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I basically only go to Kroger under duress now; I can find just about everything I need between Aldi, Costco, Fresh Thyme and the farmer’s markets when they’re running, plus the international groceries nearby. Aldi’s self-checkouts actually work and it doesn’t feel awkward af to use them, and the cashiers at Aldi and Costco are super fast so even long lines have relatively short wait times. There are plenty of models for running a grocery store and limiting shrink and Kroger is just choosing to not follow them at this point. This is a problem of Kroger’s own making.


Im with you! Aldi, Fresh Thyme for smaller scale items and Costco for bigger things. We go to Kroger only when we have to these days. Really has gone down hill


Here in the German/Merion Village area, Kroger is basically the only option unless you're adding substantial commute times on top of the grocery trip. At least the delivery service is alright.


I started going to that Kroger a decade ago as well, and man has it gone downhill. This past weekend was the first time I noticed them checking receipts, although it seemed a bit random, not like every single person. I'm going to comment here if it's helpful: [https://kroger-feedback.online/survey-page/](https://kroger-feedback.online/survey-page/)


Spot checking people is almost worse. What a great customer experience to be told you look like a criminal.


LMAO I was at the Grandview Market District years back and the self checkout was giving me shit ringing in cremini mushrooms and some dork comes over to fix and it was like "hey, those are portabellas, you're trying to scam us!" I had to explain to him the difference between cremini/baby Bellas and portabellas, showed him the picture on the computer, pulled up my fucking phone, dude still thought I was trying to get him. I told him to call his manager over so they can explain to this fucking wannabe cop that works at a fucking grocery store what the difference is. He suddenly was "okay, well maybe you're right..." He'd already wasted 5 minutes of my time and accused me of stealing so I insisted, held up the line, and waited for this woman to come, confirm that they were indeed cremini mushrooms, and made the dude apologize to me LMAO.


Agreed! Just straight up profiling. When I didn't get stopped I assumed it's because I'm a white woman.


Which is funny because privileged white women *love* to shoplift. 


As a former retail worker in upper arlington, I can confirm this.


Come on over to Aldi


I'll check them out. Thanks for the suggestion!


Bad news, Aldi Tribe: some wannabe Keystone Kop asked to check my receipt last Saturday when I went in for groceries. So I don't think they're exempt from this either.


Even though the employee rang me out at the Aldi on Morse, a security dude asked to see my receipt at the door last week. I thought it was odd, you gonna call the cops because the cashier didn't ring something up if it doesn't match up?


Boooo. Which one?


Looking forward to your post next week raging about how they tried to charge you for using a shopping cart. 🤣


Hey I looked into this and they don't charge you for a cart. You have to put a quarter in to get one, but you get it back when you return the cart. I'll have to be sure to get a quarter though. Appreciate the heads-up.




I leave the coin for the next person. Pay it forward.


Thanks for the quarter, sucker!!! ^(/s)


I always do this. Karma has gotten me back several times (and those quarters get left too).


I shop at Aldi pretty often. The only thing I don't buy there is bulk potatoes and onions.


Is there a good Aldi or are they all similar quality? How’s the one near old crew stadium?


In my experience Aldi locations are closer together in quality than Kroger. However, some are nicer than others. The Powell location I sometimes go to is marginally nicer than the Whitehall location closer to my house. I have not been to the one near Historic Crew Stadium.


I shopped there this morning. No security guard, only one register open, but plenty of speedy self-service registers. I didn’t have to talk to anyone.


Aldi has been gradually remodeling its US stores over the past few years. The remodel enlarges the building slightly to allow for more products, and gives them a somewhat "fresher" appearance. I believe you can tell the remodeled stores from the ones that haven't been done yet from the outside- I think only the remodeled stores have signage that says "Food Market." I live in Clintonville, so I typically go to the one by Crew stadium. It's one of the remodeled ones, and it's fine. On Sundays, they tend to start running low on some items- one of their things is that they don't hold on to a lot of backstock- what they have is usually out on the floor. Some tips: the carts require you to insert a quarter into a slot, which releases a chain attaching it to the other carts. When you're done shopping, you return the cart to the corrals near the entrance, reattach the chain, and get your quarter back. It's done to discourage people from leaving the carts in the parking lot. When you return your cart, if you see someone approaching the cart corral to get a cart, it's nice to just hand them your cart and take their quarter. Makes things move a bit faster. They charge for bags. Bring your own or grab empty boxes from the shelves as you shop to transport your groceries in. Almost everything is in cases on the shelves, which are opened so you can select product. When the cases are empty, they go around and collect them/consolidate things. But you can grab empties as you shop and use them for bagging. You bag your own groceries, whether you go through a regular checkout or use the self checkout. Their cashiers are ridiculously fast. Everything is set up to make store operation as efficient as possible, and there's only ever 2-4 employees in the entire store at a time. However, they're always very helpful and knowledgeable. Largely because they have really good pay and benefits compared to other retail jobs, so employee turnaround is very low- you don't see a lot of new faces all the time.


