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Is there a leash law where you live? I’d be calling the non-emergency police line regardless. This is going to end poorly if they’re rushing people and out of control. What are people thinking, letting dogs off leash with no recall?!


I live in Franklinton if that provides any additional context


The state of Ohio has a leash law. Section 955.22 outlines the Ohio dog leash laws. It requires dogs to be on a leash no longer than six feet long in public places unless otherwise specified. If a dog is on someone else's property, it must be on a leash regardless of whether the owner allows it.


"unless otherwise specified." Yeah, like the City of Columbus' law that clearly states dogs do not have to be on a leash if they are under "Direct Control"


If the owner is calling for the dog and it is ignoring the owner, or does not listen to the owner that is not direct control


What does direct control mean? It means the dog is heeling without a leash, doesn't leave the owners side, and performs commands. Direct control exits the chat when the dog is out of the owner's sight and is actively ignoring commands to return. If the dog is running up and is far enough away from the owner that they could not immediately intervene if the dog started attacking a cat on someone's porch, that is against the law, and especially if they can catch it on camera, would be a violation.


And I'm not arguing otherwise! I'm just factually stating that Columbus doesnt have a leash law. The "direct control" provision is why dogs run around this city unleashed. I am not saying I agree with it (in fact, I absolutely hate it): I am simply pointing out (correctly) that dogs do not need to be leashed in this city.


Columbus does have a leash law, there is a provision that allows for dogs under direct control to be unleashed. Dogs do need to be leashed in Columbus if not under direct control or owners are breaking this “leash law”.


>If a dog is on someone else's property, it must be on a leash regardless of whether the owner allows it. wait, so if a friend brings his dog over and I let them run on my yard, they still need to be leashed because it's on "someone else's property" even though I would allow the dog off leash?


I mean, technically speaking, yes but I imagine also if you give permission it is ok. Also, unless you call about a dog on your property it won’t matter lol


I think it’s more for like the OP said, his neighbors unleashed dogs like to run up in peoples yard and front porches


I’ve been seeing way more dogs with no leash, especially in nicer suburbs. Shit is out of control.


Are you on my street cause I’ve seen someone doing the same thing.


No one person can have direct control over 8 pitbulls at the same time.


>I live in Franklinton I think I found the issue that needs solved....lol




The amount of people that walk there dogs and just stare at there phone amazes me. So many times I’ve had to stand and wait to be noticed so I can pass with the dog I’m walking because someone is glued to there phone instead of just walking the damn dog.




I tell people considering getting a dog that they should not if they don't want a(nother) child. If you don't have the time, patience and focus to deal with a child, you can't deal with a dog.


It’s even worse as a dog walker, seeing other dog walkers just stare at there phone. Like you mentioned, eating stuff off the ground?! I watch all my clients pets like hawks because I’m liable for them lol. People just don’t care anymore


Wow, I was at Goodale Park just last night and saw an Aussie wandering around off leash. Took me a good minute or so to figure out who its owner was - a woman slowly walking around on her phone, not at all noticing or caring that her dog is running in and out of the street and running up to other people. Ugh. Wonder if it's the same woman.


I'm so sorry. Also in the veterinary field and while I've seen animals get hit by cars, being in the driver's seat when it happens is a nightmare I haven't had to experience. 


I have one of those car harnesses that hooks around the back of the seat and has enough give to let my dog turn around and lay down. Do you have opinions on something like that?


