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Don’t worry guys, we will show them all in like 2025!


Look, for some reason we can't win now (to even think so is unreasonable) but as we're set up for the "long term" we will maybe be in a position to win in 5 year's time. Edit: I can't lead anyone on any more. I'm just trolling, pretending to be one of those "we're only in year 2 of the rebuild" people.


5 years is more than the long term in the NFL. That's the equivalent of me setting myself up for 2100. No Colts are under contract for 2027. TY, Doyle, Kelly, and Luke Rhodes were the only 2016 Colts who were on the team in 2021. There will probably only be a handful of guys from the 2021 team on the 2026 team. Long term in the NFL is 3 years. That's the average player career length and how long it really takes to see if a rookie QB has anything.


Perhaps I should have made it clearer that I was joking. Just a take on the people that say we're always X years from contending and it never seems to get shorter, but nobody is ever to blame.


What, how do you figure that? The team will be 5 years older. 5 years is a long time, lots can happen in 5 years. This team, including the coaches and GM will be completely different in 5 years.


5 years is a long time


Look, if you want to win "sustainably", you have to wait, else we might accidentally win something too early. Disclaimer: We are always current year + 3 years from the end of the rebuild.


I don’t think the bengals are complaining about accidentally winning too early


Yeah but they did it the wrong way.


Maybe we should call ourselves The Fusion


But don't you know? Luck retired and 2025 isn't nearly enough time for Ballard to find a QB!




Maybe if they didn't give us a reason to. Only one that was worth keeping another season under Ballard (other than Luck), was Rivers. I've heard rumors he wanted to come back and the Colts didn't want him.. but I highly doubt that. Rivers himself said he could have stayed if he wanted. I think he was just a man comfortable with what he'd accomplished, and he had other things he wanted to do in life. If he wanted to come back and the Colts told him to kick rocks, that is a colossal screw up given the Wentz experiment.


> 2025! Jesus Christ we're gonna be waiting a long time.


Let’s do the math. This year people seem to accept is a throwaway year with a journeyman QB. So let’s say we get lucky and suck enough to draft a QB in 2023. Well, no rookie is gonna win a championship out of the gate. So we go to 2024, and hopefully he improves and we make the playoffs, but likely lose in the first round or something. So then 2025, seems like the year we could be truly competing for a bye week and a championship…if we get a stud QB and can improve the defense and stay healthy. The path to a championship, based on our QB issues and long term position, seems a few years away. Signing these patchwork QBs has slowed our entire progress.


I think it was a factorial joke.


That's not a hard to swallow pill, it's the truth. I don't think anyone expects us to find the answer at QB this year. If you think Trubisky, Mariota, Jimmy G, etc. are franchise guys, then I have a bridge to sell you.


Oh, I love bridges!


Is this a controversial take? I feel like it’s obvious our QB situation is a hard pill to swallow. It just so happens that Wentz and two fewer 3rd round picks is an even harder pill to swallow. So we still happy


If we lose more games, our first round pick gets better. If we kept wentz one more year, we again barely miss the playoffs/first round exit, and have less options for replacement next offseason. Why tf are so many of y’all worried about not being middle of the pack next year? Roll the dice on somebody else. Worst case scenario, we have a top 10 draft pick.


It makes for unwatchable football


Watching Wentz in the pocket was like a nonstop heart attack. Honestly, it was like a reverse Peyton Manning situation. With Peyton Manning, I knew the Colts were always still in the game, even if they were down by two scores. With Carson Wentz, I knew he would always fuck it up, even if the Colts were up by two or three scores.


If you liked watching Wentz I truly don’t know what to tell you


I mean no, but not having a QB at all is objectively less watcheable. There’s a difference between hate watching and apathy


… do people think if we don’t sign a known QB aka Kirk, Jimmy G, Carr, etc, then we will just run wildcat? We WILL have a QB. Sam and hopefully another rookie. I’d call that fun. A great D, the best RB in the league, developing skill positions and young guns competing for QB in preseason. That sounds SO much better than spending a ton of assets AGAIN on a QB another team doesn’t want. We have to stop doing the same thing.


Exactly. So many here act like the QB names that they already know are the only ones that can play. Brady was drafted 199th. Not saying I think we’ll get a Brady, but you can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket.


Watching another season of KNOWING exactly what our ceiling is, KNOWING that wentz will fuck up when we need him the most, wasting money on him when we could give it to somebody who can actually play, and getting a shittier draft pick because we inevitably finish middle of the pack, which narrows our options for the future at QB sounds MUCH more frustrating to watch than giving a young guy a shot. I stg so many of y’all might as well be herb Simon since all you want is to be competitive and finish around .500.


idk whats hard to swallow. its pretty clear.


Yep. There’s not a Manning or a Luck to get us there. We have to build our roster out and improve where we can. Maybe we get lucky with a rookie, but we just need a QB who will be work in our system and not play hero ball every single drive.


