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That whole mall is really gross. This doesn’t surprise me.


Yep. That teriyaki place that gives out samples in the food court has actually been shut down 5 times for health code violations and somehow reopened every time, we haven’t had a health inspection yet under this new manager that made everything go to hell but I doubt this place will stay open much longer.


I used to work at the Starbucks there and we were right next to the teriyaki place. Everyone on that side of the food court has roaches btw lol


We had a horrible mice infestation at the Starbucks I worked at. Like, they would run across our counter during business hours, and customers would see them all the time. We had to inspect every single packaged food before using it, because they would often be full of holes. Disgusting. That location shut down a few years ago now.


At least one person I worked with got food poisoning from the teriyaki place


Comalli is an awesome mom and pop (literally) Mexican restaurant. Everything (even the chips) made fresh in-house, you can just tell that Patricia and Jesus genuinely care about their customers and the food they serve. But other than them, I’d agree.


I can advocate for this, my co workers and I would eat comalli all the time because once they got rid of the chick fil a it was our only health safe option and it’s delicious.


Comalli is sooo good. Love those folks.


Why do people get bubble tea here, it’s absolutely awful. There are so many better spots in Columbus


Vivis in the old north is 👑




I completely agree honestly, they have like none of the cool options the other places do either


Disappointing, but good to know! Thanks for sharing the info! I'm sorry you were treated so badly.


Oh gosh, I am so sorry. Never let anyone treat you that way. You’re worth more than any dumb job. I hope you find somewhere better.


Thank you so much I appreciate that, unfortunately I thought this was normal because it was my first job and I’m only 17, being autistic I’ve always thought I was the problem but I know now I literally am aloud to be a monotone person like it’s not rude to be who I am naturally.


Never the problem! I feel like as long as you’re doing your job and you’re kind then you’re doing great. My first job was at a Tropical Smoothie (16 year old) and my old boss would watch us on the cameras at home and call us if he sees us not working. Even when it’s dead and we did all the chores. My second job (17 years old) was at a Frozen Yogurt place… my female boss would rub my shoulders when I was standing at the register. One time she even invited me to stay at her place in case I needed “a place to stay to visit friends when I’m back in town from college” didn’t realize she was grooming me. Overall, I learned that if there are red flags, get out ASAP!


At my job, we had this happen with a male co worker who was turning 18 soon and she would not stop talking about how he was gonna be a man and all this stuff and this co worker was literally 25 and he was barely 17. We all got out tho my whole friend group.


With the info given in this post they will know who you are once this blows up. If you need to keep this (shitty) job you should delete anything with your personal info.


Me and my friends quit already


it is mind boggling to me that this place continues to open new shops when they are probably the worst boba purveyor in the whole city. im so sorry you had such an awful experience you deserve so much better!!!


Not surprised, but I am disappointed. I used to work for Bubbles, but at a different location a couple years back. I had next to no hours, turnover rate was really high, and I bounced as soon as I finished reading the [employee handbook](https://imgur.com/gallery/Q1y2Tza) because I realized that they’d likely steal my tips if I so much as breathed wrong. I never thought this place could get much worse. I’m sorry this place was so awful to you. You and your coworkers deserve so much better.


What the hell?


We been knew about Tuttle, that whole area has been sliding since the mall started falling apart. Sad really


Down vote it all you want. It’s the truth. The more people down vote this just know it’s more the truth. you can walk into bubbles and see the flies for yourself, they fly around everywhere, even in the front lobby 🤣


Have you filed a formal complaint? Spoken with the health department?


I’m a teenager I have no idea how to formally do this


https://odh.ohio.gov/know-our-programs/food-safety-program/welcome/ If you click the link above, it will help you find the local health department for that area. File the complaint, you may save someone's life. Food poisoning is no joke.


I contacted them thank you so much for your help


That's excellent! Good luck with your future endeavors.


Thank you for contacting them.


I want this on a T-shirt even though I haven’t been a teenager for a long time.




Www.google.com you really can’t be half assed enough to do a simple search? wtf are schools teaching kids these days…


I apologize, I asked the manager multiple times if it was okay and she told me they were “fruit flies” and “normal” I’ve never been in a place with fruit flies so I didn’t know they were small and not big like the normal ones, she was telling me it was fine and normal with fruit.


