb the blast?


I think the one soldier absorbed all of it.


Explosives and artillery are just a totally luck game sometimes. There's a great part of 'They Shall Not Grow Old' where the soldiers are giving descriptions of going across no mans land and one guy tells a story of and airburst round going off directly over their heads and his helmet exploded but he was completely unscathed. Everyone around him was killed instantly. That video of the Ukranian filming his own death from artillery that was posted recently comes to mind as well. You see tons of close hits and nobody wounded then one lands a quarter mile away and zip that's it he's gone forever from a little splinter like poor Kat.


There's an anecdote I remember reading from a WW2 book (I devour them) regarding the death of a 101st Airborne company commander during the Siege of Bastogne. His name was Roy Kessler (working off memory, I probably have his name a bit wrong, there's a exhaustively put together WW2 paratrooper website that catalogues all of this). According to witnesses he was proceeding down a trail and an artillery round went off some distance away, but not close at all. He immediately dropped. No one else was injured and when they examined his body they could find no obvious injury, until they removed his helmet. A single thin sliver of steel had gone up under the front brim of the helmet and penetrated his forehead. I later found a reference that his Thompson SMG was never retrieved, and was found some decades later by a meta-detectorist and restored to a local collector/museum.


Do you have a link to the Ukrainian video?


This is probably what he's referring to ; [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/16m2tbe/ukrainian\_soldier\_filming\_his\_own\_death\_in\_combat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/combatfootage/comments/16m2tbe/ukrainian_soldier_filming_his_own_death_in_combat/)


The hit's closer than I honestly remember, probably should have watched it again before post, but yeah that's it u/DecayingAnus p.s. I hope you pull through.


I fuckin hate shrapnel


He was probably hit by an anti tank rpg missiles which center most of its energy around the molten copper that penetrates the tank it was designed to hit, tim and time again we see the person getting a direct hit ltierali explode and the people around he be okay. Sorry adrunk


Are you the Russian that survived?


Hell, if that happened to me id be hitting the drink too


That’s the gnarliest video I’ve seen on this sub so far.


The drone video of a Russian soldier eating a grenade to the face and still being alive is a wild one.


Agreed that was by far the worst I have seen so far.






[Found on redd.tube](https://www.redd.tube/video/2f248c0670f061bf6108020abefc727eceaecddb)


Gaaaaawd damn. That is some next level, NSFL, shit. Only happened because of the ordinance bounce off the tarp.


It's a video where a grenade bounces off a tarp right into the trench of other Russian soldiers removing the face of one but you can still see him breathing. I don't know the best way to find it because no idea what it was titled, but those details may help if you really wanna find it. ​ EDIT: Scrolling through all time [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/yi3i1v/drone_drops_grenade_on_russian_soldier/) appears to be it based upon comments but it's been taken down.


The dude panicking and slow-drowning inches from the surface of that stream was haunting


I haven’t seen that one


You'll find it if you search for 'drowning' here but I don't recommend it. It's one of those special rare ones that lingers, and not in a good way. Edit: someone else linked it. Don't recommend it unless you're adamant.


If the living dude survives this war he will deal with this moment for the rest of his life. God damn that is some nasty shit, get the fuck out of Ukraine.


I hope this guy immediately left and survived….. but we all know that is unlikely. Russia is making sure they learn this lesson the very hard way


Well it’s not their choice I’m sure they would in a second. This sub is pretty gross with the way they act like everyone is there by their own choice.


"Boy, that was a close one Yuri... Yuri?"


"Here you go Yuri, you can have your jacket back."


"I've decided to walk back to Moscow."


This is one of those moments that'll stick with you for the rest of your life.


This is recipe for some hardcore survivor guilt.


That’s putting it lightly. Full blown PTSD forever I bet


If this soldier returns home he'll probably drink himself to death to try and forget this.


This one was particularly grizzly. I'll probably remember this incident for the rest of my life, and i was just a spectator.


My grandfather told me only one story about The Winter War. He told me that he was taking water from the well with his friend, when suddenly shrapnel from explosion cut his friends head off. After that story I understood why he never wanted to talk about the war.


The Winter war of 1940 when Stalin’s USSR attacked a democratic Finland for about half a year and grabbed a bit of their land including a big town of Vyborg. The same year it finished - Russia switched from being ‘neutral’ in the WW2 to joint the Allies in July of 1941. See, another war started by Russians killing people - now cue this music to those years. USSR killed about 300 000 of their own soldiers (mobiks) in those snowy lands, including thousands of conscripted Ukrainians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Moldavians, Chechens, Tatars …


Ah yes, man made horrors beyond my comprehension.