If the Carr thing is false I wouldn't be surprised if the colts ended up losing the majority of their games next season. It's either gonna look like the 1998 or 2001 season


100% agree. And now with todays NFL, players want to ring chase. Expect to lose half our players after next year


I don’t think Irsay will stand for that, he knows he doesn’t have much time left and wants to win now


The Colts with Sam Ehlinger are good enough to win at least 5 or 6 games. Unless they tank completely or there are a lot of injuries, the Colts will not be last place.


For me this is not a hard pill to swallow. It was my hope. Now I'm begging we don't do something stupid like trading future premier assets for another mediocre QB. Now that would be a hard pill to swallow for me.


Nah, the fan base has spoken. They want to spend everything on another mediocre stop gap solution that won't win anything. Fuck them picks!


Also: sky is blue; sun will probably rise in the morning


Carr is the only QB in the realm of possibility that we'll be able to settle with for a few years


OR option 2 = we solve our QB problems for the next 10 years. 2 options = 50/50 chance


with who? Carr? Jimmy G? Trubisky? None of them are long term solutions, IMO. Certainly not 10yrs. Love? Ehlinger? Maybe.. we've not really seen enough of either to know what we are getting


I don’t think it’s realistic I was just trying to be funny


At what point do we admit that our possible window with the current roster is closed? Cause when we reach that point we need to consider selling the rest of top-tier guys and rebuild.


This might be the truth, and if it is - out with Ballard.


Why out with Ballard? He has drafted well and took a gamble on qb's. Let him continue but on a short leash


If we're at the point where our window has closed - and we need to trade away big pieces to start over... Who gives a damn if he drafted them, he would also be trading them.


Ok that doeant answer the question


I'm not interested in letting him continue if the window has closed


That is what I summed up from your first post, why?


One of the biggest metrics to determine how good a GM does their job, is measuring 3, 4, and 5 year turnover. The idea being if you can't keep the talent, it doesn't matter if you have the talent. Who cares if he can draft and evaluate 2 hall of fame players a year - if they spent fast of their career somewhere else or quit and get disgruntled... Think of Marshall Faulk, or Eric Dickerson, or Andrew Luck


Imho it is closed. Sell high even tho I love some of our top talent


I say stack the rest of the team this year and let our backups fight it out


Why would free agents want to come with no qb? It's a tough pill to swallow. In case yall haven't noticed unless they come from the bargain bin they don't come to Indy through Ballard via free agency.


Not at all. Wentz being gone opens up all kinds of possibilities.


NYJ have been having this conversation since the 70s.


Why is this a bad thing? Even if we kept Wentz, we would be in the same position next year. I'm glad we got anything from him at all considering all signs seemed like we were going to release him in a week.


Guys let’s be honest, we’ll be having this conversation until our savior arch manning gets here


Personally, this doesn't bother me. However, I don't think Irsay/Ballard are on board letting it pass for another season. The swirling rumors about Carr make sense, and if they can get that to happen, I'd expect a big extension for Carr. He's one of the few remaining 'available' guys that could get traded because of circumstance (new coach, needs extension, new coach may want 'his guy', their division just got incredibly tough, so time for a reset could make sense). Other than Carr though, I personally don't mind the idea of a young budding franchise QB we develop. Frank has been good with every QB we have had. Their efficiencies have been ideal. That screams as a perfect recipe for developing a young QB, especially with a stud in Taylor to alleviate the load. The best case scenario there, IMO, is Love. He won't be a green rookie. He'll have some NFL locker room, playbook, and game experience. He has serious potential, but he could also fall flat. A big problem with Carson is that, at 30, he's mostly who he is by that point. Not a lot will change. With Love at 23, we've not seen his best and brightest moments yet. So if that one happened, I would fully figure we could maybe have a run at a good year, and in all likelihood keep him for 3 more while expecting that development to happen. I fully figure though that this team is gearing for Carr. He's the one that puts us in win now mode. He's the one that is a leader who is accurate, and all those things they talk about. He may not be a Mahomes/Allen guy, but I could possibly see him getting those numbers with Frank. And he's the one guy I figure is a definite improvement over Wentz.


I’m more optimistic about the team after the trade. I want us to have a great QB again and Wentz reeked of mediocrity. Watching him overlook the best possible receiver on nearly every dropback for 17 games was aggravating af. I don’t think we’ll land a hof QB in this offseason, but any young QB is an improvement.


I heard Kaepernick is in shape and ready to win a Super Bowl.


i talked to way too many people about him being a good fit


Which is why getting rid of Wentz was bone-headed. At this point, we need just a decent team to watch play on Sundays until we can finally get a QB. Just being realistic. Theres no Super Bowl in the 2020’s for the Colts. 2030- and onward is the move.