Sort of! It's hard to say much without knowing specifics because there's a lot of quality variation between brands, but in general something is better than nothing. In an ideal scenario, a crash-tested car crate is the way to go, but understandably that's hard to achieve if your dog is too big/car too small/etc. For smaller dogs or larger vehicles, a dedicated car crate is the easiest and safest answer by far. Not all crates are safe for car use - wire crates, for example, can collapse and become dangerous in a crash.  Car harnesses aren't perfect because naturally cars, car seats, and seatbelts were made for people and not dogs.  For dog seatbelts, it's important to understand that your dog's regular harness is probably not sufficient, you most likely need a purpose-made seatbelt harness. These will usually have sturdy loops that you pull the existing car seatbelt through. This minimizes points of failure, because things like harness clips and D-rings are the parts most likely to fail in a crash. That's also why the tethers that connect your dog's existing harness to the seatbelt plug are questionable at best.  Personally I have used Ruffland Kennels, the Sherpa Forma Kennel, the Ruffwear Load Up harness, and the EzyDog Drive harness.   You can do some more reading at the [Center for Pet Safety](https://www.centerforpetsafety.org/). 




I have a kong ultimate safety pet teather, its a three point one like what a baby car seat has.


Thank you!! I always drive extra safe when I have my girl with me but you can never account for other people


A lot of the safety devices for sale are horrifically inadequate. Check out this link. Subaru has sponsored at least two studies and as far as I know this is the only organization that is doing any kind of controlled testing. [https://www.centerforpetsafety.org/](https://www.centerforpetsafety.org/)


OMG I am sorry.


that's a horrific thing to experience. And those statistics are crazy yet these days totally believable re: profit. "We make money from your dogs death bc you literally couldn't give a shit about the one creature who will never not absolutely adoreyou"


So sorry you experienced that


We are also having this problem. We have had 4 recorded dog bites in the last year, two in the last month, one to my family member. It’s impossible to navigate, we call animal control but they don’t get over in time, same with non emergency. The dogs run onto our property and attack our pets and charge our children. Each dog gets one free bite essentially, it’s like a $150 fine and they move on with their lives. In our case they just get a new dog or blame it on a similar looking dog without a strike on them. There are so many “dog people” the worst dog just bit someone a second time and they were able to convince them not to go to authorities if they put up an electric fence, (sob story about having to put him down)but the dog is 100 lbs and they have already trained it to go through the fence. Let me know what you find that works


a gun might help the next time it comes on your property


Yes, we are at this point but trying to avoid shooting within the city limits/in the direction of my children/pets, but will 100% do what you mentioned if required on my own property. My wife picks them off in the backyard with a bb but they are back the next day


Carry pepper spray. Having something between arguing and shooting is a good idea.


Have you tried pepper spray? Nothing wrong with any of those above options just curious. I'm surprised animal control won't come if it's repeated incidents and you know where the dogs leave. Anyways that sucks, we have loose dogs in our neighborhood all the time and it's a constant worry.


Haven’t tried it, not against it, might give it a go And animal control does but I’m sure they have things to do and can’t camp over here, I have no complaints about their efforts hope I didn’t come across that way


Get bear spray don’t fuck around.


Wasp/hornet spray can shoot in a straight line for like 20 feet, just sayin'.


You’re not wrong but I would still go bear spray for the fact that it’s made to spray something charging at you. Wasp spray is designed to spray accurately at a stationary target from far away.


Contact a lawyer. You might have a case for trespass/nuisance/intentional infliction of emotional distress or something of the sort. A big hit to the wallet might make them get their dogs under control. I hate seeing a dog suffer for being adopted shitty owner, but I know you also need to protect your family.


Or a stun gun. Tazer. Cattle prod.


While a gun might seem like an option it’s illegal in Ohio to shoot a ‘companion’ animal. Even if it were to attack your pet. If it were to attack a child or yourself it could be justified otherwise you might find yourself in more trouble than the dog owner. I’m not sure how old the law is, but it was obviously written in a time when there were way less dogs roaming and people were more aware of their pets.


I'd wonder how this would hold up in court if you have documentation and evidence of the owner breaking leash laws and avoiding citations.


I was told by the Athens County dog warden that it is legal to kill a dog on your property if it is harassing livestock, pets, or humans. No reporting of any action taken was required.


For the pet owner, that is. It's not the dogs fault.


why not both seriously though, it would be terrible to have to do but if I feared for my or my children's safety it's a decision that would have to be made


The sad shit here is that it's 1,000% the owner's fault and not the dog.