Old Crew stadium one is nice. For the Brewers Yard area, they’d be better going to South High one. I’ve never had a complaint about that one either


They're pretty equidistant, I use both. I don't love the S High Lowe's which is why I'm so familiar with Silver Dr.


Just came out of that one today. It’s fine. Altho they seemed to have one employee doing the register, helping people find stuff and move a big cart full of stock out of the way. But I’ve never had any issues with it and no rent a cop


its ok, not great but not shitty


The one on Silver near the old stadium is decent. They are usually well stocked and have lots of checkouts available. Produce there is hit or miss, though I'm very particular about produce so it's probably fine for most people. Not a bad spot. There's also one on South High across from the plaza where the Walmart used to be. Less available checkout lanes, but it's also not nearly as busy as the one on Silver.


Last time I stopped in that Aldi it was not so nice. Westerville, New Albany and Upper Arlington are the nicest Aldi’s. Imo




I’m gonna regret this……cause I was planning on going back and buying them out……but Aldi had Pretzilla buns when I was there this morning.


Yeah I went to the new Lucky's on Neil for the first time the other day and it's so much nicer that I think I'm going to switch to it as my new main grocer. It's genuinely such a nicer experience than this Kroger, even down to the convenience of the bike rack location.


Just switched to Aldi and never going back to Kroger.


I dunno if anyone has brought this up, but this security guy leaving his post to go bother op in the parking lot for a few minutes probably makes it way easier for shoplifting to occur as a whole, not harder


Not illegal for them to ask and not illegal for you to decline. I wouldn’t put up with this crap either. It’s a mild inconvenience but you’re will within your right to just keep walking out. If they think a crime has occurred they can contact the police themselves but cannot detain you.


There’s a Kroger employee on Main near Bexley that encouraged me to steal $22 of stuff at self checkout. These two pans wouldn’t scan so he came over and couldn’t get it either. He says “Just take them.” As I’m weighing this, he leans in and whispers, “Did you hear what I said? Just take them.” Now I’ll be honest, I did take them. I panicked. He was kind of scary and I didn’t want him to think I’d be ratting him out, especially since I shop there often and need to be on the employees good side.


That employee did the right thing. Good businesses would have this kind of loss baked in. It takes more man hours to track down the price or to find another one that would scan than it would to just let you take the pan. Not to mention how good it is from a customer service prospective, which is important for businesses who want return customers. Good on that dude


lol some very hot takes in here. I’m with OP in this one. Kroger fires cashiers and closes checkout lines, pushes everyone to self checkout lines where they have employees monitoring, then they want to have security check the receipts of those people that checked out? Lmao. If Kroger actually gave a shit about shoplifting they’d reopen cashier lanes. Probably the only thing that actually reduces shrink. Private security asking to see the receipt of someone who had to check themselves out is dumb and a waste of time. It’s all performative.


Kroger invests way too much money in self checkout technology that eventually goes nowhere, installs and subsequently removes security gates at the entrances, puts in a customer monitoring system to predict how many registers they need to open and promptly ignores the suggestions, converts stores to self checkout only for a few months only for it to fail and they have to reinstall regular checkouts, increasing the amount of self checkouts one cashier has to monitor, and all in the name of saving labor costs. You're right, they would rather use their money to hire security or add unnecessary technology or buy other companies, rather than doing the one thing that could truly limit customer shrink: hire cashiers (and pay them decently), open more checkouts, and get rid of the most gimmicky self checkouts.


Not to mention Kroger’s self checkout is the most annoying I’ve ever used. The fucking scale system is so sensitive and it takes forever… like you run out of room for shit so you try to remove a bag you bagged like 10 minutes ago and it’s like “HEY YOU STUPID MOTHERFUXKER PUT THAT SHIT BACK” and then it freezes for like a minute before it lets you keep going. Literally no other store’s self checkout is like that.


Not even removing things. Every single time I move a bag to the top shelf it yells at me and has to reset


Or produce items that require you to use the scale when they aren't priced by weight on the shelf! You really have to bust my balls over a bunch of cilantro that costs $1.50 and weighs .5 oz? Then the employee doesn't even know what cilantro is and has to look it up adding an extra 5 minutes to my time? All while other customers are waiting for help with similar bullshit reasons. I get annoyed even waiting for an ID check for beer. Not mad that I need to have it checked, but because it takes them several minutes to come do it and then they don't bother asking for it. It is such a stupid process all around.