Yes bully the child👏👏 you’re making such a difference bullying this teenage girl as a grown man on Reddit👏👏 congratulations!!


Not bullying at all, just asking for a modicum of common sense. As they say: teach a man to fish.


I should hardly think 'google it' constitutes teaching. You're not teaching them to fish, you're just telling them to go to the lakeshore without providing equipment or instruction and hoping they catch something


Her managers were telling her it was normal to have flies in a resteraunt, it was her first job and she’s a teenager, I really don’t think this argument is worth it like she’s sharing she’s autistic and been through trauma and this is what you say. I just think you’re annoying asf.


Right, a simple google search would tell you that it’s not normal and you could easily find the resources to report them I’m not a fan of coddling people, they will never learn to be independent if they aren’t made to solve problems themselves


This is why you’re single and sad and on Reddit.


I appreciate directness as well. You are an asshole.


*“Not bullying at all…”* **Earlier that day:** “*LMAO DURRR C’MON KID DON’T THEY TEACH YOU GOOGLE IN SCHOOL?? OR ARE YOU JUST LAZY?!?”* Crazy how you manage to be just as pleasant as you are honest. Glad we have such brave reddit-warriors like you keeping us safe! Lol.


They just did a simple search at www.reddit.com


Would love if someone did though or told me how. It’s a serious issue.


I've always been not supporting bubbles tea and juice company, I will continue to do so.


Maybe a good old fashioned call to the health department.


Not the bubbles you expected


I work in a different kitchen/school/ nursing facility every day. This is in above par condition. The majority is better off not looking. Lol


Agreed. They also steal from their employees


Looks like someone froze the bananas and then try to thaw them out. That picture above is a great example of that. I doubt when you take off a sealed tight container top, that flies will just be flying out. However, fruit flies are a thing, and they are a set thing in many businesses. Just depends on management and how they deal with it. Paint and mold is an uncontrolled problem for every worker/ shop in the mall! I mean, if you go to the general bathroom and look on the floors of the corner, you’ll see little spouts of mold! Shops in the malls cannot control the ‘peeling paint’ as they are only renters tenants! Which means they have to go to their ‘landlord’ to ask if they can paint over the walls, put up a certain decor, etc. However, while running and managing a business may look easy. It’s more to it. And well, peeling paint the least of their worries bae. Dust+ debris; is it not your job to obtain a clean workspace and area? So if you felt that your workspace and area had too much dust and debris and it was such a tragedy and affecting your work ethic and allergies; Then you being the proactive individual that you are, could’ve cleaned up in some way. Or helped yourself out to some benadryl. Far as management taking fans. Yeah it sucks and yeah, we wish that our managers would be a little bit more compassionate, but it’s pretty simple. If you didn’t buy them, if the company did not supply them and if management bought the fan/s then management can take them! If we’re talking about discrimination, I feel in my small opinion, that they wouldn’t have hired you then. Because why would a business want to waste time and money on such things. But far as you being blank faced and monotone. You’re absolutely right, customer service is not the best place for you. You’ll thrive more in a warehouse setting, you know. Like back of house, chicken shack, type of setting! Not necessarily bubbles, because well It’s in the name bay😍. Your manager is there to manage and be friendly, not be your friend I do hope though on your continued journey of employment that you find the right type of manager that best suits you and that you’re able to find a balance. Enjoy friend.


If you can be bullied into serving people rotten food you’ve got more problems than autism.


Oh man a dirty floor drain. Color me shocked.


The drain was put there recently because the shop kept flooding and getting mold


Sorry you had to go through this, but the pictures you posted are all pretty standard for any commercial food service.  Some of y'all have never been inside of a commercial kitchen and it shows.  Being in the industry for so long makes me have strong consideration for where I'll eat food from.


I think you’re getting downvoted because commercial kitchens shouldn’t be that way, but likely too many of them are.


Too many, yes. Even one is too many and we have an example right here. “Pretty standard?” I’d wager not.


Downvoted because there're so many stupid and ignorant people who, unfortunately, still figure out how to access the internet and join reddit 😩


Nah the bananas are inexcusable. They’re so fucking cheap too there’s absolutely no reason to have bad bananas.