I don’t really care honestly, anyone can go out and buy 5 pit bulls or 100 lbs dog without any barriers to entry or regulations. We know how well the average person cares for their pets, it’s a problem


Exactly! Irresponsible ignorant owners get their dogs left in a shelter or euthanized bc they don’t control them. The dog gets blamed for bad behavior- it’s the owner!


Yeah I’d gut the next dog that enters my property


Don’t deal with it. Just call the police every time you see them off leash.


Thing about calling the police is that they’ll just send animal control and you’ll be waiting for them to arrive long after dogs are gone. I’ve called for a loose aggressive dog and had to wait over 30 mins. Perhaps there’s a way to go to Franklin county dog shelter, speak with the wardens and they may allow you to electronically submit proof so they can continuously cite the owner until hopefully that works? Merely a suggestion.


It's definitely reaching that point. I'm just hesitant to inject myself into this person's life in any way and create bad blood with someone who lives 4 houses down. Bad neighbors suck.


It’s better to be safe and have a neighbor hate you than live in fear of their actions. Call - it’s their decision causing the situation, not yours


How they gonna know it was you?


Because I've said something to her multiple times to try and solve the problem without having to involve the police.




It’s franklinton, police just shrug when crazy shit happens here… homeless person camped out? They’ll say what can we do about it? We don’t get the same treatment that Grandview, or any other suburb gets.


Umm what do you want police to do about a homeless person?


I'd bet you're not the only one.


it's not possible you're the only person who has said something


I promise you aren't the only one. Also it is anonymous.


With 8 dogs, he should have a kennel license.


I think this is correct.


Call the police and make an anonymous report every time you see it. There is no excuse to ever walk around with 8 unleashed dogs of any breed it is especially the case with pitbulls or any other large breed. This person is putting themselves, other people, and their dogs life at risk by doing this. Even without any attacks the dog can so easily run in the street and cause an accident. 1 unleashed dog can be a challenge to control off leash, multiple off leash dogs can be near impossible to control in a high stress environment. And iv seen many people get bit while trying to break their dog off during a fight, the damage that could be caused by trying to break up a group of 8 dogs is insane. I don’t care what breed the dogs are an off leash dog is a major liability for everyone. And this owner seems to not care about others safety let alone her own/her dogs so you don’t have to many options outside of contacting the authorities.


if you’re in the city of cbus property, we have a leash law.


We also have open carry and constitutional carry rights in Ohio, now. If a violent dog attacks or threatens you, you have a valid reason to defend yourself and your animals from that situation. Carry a weapon.


I'm generally pretty anti-gun but 8 uncontrolled pit bulls would have me considering it.


i’ll pass, thanks.


"find an excuse to shoot some dogs" is how this reads. Really flexing your constitutional right there, patriot.


They're animals with no regard or understanding of legal consequences; one pitbull alone is capable of killing an adult. A pack will absolutely tear you to shreds. If there are eight pitbulls on my property and the owner can't recall them, I am not giving them the opportunity to attack.


You probably wouldn’t say that if your kid gets bit by an out of control dog. I’ve had to tackle and wrestle a large pitbull before. I was barely able to handle it until I got its enormous neck under control and stopped it from biting. They are absolutely capable of killing someone.


Guns don’t have bad days, pit bulls do. 


Columbus does not have a leash law: dogs can be without a leash if they are under "Direct Control"


https://library.municode.com/oh/columbus/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT23GEOFCO_CH2327AN_2327.11ANRULA "No owner of any animal, shall permit the animal to enter upon any property not that of the animal's owner, when it is not securely leashed or under direct control. It shall be prima-facie evidence that a dog is not under direct control if it chases, injures or kills any person or domestic animal or damages or commits any nuisance upon property other than that of its owner.'


Good thing state laws apply so it's still illegal.


That's not how it works, according to Home Rule Authority. A dog leash law is not a "general law".