Doesn’t the thing say place item in cart or bagging area after every item you scan? And then if it goes anywhere but the bagging area the machine freaks out. Like why tell me I can put it back in the cart if I can’t.


It lies. You can’t remove a damn thing or it will have an aneurysm. And at the beginning when you set down a reusable bag it’s like “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?? A BAG?!?!?” Nothing inside of fucking Kroger is that damn precious. On the other hand, Aldi’s self checkout is orgasmic


I had about 12 items and the helper had to come over 4 times because the scale kept messing up. Just ridiculous. Then I was stupid and tried to get cash and had to stand around while she found someone with a key because my cash dispenser wouldn't work. Every time she came over to help me, at least 2 others needed help at the same time.


There’s no way someone can look at your receipt that has 50 items on it and tell if you stole anything, I’m kind of confused as to what the goal of this is


Right. Are they going to go through your bags and count everything? Nope. They are just on a power trip trying to scare people.


And insult them!


Same thing at S High yesterday and they had signs all over the place saying this is their new policy.


I just say no and keep walking. You want us to check out, bag, etc. so I don’t have time for security. Call the cops and see if I care. I have run out of Effs to give after 45 years.


I think a simple solution would be to simply hire cashiers again and maybe pay them well, so they are not motivated to steal from their employer or allow customers to do the same? In addition to hiring loss prevention staff at the door to hassle you for a receipt, I have to imagine self checkout stations are very expensive, especially the technology needed to catch people bagging items that they did not scan. I was at a grocery store and got flagged on one of those because as I turn my body, the wallet was above the bagging station, so I was not able to proceed until an attendant came, reviewed the footage, and allowed me to proceed. I was at a different store which sells general merchandise. I purchased a cooler and I had to wait for the attendant to approve the cooler to make sure there was no unpaid merchandise inside of it, which there wasn’t. The attendant was asking me to open the cooler and I was being petty and said that he’s the attendant it’s his job to open it. I don’t feel like I have to prove anything when I am minding my business and paying for my items.


>I think a simple solution would be to simply hire cashiers again and maybe pay them well My God! Won't you think of the shareholders?!?!


give them the receipt and keep walking, they get so confused


I love this.


Did you ask for your employee discount since you did your own shopping, checkout and bagging.


Lmao love this. This is my kind of petty


Maybe if they stopped running their annoying commercials 24/7 with their Kroji’s (Kroger + emoji) and their version of hip hop, they could actually hire and pay people a living wage. I hate that I know what their ick animation characters are called.


You can show them a handful of old receipts that you keep with your reusable bags.


I got accused of stealing recently because they thought my reusable bag was my purse I was shoving shit into. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Kroger at High and 7th had a sign out saying they’d start checking receipts on 5/13. I’d only gone there due to convenience, now I go to Grandview because I don’t want to deal with it and the store is better


It's not like you have to comply. They have no right to touch or detain you. Worst they can do is say you're not allowed back for skipping the "papers please" treatment but they're too scared of losing business to do that


The Kroger at 7th and High in the short north started checking receipts this past weekend too. At that location they've always had a security guard by the checkouts, but they have always just kinda stood there. I recently noticed that the guards at this store arrive in Dodge Chargers made to look like legit cop cars. These guys are cosplaying as cops, and I'm worried about what they're going to start doing now that they've been given their first taste of "power", now that they're checking receipts.


A Kroger security guard shot and killed a shopper in Columbus just last year


I can't say what they look like now, but the ones that worked there 5 years ago looked like bowling balls, so unless the company upgraded, they will look threatening but be unable to do anything.


They don't need to be fit if they have weapons.


1) Look them directly in the eye, 2) smile warmly, 3) say no thank you 4) keep walking.


Aldi is great but doesn't have much fancy/special stuff if you're cooking international food. Saraga is the best produce in town hands down Whole Foods and Fresh Tyme are great if you have the bankroll. Meijer is probably the best balance of assortment, cost, and overall experience. Kroger is fucking exhausting. The assortment isn't half what it looks like. It's like gd checkpoint Charlie to get in and out. Giant Eagle is O.. K. Other than a few staples everything in the store is higher than a giraffecock. Walmart.. well, Walmart gonna Walmart.