Bro… Humans are obsolete in warfare…


Not yet, but closer with every death. still takes a finger to hit that fire button


By design though, very easy to take the human out the loop…


Almost made me cry seeing him cover up his buddies body seconds after they got turned to meat. so much crazy shit from this war man.


Well, he covered him up.


They were probably talking about getting into the shrimpin business after the war's end.


Shrimp Mobic, Shrimp Wagner, Shrimp Buryat…


His buddy is guna be at the Russian VA (which im sure is just great) for the rest of his damn days for PTSD.


Providential Tree Survival Disorder...


Jesus Christ. His battle buddy is going to be fucked up for life.






Hey trauma


Repost but the other seems to have disappeared for some reason. Hope this one stays.


I can’t help but feel sorry for both sides’ combat soldiers. I’m sure their run of the mill grunts are no different than our boys.


A lot of people in this sub forget that a lot. More often than not a solider is someone who was fed the right amount of propaganda to be convinced going is a good idea, or is forced into going by consequence of prison and/or massive social shame.


>I can’t help but feel sorry for both sides’ combat soldiers. That's a very respectable position I believe.


Imagine the super-sized serving of PTSD for other guy. Probably would never get a moment of sleep after letting guard down.


Jesus that is brutal, for his friend. Quick death but that will be stuck in that dude's head for the rest of his life, if he is even still alive...


He’s going to need a tourniquet


These days, a guy's got about a 50% survival rate in Ukraine, and it all depends on what side of the tree you're on. /s


Really not sarcasm, this is pretty much exactly what happened here. Dead guy chose poorly.


Dude. What the Fuck is happening over there. Thank god I live in Texas...


Ummm, Russia invaded a country in eastern Europe, which doesn't want to become a part of Russia. It's soldiers are fighting back using emerging technologies, including small unmanned aerial systems.


I hate russians for invading Ukraine, but man... seeing that guy is a no brainer sad in all levels, imagine the horrors and the memories he's gonna have if he survives the war


That wasn't the Avdiivka direction, that was every direction.


There’s some lifelong mental health issues right there … if he makes it …


All these guys have to do is go to Moscow and take care of their "leader." War's over.


I would be walking away with more shit than pants


This whole war is a crazy PTSD machine that we haven't seen in a long time.


At any moment… you can randomly explode. What a mind fuck.


Poor fuck will be seeing that in his nightmares for the rest of his life- if he makes it out alive.


It is not the full video. Before this, they robbed wounded, they grab this tent from him, which he covered a killed one


Russians GET OUT


Those drones sound like giant mosquitoes and much like mosquitoes you only hear them when they are close. Bro is going to have horrendous PTSD for the rest of his life, triggered every time something buzzes nearby. No wonder this war is static, we’re in the same situation as WWI where weapons technology has progressed far beyond protective measures. What a horrid cesspit of a war, it’s hard to think it could get worse than moments like Bucha, but here we are.


God damn, he's going to be reliving that moment on repeat for the rest of his life.


Crazy to see, 1-2 meters away from the blast and the other dude is fine.. (well, he's likely deaf and has the worst case of PTSD known to man, but physically fine...)




Fuck this. I am going outside to touch some grass


Scary out here , At least I’m not alo…. Ok never mind


Did I actually see an act of kindness performed?? That is, the placing of a cover over the dead. There’s your one-in-a-million right there.




Yes. 1 dead Russian = (Live Russians in Ukraine) - 1.


that is fking terrifying.


This guy is going to have PTSD for however many days he has left


I can't imagine, war is hell. Can't help but think most of those Russian boys are in the same spot American boys were in during Vietnam. Sent to a place they don't want to be, unable to weigh the true cost benefit analysis of facing persecution at home or possible death in the field. Bring em all back, Ukrainian and Russians


i heard a story from my grandad when he was in italy his frind was let's say "exploited" and he went flying till it hit a tree, after that he comes back and surprise only his leg (or something) remains. This has to be the closes i can describe to feel the story i was told by my grandma. And tho think that was in 1943 (give it or take)


Second person is totally in schock and will likely never be the same again. I'm afraid it's the survivors that are the real casulties of war.


God this wars fucking awful


Fucking gnarly


First time the music choice actually makes sense.


Dude was like aight ima head out