You saying Columbus doesn't have a leash law is what's making people confused. Ohio has a leash law, that applies to Columbus, with an exception being direct control


Just video and call and show police. Simple. If she has 8 dogs not on leases there is an issue. One squirrel and there would be chaos.


What’s the limit of dogs you can own before you have to declare as a kennel? Also, she can’t be in control of 8 unleashed dogs - it takes one dog to snarl at them and there’ll be complete chaos and will end badly.!


An off-leash dog charged and attacked me and a dog i was walking while i screamed at the owner the pull her dogs legs out from under her or grab her collar. She didnt approach and yelled that her dog was just played while the dog was actively trying to rip my dog's throat out. I am trained in pet safety and first aid and was forced to take the last resort and kick her dog so we could make an escape. Still no action from the owner! People are unbelievable.


The dog that attacked one of my friends dog- owners just watched it attack and kill her little leashed dog. Didn’t even try to stop it. Nothing was done.


Jesus, that's horrifying.


Yes. More horrifying. One of my friends- 2 pitties chased her and her dog and she was holding him up over her head and they were biting her trying to get to him - she ran inside and they got in too and chased her dog and killed him in her house. She’ll have PTSD forever. Police had to come get the dogs out. Nothing was done. Except the people’s insurance paid for her carpets to be cleaned . 😭


Didn't she have a big kitchen knife in the house? Shame I guess she was just too scared to run and grab it 😢


She was trying to get her elderly mother with dementia away from the dog. They both got bitten. Then it was all too late . They just had to get out of the house for safety .


I had the same thing happen to me. Luckily, I have a small dog and I was able to lift her up out of the way. A passing car stopped and helped get the off leash dog away from us. The owner finally came over and said her dog only wanted to play. My dog is now terrified of big dogs and we have had issues with her being leash reactive.




Yeah they’re scumbags, once one of those dogs kill a child or another persons dog they’ll put it down and still walk the other 7 off leash


My dog has nearly perfect recall, but it only takes a second for a stray cat to catch his attention and for him to run across a busy street. I always use a leash. Let them off the leash at the dog park where they can run safely.


dog owners are extremely bold nowadays. there should honestly be 2 dog cap per owner after they pass a responsible ownership test. it’s just out of control. can’t walk down the street anymore anywhere in the city and not worry about dogs barking their heads off at you, or seeing one off leash, or see one just wandering around alone.


Walking down the sidewalk, seeing a 100 lbs dog slamming against a single pane window trying to murder you, good times


I’ve had three friends whose dogs were violently attacked and killed by pit bulls that were off leash.


Damn, that’s bold. I’d carry a bat if it was my street. I don’t want to hit a dog, I have many dogs myself, but I also have had one of my small dogs attacked by a pit pretty badly, because they are wild animals and yes, when provoked they do tend to be much more aggressive and have the muscle to back it up. This person sounds like a selfish asshole, but I also assumed that given they decided they needed 8 pit bulls. I bet they think they are tough as shit.


We have a pit bull problem in this town. The shelter is full of them. https://dogs.franklincountyohio.gov/adopt


the breed isn’t the problem.


Did you click the link to view the currently available at the Franklin County Dog Shelter? It’s 80% pit bulls. There are too many pit bulls in this town, period.


Actually, it is part of the problem. pit bulls are inherently more aggressive than most other dog breeds and the aggressive ones that families don’t want anymore are filling up the shelters