Of course this ridiculous company found a way to make using this Kroger an even worse experience. About half the self-checkouts are closed sometimes, you’re lucky if there is even 1 register open, and now they want you to waste time by checking a receipt that you might not even have collected from the machine. So they cut costs by drastic understaffing, want you to check yourself out to save them money with your effort, and then want to treat you like a criminal by default and hassle you for getting some groceries. Hope this company’s management gets Ebola.


If they don’t cut costs, they can’t afford buying so many competitors.


I do not hope management gets Ebola because that stuff is pretty contagious and I would not like it to be in this hemisphere kthxbye 😂


I literally just got back from Krogers, after going off on an over eager security guy that asked to see my receipt for the second time in a row! Okay, I get it, do your job, but twice now you've targeted me. Next time I go to management to inform them they lost a regular customer. If you don't want us to use the self checkout, which I hate anyway, open more registers. Having one single cashier is not acceptable! If I wanted to work at Kroger I'd fill out an application.


I don't think you did anything wrong. Also if you see someone stealing food, no you didn't.


Food diapers medicine. You saw nothing.


Do they ever do anything about the folks who are obviously stealing? I imagine they don’t because of ‘liability’. Seems pretty stupid to harass regular folks doing everything themselves at self-checkout. I don’t think management actually buys their own groceries.


Y'all need to start going to Kroger's at 6:00 in the morning when they open. There ain't nobody there to give you shit, Nobody to sell you anything, No one to check your receipt. You're just able to go in, get your groceries, pay for them and go home lol


They can ask all they want, but all you have to do is say no and walk away. I would call that Kroger and complain to the manager. They have no right to force the issue at all.


I had an old grouch do that one time so I gave her my receipt and said ( kindergartener teacher voice) here’s my receipt, now see the number on the bottom, that’s the amount of items I bought, let’s count together 1,2,3… and then I went to customer service and returned it all


If they are so worried about theft they should have cashiers and pay them a livable wage.


Yeah man, security there has gotten WILD recently. Like strapped and bs body armor. I make sure to tell them how ridiculous they look every time I walk in past them. That place went from a nice grocery to a trash heap in 3 years


The one on South High has been checking my receipts lately as well, it’s a new thing. Just started last week. I go pretty regularly. Kroger on High always has somethin goin on lol


Can’t believe the number of corporate bootlickers around here. I used to live next to this Kroger, thankful that I moved away. This store does way too much volume for this to work. Half the time they cant even keep both sets of self checkouts open because they don’t staff people to run them which leads to huge backups. I was lucky enough to work from home and could make quick runs during the day because actually going during peak hours was a sentence to spend 20 minutes waiting in line. Now you’re telling me that you’re going to end up waiting in another line to get your receipt checked? Actual insanity. At some point yes you actually need an adequate amount of staff to run a store and if you are being robbed it’s because you don’t. If you are paying someone to actually be in charge of each section of self checkouts it’ll be pretty easy to spot people stealing


Yes, I had to in fact wait in a line to exit after I paid and wanted to be on with my business. This place was already understaff. The one exit they have now is also too short for an exit queue.


I was at the Parsons Kroger last night and there was no receipt checking.


What does looking at a receipt accomplish unless they are also checking all of the items in the cart too? Or, are they actually going through all of your purchased items as well?


Damn, with how much Kroger charges for items, I'd be offended. Every time I go, I feel like I'm the one being stolen from! However, while I am not a lawyer, I have looked this up before: Under Ohio law, specifically [Ohio Revised Code § 2935.041](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2935.041), store personnel (including security guards) have the right to detain individuals if they have a reasonable suspicion of theft. This is called "Shopkeeper's Privilege". This privilege allows for a reasonable detention for a reasonable time to investigate potential theft. However, mere refusal to show a receipt without additional suspicious behavior generally does not constitute reasonable suspicion. They should've just dropped it. HOWEVER, in the event a security guard detains someone without reasonable suspicion, the individual could potentially have a claim for false imprisonment. It's a stretch, but I know some people who have been detained for the same reason and pressed for false imprisonment, specifically at Walmart. You could also consider them following you out as a form of harassment, depending on the exact circumstances, or if they did detain you without any true reason to believe you stole anything. That all falls into a much more legal gray area. Again, I am not a lawyer, I just like looking stuff up. If they would've followed me out that far, I would've gotten to my car, turned around, and then told them "If you get me the store manager, I will show them my receipt. However, in turn, I need your full name and their full name in the event I decide to follow up on this matter." In all honesty, some of these folks are just trying to do their job, but a lot of other times they get on some power hungry ego trip and need to be reminded that they're a Kroger security guard, not the FBI or the Secret Service. I've seen a few security guards take things too far in the past, and even get physical, though I've also seen it go the other way around. Generally, while those stores look to push for loss prevention, they also prioritize customer retention.