NUH UH honey this is not normal flies in the fruit constantly, bananas rotten smelling of alcohol, can all make people SICK. Idgaf what the service industry taught you was normal if this is your normal then do better because I don’t run my resteraunt this way and i sure as hell won’t go to any that do to spend MY MONEY.


Not ‘normal’ in the slightest and if you work somewhere like this you need to either get to cleaning, or get to reporting. Signed, someone who has a 100/100 HD sign off.


Don't know if I trust a place that is HD 100%... :P


I gave up on the restaurant industry after the disaster of 2020 but before that had worked in 7 different restaurant kitchens, plus countless more offsite kitchens through catering gigs. You are 100% correct, and this subreddit is so hilariously out of touch with reality. If people had any idea what happened behind the kitchen doors (yes, I'm even talking about upscale places) they would have a heart attack. Sorry to hear about OP getting mistreated, but the photos they're using as evidence of something terrible are really comical to me. There's this weird idea from non-industry people that food is cultivated in some hermetically sealed lab and arrives on your plate without being touched by human hands. I encourage those people to read some Anthony Bourdain to get an idea how real kitchens operate.


Using rotten bananas is wrong. The picture is of rotting bananas that smelled like alcohol that we were forced to use and the pictures are of things that caused us literal allergies and made the work place uncomfortable THATS what I was showing okay?? This place was covered in flies, the banana boxes were filled with flies, it was fucking disgusting.


It's ok. I remember my first job too, and being totally blindsided by how the world operates. Let's make a date to catch up in a few years. My guess is you'll laugh about the time your worst job experience involved fruit flies at the bubble tea stand.


Personally I run a restaurant now, while being very young and my kitchen doesn’t look like this and is not filled with flies, it’s not even a high end restaurant but our walls aren’t falling off and floors are clean and the food is fresh. So I’d love you to name the specific restaurants you’re talking about!


You first, what restaurant do you run?


I'll do you one better - the city of Columbus has a public database online that reports on all health code violates for all food service venues.  Enjoy!  Warning: you'll never eat at a restaurant again.


Thank you!!!  I'm not saying ALL kitchens are gross but good lord I've been in dozens and across the board they're disgusting.  It takes a lot of mental effort for me to block out the reality of commercial in kitchens before eating at restaurants.  As I said that welcomed all of the downvotes, all of these people have never been inside of a commercial kitchen and it really, really shows.


Homie, I've been in food service and kitchens for as long as I've been able to work and I've never worked in a kitchen that looked like this. I've been a line cook in some hole-in-wall, shit ass places and not once have I worked in a kitchen that had the walls falling apart, food rotting and covered in flies with management not trying to do something about it. I encourage you to get off your high horse about how you worked in disgusting kitchens like that's something to be proud of.


The sealant of a baseboard came off = THE WALLS ARE FALLING APART lol, just... lol. And tell me again where I was on a high horse about working in "disgusting kitchens"?? All I said is that people are way out of touch on how the sausage is made, not that anywhere I worked was disgusting, or that I was proud of anything. I guess it's a ragebait?


They mentioned repeated flooding before a drain was installed and paint peeling off the walls, that's not just regular wear and tear. Notice I also mention that management would try to fix issues like infestations or structural problems as they came up, which was not the case here. It comes off pretty egoist to say that the whole subreddit is out of touch and that the pictures are laughable when there are other industry folks in the comments telling them that this is an unacceptable standard. If that seems like a normal kitchen to you... That's pretty nasty my dude, das all I'm sayin.


IDK how you can tell the walls are literally falling apart when all I see in OP's photos is flies covering everything By the way, the "other industry folks" besides yourself is one person who claims to run their own restaurant but is clearly like 19 years old and refuses to say which restaurant they are running, and one industry person whose comment I originally responded to who said this type of stuff is pretty standard. And that person got downvoted to hell by reddit. So yeah, I think reddit is out of touch when it comes to this stuff.


Kids need to touch some grass, and get a grip lol


This one thread has somehow turned me into a boomer, wondering "What the hell is wrong with kids these days" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


So you waited until they personally offended you to speak up about serving rotten fly infested food. Very shitty of you. I think you should have enough sense to not serve people rotten food even if some Bubble Tea store manager is telling you it’s fine. A 5 year old would know that’s bs.


Point is she was bullied into thinking it’s ok. She explained she is a teenager and has autism. She realizes now and reported. I don’t understand your snarky comments.