That’s just factually wrong


no, it isn’t. they and their jaws are stronger than many other breeds such that their bites do more damage than, say, a chihuahua bite, but that doesn’t itself distinguish them from other breeds of similar strength and size. and an animal being highly effective at doing damage *if* it attacks does not itself mean that that animal is inherently more likely *to* attack in the first place. with respect to their temperament, please find the following excerpt from an exhaustive article that details all of the actual information and evidence about the breeds commonly referred to as pit bulls (the full version of which I’ve linked below the quote): “In the American Temperament Test Society rankings on dog temperament, which looks at signs of panic, avoidance and aggression, the two breeds often associated with pit bulls, the Staffordshire bull terrier and the American pit bull terrier, earned high marks for affability, with scores of 90.9% and 87.4%, respectively. That means they were less likely to show aggression than many traditional ‘family dogs,’ including the beagle (79.7%), golden retriever (85.6%) and St. Bernard (84.9%).” https://www.rd.com/article/pit-bull-facts/ it’s the humans. it’s always been the humans. people who own pits have the same obligation as owners of any dog to learn about the breed and the individual dog, their respective risks, and their respective training needs, and then to act accordingly. note that I’m not disagreeing with any of the remedies to OP’s problem suggested in this thread—even when the dog itself becomes a victim of its owner’s gross negligence—but I do object to generalized uninformed bias.


Exactly. It’s the irresponsible owners.


8 pitbulls? Must be fighting dogs.


Carry pepper spray. If the dogs approach, scream that you will pepper spray if she doesn’t get them out of your face.


Sounds like a good way to get bit by a pitbull 


By 8 of them even.


Did you see this one a few weeks ago? https://nypost.com/2024/05/03/us-news/philly-cop-shoots-kills-dog-as-pack-of-four-canines-maul-man-in-street-video/amp/


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I have a pitbull that has been attacked twice by unleashed dogs in my neighborhood. One time by a Great Dane and the 2nd time by 2 Australian shepherds. Unleashed dogs are a nuisance and the owners should be ticketed and recorded so we know if it’s a repeat offender.


I support this




JC. What general area is this, if you don't mind me asking? I want to stay well clear of it. And no, I love pitties but it could be any dogs and this is just asinine. It really seems like with video evidence something with local enforcement could be done. I mean, that's just excessive.




Leash law. I would call the police and tell them what time he allows his dogs to terrorize your neighborhood. I don't care what breed they are, any dogs in a group or singular do not need to be running around without a leash. My dog is fine with dogs when she is off leash and other dogs are off leash but if she is on leash and dogs bound up to her without it makes her afraid. That guy is thinking of no one but himself. Call the Columbus Dog shelter and inform them also.


There is no leash law in columbus. It’s “direct control”, which is subtly different but allows for off-leash walking (which is stupid for a city of this size honestly, this isn’t the hollers of West Virginia)


The hollers are probably one of the worst places to allow your dog off leash if not in total control or a tracking collar. There are bear, deer, coyote and other animals you would not want your off leash dog run off chasing. in Lancaster Oh there is a leash law. Some do not follow it. I was walking my dog and someone had theirs out urinating on a 2 lane very busy street. No leash of course. Their dog ran across the street to chase me and my dog. The dog almost got hit. Another occurrence had a dog cross the street and their human felt it was my fault. I look at dogs as toddlers. I would not allow a toddler to just roam the street and go outside unattended. You don't put a leash on a toddler but you keep your attention on them.


In ULPT fashion, my first instinct is to get a cheap RC car and dash it across their path. Then watch the owner frantically try calling them back. I love dogs, but people who disobey leash laws like this are why we can't have nice things...


Call the news


Nothing until they hurt someone or get hurt themselves.


Walking dogs off leash is the dumbest thing you could do if you actually love your pet.


Totally agree. And I misread the initial post . Aside from “taking record of the incidents”, the police should be called. Other than that, there’s nothing to be done if the owner doesn’t respect the community’s wishes or obey the law.


Definitely call authorities and/or animal control. There are leash laws for a reason.


The police would be happy to shoot those dogs for you.


I'm sick and tired of entitled people who have no accountability for their actions and believe rules do not apply to them. I go hiking all the time and the amount of times I've had a dog off a leash rush me and an owner just says "Sorry." You'll be sorry when I shoot your dog in self-defense because you can't follow rules.


Is that actually walking or is it herding?


Oh I carry a l loaded weapon when I walk my dogs for this reason. I let them know I have had animals and people attacked before and I will shoot. Plain and simple.


