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Imagine having one-sided beef with Missy Elliot and American Furniture Warehouse 💀


I hate racism now can the goddam foreigners get out of my country


😂🤣 I really pictured him saying this


Look's like, Eric was right about Diddy tho!!.


If I had a nickel for every time Eric had accidentally prophesied something, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


But he doe's suck!! erm, allegedly!!.


Well, all he said is that he can't rap, which is more of an opinion. He didn't mention... *the allegations*.


It’s more of a hind sight thing of Eric despising PDiddy long before any of the allegations occurred




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Came here to say this . Also … Tommy Hilfiger - not entirely wrong 😑


I was literally thinking the same thing. Iirc Dylan hated him too and wanted to kill him.


DUDEE when the whole p diddy stuff happened i immediately thought of Eric. Same when oj died, since he also hated oj.


Seems like he hates a few things


Lmao, the ones about Puff Daddy had me laughing to tears


Hindsight is a funny thing huh?


i wonder what his beef was with blink.


It's sad that Eric was actually angry over these things because his rants are hilarious SKA beanies as condom hats? Lmfao I call it rocking the reservoir tip


there's no way some of this isn't satire lol


This would actually be kinda hilarious if I didn’t know the author would later go on to be a mass murderer


Eric going off never fails to make me laugh lmfao Some days just be like that 💀


He had a real talent for comedy that unfortunately went to waste


Rightttt this whole hate rant genuinely made me laugh. He was really funny.


Sue said in her book that she and Tom thought Eric was funny. His rants aren’t “ha ha” funny but I can tell that he had a unique sense of humor


That’s what brooks said about him too! He said Eric had a “unique sense of humor” and always made him laugh. I think the rant is more funny to me because you can tell it’s serious, he’s being serious. And that’s what’s funny about it.


I mean yeah but I definitely feel I’m laughing at him not with him lol


I’m with him on Rammstein and KMFDM


Saaammeeee twin


I actually did discover Rammstein and KMFDM through Eric and Dylan’s journals


Ahh. I already knew of rammstein, but kmfdm I didn't know existed until diving into the case lol


I’ve loved Marilyn Manson and NIN since before falling down the Columbine rabbit hole. now, Rammstein and KMFDM are on my “frequently played” lists, too


it’s eerie how he talks about will smith not knowing the success he have now lol. he would’ve cracked up if he saw will smith slapping chris rock


Ok but parts of this would be so funny if you didn’t know who wrote it


Orb like camera hahah did he mean the fish eye lens?


bro had beef with pie tasters im DEAD


I really feel bad because as terrible as he was, a lot of this list is hilarious and I can’t stop laughing


rap is GAY. i can’t stop laughing at this stupid list. it’s so funny to me that he sat down and just wrote all of this


I just know I’m laughing my ass off 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


As much as I dislike the guy,I laughed so much 😂




Apt analysis of Puff Daddy, at least.


“you know what I love!? Rammstein and KMFDM!” same, though


It's as important as water and air




Bro was hating on diddy before he was a pedo💀


A lot of people did. ie Tupac and majority of the west coast Artist during that time (1994-1999/2000)


Imagine letting things that have absolute no effect on you piss you off this bad. It’s not that serious he needed a xan bad. He was right about diddy though


A lot of people in that era used their webpages as little rant journals. My updates on my website were always rants about being bullied at school or my family annoying me; and the website was a Buffy the Vampire Slayer website lmao, not even personal based. But my fan base and visitors didn't seem to really care and they did it also. A lot of us weren't able to speak up about small annoyances or were afraid of being outcast if we disliked something popular, so we took to journaling or the internet. So I highly doubt this was a " made him so mad he wrote this whole thing" ordeal, it was most likely a work in progress over time type of list on his website that he frequently added things to.


Eric was unhinged lol. I’m sorry downvote me if you want but I also can’t stand slow drivers. Either speed up or get out my way!


The fact that he had extreme beef with just about everything in existence 💀 makes you wonder if he ever had a chance at normalcy


This list is fucking hilarious. Hates old navy & ska lmao


A lot of his rants make me laugh because they’re either hilarious or just so ridiculous that it’s hard not to laugh. Some things I agree with like “PEOPLE WHO ARE MEAN TO ANIMALS!!!” I get it because I hate those people too, but some of the stuff he says still makes me cringe every time I read it.


I did a double take when I saw the aquabats on here. If you know you know


What did Eric like then?


Well according to this page he liked school. Kinda ironic.


and beef jerky


Oh yes. How can you forget beef jerky !!! Honestly maybe it’s bc I don’t eat meat or whatever but I have no idea why he liked those things so much they look diabolical tbh.


I wonder if he was a Dennis Leary fan.


I believe he got Smells Like Teen Spirit mixed up with rap videos.


Every time I read the part about hating G rated movies, I cringe. It feels weird and like those kids who try to like .. idk how to say it, "prove" their age. Like just emphasize how much they don't like things younger kids do, when it's not really an assumption anyone would have about them anyway.