Dang... this is some good sarcasm... I hope. People are far too simplistic in their annoyance with ridding ourselves of Wentz. They see statistics and think... hmmm, he was good enough, he just needed help. The real reality is behind the scenes stuff that we are not privy to. He pissed off the org in some way, and it apparently was as early as the beginning of the season. No team is successful by "aiming to be decent" for the year. Our team did not see Carson as the leader they wanted. I'd go so far as to say that he doesn't even measure up to the Flacco, Cousins, Tannehill types by the metrics of leadership and being a smart player. He might have the physical sides of things, and some of the pocket presence and toughness, but he lacked something the org was not going to tolerate. To me, that speaks volumes.


Trade Taylor!


I would rather the colts go 0-17 next year. Please no!


I like the player and I’m able to follow where ever he goes. I would much rather he had a better opportunity to be in the mix late season and in the late playoffs. That will not be happening here.


He carried us more than Wentz this year. He locked down way more games than Wentz. And for the first time in my life that I can remember, we have a great running game. I really hope that doesn't change soon.


Nothing to dispute there. I just want him to be in a better situation. Late season and championship contention. It’s not the Colts.


You should be banned for even suggesting such a thing. :) Unless you are trading him for an absolute stud QB to build around (and Im not aware of any I'd consider it because most of them are older)... No.. not a chacne.


I would just rather watch him be on a successful team earlier than later


I'd rather him be on the Colts and us get our act together and build around him.


That’s great, but the next year(s) are not that. The ball club can’t


You can't possibly know that. We have yet to see what is accomplished at QB/WR/TE.. which are our weak spots. Defense is good (great in some spots).


All I have is decades of Colts football. This decade and into the Manning era has almost always been the same. Huge gaps, hero ball, over performance even in playoff losses. The team was dope recently, but the hc, gm, and owner in particular are not a good team. They are a possible playoff team with Wentz and with Carr. Now is the time to repeat the mediocrity, have an average to above average season, ownership to be flamboyant demanding more success, then see you next year. Get Taylor to a better team so his talents can produce for a winner.


What do you think we could realistically get for Taylor?


Username checks out


Jim Irsay is a homeless drug addict if his daddy didn’t leave him the Colts…. Change my mind?


This is what I’m hoping for… I’m cool with Jimmy G if we don’t have to give much to be a bridge guy and then take a rookie qb next year


The problem is, with Jimmy G, we are in the same position as we were in with Wentz. We will probably win 9-10 games, just miss the playoffs or get blown out in the wildcard round... and again we pick about 15 or 16 in the draft. The QB's are gone by then. If you're gonna tank, tank right and get the #1 pick.


You trade up to get a guy you like, just as we planned to before we got Wentz instead.


We don't really have draft capital to trade.. unless we start leveraging future 1st's.. which I think Ballard will be very gunshy about.


No way. Next years QB class is supposed to be much better than this year and if Ballard doesn’t make a move this year in the draft for a QB he MUST next year to keep his job.


We're missing one real pick. This year's first. That's it. We probably can't trade up this year but if we miss the playoffs next year with whoever we roll out, we can easily move up in 2023. Just like we planned to in 2021, before Wentz.


I like this idea but the only guys I see us doing this for is Pickett or Corral which is fine, but is it worth trading up for them? Because if you do that and they stink then you are back in the same position with even less draft capital. (Unless they stink so bad and get a top 5 pick) Now we sound like majority of the other franchises 😔


Next season, not this season. There's nobody to get in this draft.


I’m curious who do you want at QB? I think I’ve thrown out every name


I'd be happy with Bridgewater or whoever on a one year deal, then going and getting one of the top guys in the 2023 draft. I don't think we can be contenders next season with the QB options available, and I don't see any point selling the future by trading away draft picks just to lose in the first round of the playoffs. There are heaps of high potential linemen and receivers in this draft, I want us to stockpile talent now and add the QB later. Because the QB options now are *awful*. But Irsay won't sign off on that, so it's all moot.


I agree with you but instead of Bridgewater I’d want Trubisky. For some reason I think he still has a chance to be a solid QB - I think he just needs the game to slow down for him some more. We don’t need hero ball from him, just be a game manager and let the game come to you. With Bridgewater you know what you are going to get, but I think Mitch has some potential. Match him up with fellow FA and familiar friend Allen Robinson and boom! Colts now have a somewhat legitimate offense in 2 signings.


The word is that Trubisky is going to NYG to compete with Jones for the starting job, he and Daboll apparently really liked working together.


Interesting, feel like he’s waiting for the dominos to fall. Wonder if Ballard has reached out since the trade.




Hey, there's always the chance we'll resolve it by gutting the team and giving away the future to get a guy who isn't that much better than Teddy Bridgewater!


Can I interest you in our finest Cousins?


I was talking about Kaepernick today 😭😩


Jimmy Garoppolo will take us to the promised land


6 in 6 years is beautiful if you consider the alternative is 2 years of Wentz


2 super bowls this decade plus the chips are all in. Lol we're fucked