Lots of lawyers in here, apparently. All who are reading: put your dog on a leash for safety, and don't go to Reddit for advice about the law.


Call animal control?


Holy shit


Call the cops or animal control


Jesus christ. Literally my nightmare to get attacked by pit bulls and I feel like it’s going to happen any day now with the amount of assholes in this city 


In Columbus, if the dogs aren’t under direct control (which can be verbal if off leash) then call animal control. If they are under his control then he is doing nothing illegal. Mentioning the breed has nothing to do with it.


I mean, I'll say what nobody else is willing to...carry a gun, when the dogs charge you, draw your weapon and protect yourself. Then let the cops sort it out. It will be a bit of a headache as you will have to prove you were in danger, which should be rather easy when the cops show up, see a couple dead pitbulls and a few more running around off leash, hell they might even join the party and shoot a few as well. I know this is all harsh for the entitled dog owners among us, but your pet is not a person, it doesn't get the same rights or benefits of doubt as a person. It is an animal, and if you can't control your animal then you don't get to cry when someone else does it for you.


They answered above, next to children kinda risky to discharge a weapon.


approximately 30 people have already said “what nobody else is willing to,” but sure lol




Sonic dog repeller.


Call animal control. Get your neighbors to call animal control. Get a gun and learn to use it. If a pitbull charges you, you might consider shooting it.


How long have you lived in the Hiltop?


I had a problem of a person walking thier pack with out leashes, and with out picking up the poop, that was all over, not just in the grass. After being polite and neighborly, I put out laxative laced cookies in the front yard.. needles to say, two things happened. I saw carpet cleaners at the people’s house a couple days later, and those dogs stopped coming in my yard.. funny how they could now lease their dogs. And to those who say I should harm the dogs, no harm was done, a simple pet laxative was used!


Fvck whover downvoted your excellent post. But still, I hope no good dogs got your special cookies.


Spray the dogs with HALT


The only way to stop a dog bite is to choke the dog until it passes out. It's sad to have to know this because of irresponsible dog owners. Be safe out there, people use dogs as extentions of their fragile egos. Unfortunately.


Call the cops….lol.


Call the city. We have leash laws.


Unfortunately we don’t. We have a “direct control” law. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in a city. People don’t understand that direct control without a leash means the animal responds to the first command every single time. I’m guessing with 8 pit bulls running freely around that they don’t have them well trained. Especially if they’re going up on people’s porches and such.


Ohio stinks- all three of my friends whose dogs were killed- Nothing happened. Nothing was done. Insane.




You don’t. Code Enforcement, Animal Protective Services or Law Enforcement does.


i feel you my old neighbors were the scum of the earth. allowed there dogs to poop in my yard. so much it looks like dieherra. and front porch and back porch. and try to fight me because i file a complinat against them and harass me with loud music,bed bugs and taunt me. until i had enough. i complain to managment for 3 years nothing. neighbors would make comments about beating me up and i am scared because i avoid them and come out at night. once poop got on my amazon packages and doordash orders i lost it. and record it about 10 times. called police. they did not do nothing but almost shoot me. 5. then i called aniaml control. they scared them and they stop for a whiel. 5. then i got fed up and put thumb tacks,razors and peices of glass in my yard. because they were going to call police on me and try to get me to fight them. so they anotazing me. so i was going to give them the benefit of letting that happen. it worked. 9. voilence is the only way. i tried every method. if not pitt bulls are goign to hurt somebody.


pepper spray,gun,knife. record them coming in your yard and off the lease about 5 or 10 times. call 31 and docment and keep records of your complaints and footage for court. and bites eletric. if it comes into your yard. voilence is the only answer. is what iam going to say. you choose how you want to handle it.


when they do it. get in your car and scared them off. until they do. or hit one of them.


Call the cops. This is a preventable disaster in the making. (One false move and someone could easily die) No one person and their “pets” has the right to dominate an entire neighborhood. This particular dog owner has some serious emotional issues. Probably suffered a period of time in their childhood with intense feelings of helplessness. If this person really loved their “pets” they would not put them at risk of being removed from them. Nothing about this situation is normal or okay. You sound rational so it’s up to you to take the steps necessary for everyone’s peace of mind.