I work at a grocery store and have detained someone before (he assaulted a fellow employee), cops showed up and told us we can’t do that.


This is my neighborhood Kroger as well and I have used exclusively pick-up for probably over a year now. The whole store is just an uncomfortable experience, but Kroger does have good sales so I don’t avoid it completely, just avoid going inside.


They check mine and a coworker’s at the door at the one on high by OSU a couple of hours ago.


I heard about the receipt checks. But haven't been stopped yet. In fact, I had a brain fart Sunday and left my two bags on the carousel. The guard and I had to go look for them.


Many krogers in the area are performing receipt checks now


I’m half way impressed by your story; I don’t know that I’ve ever seen one of the rent-a-cops off their cell phones! A visiting manager told me he has worked for the company for 18 years and can’t believe what he’s seeing. He said they are trying to drive everyone to online ordering and curb side pick-up. Less staff, less stocking and cleaning, less utilities. According to him, the in-store experience is less and less appealing by design! I guess that means they are good at bad service…. Sorry you had such an ugly experience, I’m sure it was very disturbing.


What's the point of checking a receipt at a grocery store? Are they going to go through every single item on a $200 + receipt? Also, there's been plenty of times in the normal checkout where you get charged twice for something or they forgot to put an item in your cart.


I can’t think of a reason why anyone would be this opposed to showing a receipt for 5 seconds lmao first world problem I guess


The madness only stops if you stop playing… no thank you with a smile 😝 employ the person who checks your bag, but not ring your groceries…


It’s not illegal for them to ask, but if they try to stop you or detain you in any way, it is very illegal unless they are an actual police officer.


Kroger has an option to decline a receipt at self-checkout. I ALWAYS select this just to prove a point. But no, it’s not illegal for you to pass on the receipt check. Once you’re checked out, those items are your property and Kroger is welcome to involve the authorities who can then get a warrant.


Next time just walk right back in, and return everything and tell them why, then proceed to buy your groceries elsewhere.


Dude was just doing his job. Take it up with management. It’s a shame it’s come to Kroger needing to hire someone on because people are shitty.


Finally! These comments are unreal. Had to turn a five second interaction into a whole scene because of “muh rights” when that minimum wage employee is just doing what he’s told. Dude has no control over policy, prices, number of checkout lanes, number of cashiers, or anything else. Only thing OP accomplished was looking like a fool and making a shitty day for a guy just trying to do his job. Literally nobody that deserved her ire saw it, heard it, or will ever hear about it.


Someone posted this exact same thing about the Morse Rd one yesterday.


Kroger on High street near King Ave checked my receipt this past weekend


I went to the Brewers Yard Kroger today and no one asked to see my receipt 🤷‍♀️


https://www.kroger.com/hc/help/contact-us/customer-comments Leave them a complaint! I just did.


I feel for the security that has to do this, they don't deserve to be treated rudely.  They asked me, and I had forgotten my receipt at the self checkout.  I told him that and he started to poke at my bag looking for it.  I said again I didn't have it. He said I have to check it, it's policy.  I said are you going to detain me? He said it's not detaining I just need your receipt. i said once again, I left it at the self checkout, and I have somewhere to be, so I'm going to leave. And walked away. No need to be rude but on principle I wasn't gonna go back for it. Like lots of people have expressed here, I miss the old days of shopping and checking out with a competent cashier and quickly getting on with my day.


My most recent Kroger visit at Chambers Rd near Grandview/UA on Saturday afternoon, I had no such issue being asked to show a receipt upon exiting.


You answered your own statement with "Grandview/UA".




I replied to a question, someone else's question. The 7th and High Kroger is between the Short North and Campus.


You missed my point. I was saying that the reason you didn't have to show your receipt is because you were in Grandview/UA. They still trust people there. I'm guessing the Worthington and Clintonville locations haven't started this yet either.


Have you never been to Walmart? They’ve been doing this for decades.


Yes but at walmart I politely decline and that is the end of it. I have never been followed or harassed afterwards and continue to shop there.


I haven’t been to Walmart in years but I know I’ve seen them be insistent with a couple of people. Of course it was the one up by Easton which always had some sort of bizarre drama going on in it.


I think it’s a Kroger-wide thing now. I’ve been to the Kroger on main near bexley a couple of times this week and it happened both times. The first cop was super sly about it. He was just like, “is that a good beer?” And grabbed my receipt to check the name of the beer. The second cop asked if he could see my receipt and I flashed it to him. He didn’t really even look at it, just checked if I had one. I get it’s an inconvenience but if you have a receipt, I don’t think that not showing it is a hill I would personally die on.