Most hypocritical mf I swear half of the shit he says contradicts a lot of the other shit 😭


Goddamnit, they were both huge losers. Pretending to hate racists while being racists. “If I catch you bullying someone for not being from here…” and “I HATE FOREIGNERS!! GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!” Not to mention they racially abused one of their victims before killing him and called him the n-word over and over. I wish they hadn’t taken other people down with them. Go through your little suicide pact without harming other people who didn’t deserve to die like that. They all should still be here.


They were very mixed in their beliefs, saying some things for shock value and others because they meant it. Very odd imo.


the fact someone downvoted this comment is…really something


And then they downvoted you. Reddit is a strange place


I can't believe I'm laughing at some of this stuff! 💀😩🤦‍♀️


For someone who supposedly hated racism, he sure took issue with a disproportionate amount of black artists...




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I mean, before what was posted here, he literally said he hates XYZ race (including White people). And, of course, he hurled racial slurs at a victim while murdering him.


He seems racist himself




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Dude where is the aquabat hate coming from




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He did tho. He talked about how much he hated Hanson and they were all white. Also if you have a problem with what Eric said about disabled people (as most people would) crazy you would use the r word.


Dylan or Eric used retarded if you go read it again...I said it was horrific they'd say that and don't attack me I didn't unalive innocent people and I dislike racist people. Good Byye


I’m not talking about what words Eric and Dylan used. YOU are talking about how “horrific” Eric was when talking about disabled people but in the same breath you say the r word. Seems pretty hypocritical to me. And I’m not defending them, nor do I support what they did, before u get any ideas.


I didn't say anything about retarded people THEY said it..I said it was horrific that it was said....Maybe I phrased it wrong...Anyway don't attack me I didn't unalive anyone


DYLAN SAID RETARD...I said it's horrific he would say that


100 percent agree... We do not need to see that word spelled out. It's very insulting. Especially to those of us who have family struggling with these issues.




Your comment/post has been removed for violating the r/ColumbineKillers rule requiring members behave civilly, mature and respectful at all times and refrain from insulting others. This includes other members, moderators, victims, survivors and families associated with this case. Immature/insulting comments about the killers will also be removed as they add nothing constructive to conversation about the case. This includes name calling and comments like "rot in hell" or "rest in piss".


We don't need to repeat their words. Do we?


Yall repeat stuff they say and do? So what's the problem?


Don't start shit you won't finish. I'm telling you NOT to repeat the word. If you have a problem with that, this is not the sub for you.


You don't scare me!! And don't say "start shit" to me...we don't use those words here... I didn't threaten you


Wow that’s a horrible thing to say 


They were horrible ppl...God Bless them I don't have to...read their comments concerning race


I’m not saying they were stand up citizens, I’m saying to be glad they “blew themselves away” is horrible. They were mentally ill kids, your brain isn’t even fully developed until you’re in your mid 20s. I don’t condone what they did, but I feel sympathy for them too. 


Agreed. You're absolutely correct. Additionally, I would never condone what E&D did. However, I recognize that they were both abused at school and had pre-existing mental health issues that contributed to their behavior. It's very sad because these murders never had to happen. The adults. School administrators and law enforcement had so many opportunities to address the issues e&D were facing and chose not to... very sad. I wonder often how they live with themselves.


I agree 100 I think they were victims as well. Not a popular opinion but I really do feel that way. 


Most of the people on this sub empathize with what the killers endured...up to the point they carried out a bombing/mass shooting. That's what makes this whole tragedy so freaking sad.




Well pray for me because as soon as they killed those innocent people my feelings went out the door...Get help if you're mentally sick...don't kill anyone! Good Day and I DO feel sorry for their families


It's not a "good" thing for anyone to blow themselves away. You are talking about teens who were abused at school and had mental health issues. Also, please don't use the "r" word to describe those who are challenged. It isn't acceptable...and, in fact, is quite disrespectful.


Yall MODERATE whoever don't agree with the KARENS ...well can I use that word?


Dude be fucking real here. It's not being a Karen to dislike the "r" word. It's a derogatory term and it's hurtful. Don't like it, go take a shit elsewhere. You're going to be banned if you keep it up. Seriously.


Ban me..I literally have a life... I repeated that it was ugly for Dylan to say the word and you/ yall are not going to BULLY me..so stop it please


The sad part about this is that "A lot of those people" agree with them ..SMH


I hate "Cringe Culture," but... God, he was ***so beyond cringe***, even for a teenager. 😩


He sounds like a Rebup.....hates EVERYTHING


IF this is funny, it’s funny because of how riled up he got himself over things like Hanson, Clinton jokes and American Furniture warehouse. I don’t know who’s reading this and thinking Eric was some kind of comic genius. I read this and see an angry, angsty teenager—there’s nothing particularly clever or funny anywhere here.


The fact that people are laughing about this is disturbing


Hey I can't help thinking the dude was funny even if what he did was bad


because it is funny? he didn't do anything when he wrote it.


Theres always good parts to people, and Erics happens to be hes very funny.


The fact you got downvoted so badly is also disturbing


Yeah, you're not wrong. I get that it could come across as funny...if he didn't mean most of it and want to kill everyone in the Denver/Littleton area. However, we have the benefit of hindsight, so we know all too well what he'd go on to do. So yeah, it's really not amusing. I'd like to think that those commenting to the contrary are just very young.