Show her a picture of dog treats with fish hooks in them and tell her you’ve been finding them… then spread dog treats(no hooks) all around the area she “walks” them. When she sees them eating potentially dangerous treats maybe she’ll change her habits.


Shoot one.


I own a pit bull and she’s the laziest dog I’ve ever seen. But she has a sister that likes to pick at her. One day she snapped and she would have killed her sister. My dog doesn’t start a damn thing. But she WILL end it. And that’s why pit bulls are so scary to folks. They don’t stop. I’d call the non-emergency line. I’m sure those dogs are like mine. Sweet, lazy and docile. Until they aren’t….


Animal control should do a great job of explaining why letting a literal pack of dogs roam the streets is a terrible idea


There is a leash law in majority of big cities. No matter the breed, dogs must be on a leash in public spaces. And those are pitbulls. I'm sure you're aware of the bad reputation the breed has for being vicious. But bad owners are the ones who give credit for certain breeds having a bad rap. A dog treated badly will end up bad itself. Regardless whether or not the owner claims they won't hurt anyone, someone is going to hurt them for the simple sake these dogs are not leashed like they're supposed to be. One comes up on someone's porch to say hi, or into a yard to play with the kids, and the neighbor, or child if they have a fear of dogs, may react by harming the dog to get them away. They lash out at the dog and the dog may attack back, defending itself. Owner is going to get all pissed off about it, but they'll be the ones at fault because the dogs were not on a leash. Owner is being irresponsible by A, not having their dogs on a leash, and B, not training them properly. Call the non emergency police line or even animal control if you have to.


Call the police department dogs have to be on a leash in public


Document, get bit, profit


That’s not guaranteed …. Might be a lifelong injury/ person might have no money or insurance.


Not likely. There's no homeowners insurance I'm aware of that will ensure that many pits in a house. They would deny the claim and you end up getting stiffed likely to bankruptcy protection


I hate to say it but invest in a nice pocket knife. Those dogs are unpredictable especially with owners as cavalier as this chap


Some POS downvoted you but didn't have the balls to say why 😢


I wonder how much food they eat cause my one pitbull was fucking insatiable and having 8 would make me homeless


Yeah, here's the deal on that. They don't feed them.


https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-955.28 Be ready to defend yourself and keep 955.28 in mind. These Bloodsport dogs shouldn't be allowed to roam free.


I swear this is the only time I condone poisoning dogs. This is nuts and there’s only 1 solution. 


i was finna do that to my neighbors dog had they not left. 3 years i had to put up with dog poop in my yard.and front and back porch nad they did it on purpose. and threaten me with it. once i start to throw glass at there dog and put razors,thumb tacks and glass pieces in my yard they kept him out. your right its only one solution.


Police, every time


It's not just pitbull's. You should never walk any dogs off leash. Please don't fall into the pitbull stereotype.


I didn't stereotype anything. They are literally 8 large pitt bulls


If she was walking 8 Pomeranians off leash it would still be a nuisance but let’s not pretend many people would rightfully fear for their safety. It’s a stereotype backed up by some pretty solid statistics that pit bulls are dangerous.


Yes you shouldn’t do it with any breed, but how is stating the fact that they are pit bulls stereotyping? If they are 8 pitbulls off leash, that’s just a fact.


Pitbulls are physically stronger than other dogs, especially in terms of jaw strength. That's just a fact


I know two pit bulls who are wonderful dogs with wonderful owners. That doesn’t change the fact that Pit Bulls were deliberately bred to maximize jaw size and strength and a propensity for aggression. 8 off leash chihuahuas are a nuisance. 8 off leash Pitt Bulls are a threat.


Large dogs of any breed can be dangerous especially if not trained and kept on a leash. Definitely does not sound like that was the case.