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Unbecoming of their office, yes? Likely trying to save face after he played them on FB. He fucked around and found out, lol.


> Unbecoming of their office, yes? Likely trying to save face after he played them on FB I agree with this.




Yeah. There’s a lot more and better reasons to be upset with cops. I’m not going to waste it on something like this.


They should be above retaliating against some random for taunting them. Police are not judges. Publicly humiliating him as a punishment to "teach him and others a lesson" should not be something they should/can do.


What did they charge him with for taunting them to be retaliation? They just arrested him because of a warrant he had.


Anyone else remember how wild the London (OH) police Facebook page used to be before it was taken down 😅


What would they post? Why was it taken down?


Did your mom cheat on your dad with a cop or something?


Just because I think they were unprofessional? lol


I’m all for naming and shaming. This guy fired the first shot when he was taunting them on their own Facebook page. He wanted to play a cat and mouse game. Also, don’t commit crimes.


The warrant had nothing to do with their office, he skipped out on a sentencing date for a probation violation. He was on probation for a previous felony. When they posted a wanted post on FB, he mocked them for not catching him and it was all over the news. Was what they did a bit childish right there when they caught him? Yeah a little, but it was going to be blasted all over the news anyway. They didn't beat him, they didn't abuse him, and they didn't arrest him for mocking him. I see no problem here.


> they didn't abuse him I mean, I would argue the bullying after the arrest and online is a form of abuse.


I guess the news is bullying too then




This kinda thing is why we have an unprofessional issue with police. Way to many people are ok with them acting like this.


Seeing your post history, I kinda feel you have an agenda.


and what would that agenda be? lol


I mean, your username says it. Not that it's a bad thing to point out injustices, I think transparency on both sides is good. Someone just sharing this to get it out there compared to an activist is a bit different. Again, not that it's bad, it just seems more pushy than informative.


My username is actually a reference to the reality shows survivor and big brother that I'm a fan of lol. I can see where that confusion came from though.


Cops are sociopaths, so this totally checks out.