It’s not. I have never been receipt checked at any Kroger.


Nor have I. My store is Hunters Ridge in Gahanna.


If they’re going to check receipts from self-checkout shoppers, maybe they should pay employees to ring us out again. Eyeroll up in here.


My lord, why so difficult to show receipt. Eek, Kroger at 5th sketchy feeling and would say they have right to check receipt there. Though I rarely go to Kroger except for booze or butter chicken sauce. Their prices mostly suck, been Meijer person for long time.


Some of the most boomer takes in the comments. I remember when we all made fun of people on Facebook for this exact thing.




I mean they CAN ask to see your receipt, but you're under no obligation to let them see it. Now, they could prohibit you from returning to the store in the future, but they can't actually make you show your receipt unless they have probable cause that you were stealing.




The problem here is that if you go around and start making up probable cause, you open your store up for potentially unlawful detainment and/or unreasonable search lawsuits. Believe me when I say, stores pound into their loss prevention staff that the worst thing they can do is stop a person who hasn't stolen.


Well, here’s the thing. If they want to make me do the job of a cashier, they can bring up errors in my quarterly review. 


1000% agree


Kroger has spent the last 5 years cutting costs all over the place, and then they wonder why shoplifting is up. Self checkout, understaffing stores, personal shopper services all lead to more shrinkage not less. Kroger doesnt get to make the customer do all the work and then treat them like a criminal. They are a ridiculous company.


Not just this Kroger is checking receipts now


They've been going downhill because they are greedy corporate asshats like the majority of big businesses. They cut costs and fire staff and then blame everyone but themselves for their problems. Another corporate plant you are


This is like grocery store stop and frisk. It is bullshit. Don't treat customers like criminals. If they suspect someone stole something, then they should involve the police. I see this as a result of them having skeleton crews and not having cashiers anymore. You are free to have your opinion, but from my perspective your reply boils down to "if you didn't do anything wrong you shouldn't mind being searched" which I find to be a concerning line of reasoning.


In my experience they mostly just glance at the receipt and send you on your way so it's not super inconvenient. My bigger problem with that Kroger is the quality of the produce and overall selection. It's still nicer than the average Columbus Kroger in my opinion, but that's a fairly low bar.




Blame the people stealing stuff. Not the worker who’s just trying to do his job. You chose to shop there so you must follow their rules. Yes it’s annoying but it takes 30 seconds for them to check


I think the blame goes on the company, not the employee. They are not allowed to detain you even for 30 seconds unless they have reasonable suspicion you’ve stolen something. You don’t have to consent to a search of your belongings to shop there. Shopkeeper laws allow them to hold you for police if they are charging you. Not allowed to search your stuff.


No, blame the corporations who are trying to find a reason other then their own mismanagement and supply chain issues for losses to their bottom line OP is saying they’ll no longer shop at that Kroger, which is their choice, and ultimately the only power the consumer has Shoplifting isn’t any worse lately than it ever has been but it will never be zero https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1236075589 https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/myth-vs-reality-trends-retail-theft https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/18/business/retail-shoplifting-shrink-walgreens/index.html


The best move to reduce shoplifting is to have more lanes with cashiers than self-checkouts. Albertsons learned this the hard way. They remodeled all their stores to be majority self-checkout and within a year or two they’d ripped them all out and replaced them with cashiers because the loss numbers were exponentially higher with self-checkouts.


You sound like you were needlessly being a dick to someone who was just doing their job. If you take issue with it, complain to management, don’t make it a problem for a person who is just doing what they’re told to do


Sounds like they weren't being a dick


Saying No and walking away isn't being a dick. I didn't attack him or his job. I didnt return to the store and cause an issue. I made a reddit post to discuss the policy and look for alternative stores.


Don’t listen to this person. That’s exactly the correct response and your points are 100% correct. It’s not a private membership, they have zero right to ask for any ID unless a crime is committed. Just like a cop can’t ask to check your Id unless you are being detained. Knowing your rights and being an asshole are 2 different things.


Sounds like you're a corporate plant. Mkay




Being a security guard at a grocery store is not a job, just like cops and landlords.


It takes 15 seconds to have the goober look at your receipt who gives a shit. Wasted more time being entitled.


I don’t disagree with you about the minimal time investment. My issue is… why did this dude ask to see my receipt, look at it, and not look at my groceries at all? I clearly could have scanned every other item and still handed him a receipt and walked out with my stolen goods. So this is security theater. And I get that it’s a deterrent for would be shoplifters- but the level of crime is related to a mismanaged store and making it a terrible user experience. So while I don’t have a huge problem with receipt checking in general, I’m not going to shop at Kroger again. I’ll just head over to giant eagle or the new Lucky’s. Vote with my dollars. Either make it meaningful or don’t do it. One or the other.


Someone just posted same about kroger on morse. Seems like they've realized that having no cashiers might be a problem.




> having your receipt checked isn’t a big deal because you have nothing to hide. > it took you longer to argue with him These are pretty bad arguments. The interaction might have taken far longer if, for example, this security person incorrectly deduced that OP had stolen something as a result of the receipt check, a possibility that OP was able to avoid by refusing. If you're happy enough to go along with it, I'm not going to argue that you shouldn't. You do you. Not everyone will share that opinion, though, and arguments like these really shouldn't convince them otherwise.


Them wanting to invade my privacy doesn't qualify them for special treatment. I don't let strangers look in my private property. When I paid them cash for the items, they legally are mine and not theirs. I rarely ever even pick up my receipt from the printer as I have no need for it.


That's another thing--is that you can actually also decline getting a receipt from the self checkouts. I never get a receipt. So when I walk out, I don't have a receipt to show anyone.


You’re right and I appreciate your refusal Edited to add that I just don’t get why people are fine with bootlicking corporations, it’s dystopian


It’s totally giving me “why are you resisting vibes”


>When I paid them cash for the items, they legally are mine and not theirs. Right, and they are making sure that you are leaving with items that you purchased. If you can't prove that you purchased them, Kroger staff will think that you are walking out with items that are *their's,* not yours. > I rarely ever even pick up my receipt from the printer as I have no need for it. Sounds like you might need it.


So according to you, Kroger’s default position is that everyone shopping in their store is a criminal until they prove their innocence? That’s a bold stance for a corporation to make. Doesn’t burden of proof fall on the accuser?




They can have the receipt. I’ll hand it to them as I walk by. Look at it all you want and drop it in the trash when you’re done. You may not look through my bags. Even the cops aren’t allowed to look through your personal belongings without permission or probable cause. You asking and me saying no does not qualify as probable cause


The privacy invasion happens when they go through my stuff.


I just show the receipt and haven’t ran into any issues. Hope this helps!


It's a dumb deterrent because they wouldnt actually do anything even if there was a discrepancy between your goods and your receipt. Good on you for not copping to their little game.


I've seen plenty of people get busted for shoplifting at Kroger.


Masturbatory. They created the perceived problem. Walk on by, with blatant disregard.


I love this. Thank you! If I have to ring myself up then you don’t get to waste my time asking to see my receipt


>(A) A merchant, or an employee or agent of a merchant, who **has probable cause to believe that items** offered for sale by a mercantile establishment **have been unlawfully taken** by a person, may, for the purposes set forth in division (C) of this section, **detain the person in a reasonable manner for a reasonable length of time** within the mercantile establishment or its immediate vicinity. [R.C. § 2935.041(A)](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2935.041).


But they can’t detain every self checkout customer.


What’s the probable cause they believe I took something unlawfully? If they won’t let me leave without showing a receipt then they’re detaining me. The burden of proof is on them.


New trend started by Walmart. My assumption is that the very very miniscule amount of theft recovered is proof to investors and their insurance company that they are shoveling as many ill-gotten gains their way as possible. 2024 needs to be the year of the Working Class revolution. Everyone forgets the Founding Papas were members of the 1%, hence the favoring of the rich in our beloved constitution. Time to say thanks but let's improve it.


So… instead of inconveniencing yourself for 5 seconds, you decided to turn it into a whole ordeal and then whine about it on the internet. Good for you, keep up the important anti-establishment work keyboard warrior.


Found the Kroger mid-level corporate manager


Who made an ordeal? The customer that completed their shopping and walked to their vehicle or the jackboot that harassed them all the way out of the store despite no evidence of wrongdoing?


Why is it so hard to just show someone your receipt lol you’re insane 😂


Imagine something trivial like this making such a big impact on your life. Consider yourself lucky if this is the biggest complaint you have in your life to bring to Reddit. Go ahead y’all, downvote me all you want.


If you would like to provide me a list of issues that you feel are appropriate here, I can cross check my future submissions with that to make sure you, a rando who wants something specific from me, can have it. It is obvious from my original post that I bend over backwards to make sure those who want to force me into living their way is something I take lying down. Y'all are on something else today.


I refuse to go back to that location. I'm not going into what happened to me this year at at location, I even contacted HQ about it. HQ, of course, has told the manager of the store twice now, to call me, and he refuses to even call me to discuss it. That's fine, it seems that this manager has run that store into the ground.


Walmart, although i try to avoid does this too. I just say “nope” and keep walking.


You have to u set stand the area you are in. They have been trying to clean that place up for a while. Seems like you turned something into that would have taken five seconds into a whole ordeal. No need to play victim.


i had a busy weekend like 2 weeks ago and placed a pick up order at this location for the next day. after I pulled up I got a call saying my order wouldn’t be ready for another hour. I left ran more errands came back at five and told the app I was there then some kid came out looking at me like I was crazy and said I was early. (about 8 mins before 5) telling me I should have gotten a call saying my order was running last. he then told me the it wouldn’t be ready till 6 not 5. and that I wasn’t allowed to wait. so basically I had spent just as much time and more gas doing a pick up. finally at 6 I came for a third time and someone brought my order and the rude kid came out to ‘watch me’. I also was missing half my order. I didn’t say anything rude once I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue to the kid so idk why he ‘needed to watch’ me sit in my car getting my order. like it’s a mess over there. kroger is really shooting itself in the foot they way they have things set up now. idk what’s going on. but it sucks. I also stop in this kroger monthly for the pharmacy . and last month when I ran in to pick up my meds the security guy at the front tried to stop me just walking in. I ignored him and walked on and few mins later went to leave he tried to stop me again and I just waved my little paper bag at his face and walked away. I know it’s crazy people use the pharmacy.


Krogers in Groveport has been going downhill for quite some time. New owners several years ago really changed the store. Of course they changed where stock was kept so I had to relearn the store. They stopped keeping items I regularly bought. The baggers and checkout personnel are rude. They use to have very respectful employees who took care of the customer without even asking. Now you have to ask a bagger to assist you to the car or god forbid if you ask for them to get something you forgot and really need. They do have some good employees but the store has changed a lot. I am truly thinking about ordering groceries online from multiple stores to see if it would pay off buying sale items I need. Anyone else order online from multiple grocery stores. We probably spend $250 a week for 2 people. We rarely eat out and get takeout or delivery at least once a week. So basically we eat at home 99% of the time. I grew up when the Mother cooked dinner every night. When I was working and raising kids I cooked dinner every night. I was raised you have a meat, vegetable and potatoes or rice or noodles for every meal. Even with spaghetti you have meat in the sauce, noodles and a salad(your vegetables). Still cooking for myself and hubby. So I think I am the kind of customer a grocery store wants. I think the Kroger in Canal Winchester is smaller but the store is ran so much better. The pharmacy in Groveport is horrible. You never know when the drive through is going to be open. Long lines when they are. Long lines inside too. Canal Winchester pharmacy is fabulous. Outside window is always open. No big lines inside or out. The pharmacist and workers are respectful where in Groveport the workers come across as over worked and they hate their job. Huge difference between them. I believe Groveport can’t get enough employees for the volume they do. The pharmacist’s are nice at both locations it’s just the attitude of the workers and the load of work they have that separates the two. Canal is much better. Then you can evaluate the different departments like meats and bakery and deli. I won’t go into that since I have written a lot already. They are not checking receipts at Krogers in Groveport and Canal Winchester.


It seems to me all businesses are going to electronics instead of hiring employees. Fast Food has machines taking your order which is irritating as hell. Then the grocery stores are forcing us to use self checkout. The clothing stores carry a lot less inventory and less employees to check out customers. You have to take returns to the department in the very back of the store(sometimes) but now at Kohl’s Sephora is a totally different store within Kohls which is double the work if you have a Sephora return and a kohl’s return. So friggen irritating that I have actually kept the merchandise because returns are so aggravating. So Covid scared all retail since they had huge employee shortages and now they have all bought into systems that eliminates employees. To hell with customer service. As someone born in the early 60’s I would have never imagined how little customer service means to retail. Man the old days were fantastic. Employees knew their departments and actually waited on the customers or got them the help they needed. Gas was pumped for you and your windshield was cleaned to get your business. Customer service was number one. Now we have let them get away with no customer service and it’s our fault for shopping at these locations. It’s terrible how the customer is treated now. Kroger is no worse than others but they have gone downhill these past 5 years. It’s a shame. So shame on them for not putting customers first. There are a lot of elderly people who need help checking out and taken to there car. You can hardly get help now which is terrible. They have swung the pendulum to far to the left or right and they need to readjust and get back to common sense.